The Tacoma Times from Tacoma, Washington (2024)

Festival of Weeks To Be Observed Program Tuesday Night At Temple Beth Israel Post confirmants of Temple Beth Israel. No. 4th and sts will take part in a reconsecration gervice Tuesday at m. in observance of the Festival of Weeks Pentecost. A committee, composed of the Misses Lucille Feist, Lorraine Alexander and Griselda Lyon, has planned the program, which will include a ritual service in charge of Miss Feist, Bob Burnett, Mar- Jery Franks and Josephine Kleiner, and sermons by Lorraine What Religion Can Do For Victor Youth Can Do For Ushers will be Herman Kleiner, Jerry Meier and Ira Alexander.

A social hour will follow, with Frances Friedman, Groselda Lyon, Vivian Comber and Phyllis Friedman in charge. The Mesdames Samuel Powell and William Spellman will pour. Two Special Services At First Christian A program of music will be presented at two special services Sunday at the First Christian church, 6th and sts. Several guest artists, including Mrs. Henry Skramstad, Mrs.

Edith Lundgren, Alice Stockton, Jack Kennedy and Zella Miller, will assist the local choir, with Mrs. Emmett Gregg at the piano. A solo, Golden Jubilee," (a song from Old England) by Mrs. J. Normo, will be a feature of the golden wedding service at 7:45 p.

m. At this hour, more than 50 couples who have been married 50 years or more will be guests of honor. The quartet will sing a medley of songs, including Church in the Voice From the Love You Sweetheart of and Threads Among the Members of the quartet are Mrs. Henry Kramstad, Mrs. J.

J. Normo, Robert Cowden and C. 8. Ely. Another medley of oldtime numbers will be played by the organ, harp and violin as an offertory.

Mrs. Edith Lundgren is harpist; Alice Stockton, violinist, and Mrs. Emmett Gregg, organist, An organ recital will be given at 7:30 p. m. by Mrs.

Emmett Gregg. The following numbers will be included: (Matthews), the Lights Are (Ingelmann), (selected), and (Nevin), At the 11 o'clock morning worfhip, the choir will sing, Still (Hamblen), with the solo by Mrs. Esther Lacy. The quartet, composed of J. J.

Normo, Mrs. Esther Lacy, Dr. Wilbur Ely and C. S. Ely, will sing, the Time of For the offertory, Jack Kennedy will play a cello solo, (Handel), accompanied by Zella Miller.

Rev. Carl Johnsor, pastor, will speak on Rose of el Children's Program To Be Presented day will be observed Sunday at Central Lutheran church, So. 10th and sts. A program will be presented by children of the various classes at 9:45 a. The worship service will begin at 11 a.

and will be conducted by the Rev. G. O. Loftness, in the absence of Rev. P.

B. Hoff, pastor, who is attending the biennial convention of the church in Minneapolis, Minn, In keeping with the day theme, the Rev. Loftness will speak on John will be the soloist, presenting Lord Is My by Tschaikowsky. During the service, E. Dahl, superintendent, will present awards to children with perfect attendance for the year.

They include Donald Anderson, Erma Evans, Richard Myhre, Ruth Jack Keller, Robert Olson and Rosemary Llewellyn. Christian Science Churches i OF TACOMA AND LAKE STEILACOOM Subject of Lesson-Sermon: the Only Caouse and First Church Divislon ave. and 1 sts, Second Church So. 54th and Warner Third Church Wright ave. and Ea 1 st Fourth Broadway First Stellacoom SERVICES: Sunday morning at 11, Sunday evening First Church at Wednesday evening meetings at school for puplis under 20, 930 a.

m. First Church, 9:435 a. m. READING ROOMS: First Church 1023 Fidelity bullding Fourth Church Bullding Lake steilacoom Lakewood Community Center You are cordially Invited to attend the services and visit the Reading Rooms. Branches of The Mother Church The First Church of Christ, Sclentist in BOSTON MASS, I i I Pick and Stick Bible Lesson in Daniel Simple studies on the whole course of (Gentile History Pime for these dars! Free for Afdress MRS A SCHAFER, 22 Fast 4Rth St iy Sundav Sermon Topics and Church News BAPTIST American Lake South (Temple church) Rev.

Harold Jacobeen, Services. 10 m. and 7:30 45th and Lst Rev, Marijan Flnt pastor Sunday school. 940 a. m.

Services, a and 730 64 Sermons. Man Does Business With and The Outook and the Uplook Evening service In honor of high sehool graduates 12th and sta Rev C. Parsons, pastor Sunday school, 945 a Services and m. Young people, p. Sermon.

Not ana Market sts Rev Walter Macoskey. pastor Sunday school. 945 a Services, 10:50 and 730 Young people, 6:15 Sermons. and and BSin." Wedinesday. 730 p.

m. pastor to open of studies on Jesus' teachings and sts Rev Waiiter Damrau pastor Sunday school 945 a Services. 11 and 730 pm and adult Bidle study, 630 p. Communion service and reception Ser. mon (German and English).

the Hearts of the Bible school opens Monday. Ferm HHll--86th and So. sts Rev i Merrill C. Skaug. pastor Children's day program.

