Technical Report TR-AE-63: MIG-15 (VK-1) Pilot's Operating Manual ... - [PDF Document] (2024)

Technical Report TR-AE-63: MIG-15 (VK-1) Pilot's Operating Manual ... - [PDF Document] (1)

Description of document: Technical Report TR-AE-63: MIG-15 (VK-1) Pilot's Operating Manual, 26 April 1955

Request date: 13-December-2014 Released date: 05-February-2015 Posted date: 16-March-2015 Source of document: NASIC/Sco*k (FOIA)

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Technical Report TR-AE-63: MIG-15 (VK-1) Pilot's Operating Manual ... - [PDF Document] (2)

Colonel Charles Hogan Vice Commander



FEB G 5 2015

National Air and Space Intelligence Center (NASIC) 4180 Watson Way Wright-Patterson AFB OH 45433-5648

This letter is in reference to your Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) request dated 13 December 2014 for a document entitled MIG-15 Pilot's Operating Manual dtd April 1955. We received your request and assigned case number 2015-02054-F to it.

A search was conducted for the record you requested and one document was located. After reviewing the document it was determined that it is releasable

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Attachment Requested Document


~rlb~~ CHARLES HOGAN, Colonel, USAF Vice Commander

"Providing Technical Advantage .. .Preventing Strategic Surprise"

Technical Report TR-AE-63: MIG-15 (VK-1) Pilot's Operating Manual ... - [PDF Document] (3)

- C 0 N f t ·D E N T I A L­






26 APRIL 1955

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Published By



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T54--l394 I

Technical Report TR-AE-63: MIG-15 (VK-1) Pilot's Operating Manual ... - [PDF Document] (4)



·~ "' SD (capt Kearns, 72858) 1 Nov 88

•ea1r.cT Request for Declassification and D:lwngrading Authority


1. {U) According to AFSC SUp 1 OOD 5200.1-R,t'AFR 205-1, 30 Sep 87, Section l-602a l(b) {AF) 2d, the Dil::ector of Plans and Operations (now Deputy for Plans and Operations) has origlllal classification authority (OCA). Furthermore, Section 1-603.1 (Added AF) a.3 (AF) states "· .. AF designated OCAs may delegate declassification and downgrading authority to officials with technical knowledge of classified programs, projects, and plans."

2. ( L) ~ Request the Deputy for Plans and Operations delegate aee1ksification and downgrading authority to Mr I.ary W. Wilson, SDAAF, for an Air Technical Intelligence Center (AT!C) {now FID) produced report titled "MIG-15 (VK-1) Pilot's Operating ManUa.l," report number TR-AE-63, Project No. 10135, dated 26 Apr 55. Classification is CDNFIDENTIAL - NORFORN. 'Ibis authority will be used to satisfy a request from USAF/INKI' to meet the needs of a congressional request. Upon coripletion of this task, declassification an:i downgrading authority will be cancelled.

3. (U) Arry questions concerning this request should be directed to capt Kearns, 72858.

~fL___ ROBER!' D. GREEN, Col, USAF 3 Atch Deputy commander for Systems 1. mI'K Ltr, 6 Sep 88 (U)

2. FID Msg, 211230Z Sep 88 (C) 3. Technical Report, 26 Apr 55 (C)

APl'roVED f~'J:L c.&. DATE

DISAPPROVED~~~~~~~~~~~DATE,__ ______ ~


Technical Report TR-AE-63: MIG-15 (VK-1) Pilot's Operating Manual ... - [PDF Document] (5)



Page No.

Preface (MCN-6247) • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • iii

Section I

Section II

Section III

General Description • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •

Function am Operation • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •

Operating Procedure • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •




Distribution List • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • TI



















Figure 10

Figure ll

Figure l2

Figure l2

Figure 12

Figure l2

Figure J2

Figure l2


Recognition Points Between MlG-15 (RD-45 and VK-1) • • • • • • •

MIG-15 (VK-l)

MIG·l5 ( VK•l)

Left Side

Right Side

• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •

• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •

Canopy Opening Lever .......... •· .......... . Canopy Closing Lever • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •

Canopy Opening Knob !Altt Ha.nd. • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • ..,. • •

MIG-15 Cabin • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •

Left Console • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •

Right Console • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •

Pilot's Seat • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •

Control Stick • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •

MIG-15 (VK-l) Cabin Layout; • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •

Cabin Layout Detail A • • • • • • • • • • ••• • • • • • • • •

Cabin Layout - Detail :B • • • • • • • • • • • • • • .. • • • • • •

Cabin Layout Detail C • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •

Cabin Layout - Detail D • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •

Cabin Layout Detail E •• • • ••••.• • • • • • • • • • • • •


















i T54-4394


Technical Report TR-AE-63: MIG-15 (VK-1) Pilot's Operating Manual ... - [PDF Document] (6)

