The Cincinnati Enquirer from Cincinnati, Ohio (2024)


SEPTELESI 4, 1888. RIVER INTELLIGENCE. for added Soto five Cincinnati arrived hundred at from 6 p. sness Memphis of The at Ragon peanuts, 11:90 and arrived m. cleared from Shel a badly switch injured.

and He missed was his ettemptins to and throw felt HAMILTON. HOUSES FOR RENT. the Tennessee River this afternoon, and laid under the where cars. he He was attended removed to to the PETER. a well-known farmer of A.

of For rooms, rent with or lease. store, 190 or Plum separate. house Boats Leaving To.Day. The Tennessee W. F.

River trade will resome to-niorrow. her place in the He a compound tractitre of the Wayne Townsbip. is seriously ill. ply at 167. Plom hospital, was by A.

SHERLEY. Hunter, arm. between the eibow shonider, and is and JUDGE M. 0. BERRY Burns has to appointed examine A.

the V. County Shafer HOUSE For rent, September 6th. Barr SANDY m. Kirker. 5 p.m.

Cairo Cullings. badly bruised. street. house of eight rooms, bath. Apply at 167 Plum LAWRENCE.

Moore, 12 Hamilton. tenths CAIRO. the last September twenty- 3. four The hours, river the tell Receiver Appointed. Da.

and sister entertained A. LOWER RIVER NO. AS reading feet. The Arkansas City arrived at Robert Willing was appointed number Charles. their friends last evening at the of six also, rooms.

Apply 11 p. in. a and cleared at a. with one of the biggest Plum at. LANCA Agnew, Agnew.

4 p. 8:30 m. here cargoes for she all has points had above this adding The City liberally of owned by Joseph Platter and Frank Kau- MIs. GEA CISLE, of the Fourth Ward, acci- A. For rent, two new dwellings as receiver for the Covington Moscow.

a.m. Florence got away for Liver at noon to- mitz It seems that there was a suit dently fell down stairs yesterday morning. and 1240 Gilbert seven rooms 5. p. m.

day with a nice discharging twelve cars brio solve the partnership, and then Plattner was pretty badly hurt. and reception half bath, laundry: one square OF VEVA Maddy. 8 a. m. and corn at East Cairo and four cars bran and four sited Kaanitz note Tor $300.

which he caused the of of car: 80: Keys at opposite. Madison Hamiton, at the Cafro and Vincennes for the East. I claimed that he on a loaned to was Wearer end Roger on a arrest charge Wm. of DURRELL. e.

cor. Fifth and Walnut stave WOOD. Brennan, 5 p.m. and The 7 a. Rescue m.

Time both with ed below tows, at 6 m. to produce the note, as Kaunitz had I petit Thes are charged with steal- A. house suitable containing for retail store Louisville. made the new bridge. piers here without sobtained the note from him by fraud.

Judge, ins melons. rooms Will Leave as Advertised. appenied to and lie appointed grocery situated at the a. e. cor.

Carlisle ave and NCELLOR. Wednes- Any regarded trouble or ringing splendid any bells. indorsem*nt This of Mr. Menzies Willing was as receiver. a Public Schools opened Nellie cors yesterday was with ap- 8ixth Stone Apply to HERMAN LACK W.

day, 5th. 5 p.m. the claim of the Wednesday. 5th. piers that they would prose no obstruction locating to tow- the pointed to fill the vacancy caused by the res- A.

On Fourth boats with tows at almost any stage of water. The NEWPORT. ixnation of Miss Emma Barden. Hotel for rent: suitable for a near 6th. 5 Thursday, Sidney Dillon went below instead of to THE passenger train on the Junction due boarding house, containing 15 rooms, bath.

de. p. m. St. Louis.

as reported, and ep a barge of Here yesterday afternoon at three clock did C. THOMAS, 126 st; Service on Jogs to which St. was Lonis left al by noon, the adding Future two City, and passed here, meets THE to night. not arrive until five clock. The delay was house of two storien.

on Hawthorne Democratic City Executive Committee War Department Signal Report. The John Bertram arrived from the Ohio barges at caused by a break in the engine about two Price Hill. Dr. Geobegan S. opposite.

CINCINNATI, ORIO, Reptember 3, 1888, and remained at East Cairo noon, PETERS. of Vevay, is the guest of n.fles south of Oxford. Particolars of J. W. MILLER, W.

Fourth st. stage of water, with changes bout Macumb Commercial The over snag- Sun- Miss Lucy Wood. Dally report of the was at Polot Tue Infirmary Directors met at the Infirm- Frame house of six in twenty-four hours ending tine: at 8 4. 75th day, and will probably reach here some time tO- THE Democratic candidate for Councilman ary to make their annual inspec- 150 feet: cheap. Apply at 113 Poplar meridian time; 722 a.

local morrow. in the Second Ward will be Mr. John Hogan, tion of the buildings and farm, preparatory COVINGTON- No. 82 E. Thirteenth house of September River rising.

and he will be elected. to making their annual report. The amount sis rooms: large gas, water, cistern and MOT 'os 401 Rise, Passed Rouge, up: for St. Port Louis, Fads and Down; barges, City of City of Monroe, Baton for Fred MARRIAGE Thanes and licenses Lizzie were Haas. issued Frank yesterday Krodget to of farm money products paid into and the other County sources Treasury is about from all parties.

conventences; Inquire at in 138 best E. of Eleventh order: rent to Covington. good low STATIONS. STATIONS. Natchez: City of New Orleans, for New Orleans.

and Katie Luchsinger. COVING TON- No. 44 Philadelphia at, two story tenths. COVINGTON. Esquire JACKSON Buchanan EMoRY was yesterday fined $20 for and hitting costs his by David the Hoover to city condemn Hamilton property for against the sell Covington.

In suit of the of frame house of seven rooms. Apply at 311 Rusmother-in law with a slungshot. opening of Tenth street, between High and 19 and 21 W. Ninth two Cartonati LaCrosse. JUDGE married three couples yester- Ir Democrats turns out now that the Alexandria day: John P.

Hugues, J. jury S. M. was drawn Webster. yester- Thos MACKOY.

United Bank Building. Canal, the following briek houses: Apply to H. Pittsburg Keokuk. dav. that place, did Mr.

not John pay for Brosemore the pole raised raised the at Ryan, John Musch, Hamilton: St. MA. HUGR KELLY. of Lexington. 1e visiting pole gratuitously.

son. Fred Seibert. Lemon Township: trails located: on line of modAbram Simp. house of eight rooms, (atlettaburg 20 friends in the city. Fryer, Charles Pierson.

Peter M. Shafer, ern improvements. Call at 20 E. Robbins st. HARRY CRAWFORD WaS the Committee on last Ar a night.

meeting the of the Treasurer Water- reported Works receipts Board Madison Township: R. Township: Wm. W. Francis, Union COVINGTON- No. 13 Fifteenth brick house of Charleston.

New Vicksb Orleans. Stuff at the picnic last night. to the amount of $1.781 09. Claims to the S. McClintock, Milford Town- six rooms.

JUDGE CLEARY and Judge Perkins are in amount of $2.554 94 were allowed. The ship: is L. S. set or Campbell, Fairfield Township. COVINGTON- No.

21 E. Third house of nine A. Falmouth investigating sinners. is the case Tuesday. September 11th.

rooms and bath: in good order; rent low. Chattanooga Fort Leavenworth Smith. Me. J. FRANK THE water that being furnished to THE Agricultural a position yes- people by the Newport Water Works is hor- Agents Ray and Board of met yesterday, Cottage of tour rooms and kitchen, Little Rock.

terday with A. J. Trounstine Co. rible stutt. The old works are out of fix.

and Hines, the Pan Handle, on Sixteenth near Madison ave. Inquire of bi. Paul its hard to tell when they will be in repair. present, informed the Board that R. WALKER.

1500 Madison ave. were and U.S. A. JOE Poon wanted a hoe down last night. reduced rates would be given during the fair P.

T. JENKINS, Sergeant Signal Corps, but the garden was too small for his feet. TOM DAMERON and Barney Foster are hav. the same as now offered by other, roads. W.

COVINGTON, KY. -No. 512 Bakewell st, house MISS VAN ARSDELL. of Flemingsburg, is the ing private trials of their steeds every day. H.

Allen and John Beckley for the use ton, or Room 2 Mitchell Building, 99 Fourth of six rooms. Inquire at 430 Russel CovingTHE river was falling last night, with 17 feet guest of Miss Sallie Bullock. of Greenup They will race at the Alexandria Fair this of the grounds for a race on Saturday after Cincinnati. inches in the channel. street.

the Scientific Association. Long. Jones, Howell and Murphy: New house of live rooms: just week. and the Judges are to be selected from the fair. The vote was as follows: No.