945 a. m. Services, 11 amandsSpm BYPU.7Tpm Theme, It Necessary to Believe in the Deity of Jesus Christ to Be Gldeons to bring message 35th and Mulien ots Rev George Barton pastor school. 9:45 Services 11a m. jand 8 pm.

BY PU 630 pm Gideons in charge of service Redondo Mission Temple Baptist church) meets at home of Dr. North. school, 10 a. Sixth ave and PFile st. Rev Willlam Turner.

pastor, Sunday school 9:45 a m. services, 11a and 745 p. Senior and Junior B. Y. P.

U. and adult Bible class, 645 Sermons, and Monday, 630 p. m. Titlow beach, ipot luck dinner for teachers officers jand families. Tuesday, 745 p.

brotherhood meeting Wednesday, 7:45 p. praver service. Thursday, 715 p. scout South 60th and Warn. sts Rev Elmer Paulson, pastor Sunday school, 945 a m.

services 11 and 8 Y. P. U. and adult Bible class, 7 p. Gideons in charge of morning ice: evening service, pastor on Work of the Church in View of the Second Coming of Christ 2nd and St Helens ave Powell pastor Sunday school 9:45 a.

m. Services, 10:50 a. and 8 p. m. Prayer and trainiing groups, 7 p.

Tom Dryden speaker, representing Gideons Bethlehem and st. Rev. Willlam I. Monroe, pastor. Sun(day school, 12:30 p.

m. Services, 11 m. 2 CATHOLIC St. So. Park ave.

Rev. Maurice Calvin, pastor; masses, 8 land 10:30 a. m. St. Joseph's So.

34th Joseph Hayostak, pastor; masses, 8:30 and 10:30. St. Leo's the SBo. 13th st. Rev.

A. Krebsbach, 8. J. pastor, 6, 7:30, 830, 9:30 and 11. St.

No. st. Rt Rev. Msgr. W.

J. Noonan, pastor, masses. 6:30, 7:30. 845, 10 and 11 am Sts, Peter and Paul 34th and Portland ave. Rev.

Henry Rozwceki, pastor, masses, 7:30, 8:30 10:30. St Rita So. Ainsiworth ave. Rev A. Bruno, pastor; Imasses 7:30 and 10:30 Holy So 30th st.

Rev. Anthony Hack, pastor; masses 6, 7:30, 8:45 10 and 11 Sacred McKinley ave. A H. Allard, pastor; masses, and 11. Visitation (South Tacoma), Rev.

Dominick Hack, pastor; masses 6:30, and 10:30 Holy 44th and Shirley sts Rev. Martin Dugan, pastor. Masses, 5:30, 8:30 and 11 a. m. 7:30 p.

m. Rev. Pr. Patrick Purcell, speaker. CHRISTIAN ave.

and st. Carl A Johnson, pastor Sunday school. 9:45 a. m. Annual rose service, 11 a.

with special music; sermon, lnon of Annual reunion of wedding Lincoln and So. sts Rev. Taber pastor. Sunday school, 9:45 a. m.

Services, 11 a. m. p. m. and Endeavor, 7 p.

m. McKinley 38th and Spokane ave. Rev. 1. Shaw, pastor.

Sunday school, 9:55 a m. services, of Lord's Supper. 11 a. m. Gideon speaker.

Christian Endeavor societies, 630 Hill circle meets all day with Mrs. C. A Spencer, 4314 Ea. at Pine and So. Pine sts Rev.

Earl BSelitz, pastor Sunday school, 9:45 a. services, 11 a m. IGroupn. 630 m. Roosevelt ave and Sherman, ev.

Paul Deane HIilL Sunday school, 945 services, a. m. and Bp. m. Youth groups, p.

m. Morning service in charge of Gideons; evening sermon, Is Not Rule or CHRISTIAN AND MISSIONARY ALLIANCE sth and sts. Rev. Dwight H. Perguson, pastor.

Sunday school, 9:45 a. services, 11 m. and 7:30 m. Guest speaker, Fred Cass, Spokane. Prayer meeting, nesday, 7:30 p.

m. Wesleyan class, Friday, 10 a. Men's prayer ing. Saturday. 7:30 p.

m. Vacation Bible school opens June 10, CHRISTIAN SCIENCE ave. and I sta b4th and Warner. ave and East 1 st Broadway Stellacoom the Only Cause and is the subject of the Lesson-Sermon which will be read tomorrow in all Churches of Ohrist. Sclentist, which are branches of The Mother Church, The First Church of Christ, Scientist, in Boston.

Mass Golden text: Lord God! behold, thou hast made the heaven and the earth by thy great power and stretched out arm. and there is nothing too hard for (Jeremiah 32:17) Among the citations which comprise the lesson-sermon is the following from the Bible: he called his disciples together, and gave 'hem power and authority over all devils, and to cure disease And they departed. and wen: through the towns, preaching the gospel, and healing (Luke 8:16) The lesson-sermon also includes the following passage from the Christian Sciencs textbook and Health with Keyv to the by Mary Baker Eddy: is but one primal cause Therefore there can be no effect from any other cause and there can be no reality in ausht which does not proceed from this great and only cause Sin. sickness disease. and desth belong not to the Science of being.

