The News Tribune from Tacoma, Washington (2024)

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The News Tribunei

Tacoma, Washington

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THE TACOMA SUNDAY LEDGER-NEWS TRIBUNE SUNDAY JUNE 27 1M3 -11-12 Help Misc Help Misc Masonic Notices 7oo Late to Classify Help Male Help emote EXPERT Ask Delay In Gin Action TRAINING FOR WAR PRODUCTION JOBS Offered by the TACOMA PUBLIC SCHOOLS MEN AND WOMEN WELDERS are urgently needed For information call at the Tacoma Vocational school South 12th and streets or phone BR 3871 WELDING CLASSES are in to 11:30 THIS TRAINING IS FREE NW Officials Seek to Study Effect of OPA Ruling: BOISE Ida June Liquor control official! of Idaho Montana Oregon Utah and Washington today asked Price Administrator Prentiss Brown to postpone a proposed revision of wholesale and retail liquor prices until the states can study its effect on their economy These states operate liquor monopolies Leland Rawson superintendent of the Idaho Liquor Dispensary aaid Information reaching the five state conference indicated the office of price administration might lower liquor price ceilings The conferees heard a report from Ray Conway chairman of the Oregon Liquor commission who recently returned from meetings with Washington state officials and visits to distilleries He said the plan of distillers is to cut 1943 allotments to 75 per cent of those of 1942 and to cut 1944 allotments to 58 or 60 per cent of 1942 "We all realize what that will mean to states where certain functions of government are dependent on liquor revenue" he said "There Is no doubt that special sessions of the legislatures will be necessary in several states if this program Is carried out" Girl Admits Proxy Rites With Marine SAN DIEGO Calif June IP Louise Thot an aircraft company tabulator said that she was married by proxy last May 21 to Chester Christenson a marine captaift from Heppner Ore in an unusual ceremony on a South Pa dfle Island Betty said there was no ceremony in San Diego but that a friend Capt Theodore Demosthenes of Reno NevM stood up with Christenson as proxy for the bride had planned to keep the proxy marriage a secret" said Betty "and have a regular ceremony when Captain Christenson returned" News of the wedding was given In a marine corps photograph of the Island ceremony "He left the United States about year said the bride "I met him while he was at the marine corps base about eight months before hlg departure We had planned to marry here but he was called way suddenly" Odd Size Tires Are Approved WASHINGTON June The office of rubber director William )d Jeffers announced today that tire manufacturers henceforth will be permitted to manufacture any odd or obsolete tire sizes from synthetic rubber Heretofore tire makers have been forbidden tq use synthetic for any except the two standard sizes 600-16 and 60-16 Each manufacturer now will be permitted to build any size up to a 60 day Inventory Jeffers' aides said that there would be no possibility of excessive consumption of siynthetlc rubber through this provision Inasmuch as no manufacturer would be Inclined to produce more of the odd-sized tires than be could sell New Housing: WASHINGTON June 26- Hie National Housing agency today approved the following construction: Holeen Wash five privately financed new family units Ephrata Wash 50 privately financed new family units and 30 privately financed remodeled apartments Joe Kuhel the White Sox first lacker has been holding down an Initial sack in organized baseball for 19 years 700 Late to Classify MOVE IN TODAY I LOTS nice new home two bedrooms hardwood floors big garage and woodshed One block to grocery 83750 81000 cash 835 mo Move in today Clean and yiffWs Extra good soli garden lots of fruit rhicken house cow barn large two story 7 room house garage tool room 84000 fo cash Webb 429 Provident bldg