Ritchie. Clear and pleasant. MisSES MINNIE AND EVA EGERS, off Cleve: les. Shafer. st.

yes. Brad- finished. Apply to C.J, HAYES, Colerain land, are guests of Mrs. Russell THE School Board met last night and al- There being a Stude, tie, the motion and Ward. Business quiet.

street. lowed claims to the amount, of $580 31. was lost. rain at fifteen Building Committee reported the school Longfellow was appointed Chief of Police, able. Inquire at 622 Elm st.

rooms; reat. reasonCLARK House of six The Signal Service reports ALL the good Democratic Clubs were out in buildings all in good repair clean. Senior and Hosea Samuels put in charge of the stations, including. Lynchburg, ,32: Char- force at the pienic of the Carlisle Club last all of grounds. After several ballots John M.

Evans No. 5t Reott frame house of lotte, .54: Augusta. Jacksonville, 2.06: At- night. Principal comfortably filled. that was selected as Chief Marshal, and A.

T. five rooms, to a small family. Epply at Burke reported the 511 Janta. 2.04: Nashville. Parkersburg.

THE Public Schools opened yesterday with rooms were Beckley, of St. Charles: Joseph Kermese, of Scott st. Charleston, .20: Gallipolis. 1.6f: Catletts- largely increased attendance over that of THE Second at the Ward foot of Democrats have their uverpecks: O. W.

of Kyles, and E. No. 538 Bullock house of four burg. .42. last year.

pole raised Bellevue street and T. Anderson, Assistant Marshals. rooms, all In good order. Inquire at 205 W. The Thos.

Sherlock will only make trips to it is one of the prettiest poles in the city. It Sixth at. Island hereafter Saturday and in Dip their you Irish see reel Tom last Glenn night? and They Tom made Gilchrist the is 160 freedom. feet The high boys and worked mounted with faithfully a bird raise of Charles Erin Verner In Two story briok, situated in the Coney Sunday. The Guiding Star her floor ring.

to On the 29th of best residence portion of Covington: conventent schedule time as heretofore. the pole, and did net receive a cent for it. Momer. of Muste last Hall, had April Hartzfeld to street-cars bridges. Address 8L Park Captain P.

Kineou is back from a trip ETTIE AND LIZZIE of The Democrats of this county are not very Verner booked Place. Covington. along the Eastern and Northern summer re- Cleveland, are guests of Miss Bertha Berti. HILLS- House of eight rooms liberal in that respect. for an entertainment at the ball, They forts.

back from Madison avenue. Tried to Blur a Judge. in securing to show. Verner The for last manager Sunday succeeded on Hewitt two squares from cable; failed Colonel Robert Ballard is a tour JUDGR ARTHUR convened the Cirenit Court and night. Inundry and gas.

Inquire cor. Hewitt and Bates of the Eastern watering places. yesterday, but no business of public impor- Another new phase in the Newport and hardly had the performance begun. when avenue. Colonel Will S.

Hays a visitor on tance was transacted, Covington Bridge. Directors, fight developed amusing feature of the the baggage. An WALNUT HILLS Six-room frame dwellConstable Edens attached Change yesterday. COLLECTOR the Newport and yesterday. Some person, in the interest of mistake made by Edens, who served cor.

Hackberrs, half square service of the writ Mr. James Molarthy, of Philadelphia, was Dave Dimmick. tried bluff Judge Menzies north of Madison pike; key pext door. in the city yesterday, the Wise. Cavanaugh is in his place.

into deciding in favor of Dimmick and Kohl melons in another Had the show HILLS Two new single houses old Covington Bridge. is ill: Deadman Patrick a writ for the attacnment of a canal-boat of friend. Captain James M. for directors. A letter was mailed at Cov- pie felt disposed have of eight rooms; very modern: rent S.

case. pee- WA Captain Thomas Rees arrived from Cold- MR. AND MRS. THOMAS MALONEY. who have ington to Judge Menzies which was us fol- Verner they could got away.

430 and 635, apply to C. COLLINS, 64 W. Third st. water. where be closed the contract been visiting in the city.

returned to their lows: As remarked. his, crop of melons for the building of a lake home in Jersey City. N. last night. NEWPORT.

Jaly 1898. this year was very limited. The case was HILLS A nice house of nine sumer. Captain Rees left for Louisville last Mrs. O.

B. and daughter. Miss JUDGE J. W. MENZIES My Dear Sir: 17, Can you settled, and the troupe left in the atternoon Apply at 97 W.

Third st. evening on a business trip. Mary, have returned WIGGINS from a visit to Ivanhoe, hesitate, in the face of public opinion. in for Dayton. AIRMOUNT Very Call deatreble Tremont house st.

of eight The Excel left for Clover port yesterday with and entertaining Miss Gould and sister, your decision of the Covington and Newport rooms. bath, de. at 149 are a miscellaneous tow. of Wyoming. Ohio.

Bridge controversy? Let me tell you that a MIDDLETOWN. OR Righ house of eight rooms The Robert Peebles came up from Clover- very disinterested person is amazed at your and store. Address MICHAEL JANSER, port with a tow of coal, railroad ties and SHERIFF has changed his plan of ad- hesitation. Are you truckling to a corrupt Hamilton, Ohio. paves.

of salt She started back night with a and. as a result. has collected THE $10,000 ENQUIRER, more Irish faction that at present has control of WILLIAN CRIDER, charged with disturbing On High near Pan-Handle last vertising this year. He tried tow for M. Paducah.

Holloway arrived this year than he did last. the bridge, and is stealing one-half of the re- the peace, was arrested yesterday afternoon Depot. brick house of seven rooms: large aptain C. and son at I ceipts? Mr. Dimmick openly expresses his THE of Francis Williams, charged lawn and cistern.

well and hydrant. AdPortiand, Oregon, yesterday, homeward WILLIAM FREEMAN was in the Police Court astonishment and disgust at your vascillating disturbing case the peace: continued in the dress DR. J. B. 800TT, Hamilton, Ohio.

bound from a trip to Alaska. yesterday on a very ugly charge. He was postponement of the question, so far as re- Mayer's Court yesterday until Thursday Small, well furnished house, for Captain Brown and taptain John Sinzie, caught trying to induce some little boys to gards your decision, when the law and the morning. or longer. Address Box 25, Hartwell-known Evansville steamboat owners, enter an alley to commit a nameless crime.

evidence clearly against the Collopy- well, Ohio. are Enzineer to-day. Owens has Miss LELA CHRISTIAN. Miss Alice Dodd and Irish, combination, Honi soit qui mal Amanda, died at noon will A Means cottage of three MARY. daughter of Richard Beach.

recent out in recovered charge from of Master Leslie Christian. of Fayette County. Dense' is an old and honorable motto, but if residence. at and rooms. Inquire at barbershop opposite schoolyesterday, his and went are visiting at the residence of Mrs.

J. W. hesitancy is born upon greed which I. o'clock this the house. illness, from half-past the Granite State's engines.

Mitchell and Mrs. E. P. Christian. 1004 Scott as one of your constituents, will be loth to tour afternoon.

The with a Buckeye tow of Boy empties. Biz William Sandy Bing yester- is street. lic believe -it will be decision hard to (should convince it be in the favor pub- a MRS. farmer BELLE living MULFORD. three miles wife of east Van Malford, MOW No.

192 Auburn house: day that of low to good tenant. Apply THE case of R. C. Taylor, for disorderly con- of the Collopy your is founded upon Sunday night. She on the premises.

her James Kelsoe is in the duct. was dismissed in the Police Court yes- gang) not was nine years of standing a watch bribery. you will say, is plain talk.but the luge. The funeral will de held from the M. P.

AUBURN House of 242 eight Auburn rooms: ave. all in pilot-house of the to Minnie, Louisville Bay for John Oy- terday. pension He Bridge was and riding a declined bicycle to on the dismount. Sus- circ*mstances demand outspoken language. Church in this city at three o'clock to-day.

complete repair. Call at ler. wito was called by the seri- that Mr. Dimmick bas a force of Ar ST. Near Mound, neat residence of ten ou- illness of son, and was arrested.

seven hundred employes, and it will be im- M. E. a Church congregational Sunday meeting held in the rooms, Inquire at Room 52. Pike's Building. Charles Harris has resigned his BILLY Loxe wants another deputy in the upon to antagonize him.

tory of resolutions commenda- DRICE HILL- A new house of seven rooms, on position on the Comet. County Clerk's oflice to kiss brides. He is especially by a decision so palpably unjust as Vance were adopted, and a request will be very easy terms. Apply at cor. Beech ave.

and the work performed by Rev. D. C. aptain Horace Horton arrived Lou- tired of kissing many. One of his assist- a verdict for the Collopy Irish Clan will be.

presented to Conference Evers st. ilie yesterday. His, boat, the Charlie Me- ants. White. is too bashful.

and. as Dimmick, of course. would not command the the asking that the Donald. passed up with empties. Greene Fenley is engaged to be married, he votes of his men, but he can persuade and ver- this minister be allowed to remain in charge of DRICE HILL Two-story Oak frame of Ave rooms.