They are the errors whirh presuppose the absence of Truth, Life or (p. 307 20) CHURCH OF THE OPEN BIBLE Adams Street 17th and The Church by the Side of the Road (Tacoma Branch) 11th and Sa Ats F. McALLISTER. Pastor Sat, June 8 (Tonight) 8 p. REVIVAL RALLY SUNDAY Sunday school Morning Worship 11 a Foangelistic service A Stpdy The Book of Revelation.

Led by Missionary Louis Johnson Wed Praver Meeting THURSDAY Mid-Week Gowpel Rerviee af Jew In The Time of Jarob's Adama Rev. PFred Hornshuh pastor s-umn: school $45 a Servicea Thu li, 4 p. m. Fantn Road Rev. W.

A Scott. pastor Sunday school, 'O A Services, 1l A Wednesday and Friday, 748 i Faith and i ots. Rav Fred Hor ul, pastor Sunday school, 945 a Children's program. 1030 a. m.

Services, 11l A and 745 Sermons. Homeless and Homes for and Wil War Dictators Crush Rev. Billie Siipp. guest speaker DoOth services CONGREGATIONAL ave and Rev. Holland Burr, DD pastor hurch school, 945 a Morning worship, 11 Oldeon represeniative 0 speak bdDriefly Sermon in Communion to low sermon 45th and Park ave Rev J.

Pruitt, hruv Sunday school and adult Wi class, 10 a Children's day program. 1030 Serndn, Colden Rule 24th and Wamner. Arthur Rugh. minister. Rev Bdgar C.

Wheeler. interim pastor. Services, 11 A m. Sermon "Progonlou in Religion, or Must hristian Be Church services discontinued until Sept 8 Wednesday. June 12 pienie at Point Defiance park.

July 8-15 young con- ference at Seabeck German 8o and Alaska Rev. J. O. pastor Sunday school, 930 Services, 1030 and 730 p. m.

Prayer, 3 p. m. i COVENANT CHURCH 10th and Rev Carl Peterson, pastor. Sunday school, 945 Services, 11 m. and 730 p.

m. Y. P. and Junior league 5 m. Gideon speaker at mornin service, evening.

pastor on 558 Found Prayer service, Wedneaday, 7485 Harvard Sunday school, 10 a EFISCoraL 3d and sts Rev Robert F. Pfeiffer. rector Holy communion, 730 a Services for the third Sunday after Trinity cial and young peoples service, 11 a. m. Holy 14th ang sta Rev Charles Mentzer.

rector Holy communion, 8 a m. Sunday school, 945 m. Confirmation and sermon, 11l a St No. Oakes. Sunday school.

945 a Holy com- munion and sermon by Rev. C. Mentper, 730 m. Prayer and sermon, 11 St. Luke's No Gove st Rev Arthur Bell, rector Sunday school.

9:45 a m. Holy communion, 8 a. Holy communion and sermon. 11 a. St.

and Puget Sound ave Rev Archibald Sidders, rector. Evening service. 7:30 Ser- mon, Attitude Toward War." INDEPENDENT Independent Bible Church Divi. sion ave and st Rev Tal madge Brumbaugh, pastor unday school, 9:45 A. services, 1l a and 8 prayer at 7T meeting of young grqups.

715 p. m. Sermons, Man Who Is Not and Blitzkrieg vs Total Annual young conference. Camp Seymour, Monday through Priday Thursday m. choir practice, 8 p.

Gos- pel service i i LUTHERAN Bethlehem Harrison and sts Rev. Charles Johnson. visiting pastor Sunday school pie- nie at Manitou park after services Faith Evangelical. Wisconsin Synod, and Park ave. Rev.

Jaech, pastor. Sunday school 10 a. services, 11 3. m. Rev.

Jaech, guest pastor, sermon, ave. and sta. Rev. Carl E. Rydell, pastor Sunday school, (945 m.

Services, 11 a. m. mon, Which I Ruston 52nd and Pear! sts Carl Rydell. pastor. Sunday 9:30 a.

m. Bethany Mountain hlgny Rocky Ridge. Rev H. N. Svinth, pastor BSunday schools, Weyerhaeuser 10 Bethany 10:30 Loveland 11 a.

m. Benston 1 p. m. BServjces, 8 p. Boy Scout troop llo.i 66, 7 p.

at Weyerhaeuser Weyerhaeuser ald to meet Wednesday, p. with Mrs. Maude Burley. Grace (Missour 84th and Lawrence. Rev.

W. A Schroeder, pastor. Sunday school. 10 m. Services, 11 a.

m. Rev. Messerli, guest speaker. Sermon, Think, Believe 84th and 1 sta. Rev A.

Larson, pastor BSunday school, 10 Services, 11 m. Rev lono guest speaker, league outing Thursday 10th and sta Rev P. B. Hoff, pastor Children's day program, 945 Services, 11 a Rev. George O.

loftness, guest pastor. Sermon, Grace Evangelieal (U, So. Park ave. Rev. H.