Figure l2

Figure l2

Figure l2

Figure l2

Figure l2


LIST 'OF . ~~TIONS (Contd)

Cabin Layout • Detail F • • • • • • • • • • • •

Cabin Layout - Detail G • • • • • • • • • • • •

Cabin Layout - Detail II • • • • • • • • • • • • Cabin La7out • Detail I • • • • • • • • • • • •

Cabin Layout • Detail J • • • • • • • • • • • •



.Pys ·lfo1

• • • • • • • • 31

• • • • • • • • 32

• • • • • • • • 33

• • • • • • • • 34

• • • • • • • • 35

Technical Report TR-AE-63: MIG-15 (VK-1) Pilot's Operating Manual ... - [PDF Document] (7)



This manual has been prepared speeifically for the '{>'U:t"pose o£ providing USAF personnel with operating Wormation Qll the MIG-lS (VK-l) to an extent that, if' neces­sary-, this airplane may be used as a means o! escape fro."ll hostile te?Titory. The operating instructions are not complete; only the :information which the pilot must ~ is presented.

Some procedures which mf.ght be c~idered unorthodo.-..: far operational .t:cying of thi.s airplmie are recOlllllended because they represent the simplest means for sate flight.

'?he material presente • in this manuaJ. is for tbB opera:tion o£ the l·O::G-15 with the 6,000-Jl::>. thrust engine (VK-1) MOJe'1 in Figure l. It is not valid far the earlier model 111*2 (Rf>-451 ~ ~oooalh· thrust jifor;hoiever,-rt IS"bellieved t1ie operating ins ructr0ii'S'8re, to a ,ge agree, va:ti or the MIG-17.



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Fig. 1 Recognition Points Between MIG-15 (RD-45 and VK-1)

T54-4394 iv


Technical Report TR-AE-63: MIG-15 (VK-1) Pilot's Operating Manual ... - [PDF Document] (9)

.-c 0 N :f I 9 E H T I A L , UNCLASSIFIED

. S!li!lOTIOll I


1. Aircraft

The aircraft is a single-seat mrept-wing interceptor pouered by a 6,000-lb. thrust VK-1 centrifugal flow" type jet engine. The wing has a leading edge sweep 0£ 36°, an anhedral or about 2°, and has two 1'ull chard wing fences attached to the upper surface. The ailerons are aero~cally balanced by a sealed "beak'' type of balance and have a hydraulic booster unit incorporated into their control syste:n. a 2.7 to 1 boost advantage. Both elevator and rudder are controllbd. Electrically operated trimming tabs are · !i tted to the aileron and elevator. The rudder has a ground set tab. The vertical fin leading edge is swept back at 60°. The horizontal. stabilizer is mounted about hal£ wq up on the vertical £in.

The fUselage is circular in cross secti an and has the engine air intake in the nose. The engine is mounted about nd.dw•· along the fuselage with a straight jet pipe extending to the end or the .fuselage. The co*ckpit is well forward with the~ i'uel cell between the co*ckpit and engine. Petal type air brakes are fitted on ea4h side or the rear fuselage. Two small Atel tanks are located aft or the engine ca$­partment and forward or the air brakes.

The armament consists or a 37-mm. gun. and two 23-mm. guns :mounted beneath the ~ intake in the front fuselage. Tw'o drop tanks can be carried !rom a shackle under each wing.

2. co*ckpit

The co*ckpit is not roo."cy' but adequate. When the pilot is strapped in his se~. he can reach all the controls, in.stru.'1!ents, indicators, and emergency equipment ~th ease. Vision over the nose is ll to 12 degrees and the side view !ram. the canopy! is good. Rearward vision is poor.

A console type control panel arrange."lleilt is on the lert and right or the ;instrument panel. The master Sid. tches are located on the right and all or the ~ switches are on the left. The gun-sight and a magnetic ccm;>ass are I!lOm'lted abo~ the main instrument panel. Heating and defrosting or the coclcpit are accomplish$d through the cabin pressurization system;. The aircraft OJcy"gen system :nq be a pressure demand or diluter de.~d type.