56 on The A. Sherley will leave for, Wheel- considers it gainst the rules of etiqnette. bum sap, the vote may be significant for your field of labor. Third st. Liberty near ave.

Apply at ing and this evening in com- COMMITTEES from the various Democratic future career. Now, if you have any hesitamand of Reeves Captain Thomas Hunter. clubs are requested to meet at the Kentucky tian as to the right, there is one course open- HENRY VANCLEAVE stabbed and dangerously $15. Apply to W. H.

CLARK, Warsaw with Mr. DRTOE House of five rooms: tear Incline, clerk. a middle one, to be sure, but at least a com- wounded James Shoemake in pike. Charles Sandy as will leave for Pomeroy and Democratic Club this evening at eight a the The Big o'elock. for of promise which is to order new election in Scanion's saloon in Fairland, yesterday Cottage of four rooms.

on Grand all way points to-night. Captain William the the purpose completing ar- the Newport Council. This satisfy the evening. three square north of Glenway ave. A Kirker is her popular commander, and Mr.

The rangement brigade for officers will Carlisle also meet reception and parade. decide general public, though a decisive verdict in ply to ROBERT BELL Alex. Page her chief clerk. on a line of march. of the right, Dimmick.

Mullen SOUTH Nice brick of five The St. Lawrence leaves for Maysville at Co. will be much more in the cause of equity. HORSES VEHICLES. rooms, front and side porch, large yard.

one 11 Capuin Sam Hamilton on the roof. THE picnic given by the Carlisle Club last My dear Judge. have written in a friendly square from and D. Depot and four squares Kendall Morgan presides in the office. ight was 8 big affair.

Over one thousand spirit. I have no personal interest in For from rent $15 per month. Call at 2018. Minnie Bay will leave for Madison at 8 people present. and every thing passed matter, otherwise than I am averse, to the Sale.

Spring Grove ave. a m. daily from the foot of sycamore street. off pleasantly The ladies were all eager 10 rule ignorant, assuming Irish ring, and A. -PONIES -For all sale, sizes beautiful and Canadian and STORY brick house of eight rooms, with Captain Ed Maddy is in command.

dance with Mike O' Hars and Jimmie Thomp- meanwhile I am yours GEORGE Shetland ARNE ponies; FT. colors. Address bath: Kev at 21 Wiggins' Block, Fifth The Bonanza leaves for Maysville aud son, those terpsichorean kings. When it G. W.

Importer and Breeder. Pony and Vine from 0 to 19 o'clock. Portsmouth and all way landings at noon. inline. down and to captivates dancing all Mike the Hara ladies is right The name of Talbot is a fictitious one.

The SPRING house of nine rooms: $25. Key TALBOT," Stock Farm, Springtield, Ohio. 3031-5t Captain E. B. Moore is in command.

and by his letter, of course, had no ellect on Judge Men- A. For sale, two-norse at 114 W. Sixth st. Duval Young in charge of the office. graceful movements.

zies. and he decided what he thought form spring wagon, in good order. Call at 14 mEN-ROOM house, modern finish; will be to-night's Madison THE 13th of September will be Kentucky The decision of Judge Menzies ousted was Melancthon st. 195-tf cation. Call at 868 Freeman ave.

excellent 10- Fleetwood and Louisville packet. Captain John Bren- Day at the Cincinnati Ex position. Colonel Messrs. Dimmick Kohl. This is not the A.

sate, 200 new and secondnan her commander and Ed Barker her Bob Hemingras, who is one of the honorary only letter that has been. written on the carpenter, passenger. pleasure. bouse, Apply at 334 Vine st. chief City clerk.

of Vevay will be members appointed by the Governor, is try- question. City Attorney Hawking also, reoyster, baker, milk, huckster, butcher, laundry, to-night's. Madi- ing to work up a big crowd for that day. He ceived one, which was full of It was inti- grocery phaetons, and buggies, furniture wagons. all vehicles omnibus.

fully surreys, Wat IT House of six rooms. near The con packet, Jeaving at 5:30 Captain will try and have the Public Schools to close. mated in the letter received by Mr. Hawkins ranted; a full line of vebleles of all kinds and mod- Kenton-st. bridge; rent $12.

Inquire at 55 John Hamilton goes out on the roof, and and several manufacturers have agreed to that if he would prostitute his oftice to help ern styles: will trade or sell on payments, at 25 Kibby st. John Long bas charge of the office. close. Governor Buckner and his staff will along the cause of Dimmick Kohl, that the Eighth st. se2-7t WALNUT HILLS House of elcht rooms: all The Memphis and Ohio River Packet Com- be present on that day.

and a pine line to dis- influence of Mr. Dimmick would be used to lot 80x150 feet. Call Tany is ottering unusual inducements for tribute Kentucky whisky will be built. the This A. For sale, horse, buggy and har- on or J.

A. THOMSON, Adams make him next Mayor of ness, cheap. Race Room office. Express parties to make excursions, either the full LoNG is about the substance of the letter. Judge good city make; nearly new; Inquire at 146 Twelfth st.

Bay mare and set of harness. Call at 298 Elm second floor. CART -Two-wheel trotting cart; $7. Inquire 480 Central ave. New 50-busbel, cheap, at 44 Elm street.

WAGON- Cheap. Call at 63 E. Fifth street. and No. worker: also, side-bar and harness.

Call at 184 E. Pearl st. 17 bands high, gentle: also, Surof harness, separate or together; cheap. Call at 129 Niath st. HORN for and price, harness, Address horse Room 6, Wiggins Block.

HORSE Address work WORK borse: HORSE, good fer Enquirer any office. HORSE At 505 W. Eighta st. HOES Company, Covington. cheap.

Call at Champion HORSE price reasonable, work Call horse, on good J. for KIPP, any 263 Findlay st. ARE good, trotter. in Call first-class at D. e.

cor. condition: Laurel a and Baymiller sts. streets. cheap. Apply at Sixth and Smith years old.

Call at 742 Vine st. pHAETON- Good as new, for 835, at 185 Elm st. 'TOP Court BUGGY- And phaeton; cheap. Call at 910 WAGON- With top, at 153 Court. One-borse top delivery -wagon, 125, at 6.

Auburn st. TAGON- One-horse platform furniture; cheap. Call at 138 John st. AGON- chean. Call at 14 Elder st.

suitable for grocery: platform spring furniture, in first-class order and very cheap. Call at 114 W. Fifth st. Wanted. BEGS cheap.

Call at 32 must Second be good condition D''AM, Good, second-hand. Adaress Box oughly broke and nut over 5 gears of age. Call Bay oF black, for buggy; must be thorat Ninth Anchor st. Buggy Company's, Freeman ave, and SANS- Thirty two horse teams, at 527 State ave. 472 FOR RENT AND BOOMS- -For rent.

suitable for manufacturing: well lighted use of elevator. Reid's Bullding. brick, to the canal. Address DOMINICK, Avondale, ROOM Well located. Address W.

LOVITT, Anderson, Ind. 162 W. Fifth st. and $10, at 170 Race st. FLOORS Three Apply at 49 Main st.

DINE 24-story house. suitable for any business purpose, cor. Center and Lafayette Belle rue. Ky. And daily market, at 164 E.

Eighth street. OCATION- For general blacksmithing. dress H. M. HOW Atton, Ohio.

cheap. FFICES Apply to W. J. Fourth COLLINS, 5 V. good Fourth elevator: st.

O' cor. Sixth and floor Elm in sta. Y. M. C.

Inquire A. at Y. M. C. A.

office. club tr Address Enquirer of room, suitable for small office. of M. KELLY, Warsaw pike, near Ross Price Bill. HOP- Two-story brick, at 528 John st.

FOR RENT-STORES. CORNER store, with and one room rent, Call at s. e. cor. Crawfish also, -and dat of Tour rooms.

Columbia East End. STORE and room, at 125 Abigail at. Inquire at and rooms, at 250 Lion at. Apply at the corner. STORE and five rooms.

at n. Freeman ave. and Gest st. Key at basket store. TORE and rooms, at D.

cor. Hunt and Pendleton sta, suitable for saddler: Call at 112 Hant st. TORE Auburn and rooms, Mount at 105 Auburn. Sycamore st. Chit at 14 offices and rooms, at 310 Main st.

Call 297 Main at. STORES, suitable for any. kind of business, at E. hecond and Broadway. Call Broadway.

STORE, with oven and dwelling at 121 Hopkins yard, stable and wagon-sted. Apply at 110 Richmond STORE, aLSo Sim cheap rent. TORE and room, at n. a. Broadway and Abigail best location in the city, Inquire 2 cigar store, st.