N. Svinth, vastor Sunday school and adult Bible class. 930 a. m. Bervices, 10:30 A m.

league devotional service, 6 m. Sermon, Man Receiveth inners Women's gulld, Wednes- day, 1 p. Boy Scout woop No 4 Thursday, 7 30 p. m. Cub pack, Pri- 'day, 6.30 p.

m. Church council, Friday, 8 p. m. Hope 624 and Warper sta C. J.

Johnson, pastor Sunday school and Bible class, Service, 11 a. Vacation school opens Monday, 8 a. 10 a. division, grade 5 and up: 10 'a. m.

12 noon, junior division, primary and grades 1. 2. 3 and 4. enroliment free. with class for every- one.

Circle No 3, dessert luncheon, 'Thursday, p. m. at home of Mrs Clara Bergloff Priday, 730 strawberry social and variely sale in church basem*nt 14th and Stevens. Rev. George O.

Loftness, pastor. Sunday school, 945 a m. Serviee 11 m. Rev Mikkel Lono guest speaker Immanuel 58th and Birmingham sts. Rev A lamson, g.ulor Sunday school, 10 a m.

rvices, 10 a. Luther sth and sts Rev. A Kettner, pastor. Divine services, 10 a. sermon.

Counsel to the Burden Early service effective for summer Bo ist Hev 8 Michelson, pastor Sunday school, and Bible clase. 45 Bervices, A Pireside club. 5 under sponsorship of mens club Irien Bime concert, Monntain View Near Puyallup Rev. E. Toliefson, pastor.

Sunday school. 945 a m. BServices. 11 a Norwegian services first Bunday In each month, 10 a. Parkland Trinity Bo Park and Wheeler Rev.

T. O. Svare. pastor Bervices, a N. Ronning speaker Sermon, tudy the Bibie Ruston Chapel-824 and Pearl st Sunday school.

S3O Services, Thursday. 80. Rev. A Sorkness. pastor Sundasy school, Bervices, 1) and 745 p.

m. Vacation Bible school 9 to 12. Monday through Priday for Dext two weeks Men's chorus Wed. nesday. 8 p.

Prayer meeting Thursday ana Cushman Rev. George H. Kittel pastor Bunday school, m. OCerman services, 945 Bermon Wiedersteht den Peind Luther league 30 Our Bynod)- Bast 34th and ots Rev A Schroeder, pastor; school, a eerviees B' Revy Messeril guest speaker Our and sta Rev A W. Ramstad, pastor.

Services 11 am Rev. A Pellet, guest speager Choir concert. Bunday. 8 rd near Pacifle ave Rev. Jaech interim pastor Sermon.

and Bervices. 10 a St. 27th end Tacoma ave Rev. Arthur BSydow, pastor. Sunday school 930 Services 8 eermon Family Che Tacoma Times St Mauls Danish--1310 Se Rev.

John Enselmann, pastor. Sunday ischool, 10 a. m. Services, 11 a adult Bibie clam. 10 a Sermon.

ang sta Rev lOeorge Kittel pastor 10 a. m. service, 11 Faith and Your Enemy i Zlon (Misouri Synod) -So IMh and Rev Sunday school foes, 1030 a Rev Schmidt. Seattie. gues! apeaker Sun- day night.

sacred conoert by chureh chotr. Monday special werv. Tuesday, 71 pm. Juniow Walther league Wednesday Senjor Walther league. Thursday.

123 Al Saturday, 10.3%0 i ana Rev L. Hansen pastor 43 a Serviees, Il and 8 pm 1 8o Sound ave Asbury 860 Rev A Anderson. pastor Sunday Services. 11 m. Pm.

Fellowship and 8158, Sermon. for Christ day pro- gram. Rev Ernest Barber, pastor school, P3O m. services 1048 3' league Gideon speaker a Ay warth league entitied on Sunday Morning i and sta Rev IJ. rutof mehool a tvices.

11 jand 730 leagues, 630 Emmanuel-BSo 16th and sta Rev Q. Bringdale. pastor Sunday (school and Scandinavian Bible class, aa. Serviees 11l and jevangelistic servioes, 3 Tp Sermon, COoe- pel i Bth and Anderson sis Rev Walter 8 Olelser, pastor Sun. school.

930 a m. serviees. A and 8p m. leagues, 7T Sermons. to lrln, Up and Pattern of Life Installa- of junior high league officers 930 A Women's meeting, Wednesday, 1230, church pariors sth ana Rev Cyrus Albertson.

pastor. Sunday school, 948 m. services, 11 mdo.ox Sermons Happiness of and "Minding God in the Summer and East Mth sta Rev, (O Psulkner pastor Sunday school, 10 m. esrvicea 11 and 8 Mason -No 28th and Madison Rev Roy Leslle Smith, pestor Sunday 945 Servicea. 11 Epworth league 6 30, Pireside 8 m.

Sermon. Milten Church Milton Everett M. Hill pastor Sunday school, 10 in.m Services, 11 a and 8 m. league, 7 Responsibility of Home Means Safety to the St and So sts. Rev Goulder, pastor Sunday school, '9 45 a.

m. Services 11 a 615 Wrof Charles A na, wuest :r.ltl’ Past 35th st Rev Tibbitta, pastor Sunday school, a Services, 11 a m. BHermon, Young 0 meet at 3 p. m. for outing mt' CommuWity Spana Spanaway way Rev.