NEW Hollywood bed size 835 1924 SO MA 6810 WILL not be responsible for any bills contracted by anyone but myself Harold Wagner froR SALE Refrigerator circu- luting heater electric roaster 2123 4 Tacoma ave ARMY officer wife and infant son desire 3 or 4 room furnished houfce or apartment Call MA 4115 Ext 77 FOR SALE DINETTE table miscellaneous household furniture 214 So 57tn GAJ2496 R)k Electric range apt size 2 and 3 burner hot plates MA 2816 fiOUttK trailer ready for house- THE Tacoma Nawa Tribune la i cooperating with the War Man power Commliatan and wor kers presently employed In war production should not apply terem-pkmnent with employers adver-tUng In this section RAILROAD HELP WANTED Help Fight the War On the Home front In the VITAL INDUSTRY of TRANS-PORTATION WE NOW HAVE VACANCIES FOR BRAKEMEN SWITCHMEN TRACKMEN LINEMEN and HELPERS TELEGRAPH OPERATORS APPLY AT 2501 past fir LOCOMOTIVE HREMEN MECHANICS HELPERS LABORERS APPLY AT SHOPS ON SITCUM AVEa ON TIDEFLATS BOARDING camps available for shopmen switchmen and trackmen Good pay Opportunities for advancement Prepare for the future In a permanent industry Certificate of availability required THE Milwaukee Road RAILROAD HELP WANTED RAILROAD transportation la an activity necessary to war production and essential to the war effort Have vacancies for mechanics In all crafts also mechanic helpers and laborers Apply Shop Superintendent Shops South Tacoma MEN WANTED THE war will not last forever Let us hope It will be over soon If you are interested In warehouse or mill work that will offer you steady employment after the war la over and for the depression years that may follow apply at office CENTENNIAL FLOURING MILLS CO Waterfront Road 1 Milo North of City Halt MEN NEEDED For Work on Niaqually Power Project LaGrande Washington SHAFT MEN JACK HAMMERMEN CHUCK TENDERS COMMON LABORERS WORK In essential Industry 48 hour week time and one-half for Saturday work A of Union agreement Board and living accommodations for workers Workers employed in other war Industries do not apply Get Full Information at WEST CONSTRUCTION CO 828 Rust Bldg Tacoma Wash First aid man with office experience Apply In person 828 Rust bldg WEST CONSTRUCTION CO YOUNG man for parts room assistant High school graduate not suhject to draft preferred A permanent position In one of industry's most essential and well paid jobs open to omeyoung Expcri- man not afraid to work ence not necessary Apply to Mr Rlgney parts room superintendent Mellon Motors South Tacoma MEN wanted for Immediate employment: fin working conditions: starting wag 90c per hour or more: 6 day week Opportunity for advancement Applicants from other activities covered by an employment stabilization plan must have a certificate of availability Northwest Door Co East End 11th sL bridge SO MEN WANTED TO CUT forest wood Highest rate of pay per cord All tools Including power tools furnished Apply JohnsoiL Rt 1 Box 193 Spanaway on Shepherd-Si mmoni road SAWMILL AND FACTORY WORKERS NEEDED tor COOPERAGE plant operating 6 days per week Permanent industry essential to prosecution of war Certificate of availability required NORTHWESTERN WOODEN WARE 21st and Dock Street REGISTERED PHARMACIST GOOD chance for advancement and excellent working conditions OWL DRUG STORE llth and Broadway FIRMS advertising In this column are cooperating with the War Manpower commission and workers presently employed In war production should not apply for omnloyment unless they have acertlflcate ofavailablllty ELDERLY man ago 62or over wanted for office messenger duties by large local corporation Must trustworthy Lifetime position for right parte Apply 13lh floor Puget Sound Bank Bldg MAN wanted to do rough carpenter and concrete work must be handy amund machinery and do common labor GA 1711 ALL around farm hand wanted: 8100 a month Rt 5 Box 08 Olympia Wash AUTOMOBILE and bicycle men-sen gets