W. upstairs. in part of city, cheap. at 162 W. Fifth in second a four.

location. Inquire ROOMS FOR RENT, ROOMS FOR RENT. ROOMS FOR RENT. BOARDING. on third cevery complete Enquirer for light side and back entrances.

stents: A. furnished rooms, with excellent TICEEY furnished fat of three or four room's 96 LONG four fur- 292 rooms for -No. F. Pourth At. keeping.

Address RANGE, office EIGHTH boarders wanted. TICELY furnished second- front desired. coom: 96 MEN TE ST. large 292 MA room for front room entrance, bath. board, if W.

EIGHTH Large furnished and good splendid ROOM, Enquirer 97 200 a clean, for 294 fatuished rooms, on first tion. rooms on fences, for two gentlemen or of Pike, Two furnished 294 COURT Neatly furnished front room terms; references exchanged. EN. COR. GEORGE AND MOUND ST 97 rooms.

water and I for gents; also, two back rooms on cond Enquirer office. nished corner 98 453T One room on first floor. 295 ST. Furnished room for on door and E. COR SEVENTH AND BROADWAY floor: Four housekeeping, and one room foe tiro gen- reference required.

in kitchen. connecting front roots on second water 98 FATHER on second Boor; also tlemen. No. 612 Scott desirable rooms nished AND front RACE on second floor, for gentle 98 roum, with board first bouse west of Large, nicely fur- for 296 W. COURT ST.

One furnished root. men; hall, gas and bath. Apply at dental office. and all 300 V. FOURTH ST.

room, to gent. a large front, room ad a small rooms for man and board. QUIT private of rooms. residence, on second con door West of Sne Fourth stone near 99 19 8 3011 CENTRAL AVE nicely furnished front Grand Hotel, Address B. Esplanade Building.

99 for en or furnished front room room, with E. COR. TWELFTH AND witn WALNUT bath. 302 for light housekeeping or front gents. and rear Box 25, Board Norwood, for Ohio, ladies or gents.

S. Large front room, 99 MARTINET TWO rooms. Inquire NINTH AND JOHN -Fur- 302 two WALNUT ST. root for one or good board. 100 Front nice rooms S.

nished tront room; will rent reasonable to 99 HOPKINS ST. room for two gents. good party. 308 RACE Furnished rooms for light RT No. 16 Columbia boand and ronea COX.

NINTH AND VINE 104 for for gentlemen. gantly furnished front rooms, with 309 W. COURT room. NICELY furnished front rooms, Atted op in de. rooms and one an- ass for gents only.

Inquire at 13 untarnished rooms for housekeeping. Ad- 104 Three CESTRAL rooms for E. Fourth Room dress 0 G. Enquirer office. front and par- 310 and $1 95 per 195 furnished ED front room, with gas and 105 POPE Ep or board: EIGHTH Furnished room on ond-story front room, with or Address CAINE.

Enquirer office. terms moderate. 311 N. EIGHTH AND VINE OH at -Furnistied sleeping st. room, 105 on second door 312 AYE large rooms to good N.

WA LINN front AND rooms. WADE Flat of with use HILLS- No. 953 Park ave. unfur- bail 105 SHINDON ST. unfurnished rooms on 313 MA.

NUT ST. rooms on second rooms, bath and front room, in a private family; No. 45 Crown unfurnished entrance: reference. front room for two EIGHTH room for rooms: excellent board; facing Eden 106 or and wife: suitable for light 314 gents, In a private family also furnished room for two gents: reference refurnished fats for light house- housekeeping terms reasonable. quired.

keeping. 5041 ST. Two nice rooms. 320 MAIN ST. Call at 107 W.

st. 26 Faraished second story front 11 Oak three fur- 106 room with board. rooms for man and wife or gents. 106 MARTIN ST. rooms, a month.

324 people. ST. Furnished rooms to colored 44 PIN UP two Furnished front room for TEST WALNUT HILLS TWO FOOTS, 1116 ELM Two gents, with good board, bath. Gilbert ave. RUE room, furnished for 325 furnished rooms 47 MAN ST.

Furnished room for gent, HILLS- and unfurnished 110 per week. W. COURT ST. Furnished front and back board. rooms at 6 Morris st.

5 FINTE Furnished front room. 330 with 5 49 Home Furnished GENESEE ST. Furaished room to man and 112 rooms, light and bath 45 per month. room for and wife or two gents, wife or two gentlemen; cheap; hallentrance, 1 rooms on first 332 NINTH room in a pri: with board. BUTCHER ALLEY- TwO large rooms, with 118 second doors.

arminbed reasonable. 51 tarn hed front and and water. room for house- 333 DACE Furnished front and back, bath: also, day board. of best board -and good rooms for a good family. 337 JOHN Furnished or unfurnished front 53 HOW Nicely furnished DANDRIDGE ST.

Two unfurnished light 119 per GEORGE Flat 4, furnished or unfurnished 1191 EP NY per week. reference. Ir desired. room for house- side board, rooms. 123 front room for 338 56 ST front and VINE ST.

Furnished rooms. BARB ST. Three unfurnished rooms in sec- gentlemen or man wife: bath and ball COURT ST. Large story back fur- parties; rooms, hall with board and bath, for permanent ond-story flat. entrance.

339 room. 11 ARCH floors, Two with or furnished without rooms board. on first and 126 room for light week. room $3 per 84. 84.

Furnished second modern second 341 W. EIGHTH ST. 11 front HARRISON rooms on ST. second Two door, elegantly with or furnished without 129 small back ST. p*rnished front room and one W.

FIFTIL Rooms. 92 warm bath; terms Furnished reusonable. with board. front and 343 ST.ST.- Two or four rooms on 1294 TIL 94 MA board. rooms, ST.

Furnished with 14 second floor: also, two rooms on first door, W. NINTH furnished room. 344 light FIFTH Flat 12, three rooms for 96 W. SEVENTH ST. Pleasant accommodawith water.

front room for 130 for gentlemen; reference MAIN housekeeping, furnished ment tions, boarders: with also home comforts for few perma 15 COLLEGE ST. Furnished 131 GARFIELD PLACE Nicely furnished 3-18 and at reasonable rates. SEVENTH nay -board. A few gentlemen and Single furnished room for HOT To Nicely second- 349 room JOHN to ST. gents.

second-story board 101 and rooms; can be bath, accommodated terms with reasonable. 16 THE cheap. 131 a for light house18 CARLISLE per week; also, Small single furnished rooms hall for room gen- keeping. Unfurnisned 349 in a private family. Furnished front room for 105 MA board: lowest Furnished rates, front room tlemen, from up.

131 at side rooms 353 CENTRAL room 5T. -Hoard and W. ST. Large front corner room, heasekeeping. 122.

JOHN front 18 and cleanly kept, cheap to 133 H50 Three large unfurnished 353 CLARK ST. -p*rnisned back room for Room and board in a private good party. light housekeeping: 12 per week. 122 NO a ST Furnished front room on 134 third floor. ST Furnished front room on RACE Furnished rooms.

front 20 second BOTH 353 ST. 126 second floor, with room 20 Fu FT. Furnished, rooms. with or 134 also, front room room at fur- 50 3531 CENTRAL good board. week.

rooms for light housekeeping. front and 132 GARFIELD PLACE $750 per per 21 reference. NINTH ST. Unfurnished double parlor; 135 handsomely 354 rooms RACK for gents. Nicely furnished second-story 145 SMITH ST.

Boarders wanted, 21 floor: KINDEL hall AVE entrance; Three rooms: newly water papered on same and 135 CLINTON Three rooms on all second floor 355 room and SEVENTH different ST. choice Secund-story back rounis, front all' 150 ADO Rents, with Room board. for man and wife or painted. Improvements: to a room: family water, of gas adults; reference. modern furnished.

and 22 NO THE children. Two rooms for colored peo- 135 CARLISLE M. Furnished rooms. 356 RICH suite, ST Furnished rooms, single 160 front room, A with first class board, second-story if desired. 22 Sit out ST.

Eurnished room, with 136 ST. Furnished front room. 327 W. NINTH Inquire ST. at Neat W.

Ninth residence st. of ten 161 PORES, Handsomely furnished 24 Furnished dat of four and 365 W. FIFTH ST. Two rooms. with board.

rooms on first floor; gas aud bath. 137 unfurnished 172 rooms, with board: rooms; reference required. 24 rooms HATHAWAY for and ST. One or two unfurnished 138 FRONT large rooms on second 376. Win bath, SEVENTH permanent ST.

or Furnished rooms. 184 front with door: cheap. Inquire at 20 Plum st. convenient to EIGHTH Hr Furnished rooms, for gents ELM ST. Two fine rooms.

Call at 381. six lines of 25 only, in family, 139 8 PA unfurnished rooms: 377 199 CO ST. Boarders wanted front gas; reference re: 26 POON, NAN board. Furnished room, second quired. 378 room ELM for ST.

gents. Furnished second-story front 202 COURT ST. Board for ladles and gents Two Call before 8 26 F. front room rent reasonable. Furnished second-story 141 MA 378 W.