8. Jnmmwmv Bervices, (110 Mrs director. Ferm So. Ost Rev A C. Gallaber.

pastor. Sunday school 045 Services. 11 A and pm. league 7T m. Sermon, I May Bave Some i il FREE METHODIST So.

Rev Ralph! Kieins, pastor. Sunday school, 10 A m. Services, 11 A. and 730 PP 85 63 BSermona Rock Near and Christ Mclhbd Ea 30th wt Kerby, pastor Sunday 10 m. Services 11 land gospel service, 7:30 p.

m. Young 7T p. m. Guest speaker at morning service, Mrs. Locke Silva, missionary, under auspices of Women's Missionary society PENTECOSTAL 11th and sts.

Rev John W. Moseld, pastor. Sunday school, 9456 a. m. BServices, 11 7:30 p.

m. Beacon Light 4008 Kinley ave. Oa Al m. anda 7 13th and Rev nnrx.J. Stell, pastor.

Sunday school, 945 services, 11 and 730 p. i Full Gospel Portiand Sunday school. 32 p. m. Bervicea, 730 p.

Full Gospel 25th and Tacoma ave Rev Morris. pastor Sunday school, 945 a. m.Services, illamond 0. BW, 630 Street service. 8 LATTER DAY NAINTS Lincoin Ward 834 and Park ave Bunday school, 10 a.

m. Priesthood meeting, 930 a. m. and A services 7 i Tacoma Ward--No and Steele sts Bupday school, 1030 m. Priesthood meeting, 915 m.

Mutual Improvement sssoclation services, 7 p. under direction of Donald Mayoes. i Reorganized Church of Jesus Christ Rast st. Sunday school, 10 m. Services 11 a Becrament service in charge of Clark Coleman.

PRESBYTERIAN 41st and Verde Rev. Arthur J. Stevenson, pastor. Sunday school, 945 a Chilldren's day program, 11 with OGldeon rpenker Monday m. opening lof Bible school Wednesday, 1 Circle dessert luncheon with Mra C.

W. Jones, 5300 No Perkins, Circle 3. plenic Juncheon with Mrs, Ferguson, 4111 No Stevens i 80. st Rev. Folsom.

pastor Sunday school, 948 m. Bervices, 11 and 7T ave and Division ave Hev. Renwick MeCuliough, pastor. Bunday school, $45 a Services 11 m. and 730 Societies.

8 m. Open court smem bly, 930 a. Member of Gideons speak 9tn and sta Rev Harold long, pestor. Bervices il A Littie Chureh on the community. Rev.

Morton Mickmace, pastor. Sunday school, 930 m. Bervice, 1030 a. m. lLeague and forum, 8 at Hewitl's home Manitou Park and Cheyenne Rev.

C. Johoson, pestor. Bundsy school, 930 a m. Bervioss, 1l Endeavor. 34th and Proctor sta Pdwin Hurd pastor Bunday school, 945 a Services, asnd 730 groups, p.

Sermon, Christian Home sprague Memorial church 87th and Bo Warner Rev. James Snowden interim pastor Sunday school 10 Bervi 11186 Flrst and Orant, Rev George Cunninghan, pastor Sundsy school, 945 m. Bervices, m. and fireaide hour. 730 prayer meeling Churen (Unaffiliated) 80 Oot Rev Adam Hunter, Bunday echool, 945 a rvices, 11 and Prayer, 718 rinons, Priesthood of As Bet Porin In the New and Downisll of Our Present Civilization and the Sec- ond Coming of oth apd 'Revy Beutinin pastor BSunday school 945 Bervices, 1l Endeavyor.

7T Sermon, "Rising Above the level of Taboma Terrace -68th and HBouth Clement BSunday school, $45 Services, 11 mw SALVATION ARMY rmh-. 80. 13tk ot Major liama, upu.l‘al Bunday 30 a Bervioes, ard services m. and L. 6pm Mrs.

Plerson captaine Sun. day sehool, 948 Scandinavian service, Sunday, service. 8 Prayer mesting, Sai. jurday, m. SPIRITUALIST CHURCHES Btermal Trath Spirftealist Chareh of Amerion 13th and Pawmeett awe Revy Baugham pastor Serviees Open forum, 0" m.

dianer. and sermon, 7 messages following eeture dinner Wednesday 12 to 3 Ftermal Lite Spiritusiieg ChurehOolumbia hall and Tacoma ave Nev Nellie Mw forum 8 jetrcle, and healing and ecture T3O Mmesages Ring Sun Spirftasiist Charehe. (808 Fawoett ave Servioes, ITp and weture. 8 I Prances Luther of Seattie, guest apeaker Spirsteal Cheistian Chareh 797 Pawoelt ave Servioes healing servioe, 1T m. lecture, T3O messases (1o follow Rev.