Mr Hoflknan Western Union Telegraph company Experienced hotel clerk and also maintenance man for hotel Apply at 1552 Jefferson ACTIVE single elderly man for light maintenance work small hotel S70 per month plus room and board Write 21290 News Tribune FOR 3 room house light and water close to bus Rt 4 Box 952 94th and Golden Given road '30 FORD A Good tires S125 cash MA 754a 1908 so Yakima Receptionist and filing clerk Write 21287 News Tribune OWNER leaving city Eight room house completely furnished 4 rooms and bath downstairs 2 rooms and bath upstairs Hot and cold water up and downstairs A nice home and Income pos first of mo Property at 1518 So ti Call upstairs at 1520 So St 1939 PRESIDENT Studebaker Ka dio heater and defroster hill-hold and overdrive black finish excellent tires Will consider trade for cheap car Call 152U So st upstairs ONE sleeping room 1002 So street 20 CHECK writers 8750 to 8125 See them at our store 1005 A st 41 NASH 600 coach overdrive weather-eye and radio 5408 Portland ave STOLEN from Harrison's gravel pit near Lakeview a Goodrich Challenger boys' red bicycle Reward Notify Hansen Kt la Bx 265 WASHING machine 840 Inquire Tillicum postoffice Girl for part-time in doctor's office Write 21289 News Tribune AUBURN Convertible coupe light six motor reconditioned fair rubber 890 Langwood range with copper coils 825 357 East SPRINGER Spaniel For Sale 4812 South Yakima 3 BURNER Westinghouse range bedstead wlth coll springs dining room table 114 East 46th WANTED Collapslblebabjybuggy in good condition GA HOUSES lots duplex acreage apta cabin camps parking lots house trailers furniture Retiring from business Your own terms Some trade Nash Apt 1610 Tacoma avenue BR 3962 COOK STOVE in good condition 2114 South Alaska street StefrAgcr AND THE SUNDAY NEWS TRIBUNE CXTY SUBSCRIPTION RATES Delivered by Carrier City of Tacoma Dally and Sunday 20e per week Dally Only 15o per week Sunday Only lOoper week Streets and Stone Sunday Only 10c per copy Member of the Associated Prase-The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the us for publication of all news dispatches credited to It or not otherwise credited In this paper and also the local news published herein Ah rights of republlcatlon of special dispatches heroin an also reserved Entered at the Postofflee at Tacoma Wash- as Second Class matter Telephone BRoadway 2121 IT'S EASY TO PLACE A CLASSIFIED WANT AD in The The Tacoma News Tribune Sunday Ledger-News Tribune Tacoma News Tribune or JUST CALL BR 2121 Ask for An Ad-Teker CLOSING TIME: Daily except Saturday: AU ads Nr In The Newt Tribune office baton 10 will be properly classified Ads received laterbut before noon will be run "Too Late to Classify" SATURDAY: All ads received before 9:30 a will be properly classified SUNDAY: All ads for The Sunday Ledger-News Tribune received before 2:45 Saturday will be properly classified Ads received later but before 5 Saturday will be run "Too Late to RATES: 3 cents per word each insertion News Tribune 3 cents per word each insertion Sunday Ledger-News Tribune 4 consecutive Insertions for the price of three when paid in advance or before the ad expires Minimum charge 35 cent Member of The Associated Press The Associated Press Is exclusively entitled to the use for publication of all news dispatches credited to It or not otherwise credited In this paper and also the local news publication of special dispatches are lished herein All rights of pub-reserved Card of Thanks CARD OF THANKS VERY often a card of thanks meets a need which can hardly be solved in any other way Not only is It a gracious expression of gratitude to those who have sent floral tributes but also courteously acknowledges the services and kindnesses of the many others to whom a personal note of thanks cannot well be mailed or whose names and addresses are not known Insertion of the card of thanks may be arranged by