FOURTH ST. Farnished room: cheap. 208 Rice ST. Room end board for Indy: 27 private JACKSON house. ST.

Nicely furnished room in gents; 143 or hot front and cold rooms bi for light. 50 to $3.50 bousekeeping per week, or 383 MEN ST. Furnished rooms Apply for at hall sleeping en- 253 W. SEVENTH Room and board. Nicely furnished flats Furnished front room.

Call Wednesday. trance. 27 144 POPLAR ST. Three large rooms on second 383 CENTRAL AVE. room for 275 ST.

-Second-story front room, ONE front room for man floor. housekeeping. with board. 144 CUTTER ST. -Furnished room for gent.

383 SEVENTH Furnished room for 316 WALNUT Furnished with good 27 MA a 271 W. THIRD ST. Rooms for housekeeping. ST. furnished RACE 81 per week.

Furnished room on second 317 WALNUT ST. and board. rooms for light house- front and side rooms. door for one or two gents; $1 25 per week; in 147 388 150 of three rooms each. private 327 WALNUT OT rooms and board: 28 KERRY family.

MOUND ST. Flat of two nice rooms, with 396 VINE ST. Flat of six rooms. large hall between, for housekeeping. 150 CENTRAL AVE.

Furnished FOURTH 332 RACE ST. -Furnished room, with board. 29 CLINTON Furnished rooms, with or 401 room on second floor for Neatly gents. furnished VINE with 154 332 room board. 29 ST.

Furnished room for one without board. 403 PLUM ST. Two rooms. or two gents. 157 door.

TON Furnished room on seconds W. FOURTH ST. -Rear 333 ST. Unfurnished front room, 29 29 W. Furnished front rooms 413 part of tive rooms; on first and doors.

159 Fists, furnished aud untur- untarnished 355 SU7 TE front room for second good side entrance. 30 PERRY ST. TWO rooms on second floor. rooms. large unfurnished 414! W.

rooms. FIFTH Furnished or references. board, at 43 per week; 30 PERRY ST. TWO rooms. family.

417 W. SIXTH ST. Second floor front 357 EIGHTH ST. Furnished front con163 CHARLOTTE 163 AD rent rooms and reason- bath, furnished; de. also, single room together for or 55 per separate.

month; niceli, bal bath and gas. rooms on second door, with board: 31 RACE Si A second loor, with able to a family of adults. 357 LONE, ST front rooms with TWO on door, Apply 165 Two rooms, furnished or un- 422 vate NINTH family references exchanged, rooms in a pri- references. bath; ST. Furnished 34 190 New st.

furnished, third flat. W. NINTH ST. Furnished rooms. 434 W.

COURT ST. TWO 426 JOHN ST. -Board by the day or meal. 36 8 man and ST. wife Nicely or two gents: furnished also, front nice parlor front 166 room, furnished or unfurnished, for light house- 167 room, with 4344 W.

for FIFTH furnished room 570 W. EIGHTH with board. keeping. or without board. light housekeeping; Two rent low.

parties to make excursions, either the full length of the line or only a short distance. This is the most pleasant time of the year for river travel. The boats of the line are all mely appointed and in charge of clever and accommodating officers. The Ohio is the test boat out. leaving Wednesday.

Captain John S. Jones is in command, and Robert is in charge of the ottice. aptain 0. P. Shinkle announces the elegant steamer Golden Rule to leave for New orleans Thursday.

Frauk Bondurant has charge of the ottice. Captain C. H. Leavitt, of the General Dawes, minch bout has the John F. Stowe Circus on board.

came down in advance of her yesterday to make arrangements for stores and coal William Rahm, the noted Lower Ohio River corn shipper. was a visitor on 'Change yesterday, Letters for the following are at Mauck PA: C. Bainum. W. B.

Hawkins. Suter, J. Havens, Floyd Hackney. Jke Lineberger. Letters for the following are at the Consolidated.

Boat Johnny Walker, Wilson Hart, Edward Jacobi. J. N. Joliey, Miller, John Reed, George P. Payne, Al Jarel.

Frank' Scharen, James Kelly, Wm. Moore. Bacher. Captain Royal C. Hart, A.

J. Len. Cuptain D. Morgan, Chas, Oliver. Faturday George at his a father's residence in engineer, Felicity.

died Wile, well known funeral occurred yesterday afternoon, The Lancaster took relatives and friends to The Moscow. where the remains, were interred. Marine Engineers' Association took the following action yesterdas morning: At CINCINNATI, OHIO, September 2, 1888. a called meting of this date the following resolutions were unanimously passed and a copy ordered sent to the family of our deceased brother, George Wile: recognize in the removal of our brother. George Wile.

That this association, loses a valued member. the profession an able and skilled craftsman and society one that can not be spared without a great loss. We condole with his widow and family. and offer them our heurtfelt sympathy in bow tins their the will great bereavement, but, humbly to of 'who does all things our Grand Master and Chief Engineer of the H. MEREDITH, J.


Stationary at Warren. WARREN, grater September River stationary low mark. Weather clear and warm. Rising at Head- Waters. PITTSBURG, September Weather pleasant.

Monongabela marks, 6 feet 4 Inches: Morgantown, 7 teet 3 inches and falling. Greensboro, 16 and falling. Rice's Landing, 9 feet 6 inches and Lock Brownsville, 10 leet, and falling. No, 4, 12 inches teet 3 inches falling, Ou Arrived: City, 4 and stationary. Elizabeth, and several towboats.

Departed: Elizabeth, W. N. Chancellor, James G. Biaine, C. W.

Batchelor. The Katie the night. Colonel Merrill and Majors Brockdale was late arriving and will leave during and until McKenzie Wednesday will be at the Monongabela stickuey House to meet the men and diseuss the question o. contiaulag the movable da ns. Captain John A.

Wood and son sent the Nellie Speer to Cincinnati with one box boat and live barges coal, containing 71,000 bustets. Rising at Wheeling. WHEELING, W. September 3. River 8 feet 6 Inches and rising.

The passed down at m. The Andes arrived at 5 m. The Chancelor passed down at 11 a.m. Weather clear and aril. Stationary at Marietta.

MARIETTA, OHIO, September 3. -River 5 feet and stationary. beellug, 6 Andes, 3 Courier, W. ashion. Devol and Elaine due to-nighte: for Cinctouati, Weather g.

m. Chancellor due clear and warm, Rising at Point Pleasant. POINT 7 PLEASANT. W. September -River 8 feet inches and rising.

Goou rain last night and I re Fashion, part of das Up: Telegraph. 6 the Big Sandy, 6:30 a m. The Louis Iron cl*t and Sherley, 4 the Samson cane out with coal. The John D. left for the mines at aiter 3 m.

empties, The Mount Clare Lewis out light p. Stationary at Huntington. for W. Cincinnati at September River The feet Big m. Inches and stationary.

Clear and cool. Kanawha Stationary, CHARLESTON, W. VA. September 3 Kanawha cloudy and warm. Ids Budd, below Iron Lock 6.

and Weather Little stationary empties. dropping out coal. Nail City up with Stationary at Ironton. Outso, September 3. -Partly cloudy and 4 leet pleasant: 6 inches more and rain during the night.

River about Fashion, 1 a. m. Down: stationary. Louls A. Locals on Sherles.

time. Up: Big Sandy, 6 p. Big Sandy Falling Rapidly, River has CATLETTSBURG: fallen 2 inches September day, with The 10 Ohio tuches in the channel. to-nigut. to- Business is teet.

dull. 8 5t Lowd: p.m., Louis both A. for Sherley, at it Big Sandy, The Preston Big cut for falling fast. The Frank Clucinnati. Locals on Pikeville this Tue Ingotimber took are a tow of discouraging, barges our to to Finine.

Prospects "for water. Weather clear and cool, in the fast-receding Stationary nt Portsmouth- Showery showery. PoRtsMouTH, River 19 September 3. Cloudy and Down: the Louts A. feet Shetley, inches p.

and m. stationary. Lower Ohio and Evansville Affaire. failing, EVANSVILLE. with (18: feet on Heptember the 3.

gauge. The river Weather local clear warm. Business The Now time, fair arrived, The and Wm. departed on with regular A packets of empties, passed up this morning. The De MARRIAGE LICENSE CLERK LoNG had a boom in his line yesterday, and issued ten licenses.

follows: J. R. Criswell and Kittie Shults. A. and Kate Brinker.

Vaensuete and Sallie Foster, W. Marquis and Lona Marquis, August Murr and Lottie Starch. Uriah J. Selles and Anna, Lumsford. Perry Clark and Anna Adams.