Presion guest speaker, subiect, Voloe Fternal a 8 A MISCELLANEOUS Allem Chapel, A M. E. 148 So Yakima. Rev A Amos pastor scehool 48 Servioes Apastelic Faith Chureh 1313 8o (st Rev. Martin pastor Sunday school, P4B Barvioes, and 8 Weak night services Tuesday and FPriday 8 Amsociated Rible Stadent Women Clubhouse.

436 Rromdway Study 1) am Chareh of God--ABth and Birming. ibam Rev Sunday school, P4B a 1048 a and 4p Young peopie Morning sermon, Confi. dence Calvary Tabernacle 14th and sta Rev Oeorge Bostrom. pastor Sunday school 948 M. services ill m.

oand T3O ociek. Bvening Thing Chareh of God in Christ 2911 Sa (K st Rev My Rogers, paster Sunday school S4B m. servieea 1) areh ot eanng nre vision st No Morgan pastor nds Aam BServiees 11 a LM Contacting the Power Mouse of with highlights of meta. jghmrw in Portland oung raoh The Chureh by the Side of (he and 8o sts Rev Frank pastor Sunday sehool 45 om services 11 A oand 748 OO St i 1 948 a 1 mw 'm-umoa and 780 Community and Thooma Ave i h.g 630 m. East Side Ba 230th Rey Vern Poole pastor Servioes.

(T4B First Chureh of The IB7Tth and sts Rev Arthur Cook, pastor Sunday school 948 A m. Services, and 4 League 645 m. Cideons in eh of services First Chureh--8o 19th iand sta Thomas, pas(tor Sunday sehool, 10 8 Servioes tll and 748 p. Christian Ep. (deavor arry Foraberg nday iachool 048 mll.

(and 730 m. Youth Crusader sery. ilee, 8183 CHaeons In charge gn( Morning serviee evening pastor fon "The Devil's Pifth Column Charch4oth ana MeKin. Calvin Choate pastor Sun(day school, 948 a Serviesa 11 and 730 m. Endesvors al p.

Giad Tidings Assembly of Gadoo 5028 No. Peari st Rev. lyle Spradiey pastor. Sunday school 10 Serviees, m. Morning Gog Consuming Pire Rev.

Charisie Schafer, pastor Comnbined Sunday school and morning servioe 45 a sermon, "The Pyramid of Grace Evening service, 8 om. sermon, Person of an Comm ChurehNon 0 ure denominational Hutehinson Sunday school 10 fces, 1130 m. and 730 Subjeet, bie Study and ognmu COrowth Witnesses-No and Btate sta Watehtower study, 750 and Wednesday ible study, Priday, 7 0 Little Church on the Prairie. Sery. lees, 1030 Arthur L.

Frederick, speaker Lakewood leagus and senior jforum, 30 mNo chureh sechool funtll further notice Lake ity Chureh Servipe Sundsy shool 430 Bernice Strickiand, mis slonary from Hawaill apeak New Apostolle Falth 1313 st Hev Mrs Prieda L. Martin pastor Sundsy school 9 45 m. Bervices. 11 and A Open Deor Mission 8318 8o Way, Brammer superin. tendent.

Sunday school, 10 Serviees, 3 m. oand 748 Park Chureh of God 30524 Wilkeson Revy. M. K. Ash.

paator Sunday sehool. 10 m. Bervices, 11 and 7T LKL Peter's Sunday School-Old Ta. coma. Robery Courteright.

supt Bunday school. 945 Tacoma's Evangelistie Conter- So and sta, Linocoin thester bidg Bervices, 245 Tacoms Kescue Pa Leifle ave Mev. Willlam L. Bdwards Services 3 om. Mrs Waller i IR, spesker Tacoma Gospel Misslon 80 17'h Tacoma ave Bervices, Pridays, 1730 Theosophieal Society 223 0 Tacoma ave Services 8 Bubject listening Emmons, speaker Unity YempleDivision and 1 sta lein Combs.

leader Sundsy school 45 Bervieea 1l Spm Federation Meet Tuesday The Tacoma federa tion will hold June breakfast meeting Tueaday at o'clock at 24 and No. Tacoma For one member of the federation, the Rev. Philip W. Thomas, secrelarytreasurer, it will be his last meet ing with the Tacoma ministers, as he has bheen transferred tn the First Evangelical church in Dalias Ore. It will be the last meeling of the group until after the sum mer seanon.

Call MAn 1740 for reservalions Jehovah's Witnesses To Hold Convention The national theotralic convention of Jehovah's Witnesses wiil be held from July 24 to 28, wilh Columbus, as the key city By telephone. 32 cities will take part in the program, including Sealtle which will be host to Northwest delegales al the Masonic tempis, Harvard and Ea. Fine sts. The program will start at 1 p. WESTMINSTER BIBLE CHURCH 409 Seuth Ges 8.