telephone We have many wording suggestions to assist you CALL BR 2121 DRAKE WE WISH to acknowledge appreciation for the beautiful flowero rSsjhyfand kindness to all in my husband Chas Drake We especially thank the Church of Christ employes of Washington Gas plant Royal A Gove friends ana neighbors DORA DRAKE Wife FRAZIER wish to thsnk the many friends of Carrie Frazier for in beautiful flowers and courtesies shown Gloria frazlcr JSpecifd thanks to Rev Krebsbach of St Leo'S clpirch ATTENTION! GREAT DEMAND for Beauty Operators TUITION FREE TO THOSE ACCEPTED HIGH SCHOOL EDUCATION UNNECESSARY MODERN BEAUTY ACADEMY 1153 Broadway TACOMA Exclusive Members In Tacoma All American Beauty Assn American Institute of Beauty culture WANTED: Bookkeeper Experience in government record keeping preferred References required Good salary Call BR 4184 for appointment TYPESETTER and operator for forms on segment Previous experience In typesetting or printing work would be valuable Salary of 8140 on 48hour 5J4 day week Write Box 20493 Newi Tribune RETAIL firm desires to employ bookkeeper who can handle office management some credit work and Issue monthly operating statement Top salary to right person male or female Answer by mail stating age and experience Write Box 21401 News Tribune WOMAN or girl preferably over 30 years old one who can take dictation has a working knowledge of a calculator and can drive a car 40 hra per week time and half for overtime Salary 8135 per month Position is permanent Box 19784 News Tribune TACOMA LAUNDRY EXPERIENCED HELP FOR FULL OR PART TIME CALL IN PERSON SO 33RD AND CLERK for filing and mail work Prefer ihorthand and typing experience good salary Certificate of availability required Write 21259 News Tribune WANTED Experienced corse t-tiere Persons employed In Industries covered by an employment stabilization plan need not apply Fisher Co 5th floor WANTED Competent Christian woman good cook for housekeeper In small Christian fam ily Mints Wright Seminary district Call MA 7406 EXPERIENCED hotel maid 855 per mo plus good board and room No objections to husband Write Box 19893 News Tribune WOMAN for housework No objection to one child McChord Field woman 2 adults Inquire at 6311 So EXPERIENCED girl for fountain lunch and confectionery store Wages plus room and board If desired Call at 204 No Kay EXPERIENCED checker for day shift Must be permanent resident of Tacoma Will consider apprentice New Era Cleaners EXPERIENCED woman to assist In management small hotel Room furnished Writ Box 17940 News Tribune LADY to assist mother with care of 2 children and general housework 2 days off a week 850 per month PR 4474 WOMAN for shipping and stock-room 40 hr week some overtime pay references required Apply 755 Market st Monday LADY 30 to 35 with grocery ex- Rerlence warehouse work: 40c our start Write Box 20089 News Tribune WOMAN for housekeeping for employed couple No children Room hoard and salary Apply Husk Cafe 1211 Pacific Ave STEADY work for neat reliable ingle woman 30-45 experience not necessaiy full or part time Writ Box 18885 News Tribune FOUNTAIN girl experienced not under 18 for evening shift Sta dium Ice Cream Bar Apply in ills person No telephone calli MIDDLE aged woman for housework full or part time good home and pay to reliable party PR 2636 HOUSEKEEPER wanted at Wol- lochet bay: good wages and weekends off Tor Interview call at 6006 Pacific 3 to 5 LADY In office for delivery department swing shift Prefer one acquainted with city Mar Western Union Telegraph Co LAUNDRESS for children's Industrial home Living quarters for man and wife GA 1286 or 3000 So Washington URGENTLY needed by expectant mother girl or woman for light housework board room compensation GR 7071 EXPERIENCED alteration woman Apply Monday 11 a Knettles 922 Broadway VOMAN assist with cooking small hoarding house Room board 850 PR 6445 HOUSEKEEPER wanted In home