Lewis Hall and Katie Mansing. Ed Hanarir and Carrie Alboum, William Rampe and Mary: Bruggeman. Swell Affair. One of the most pleasant social events of the past week took place ut residence of Mr. Steve Mullins.

on West Fifth street. The occasion, was the anniversary of Mr. Mullins, day, he celebrating his fortyfirst. and to say it was a success would be drawing it in very mild terms. Mr.

Mullins was the recipient of many appropriate presents. the principal one needing particular mention. was one of the most magniticent cigar- holders ever presented to a smoker in city Covington, and needs to be seen to have its worth appreciated. The pen of the writer can not begin, to describe its beauty. Just simply ask Steve to let you see Among the many.

present were the Misses Lillie Snider. Lucy Rollo, G. Geer, Newport; Mamie Casey, Eulah Mann. Lillie Wood, Emma Wood. Bay MoKinley, Addia McKinley and Fannie Mulcity; Miss also, E.

Mra. E. Kendall. of Covington, and Holmes, of Visalia. Ky.

The gentlemen were Me srs. Geo Potts. and Lew Potts, of Newport; Albert Cherrington, Tim G. W. Spann, Lonnie Woodall.

John Buchman. Harry House. Beni. McKinley, Reed. Robert Mullins.

George Mullins, Mr. and Mrs. Mullins. and Mrs. James.

Cook. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Pearce and a host of others.

whose names we were unable to obtain. After tripping the light fantastic until 12 p. m. the guests were invited to one of the most elegant repasts that. a host ever requested his guests to partake of, after which all adjourned to the parlors and renewed the exercise which gives life to both soul and body until early dawn, when all turned their faces homeward, wearied with the but pleased with their night's entertainment.

Bridge Board. The Directors of the Newport and Covington Bridge held their regular inouthly meetyesterday. The Secretary presented his report, showing receipts to the amount of $1.911 85: batance on hand. $4.059 50, disbursem*nts. $4,311 57: balance on hand, $1.656 28.

The fare on cars was increased to one cent a passenger. to take effect October Ist. The bill Charles J. Helm for $200, for legal services rendered in the tight for Bridge Directors, was presented. Expert Williams.

who had the contract to examine the books of the Bridge Board from 1876 to 1888, filed his report. He says that he compared the books of the collectors and Secretary and found that they corresponded exactly. There was a clerical error of $3 79. but, this would happen with the best of book-keepers. He also reported that Messrs.

W. Livezay and Adam Wagner have paid to the Bridge Company $15,045 68 in tolls in twelve years, the exact amount being obtained in the rebate on tickets purchased by them, The original contract for the bridge was $71.400. but the sum of 8.337 56 was expended on the floors to strengthen them sufficiently to hoid the water-mains for the proposed new Water The total amount paid our for the construction of bridge was $79.737.56. In concluding his report. Mr.

Williams sass that the method adopted by the Bridge Board in keeping its accounts of toll receipts is an excellent one. the checks being well arranged for securing accuracy. He says the books are well arranged and well Mr. kept, and he could suggest no improvement. Mackoy says that the cost of ing $1,000.

the When bridge for the water pipes did not exceed it plan for the bridge was adopted was found that some parts of the iron-work public were travel, and entirelytoo that thin for the safety of the cost was in this change. Murder and Suicide Prevented. Officer William McGraw arrested George Steiner. of welfth street. last night, which in all probability prevented a murder and suicide.

It seems that Steiner Mr. Henry Schmidt, the at Stevens and Trevor streets a grocery bill for about $4. Last night Mr. Schmidt asked him for the money, and when he did not pay it he save Steiner a piece of his mind. This preyed on Steiner a mind, and he went down town and bought a revolver, and came back to Schmidt's place tried to shoot him.

A little son of Mr. schmidt went to the house of Mfr. and when Steiner saw that a policeman had been sent for he The officer went after him and caught on Thirteenth street and took the pistol away from. him and put him under arrest. On Steiner the told way to the Jail, otticer in the he patrol-wagon.

that to kill Schmidt and kill himself. At the station-house he repeated his threat of killins himself. The loads were taken out of his pistol in the rear room. and Lieutenant Bolan came in where, Steiner was and told him it he wanted kill mmselt he would give him 4 pistol. He said that he kill himself, I and the empty pistol was handed to him.

He immediutels placed it to his need and pulled trigger, and, was disappointed because it did not explode. A charge of concealed weapons. threatening personal violence and disorderly conduct was placed against him. Several Accidents. There were two accidents on the Bridge.

vesterdar. F.l living at Second and Jolinsten streets. tell from the bridge a distance of about twenty-five feet I and was badis mashed about the head and chest. Pete Curley, another while assisting in moving the wreck bad one of his caucht in a rope badly lacerated. Bridge Surgeon Wise attended to buth cases.

Bud King was run over by a flat on the Kentucky Centrals Railroud yesterday and Menzies is, of course, justly indignant lew about the matter, and will make a remarks from the bench about it to-morrow. Mr. Dimmick, bitterly denies knowing any thing about the origin of the letter, and denounces the author In very forcible language. friend He of says Judge that he Menzies has and always been a has seen nothing in his course as a Judge or citizen to change his opinion. He says that Judge Menzies knew the in the case, and he didn't, and felt satisfied that the case was decided according to law as viewed Judge Menzies.

He found no fault with the decision, and if he had he would have appealed the case. He does not know such a man as G. W. Talbot. No matter wrote the letter it did not have the desired effect.

So far as the letter refers to Mr. Collopy is concerned it is a base and infamous slander. There is not a more decent, honest or upright man living than Johnnie Collopy. Chancers Court. Judge Menzies convened the Chancery Court yesterday.

In the case of Chas. Heidrich and others against Albert Silva, a judgment was rendered dismissing the petition of Heidrich Co. This virtually sustains the assignment of Silva, as the Chancelior nolds that the transfers made by Silva on the day of assignment were only preferences. J. Wiederboldt vs.

Elizabeth Brondman: referred to Master. David Armstrong. Receiver. vs. C.

J. Helm: rejoinder refused and submission set aside. Adam Wagner, Assignee, vs. Swift's Iron and Steel Works; order of reference to the Master. Solomon Phillips vs.

Keller Jacobyn: C. Eliman directed to pay into Court $129. A. S. Dameron vs.

Kate Cummins: dismissed. First National Bank vs. Runk: dismissed. Queen City Steam and Forge Company vs. Bolus: dismissed.

The adopted children of the late Billy Ringo won another fight yesterday by the dismissal of the several suits of John Tinker and others against the executors of the will and guardian of the children. This was a suit to set aside the adoption of the children by Mr. Ringo, but the Court was of the opinion that under the Constitution of the United states a man in this country had the exclusive right of adopting and disposing of his own property as he pleased. Fraud Jailed. Bill Hamilton was bound over to the Criminal Court Festerday on the charge of obtaining money under false pretense.

Before his trial, however, he will have to answer to several charges. He obtained goods from the Newport Printing Works under false pretense. He collected money to help defray expenses of raising the Second Ward Democratic pole. which he failed to turn over. He also obtained a lot of paints from Mr.

Feth. Joe He Feth forged on an an order on from Mr. loseph hatter, and obtained a bill of goods. He was left considerable money by, the death of his mother not long since, and he squandered it all for whisky. He has wife and child in Chicago.

yet he tried to marry young lady by the name of Miss Dettus, who is employed as a domestic at the residence of Harton, in this city. He was engaged to marry her, and the day was set. The young lady received a note that he was married, and then the engagement was broken off He. however, managed to steal a watch and ring from her. and yesterday another, charge of grand larceny was placed him.

Altogether his chances for going to the Pen are exceedingly bright. LAWRENCEBURG. COUNCILMAN JIM SKELTON was married Sunday evening by Rev. Dolph. to Miss Sallie Hunt, and the genial Captain has not been seen by any of his friends since.

COMMISSIONER COURT was kept busy yesterday attending to liquor license business. Today will be allowance day, and bills are expected to fall as fast as leaves in autumn. ENOS BARRETT attempted to orate at the Harrison and Morton rooms Saturday, and the result of his ranting efforts is four Republican converts to the cause of Democrey. Enos is not so much in demand by his party as he was. CIRCUIT CouRT is being occupied this week with probate business, and next week the criminal docket will be through with.

Seven divorce suits are now pending, and matrimoniai unhappiness appears to prevail to an alarming extent. Dex SUNDAY evening, while the family of Philip slipped in the parlor eating and supper. stole a a large sneak album were from the room. as the book contained the only portraits of deceased relatives, the 1amily is much troubled over the loss. THE juvenile brass band here is winning many laurels.

Being composed of boys from ten to fourteen years of age, the excellence with which the young fellows play on their praise, instruments and the citizens commands are for very them universal proud boys. COLONEL YERS. Democratic candidate for Lieutenant-Governor, and one of the ablest workers in the State, will address the Democracy at Aurora Phursdas evening. All the Democratic going from Clubs here from this township will at by special train over the Big Four Road. 8500, or a Cure, For many vears the of Dr.