Morning Service, 11; Bvening Service, Sermen Subject tor the Bvaning DOWNFALL OF OUR CIVILIZATION AND THE SECOND COMING OF CHRIST" ADAM B. HUNTER, Pastor i Church fo Keep Day Special Program Sunday At Bethany Mathodist The annual Children's day gram at Bethany Methodist ehureh will be held Sunday at 10:45 A choir of 20 volcen presenting the intermediate department's portion of the program. will twa specialty numbers Army of the and Wit Sing of My ln! Ernest Barber will direet, with Miss Sarah Jane Mather at plann, The junior department will sont an exerciss enlitied i Sermon on the directed by Mre Barkiey Numbers will include: Calls 8 Philllp Parker: by the class; Your by George hb; oco*ck: by Dean Saf. fron: the by Katherine Geehan and the class; in by ihe class; House on the Roek by Merle Lacy, and Oalls by the clam The Epworth league will present A short play entitied Ameri. can Pamily on Sunday Morning In the cast will be Juanita Daniel, Marian Gariie, Jack MHelms, nml; Swanson, Walt Seabloom, Margs: ret Post and Muriel Ryan, under the direction of Lois Thronson.

Silver star pina for perfect at. tendance during the year will presented. The public is invited, Seattle Choir to Sing At First Methodist A former organist of the Puet) Methodist church, Dr. Walter Reynolds, will play here when the First Methodist churches of Ta. coma and Seattle exchange for services Sunday.

Dr. Reynolds was organist the Tacoma church 35 years and now is one of the of church organists (n the northwest. One of his own compositions, Spring will be Included on the program. The Seattle choir, directed by Prof. Einar Lindblom, will FEvery Morning Is the by Bullard, and Song in the by Waoodman Mrs Ve Ora Socolofaky, who appeared here Inst winter with the Orpheus club, will be the featursd soloist, The church, with other churches of the city, will observe Nunday an day of penitence and praver for the nation The Rey.

Cyrus E. Albertaon will have for hia sermon tople, HMHappiness of vt Program fo Include Favorite Hymns Our Savior's Luthersn church, So, 17th and sta, will present a musieal program Sunday at 8 m. The cholr will sing many of the favorite hymna of the A quartet will sing Old Rugged and Hem of His Soloa hy Miss Betty Warner, entitied For the Wings of a and Song." and by Edgar Warner, who will sing Lost will be ineluded Miss Warner and Misa Jane Lorven will play plane and organ music during the program The cholr directed by Mrs Edward M. Thompson, and includes Frances Nwanberg, Doris Ketler, Ruth Olson, Gladys Fran. ken, Heverly Olson, Gure Redal, Lillian Olson, Maxine Twedt, Lorrayne Mellum, Borghild Maxine Miater, Lorrsine Armour, Bernice Frances Edgar Warner, Kermit Johnson, Kd Nelson, Thomas Wharnnell, Harold Newberg, John Nwanbery and Dudiey Thompson, Ladies' Society to Hold Installation Ceremony i Mra.

M. Heemer, former presi dent, will be installed sgain as premdent of the soclety of the Bethany Melhodist church at the annual installation ceremony Wednesday at 1045 The Rev. Ernest Barber will be (he installing officer, Mra L. Fifer, who has served two years, ia the retiring president. At noon, mothers and daugh lunch will be served, and in the afternoon M.

Pratt of Ren ton will speak on and Carnation and display wme Knglinn perennisl carnations For the benefit of those nol abis to attend in the afterncon, he will repeat hia lecture and dapiay in the evening sl 7 30, il Answers to Test Questions Below are the answerg 1o test questions pristed om edilornal page. 1. George Washington i 2. Lightning war 3 An opera by Wagher 4 Amerioan Bemos 8. University of Michigan 6.

Einstein 7. Bouth Dakota, 8. Barthoidi 9. Dogwood, 10. No.

i Graduate Must Be a Freshman Once More When Job-Hunting Time Comes Lack of Experience Should Be Encugh to Impress Upon Them That They Are in Baginners' Class By CYNTHIA GREY let's be honest and down-towearth with this year's graduates, who will soon be asking for In the first piace, lot's tell them to stop th about socurity. They have youth and health and plenty of time years to rqmo worry an.rl?y.‘ Lot Lat's sven go wo far as ta geat that they fisd of getiing inls the or the job witheut What nead right now experionce, and if they spend twe or three years doean't matler aren't iatner Sy Mg thay are learning- Coven If 1t only the discipline of work is all ta the good Theyn amased st how littls of worker's knowledge and sxpert. enoe a wasted when goes inte an entirely new fleid Annual Festival Sunday At Mountain View i An event that has hectme tradition In western wmt Cle the annual strawherry festival Lo the Mountain View Luthersn near Puysiiup. The annual festival will be held fmmuyn 1100 Necause of the large crowd sxpeeted, berries will he served under an awning near the churvh, instead of In the chureh pariors Last year more than 0 parsens at. tended the festival The commits In anticipating an eves larger gathering Nunday.

and is prepared merve untll 4 aseuring Leveryons of strawberries and cream, The program will include apeaker and musical sntertaine ment, The chureh, small whits iclmcmn. sltuated on MU four miles from Puysilup snd twe miles from Sumner New Church Building To Be Dedicated The new chureh bullding of the Giad Tidings Assembly of God will dedioated Sunday at 3 om, At MK No. Pearl st avenrd. ing Rev. Lyle Rpradiey, pastor Pastors from many ohurches attend.