with 2 children Good wages Call MAIn 2313 GENERAL housekeeper modem home good wages Home privileges GA 3232 Cashier in restaurant Must be experienced Apply Husk Cafe 1211 Pacific Ave MIDDLE aged housekeeper to take complete charge of hom*o and two children GA 1057 GIRL or woman for housework Write Rt 1 Box 306 Eaton-vllle JANITRESS for downtown i building Evening work 302 kins Bldg offico Per- FEMALE help wanted Cleaners St Dyers 1012 St Supreme Center WANTED woman for cigar stand manager No experience necessary Apply 1135 Commerce St GIRL or woman assist small boarding house room board 1 644 SERVICE When then's something you want done and done expertly see or phone one of the firms or Individuals listed below You'll find them expert! In their line and you'll profit by their help AGATE SPECIALS Agate Shoo GA 9232 AUTO POLISHING ELECTRIC lacquer-wax polishing for a beautiful lasting finish Do-Luxe Storage 744 Commerce BUCK WOBK SAVE OIL Fireplaces built re-modeled Bank terms PR 4904 BUGS Bug We exterminate all Insects WB Sprague Co MA 1312 BULLDOZING NEED a bulldozer? Call CAH A mountain or a mole hill PR 2145 LIGHT bulldozing leveling and plowing BRoadway 2155 CARPENTERING CARPENTER work Foundations renewed GA 9335 after 4 pm COMPLETE home repairing Free estimates MA 5377 6 to 8 a CHILD CARE CHILD CARE Trained women available GA 2179 CALSOMINING AND PAINTING CALSOMINING and paintin Available middle of week 6047 ELECTRIC MOTORS FOR BETTER SERVICE SPECIALIZING In repairs and rewinding of electric motor 1555 Tac Ave ELECTROLYSIS EYEBROWS arched hair and moles removed safe pennanent pain-less Miss Wright Fidelity bldg FLOOR SANDER NEW mach 82 day 81 half day easy to operate no dust BR 3242 Johnson Taint Co 114a Bdwy FLOORS sanded and finished Art Olsen PR 270a Call after 6 FLOOR sender St electric polisher for rent Saxton Lbr Co GA 4455 GARDENING LAWNS mowed garden work 81 hr Not too far out Walker 1761 So 25th GENERAL CLEANING WALLS and ceilings windows: floors cleaned and waxed janitor work Day or month Box 117 So Tacoma Wash HEATING SERVICE OIL burners stokers furnaces oil heaters oil ranges 24 hour serv- OIL BURNER SERVICE 624 East Harrison St -MA 6862 Tacoma Wash SERVICE AND REPAIR PARTS all makes of oil burners furnaces stokers floor furnaces STOKEk-LAD INC 1111 A St Phone MA 0867 Eves GA 2542 PAPEBHANGINQ Pai ingEfr timates free Work guaranteed GA 9337 1st class work hom*o Beautlflers Ph GA 3986 PAPERHANGING Reasonable MA 9463 Apt 6 PLUMBINO PLUMBING service available now PR 3393 If no answer call GR 8060 PUBLIC ACCOUNTANT A DRYDEN LICENSED public accountant Taxation Service and Federal Re-ports 1004 Wash Bldg BR 1605 RADIO REPAIR PROMPT expert radio repair 607 Proc 6 a nt-6 bl PR 1551 ROOFING COMPOSITION roofing and asbestos and brick siding Expert mechanics Estimates gladly given Repair work tar and gravel Stafford Call BR 4221 after 6 and on holidays call GA 3688 NOW Is the time for a new roof or repair the old one at a reasonable price PR 775a COMPOSITION shingles: flat roof-Ing re-coat work GA 3740 SERVICE HEATING EQUIPMENT OIL BURNER SERVICE 624 East Harrison St MA 6862 Tacoma Wash SHOE REPAIR NOW OPENI NICK'S SHOE REPAIR QUALITY MATERIALS QUICK SERVICE 1128 Commerce STOVE REPAIRS WILL repair stoves Jnrour own home: all kinds GR STOVE REPAIRS Phone GRanite 8041 Box 171 So Tacoma TRUCKING LANDSCAPING excavating clear-Ing heavy and light trucking Fill dirt top soil GA 787L UPHOLSTERING WHIM you need your furniture upholstered and cushions refilled do so while material Is available RE8TMORE MATTRESS AND SJRNITURE CO Phono BR 2 15-22-24 Broadway Farm Machinery DISC: new eight wheels tractor hitch: 633 Tahlcquah Vaahon Islana Longaker PR 1837 FORDSON tractor for sale by Owen Ellison See it at Buck A Bowers on Puyallup ave For Swap NEW Rome innersprlng double mattress for new spring single mattren BR FERN HILL Special comm Tues June 