Sage's Catarrh Remedy, who are thorouehly responsible financisily, as any one can easily ascertain by inquiry. have offered, through nearly evory in the land. a stand ins reward of $500 for sense of chronic no matter low bad ur of bow Inn standing, which thes not cure. Remedy is mild, soothing. cleansing, anti50 septic cents.

and healing. Sold by all at House, at 547 Beech delocation: pleasant yard: rent $25 per month. Inquire at 151 Park ave. WALNUT cheap; HILLS faces Lake Eden Park: house of Apply eleven at Room 6, 227 Main st. EST south of Glenmore On Cruikshank Station.

road, house of one seven mile rooms and hall: barn, orchard and acres of land. Inquire of M. H. P. HAGANS, 75 W.

Fourth city. WARN cable HILLS- No. 1 Apply Morris at Room 6, dwelling, 227 Main on street. EST WALNUT NO. 14 Crown house rooms: pleasant neighborhood: convenient to cars: rent 80.

Inquire at 7 May st. WANT HILLS- McMillan from Septemthree-story brick house, including store, out-houses, stable, de. Apply to THOS. L. GAUSSEN, Forest Avondale.

OF railroad. Inquire of at five hotel, rooms, convenient to BAUM ST. -House of eight rooms, water and 4 gas, in whole or part. Inquire at 249 E. Third street.

ARCH of nine rooms and bathroom. 19 House of eight rooms. with $30 per month, in advance; reference required. Keys at 85 W. Ninth st.

20 219 Mound ST. st. Cottage of four rooms. ROAD- House of ten rooms 28 large yard. Key next door.

354 SHE house of six AVE. rooms, bath and Two-and-a-half-story two Ished attics: rent 820. Inquire at 130 Broadway. 48 CO New house of seven large and attic; front. side and rear yards: for one or two familles.

53 PACE and back house yards. of six Apply at rooms. I. Masenie Temple. 135 NINTH ST.

Dwelling of nine rooms, 149 class order: ST. rent euse of reasonable six to rooms. good in party with reference. Apply to J. B.

FLACK. M. Court and Baymiller ats. 151 RATE. Apply at 01 briek Barr of st, six rooms, 162 FREEMAN House of eight rooms.

of twelve rooms: 169 modern Improvements. Inquire at 165 Broadway. 179 A ST. House of nine rooms. Wednesday, from 11 A.

M. to 1 P. M. 237 and cold ST. water; House large of yard.

eight Inquire rooms: at hot 225 Laurel st. 247 kitchen. Call on House LOUIS of nine REEMELIN, rooms 19 W. Third st. 252 10 W.

Seventh House st. of six rooms. Keys at 286 859 next ST. door. Eight rooms: cistern, 320 ten rooms, ST.

bath, attic Three-story and brick cellar: house large of yard. Apply at Walnut st. 42 ST. House of six rooms with al 3361 improvements, cheap, Inquire al 852 W. Sixth st.

386 cor. Fifth House and of nine Smith. rooms. 386 9 ST. st.

House of ten rooms. Apply 294 101 House of seven rooms, bath, 334 VINE ST. House of ten rooms. 414 rooms: low rent. Two story, brick, eight 499 HA next PIKE door.

-House Inquire of of Ave BODE SPIEGEL, Court and Walnut sta. 650 side and New rear five-room yards: price house, $2,000. with Apply at 652 State ave. ROOMS FOR RENT. A.

ROOMS handsomely -For rent. furnished for Main permanent Aristo or House: transtent guests. Appry at hall entrance. A. either single of seven, double, rooms for and rent.

Inquire DatO-room, at Heuck's Opera House. Furnished room on second at 50 Madison st. Tive furnished sleeping for gents, at E. Tenth st. FORRY VILLE- Nicely front room, to Madison st.

No. 1 E. Third star furnished front room TON 108 E. Eighth rOOmE second floor. Furnished room at 814 Scott st.

front room for man and wife or cars pass the door. at 9 E. Fourth st. DIM WOOD excellent missed tot private fem11y. Address Elm wood Place.

PLAT of unfurnished room Address G. quirer front room. door live minwall from Address THOMAS. Enquirer roomas on second door front and FRONT. Enquirer FOUNT A BURN Nicely furnished front room, all convenience in a private family, near Martin's cable.

Apply at 17 st. NEWPORT- No. Madison from AT EW PORT. with or without board, at Monmouth NICELY room for cent: central a private family si per week. Address M.

care Letter carrier No. 2 NICELY furnished for gents In private Address Sagulter front and beck rooms, In family, to one or two B. 36 STONE ST. Furnished rooms at f1 per week. 37 back, with cellar, for ST.

$8. TWO rooms, front and 37 W. tlemen; THE bath. ST. Furnished room for genAY ST.

Flat of three unfurnished 39 rooms, with water, to a respectable colored family LAWRENCE ST Furnished front room for 40 42 gents, with TEN ST. without Furnished board. front room for 42 NEW Furnisbed front room. 43 M. SEVENTH Furnished rooms for 44 5 SEVENTH ST.

One FOOM. 44 one SEVENTE ST. -Furnished rooms for 44 ST. Furnished room for light housekeeping. 45 also, room with ST.

two beds. lurnished front room 45 Apply Furnished room for gents. 46 one SENT front room for 46 PM Unfurnished rooms and 47 on first LAUREL floor, for Neatly strangers. furnished front room. 48 or without Two board, in nicely a private furnished family.

rooms. with 50 RUE, an room rooms on third second door. door; 52 for one SEVENTH very ST. cheap. Furnished sleeping room 52 10 at e.

cor. Three Betts large and rooms Lina ste. cheap. In53 HAT housekeeping, with all Furnished convepiences. rooms for 54 5.

SIXTH ST. -Furnished rooms: $1 a week. 55 also PIKE Flat rooms. of four unfurnished rooms; 56 ST. Furnished room, to two gents; 56 EVERETT ST.

Front rooms, furnished. 57 E. ST of four rooms. Callet 57 venience, RT. Inquire at 354 Freeman flat: ave.

every con57 or CARLISLE without board. Furnished rooms. with 58 CLAY ST. Large furnished room. 59 SEVENTH ST.

Furnished rooms 60 two rooms on ST. second rooms Boor. on Inquire first on floor, third and foor. 61 Men rooms; tran64 Hour FIFTH ST. Furnished room for light 654 ST.

also of one two, nice three furnished five room: all on second floor. 66 one HOPKINS ST. story front room for 67 THIRD board. aT Furnished rooms, with or 67 private family, for gents; Furnished reference. room, in 67 MAIN ST.

Two furnished rooms for house67 FULTON AVE Three roots. 70 ored rooms, second door, to col71 third SIXTH gents. Furnished front room on 71 CUES do pile Furnished rooms for gents, 71 W. SEVENTH with ST. or without Furnished board.

room for one 73 room attached, ET on One second large door, room, furnished, with ball for gentleman and wife or two gentlemen. 74 on second 764 W. bath. EIGHTH -Furnished rooms; gas and 78 bath. ST.

Two furnished rooms: gas and 78 for Fourth a lady door, with PInt 15, i baby sleepno other children about the place. 79 bath and gas; private Furnished family. frout 81 POEMEN PT -Two rooms on third 82 RICHMOND ST. Furnished room. 83 EN gent: Furnished coom, In a private 85 PAL FIELD PLACE -Furnished room for 85 ST.

Furnished rooms. 87 rooms. ST Two parlors: also furnished 86 gents. Furnished rooms for light 88 for Flat 41 per furnished week. 89 room for one or two furnished front 89 200 ST.

front rooms on -89 three or four furnished 90 V- SEVENTH Puralabed rooms. 90 two SINTE ST. p*rniabed room for 92 NINTH large front 93 for 110 per 95 three 170 en suite or and single, elegantly bath. 42 fur171 SYCAMORE ST -Furnished 171 THIRD Furnished room. 173 ST.

Two large rooms on second 174 ST Furnished front room on first 175 YORE ST. -TWO FOOms on second door. 175 REC ONE A Pleasant door. room on first floor 176 WATER ST. TWO rooms, cheap.

179 RooF for two ST. gents. room on second 179 BRO NOM OF Nicely Or complete for second- housekeeping. 1801 BAYMILLER ST. Three rooms.

181 CARLISLE room. 181 or two gents. AVE Furnished room for one 46 BAYMILLER ST. Furnished room. 182 rooms on second Three floor, nicely two for furnished sleeping front and one for housekeeping.

183 E. TRIAD ST. Furnished front room. 186 CAMORE ST man and furnished rooms 187 two or three gents. Furnished front room to 187 unfurnished, for light rooms.

furnished also. or small, turnished front hail room, SYCAMORE ST room to col189 189 rooms. SLY ST. TWO or four ed 191 on: second ROOF for gents or man and front wife. room 195 floor.