Rev Frank Gray of Tacoma, distriet of the Assembiies nlm the dedicatory sermon The public in invited attend and inspect the new chureh and 1 -t Church to Celebrate 50th Anniversary The Westminater Preshytorian church, 80, 80th and sta, will observe ita Soth anniversary Fri day, June I 8 with homecoming dinner honoring the oldest members and friends of the chureh A program will be given 8 he following Sunday, the anml versary themes will carvied aut, with Uribule agsin being paid veloran mombers and workers, Acoording to the Rev. W. Henthin, pasior the chureh has decided, temporarily st least suspend Vacation Mible sehool this your because of he uneasiness awer health conditions. A final an. nouneement on this matter will be made Inter This Bunday st 11 twe delegaton from the stale conven.

ton of the Gideons will speak be- fore the congregation. Bunday achool will start st 948 Officers Elected Leonard Maver has been clecied president of the Kpworth league, junibor high sehool department, of the Npworth Methodist Mli (her new officers are Clark Ericksen, Ruthella Maver, Harah Lovw Miller and Carmen Glelser, vice presidents, and Roberis Bak. or secretary-tressursr Miss Myre Warren superintsndent, oy Spiritual Christien Pev Prestom former pane of the Bpiritual Cheistisn chureh, TET FPaweetl ave and now of Vancouver, B. will return Tacoma and give the svening lec. ture, having a 8 her subject, Volce Rev.

Prestos will i be in the chureh Sunday snd Mon. day by appeintment for sdviee all who nesd help PROCLAMATION Mars marchas on, The sseds of fegr, hsleria ond hate are be ng broadeast oudst Pasc thesaters te overwhelm The Chemtion comenarity mudt twn this tide. Wae believe et alaem 0 et 4 hamanity, and sbove il mamenity God. Treratore, Tagwa Councll of Chrches hos appointed newt Sundey, Jure Th, wecl day of consecrotion end prayer. Wa wge ofl ctizens reaet 0 Thelr respactive churches ot el hour of worshug, thet we may confess owr wns and oy or et nnd Siength 10 meet the nesds of Sure, By CYRUS ALBERTSON, Pres.

COMMITTEE ON INTERNATIONAL RELATIONS, Stemely 7. chairman, Arthue 8011, Biis A Bannett, Mareld B. Lang, Frr- 7 Willisten 11 Mors than thal, they should be teld that they must swpeet fn do Tseme Moundering around I the firnt yoary out of sehonl. Tell them to talk to dosen men and women of 35 or 40 and (ol Winde of work before they found what they were beot swited to 4o Summne Jobs are Werthwhile And Wty advise them sl te fohe argument den't want (o waste sny time tem. ing for reguinr What they averlonk in thatl summer jobe offen lsad to better joba and that even i they dom't, they 4 resuit in friendahips made, self -aseurahos Above all, ot's pet sneourAge tor themaetves.

Theyll Mave aseme tough times, profably. But ss the men and women whe oday Bave the good ke whikh the young regard so saviousty. i ass ei NEW YORK Demestie relail trade followed the upward trend mdustrial setivity tNS week, by summery temparatures that asted sales In ol seslions of the country, Dun Bradetrest, reportad tedny, The expansion of reltall Dasbe ness was reflacted almost mediately in heavier fill-in demand far the nation's wholesale marhets, the trade asuthority edded It noted, however, that forwerd pur ehasing showsd Be Appresiable ehange for the weel, snd that mercantile Buyers were 'nmuu. sautiously hesliuse of the uncertain foreign situation. Dun Readstrest sstimaled re tall sales for the cmuniry a A whole aversged five ta 11 per gent Chetter than (n the 1988 wesk, with Middie West showing the percentage (mprovement eight ta 14 per eent and (he Phe (Core of the News CHARGE REDUCED A negligent ammm count filed agninst Forrest Wilgue cost Bim 938 bl on polies court forfeiture Friday.

i Mina, Plariet. BLL I 8 APPROVED The military sffairs dom. mities Washingten, on Friday spproved Ml permitling the war depariment sequire 5081 meres of land At Fort Lawis, Wash, for Larget range snd A Lillery range st Cow Buts tor Blore, EXAMINATION ANNOUNCED The civil servies oommis shon announcsd today ssaminations held for tenworkars te NI vacancies al the Bremerion navy yard. Further information may be abtained at the pestoffice. NITIRES Witlers Tolal mwmm -t Hear ahout of Hosven mewmies an et teen By Lhe Sunday and inin the Chusel soev A Mo 1 "The Man Whe met vl WOuSET Wl QNO Young Cantrrence dune 151000 u.n-p ey mnr TABERNACLE South IMh and HARRY 2 Pestew Eeeming Benesiady Welnnene,.

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Name: Gregorio Kreiger

Birthday: 1994-12-18

Address: 89212 Tracey Ramp, Sunside, MT 08453-0951

Phone: +9014805370218

Job: Customer Designer

Hobby: Mountain biking, Orienteering, Hiking, Sewing, Backpacking, Mushroom hunting, Backpacking

Introduction: My name is Gregorio Kreiger, I am a tender, brainy, enthusiastic, combative, agreeable, gentle, gentle person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.