29 7 Work In FCdegree REED WM FAIRWEATHER LODGE No 82 Special comm Tues June 29 7:30 3rd degree refreshments SAM RABSTOFF CLOVER Lodge No 91 and A Special communication Monday June 28th 7 Work in degree Air M's cordially Invited Refreshments MARSHALL HENRY A GREENE LODGE NO 250 Ft Stated communication Monday June 28th Also work in first degree Masons of the armed forces are cordially invited BOB PIERCE Lodges KNIGHTS OF PYTHIAS COMMENCEMENT lodge No 1 Convenes every Mon 8 PYTHIAN Temple 926 Vfc Broadway oen dally 10 a to RAINIER No 11 Regular meeting Tue 8 I temple 6th Ave and Fawcett RAINIER No 11 Regular meeting Tue 8 I temple 6th Ave and Fawcett Lost and Found LOST Bulova watch brown strap Lost between Crown Drug store and Wool-worth 5 and 10 Call PR 1420 or 2131 No Prospect Big brown Persian cat between Ft Defiance and Dr Button's office Please return to Dr Button's office 2909 South Reward June 24 on bench at 13th and Pacific Brown underarm purse Letters ration book keya and money Reward Call 1695 LOST key ring with black case between 9th and Pacific and 11th and A Sts June 23 Reward MA 4878 Lady's yellow gold wrist watch Saturday downtown: valued as keepsake Reward PR 6634 LOST small white and brown dog with army tag Name on tag Frank Maguire 5712 No 27th St Black leather wallet containing Identification and money Phone GRanite 8924 Reward Girl's red coat left at Point Defiance bus station Wednesday Reward MA 7228 Spare truck tire vicinity Puyallup Milton or Tacoma Please call AT 8268 Six stocks and 1 bond Call MA 4648 Brown patent leather purse Phone GRanite 8503 Reward Personals BOWEL TROUBLE? SeeJJi and Find Heajtij FREE CONSULTATIO Dr A Ambrose SANIPRACTIC PHYSICIAN 405 Rust Bldg MA 4698 Swedish mass steam baths for reducing rheumatism nervousness etc 601-2 Fid Bldg MA 0663 CAPTAIN BLISS'S new address Is Station A Tacoma 8 Washing ton WOOD convalescent home for aged and Infirm BR 3085 DR BALABANOFF Is back in Ms office 510 Fidelity bldg ASTROLOGICAL advlro horoMoge St readings App only GA Scientific msg min baths GA 1042 3620 So Madison Open eves Miscellaneous Spinet piano Will pay cash GR 7560 For Miscellaneous 1 CATERPILLAR diesel D-13000 power unit BR 230a8to Beauty Parlors LA MONNA'S CREAM OIL (7 PERMS NOW 85 3'J No Finger Wave Needed 511 FIDELITY BLDG BR 4551 Situations Female OFFICE woman now employed well informed accustomed to meeting public drafting legal papers handling collections general office routine wants work part time preferred Write Box 20137 News Tribune RELIABLE colored woman wishes housework for elderly couple or lady By week except Sunday Please write Margaret Bradford 2905 No Pearl Tacoma Wash POSITION open for composite avii vyii stenographer-clerk Call birch field Boilers Inc BR 4155 Cer- Iieio Boners me on vim w- tlflcate of availability required UNDERGRADUATE nurse with thorough business training wants office work Permanent six years experience Write Box 19976 News Tribune EXPERIENCED housekeeper wishes work in refined home Sundays free Husband stag nights Call BR 3232 COLLEGE girl wanu part time work during summer months Knowledge oMphiiand office routine Call SOLDIER'S wife wants full or part time employment Experienced stenographer Call PR 2920 OFFICE position desired by experienced woman Write Box 20554 News Tribune WANT work 9-12 a Reliable Box 30 main postofflee Tacoma 1 wa: Woodwork washing by our BR 23512 Monday between 6 and 7 Help Female WAITRESSES and try cook 9644 or MA 153a MA SALES PERSON WANTED IM-MEDIATELY 1145 BROADWAY WAITRESS wanted at Rice Bowl cafe 1354 Bi-oadway Second floor women also laundress PR 2141 GIRL to care for 2 children 3 eve ninga a week 3708 So BEAUTY OPERATOR WANTED MA 1606 operation from 7:30 a Boats for Sola 24 FT cruiser fully equipped practically new 82150 16 FT sailboat complete with ails 815a 2 FORDSON 40 marine motors 2 CHRYSLER motors converted to marine use 