Three front roots on second 195 front BAYMILLER room for one or two Furnished gents; second-story reference required. 195 rooms on second floor Nicely gentlemen. furnished front 196 M. SEVENTH ST TWO rooms OD second 197 rooms, with bath, ST. Kentiworth of four and Building.

five 206 second story for gents. front room in 208 DAN TO CO ST with rooms 210 board, to gents only. rooms, with or 211 W. COURT ST. Nicely furnished room.

2131 POD, DA DE private Arst-Boor family bath; front also unfurnished room. 215 V. SEVENTH Furnished room. 219 RACE 14, alcely, furnished room 221 JOHN ST. Furnished room for gents only.

231 PREDA DO or Furnished colored gents. room, with 235 private family. Furnished room for a 236 VINE ST. Two Tront rooms. 240 ST each, room with for bash.

two 244 Furnished rooms for 246 two rooms on third door; on water first on floor each: and bath and laundry. 249 SEVENTH ST. 250 FIFTH of to two, familles three or for or light purposes: reference. 250 GEORGE ST. hall Furnished entrance.

front 100m for 252 RICHMOND SI Furnished room, with 252 ELM ST. Small furnished room: 256 furnished front room 256 ME a 1 10, furnished front room 257 WORN Furnished room: also, 257 STir frame brick restaurant of tacked. Apply on premises or at 130 York st. 263 M4 furnished room 264 RACE ST- Hall room, 264 rooms in a private large ball unfurnished entrance; gas and bath 264 WEEK RUE ST. Furnished front room 266 one or tie gents: reference.

front room for 266 WA THE room for 268 THE and Two buck, on furnished third door. connecting 269 ME rooms bath, de. for 273 Men MEN EST 2734 OR WIENER 279 MAN 289 zoom for light 1290 bay 4401 with water in them, Two for a unfurnished small family, rooms. 443 BROADWAY Furnished room. 4491 CENTRAL AVE.

Furnished room; 4544 W. furnished, FOURTH for light Two housekeeping. connecting on rooms, first floor. 458 on second SEVENTH floor for light Large housekeeping furnisned room per week. 459 SEVENTH Furnished room: rea479 ELM AT Furnished rooms.

481 VINE Flat of four 485 SYCAMORE ST. Furnished room, to gent. 490 a new CENTRAL building. -Flat of three rooms in 494 rooms FREEMAN for gents AVE. on secoud Two and furnished third front 495 on second COURT Flot front, of two furnished or three or untur rooms nished: all conventences.

507 W. EIGHTH ST. Unfurnished front 513 for one or EIGHTH two ST. gents. front room 522 W.

SEVENTH Furnished back parlor. 531 G. FIFTH 49 Main st. room. Address 533 Wis use SIXTH ST.

-Furnished room for gents, 543 W. EIGHTH Furnished front room. 547 or gents. Call on third front door. room for ladles 551 in private Furnished family.

front coum. 567 RACE -Three Ane rooms 568 and well lighted. AVE Inquire Frunt at 556 Freeinan ave. 575 MO EIGHTH with or ST. without A suit of board.

nicely furnished 644 MAIN door. ST. Two rooms and kitchen on 742 FREEMAN front room, to one or two or gents 111- or man and wife, with or without board. FOR EXCHANGE. DOARD To exchange for lessons.

dress MISS Enquirer COM PASS Fine Vernier, Gurley make, worth 680, or a good town lot. to exchange for a No. 1 1 1 1 1 1 52 or 54 inch bicycle. Address Box 68. Nelsonville, Oblo.

OTEL Brick, doing a good business, near CoOhio: no will exchange 3. for farm or city property. Address MHS. J. NIECLY.

Worthington, Onio, HOLE title Doing a good will business, exchange near fOr Columbus, property near Cincinnati. Address DR. Worthlagton, Ohio. PHOTOGRAPH OUTFIT exchange Fine for Blair any camera thing useful. Address 1 00, Enquirer office.

CAP GUN- -In first order: cost to exchange for a good magic lantern. AdJOHN PAYNE, Carlisle, Real Estate. BUT to trade for a dwelling 50 feet front, on Address Price Enquirer office, of Address sixty 115 acres, W. to exchange for elty property. Thied AND Five acres of good land in suburbs of ChiI cago to exchange for stock of goods.

Address Box 131, Union City, 32 acres coal and timber land in Breathitt County. Kentucky to exchange for a first-class, full-nickeled 50 to 54 loch blescle. Ad dress 1416 W. Third Dayton, DEAL -class ESTATE To exchange. worth of real estate for a good hotel and faralture in a live town.

G. L. BITTINGER, 913 Fourteenth ave, South, Minneapolis, Minn. MUSICAL For Sale. PIANOS For sale.

an elegant 7-octave. L. Lighte piano; cost for 215 on easy weekly payments; Also, a good Hamlin organ. 247 W. enth st.

playing keys: cost will sell for Call 402 Race st, third door. regulation in good cost will sell cheap. Address -0 Chambers st 'SICAL 45,191 W. GLASSES- Sixth Fine st. tone and ROAN- Pine and cheap, at 305 Wade st.

rose perfect conprice Call mond st. -Concert grand, at 305 Race st Drawing room grand walnut splendid condition: English A POLLO, Enquirer BONE Fine valved trombone and cost will sell for Address K. 94 Flint Good fourths at 118 Ohio Wanted. Must be good and care con. Pearl and Lualow.

Box Ind. Address Must be cheap and In dision, price. VIOL Enquirer STEAMBOAT MATTERS. NOTICE. To Steamboatmen and Others: On aecount of the wash out of the 550-foot channel span of false work of the Huntington Bridge, do not pass through the channel, for fear of danger, until further orders.


1180. For all Way Landings and through to WHEELING AND PITTSBURG. The New and Elegant Passenger Steamer LOUIS A THOS. HUNTER, Master. REEVES.

Clerk, Leaves Memphis hart boat. font of Main street. 4th. 4 MAUCK McGUIRE. No.

4 Public Landing. OF JOHN SHEARER. C. M. HOLLOW Sup't.

WEDNESDAY PACKET-LEAVES 4 P.M. FOR RATES TELEPHONE NO. 1180. For all Way Landings and through to WHEELING AND PITTSBURG. The New and Elegant Passenger Steamer W.


5th. W. S. GETTY. 5 Public Landing.

Agent. CINCINNATI, PORTSMOUTH, BIG BANDY AND POMEBOY PACKET CO. Ironton, Huntington, Callipolli, Pomeroy, Mondays, Thursdays, 6 P. M. BIG SANDY Wednes ya, Saturd'ys, 5 P.M.

Portsmouth, All Mail and Way Landings. Thurs' ys. Sat' 19 M. ST. LAWRENCE, Daily (Satur'ys 11 P.M.

Freight received on foot of Broad C. HOLLOW AY. Superintendent OHIO RIVER PACKET COMPANY. TACOMA, Chilo, 4 P. M.

LANCASTER, Moscow, 8:30 A. Now Richmond, 6 P.M. From foot Wannest. LOWER OHIO. U.


From Cincinnati Wharf-boat. foot of Main street. C. HOLLOWAY. Gen.


THE SIDE WHEEL Steamers CITY OF MADISON and FLEETS WOOD DAILY at 5 P.M.: SUNDA YS at 19 M. foot of Broad was C. M. HOLLOW A Y. Gen'1 Manag r.

MADISON AND WAY LANDINGS. Daily (Except Sunday) at 8 A. M. ONE DOLLAR FARE TO MADISON, MINNIE BAY. From New Orleans boat.


For New Orleans and Way Points, The Elegant Electric Light Steamer GOLDEN RULE. O. P. Master. HERE THURSDAY.

Orleans Sept. 6th. Wharfboat. MOSSET No. 3 Public Landma MEMPHIS AND WAY-LANDINGS.

HUNDRED MILES for Eighteen Dollars! Excursion Season! fraction over a cent a mile, including meals and staterooms. MEMPHIS CINCINNATI PACKET CO. Offers Special Excurson Rates to its, patrols for the 60 SIS MEMPHIS AND RETURN, Including meals and room en route and while in phis Boats leave and URDAY8 at 5 P. M. The WE DA EACH BOAT.

ries a String Band. Special rates made to parties desiring to make short one boat and return on miles or 1,600, as your wish: to das or twelve. Through ratesto Hot, Springs, Pine Te Louis. and Apply to.

The Cincinnati Enquirer from Cincinnati, Ohio (2024)
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Name: Kieth Sipes

Birthday: 2001-04-14

Address: Suite 492 62479 Champlin Loop, South Catrice, MS 57271

Phone: +9663362133320

Job: District Sales Analyst

Hobby: Digital arts, Dance, Ghost hunting, Worldbuilding, Kayaking, Table tennis, 3D printing

Introduction: My name is Kieth Sipes, I am a zany, rich, courageous, powerful, faithful, jolly, excited person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.