Technical Report TR-AE-63: MIG-15 (VK-1) Pilot's Operating Manual ... - [PDF Document] (10)

1. O:t-ound Check





a. Bef are selecting an a:lrcratt; £or !light, determine that it has been complete~ re.f'ue1ed and service~ with ab- and ~gen as shoWn in Figures 2 and 3.

b. Make certain that no e:rit4111rnal. control surface locks are in place.

c. See that the airplane is not tled dowri, tha.t shooks are removed, and that covers are removed !'ram :t.he nose ~t, tail pipe and the head.

d. If available, attach an ~ power suppl;y' (batter7 cart) to ~ (Figure 2) 1n such a mamer that 'it o~ be pulled free easiJ.y- after starting. I1 h88 been reported that on'.cy' ODD start can be made with the aircr~•s batteey.

2. the Aircraft

From the outside, the canopy can 1M opened from the gro1Uld1 the wing, ar ~a ladder, and entrance to the co*ckpit cau be gained from the v1ng ar b1' using a 1*ideltZ'. i'he cano?f is opened by .t'irst pu$~ cm the a.t't end of. a f'l.ush mounted lever (Figure 4) which is located on the lotter le£t, forward side of the canow. h:shOng on the lever cauaes it to protrude ·a a manner that it can be grasped b1' the hand. The outside portion of the 1~ pivots clockwise about its end, un:f'oldirJg and doubling its length. The entire lever is then rotated in a clockwise direct.ion, unlocking the canopy so that it can be moved back. '?he can~ lockS in the rear position.

3. Canopy

Inside the aircraft, the pilot can close t,b.e canopy~ gt"asping '\ibe closing handle (Figure $)1 located an the i'o:ivard edge o£ the canopy. P"nJling forward '11 this handle releases the rear l&tch and allows the ca:napy to slide forward and lock in the closed position.

To open the canopy from inside the co*ckpit 1 the pilot reaches forward with both hanCls 1 grasps the 1:nobbed handle's on the left and right sides o! the forward J.ot·tei­corners of the Canc>FJ and pulls the canopy a!t. The left-hand knob will release both canopy latches (Figure 6) ~

Emergency release of the canopy can be accompliabed in two different wqs. One is used for maintenance and ground e.tlleX'gency; the other prior to eject.'ion. On the ground, the canopy can be releued by puebing fOl'W'ard on two levers (Figure 7) located on the tmderside of the right and left .torwa:rd canopy rails• The ~· :is then moved by hand, aft and up. '?o rct.'1JOve the canopy prior to ejection, the s ety pin 1n the canopy release lever {Figure 10) is pulled and the lever is J.irted rotated fonrard. This action al.lct.t.-s tbs ca:now "l:'to rise and arms the ejection seat. The air stream will remove the canopy.


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c: z () r-)> (./) Ul --n -m 0


-.,, -m 0

Fig. 2 MIG·l 5 (VK·l) .. Left Side

Technical Report TR-AE-63: MIG-15 (VK-1) Pilot's Operating Manual ... - [PDF Document] (12)

c z () r-)> (/l (/) -,, -m 0

··~·-- -


Fig. 3

··sEiVlci: Pi>mi ;_ PNEUMATIC BYS'.TBM

MIG-15 (VK-1) - Right Side

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Fig. 4 Canopy Opining Lever

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. IXI ....


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4. Ejection Seat

The pilot 1s ejectianable bucket seat is built to accommodate a seat type parachute pack- and the seat is not readiJ.1' adjustal)le. 'rhe lever (Figure 10) on the left arm o! the seat is !or shoulder harn$Ss tension adjustment. The lever on the r:i,ght arm is for canopy jettison and the large 11D11 ring imder the right arm is raised for seat ejection. There is a sai'ety pin ,through the ejection tube at the top rear of the seat. This pin should be removed pi'ior to flight;.

5. Fuel System

The l-:IIG-15 has an intemal capacity ot 372 TJS gals. This i'u.el is contained in two t.anks: The main tank, located just behind the pilot; has a capacity of 330 US gals. and a rear tanlc which has a· capacity of 42 m gals. 'rhe filler points for these tanks are shown in Figure 2.

Fuel £rom the rear tank is trans.tarred to the main tank by- an electric~ driven transfer pump, controlled by a Sttttcb {Figure l21 No • .32). A light (71) indi­cates when the rear tank is e:rpty. The tuel quantity gauge (72) reads up to 277 gallons (1050 liters) and does not illc11.cate other than fUlJ.1 mti1 all but 277 gall.ons of fuel have been exhausted. 'When the 1"Uel. level ill the main tank goes below 79 gallons (.300 liters) light (SS) comes an.

In addition to the internal .f'u.el the MIQ .. J.5 can Ctl1!'J:'1' 66 gallons of !Ue1 in each of two droppable wing tanks. This !uel 1a mitamatical:cy- used first. When the tanks are er.¢y, light ( 2) indicates that the tanks ':Dll3' be dropped. The button (7), located at the bottom of the instl"ll118nt panel., is depressed to drop the tanks.