1 50 Bollepder diesel motor EASY TERMS TACOMA BOAT MART Block West Old Tacoma Dock MAin 1483 NEW cabin cruiser 8500 cash: cedar dory hull newly overhauled Star conversion marine transmission GA 0143 Half mile south of Flett creek Mant-tou-Cusler road LIKE NEW 1 year old 24 ft cabin cruiser Gray marine motor Sleeps 4 All conveniences 82250 See caretaker Tacoma Yacht Club 20 FT CLASSY speedboat with Crown marina motor Does 39 miles per hr Must sell for reasonable offer Winery Vaughn Wash 1940 2tt ALTERNATING fire Johnson Like new 14 ft by 4 V-bottom Port Orford cedar boat 818a GA 2660 3595 East 26 ft trailer Alaska built Regan marine motor See Day island boat house Call MA 8624 CLASS hydroplane with step and crash throttle: also Johnson trolling plate 820 South Tacoma Ave FOR 14 ft all mahogany outboard boat complete with 16 Johnson motor 8300 LA 3116 FOR Ten 12 and 14 foot skiffs Middle Waterway Boathouse 35' RAISED-DECK cruiser Wanel-len four bunks live aboard save rent At Gallagher! Float STAR marine conversion motor In very good condition 3311 6th ave PR 702a RUSIITON canoe Just recovered and seats recaned 84 PR 6962 3205 North 9th 21 FOOT cedar cruiser hull 4830 So CEDAR skiff for sale 764 So 88th St 9tt FOOT light speed boat without motor LA 3707 18 FT CABIN boat first class condition GA 591 ONE Model A engine with water manifold 84 PR 458 Outboards hot sold reprd Varlcy Johnson GA 2660 3595 East Funeral Directors mmmwmM MOUNTAIN VIEW MEMORIAL PARK Mortuary Crematory Cemetery Steilacoom Blvd LAkewood 2195 MelPnger Funeral Home 54 Years In Tacoma BR 3268 510 Tacoma Ave TUELL FUNERAL HOME 2215 6th Ave MA 058 BUCKLEY KING Tacoma Ave at South 1st BR 216 PIPER' FUNERAL HOME 5436 So Puget Sound Ave GA 543 CASSEDY St ALLEN Funeral Directors 1224 So Eye MA 580L LYNN CO funeral directors 717-719 Tacoma Ave MA 774 STORLIE'S 5036 So Tac Way GA 1122 Personal Service Reas THEODORE GAFFNEY Mortuary 8a 10th and Yakima BR 341 A nnouncementt THE TACOMA ORTHOPEDIC ASSOCIATION Mrs Clifford Lang- i uk awn JiSaI home vice 'president PR Needy crippled children of Pierce county under 14 years of years ago cared for at the clinic held the second Thursday of each month at the Tacoma General hospital MAin 118L Orthopedic surgeons In attendance WHITE SHIELD HOME 5210 So State on South Tacoma bus Una Phono GA 9493 A hom*o for unmarried mothers THE CHILCREN'S INDUSTRIAL HOME South 30th and Washington streets GArland 128 CARE is taken only of Pierce county children in need SEPARATE residence now available for girls of high school aga Entrance to either of ths places obtained through Mrs Hunt PRoctor 6764 Notice of gifts to bo collected should bo made through GArland 1288 or PRoctor 2277 TACOMA HOME SOCIETY Mrs Nil Haftnesa resident 024 No Donations mav bo sent tq the president or llrect to the home at Everett li ash For further information write raepma Children's Homa 45Ui ami Federal atresia Everett TACOMA Mrs! Eunice Mueller and Miss Lola Emerson Parents or guardians wishing lo place tholr children gjntice or donations call MA FINGERPRINT claarifisri an needed This well paid fascinating fob will not play out whan war la ovar No apodal education required Can learn in own hom*o without Interfering with present fob Gin name address phona age Write Nows Tribune Help Male Railroad Brakemen APPLICATIONS will be taken from married men In good physical condition 21 to 40 yean of age to learn train service and If will complete training will be paid for training period This la essential work from defense standpoint Mp4 with previous experience as Brakemen or Switch' Railroad men will be considered up to 60 yean of ago CALL AT OFFICE OF AGENT Union Pacific Railroad 1501 Railroad Ave Tacoma Wash or a representative of the railroad retirement board ARE YOU UNDER 55? IMMEDIATE openings for high-grade men under 55 to associate themselves permanently with INTERNATIONAL