6. Engine Starting

Uorr.'.ally the UIG-15 (VK-1) is started with tbe aid of a battery cart which is plugged in on the lei't aide of the i'usel.age at the traUing edge of the wing (Figure 2 ) • -

The switches £or engine operation are located·on tbe left console (Figures 8 and 12); the system switches an the right console (Figures 9 and 12).

Before starting is att~ed1 all sv.Ltches should be turned of£ (aft), the throttle (16) closed~ (the E!A" cann.Ot be started unless tbs throttle is in the fUll a.ft position), and the high-pressure .tu.e1 valve (11) closed (up).

To start the eilbine the following procedure is used:

a. Turn the :following switches "on" (forward):

(1) Engine instruments (29)

(2) Ignition isolator (28)

(3) Rear tank trans.fer punp (.32)

(4) Start and booster pump (30)

T54-4394 8


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· .

. · . . .( ··. ,-·.

UNCLASSIFIED C 0 N :P 1 fi'il E N T I A L ,

Fig. 6 Caaopy Opening Knob - Left Hand

9 T54-~394


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UNCLASSIFIED ·c 0 M·F-19: E N .. T l:A ,L '

Fig. 7 MIG-15 Cabin



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c: z () r-)> (Jl (J) -.,, -rn a

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Fi1. 8

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c ....

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b. 'When the J.ou-pressure .fuel warning light (70) goes out, press starting button (17) far five seconds and release -it. After te."l seconds (the engine speed w:i.ll be 8oo - l,000 rpm),, start to open the high-pressure fuel (ll) sl0\1:cy (dmm). As the engine accelerates, open the valve to the £uJ.J. o_pen position. The engine will automatically accelerate to an idling speed of 2500 rpm.

c. The relight warning light (!)9) will be on during the autama.t:Lc starting cycle. When it goes out,, turn on the generator switch (85) and the battery switch (84). Then disconnect the battery cart.

N~E: It should· be remembered that reports indicate on:cy- one engine start can be made 'With the aircraft ts battery instead o£ an external pow'er source. Ii' it is necessar;y to use the•s battery,, the bat:tery and generator S\dtehes (84 and 85) BhoUld be turned on in addi ti.on to the engine switches as indicated in step one.

7. Wheel Brake Operation

The air operated wheel brakes are actuated by squeezing the brake lever_. located on the control stick (Figure ll). When the lever is squeezed,, air is supplied to the brake system. Gauge (26) indicates the preas'lll'e in eacQ. brake. Far normal brake application the gauge reading shou.ld not exceed 6 kg/ c::rf-• Direction o! cor­respondS to rudder movement, with both brakes being applied when the rudder is in neutral.. The brakes aro released mum the lever is released. The pneumatic system is serviced at a point on the lm'ler right side of the .t'uselage,, under the cabin, as shown in ngure 3.

a. Landing Gear

The ai.rcraft is equipped " a tricycle,, 1sV'er suspens:Lon landing gear. 'The :nain gear retracts imlard, the nose gear,, fcxruard. For n01"mal. operation the gear is retracted or extended by I!lOVing the J gear control lever (82) to the "up" or 11 dmm" position. A sliding guard (8.3) J;reveiits it !rem being raised accident~ to the "up" position. The gear handle should be returned to neutral a:f'ter the cycJ.e is CO.'llpleted.

The gear is actuated by the aircraft ta hJdraulic system. fhe system pressure is indicated on th& main system pressure gauge (lOO). A green band along tbe edge of the instrument dial. indicates normaJ. ];reasure (90- 120 atm).

The a:i.rera.:f't is provided with an emergency pneumatic ST&tem for la.raring the landing gear. A gauge (98) indicates the pressure (47- 55 kg/aa2) in this system. To use the system,, take these · steps:

a. Place the landing gear selector handle in the 11down" posit:Lon.

b. Pull on .each of the z·ed 11D" rings olipped to the forward lorirer sides 0£ the tlf:}lt and le.rt. consoles.

c. Open (99).



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----<: 0 ~'l'l9 EH TI AL ,

This will e.."rt.end and lock the landing gear in the "dawn11 positiau.

There are two systems for indicating the landing gear position. First, the position liehts (80)1 1ocatad on the instrument panel, and second, 11Pop-Up11 rods pro­truding .from three points (two frClll the wings, above the pivot point of each main gear 1 and one from a point just forward of the 'Windshield, 3l:>ove the nose gear) when the gear is extended. .

9. Flaps

The airplane is equipped 'With ~f.Ulically operated 3-position naps.