CORRE- the SPONDENCE SCHOOLS (of Scranton) Experience In school work not essential but must be salesmen and must have clear record National advertising support Active student ana employer cooperation Weekly salary plus commission and bonus For personal Interview see A Macdonald Monday 10 a to 1 lobby Hotel Wlnthrop or write 1324 Joseph Vance mag Seattle SUPERVISOR for large protective force In Tacoma Requires another man of good education under 45 with experience background In business world Must nave absolutely clean employment record that will stand rigid Investigation Salary 8200 per month Car provided Excellent opportunity with national concern Essential workers need certificate Inquire 1517 Smith Tower Seattle in person or write giving full particulars own handwriting past experience draft status age telepnone number MACHINISTS 827040 Per Month (48 Hour Week) iliOFOR first 40 hours 81-80 for next A Ideal working conditions modern shop No parking problem! Centrally located Call MA 006 Seattle or write Mr Ewing for Interview at time suitable to you Availability certificate needed WESTERN GEAR WORKS 417 9th Avenue South Seattle CARSTENS PACKING CO AN INDUSTRY essential to the war effort offers steady and permanent fobs to reliable able bodied men Minimum 82wcper hour and upward Ask any Cap stans' employe about working trintend- conditions Apply superint ent's office MAN TO OPERATE BREAD WRAPPING MACHINE: LARGE LOCAL BAKERY: PERMANENT JOB GOOD PAY: IDEAL WORKING CONDITIONS: ESSENTIAL INDUSTRY CALL AT 3623 SO 54TH MUST HAVE CERTIFICATE OF AVAILABILITY LUBRICATION manager tor large dealer operation one who has had tire experience and can take responsibility Permanent job and attractive salary for right man Apply Mr Thornhllt service superintendent Mallon Motor Experienced or Inexperienced switchmen Xmmedl ate steady employment Apply Northern Pacific yard office DRUGGIST WANTED or man with drug experience See Mr Haines Broadway Drug MA 2777 Berry Pickers Wanted BERRY pickers wanted Cabins light water and wood 12 acres raspberries Call Epperson's Packing nlant Luden drive between Puyallup and Sumner Phone Puyallup 1405 Berry pickers about Juljj '5th Good cabins good floKla water wood dose to store at North Puyallup Jaeger Puyallup Rt 1 Box 53 12 steady raspberry pickers Have comfortable llv-lngquarters Mike Storino Rt 2 Box 141 ATlns 833 BERRY pickers wanted about July 5tn Good cabins light water and wood Firwood road Rt 4 Box 297 Puyallup RASPBERRY pickers Modern pickers cabins with showers 140812th ave Puyallun Situations Mate EXPERT typist soldier wansjyV ing for evenings MA 7568 1pm POSITION wanted by man ago 24 3A classification Prefer truck driving GR 7754 Small hauling Jot with lfo ton truck GR 7522 Proc- keei iorgt (A SO ACRES Mt road (two blocks! 8400 cash 5416 So ALIUA Dlls ruaa uwo 0 JAv small stream Irees 8350 10 ACRES Ortlng big creek on this growing timber 85U0 jjfl 160 ACRES near Tacoma main rd Near school and pavement liKjW 429 provident Bldg fixrKRIKNCED automobile parts 1 man also boy age 16 or over Inquire Pease Bros Oiven away to parly I who will give them good hi I MIS Mason Maniiou Ive them good home.

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The News Tribune from Tacoma, Washington (2024)
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Author: Sen. Ignacio Ratke

Last Updated:

Views: 6231

Rating: 4.6 / 5 (56 voted)

Reviews: 87% of readers found this page helpful

Author information

Name: Sen. Ignacio Ratke

Birthday: 1999-05-27

Address: Apt. 171 8116 Bailey Via, Roberthaven, GA 58289

Phone: +2585395768220

Job: Lead Liaison

Hobby: Lockpicking, LARPing, Lego building, Lapidary, Macrame, Book restoration, Bodybuilding

Introduction: My name is Sen. Ignacio Ratke, I am a adventurous, zealous, outstanding, agreeable, precious, excited, gifted person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.