The flaps are operated by a fcnzro.,.position lever (JJ) on tbe side of the left console. Xhe four positions, from tQP t·o bottom, are: (1) Flaps up, t2) Neutral, (3) An approach position of about .20° I smd (4) A landing position o£ 55d. The handle should be returned to the neutral pos:Ltion attar cycle is completed. A green 11down11

flap position indicator light (40) is looated at the top lei'ti-hand side or the instru­ment panel. There 1s also a "pop-'llp" nap position indicator in the top or the left wing, between the two wing ranees. Tb.e hydraulic pressure gauge far the naps is the main hydraulic pressure;ge (100) located on the right console.

An emergency flap pneumatic systa for extending the flaps is provided. B,y opening valve (102)1 located on the r.:Lgbt console, the f' are ~ ext.ended. The air pressure gauge (101) tor this 1'J"llt8?!1 i.s

2located on the right consoJ.e. The • L,. pressure is between 47 and SS kg/cm •

1.0. Pri.~ Flight Control.s

The aircra£t is equipped with a control. stick (Figure ll) and rudder pedals for operating the el.evator ailerons and rudder. The rudder and elevator are ma:nuaJ.:13 cozrwrolled, and the ailerons are opEFa:bed manually' or with the aid of a '.cy'draulic boost systGm. The boost sy-stem is ·~ ... d l-rhen lever (J.4) d.s in the foNard position and disengaJ:;ed (manual) 'Mhen 1n the. .· aft position. The system pressure is indicated by a gauge (19) loca.tGd on the lef'-t caneole.

The elevator and ailerons are e$ipped with electrical.~ operated trim tabs. S'witch (20) operates the ai.leron tab e;nd switch {JJO) operates the elevator tab. Light (131) indicates the neutral. poSition o! the elevator tab. The circuits to both switches are controlled by a master N.tch (97) located on the right co.."lSole.

ll. Speed Brakes

The petal. type speed brakes are controlled by either one of two switches, one on the pilot's le.rt and one on the control column. The S'ditch (35) on the pil.ot•s le!t is for continuous OPZ!J position. The light (34), adjacent to the switch, indi .. cates the OPEN position. The button on the control coJ.u.'l'!rl. (Figure ll) is used for 1'blipping11 the bral-ces.

12. Control Sticlc

The control colu."lJl'l (Figure ll) has provisions for the .following:


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a. Brake Lever: Thia lever is on a position which requires the f'J.ngers to be i'ully E!4~ended £or operation. There is no parkLng position £or the lever.

b. Speed Brake Control: Tbis spring loaded "blipping" button is well placed under the thu."11b. Push to open; release to close.

c. 37-mm Gun Firing Button: This button is on top of the stick and is protected by the tongue.

d. 23-mm Trigger: The hinged tongue, which protects the 37-:mm .tiring butt.on,, pivots :forward and down and serves as a trigger. Whan squeezed it is pressed against the firing button.

e. Bomb Release Button: This button, protected by' saf'ety latch,, is located on the front and at the bottom of the control grip.

f. At the bottom o:f the control column there is a gust lock, a pi voted arm lllhich is aisengaged when it is s\-rung up and forward.

13. Cabin Conditioning and Pressurization

The cabin of the airplane is pressurized and ventilat.ed by' air bled fro.-n the engine coopressor. 'rhis air is controlled by' a man~ operated te:iperature control valve (122) locutcd on the pilot's right. The cabin pressure is controlled by a valve (124) on the pilot•s le.ft.

The r.-.anually operated temperature control also controls the il"..i'lation 0£ the canopy seaJ.. The valve .f'\mctions thus:

Turninb the handle eounter-clockw:Lse moves the va:!.ve pointer clockwise, shutting off the cabin air supply and causing the canopy seal to deflate. In turning the valve (cO' to !U1.l on from the o£:r position,, the follow­ing sequence occurs:

a. Canopy seal ini"lates.

b. Cold air flmr starts.

c. All cold air supplied.

d. Cold and hot air :mixed.

e. All hot air supplied.

The cabin pressure regulator (124), located on the pilot's J.e.rt, is designed to maintain the presStire schedule shown in Figure ll.

It is necessary- that the lmob be turned in (clockwise) before the regulator will fUnction. The handle is turned cO'Uilter-clockwise to du"!lp the cabin



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air. T~e cabin alti~ude and.pressure differential are indicated by gauge (65). I.£ the cabin pressure differential exoeecls its red line valve, the pressure can be controlled by manual operation 0:£ tbe eontrol valve (124).

14. Oxygen

· The airplane contains a high..pressure ~gen system bavirig a duration 0:£ appro."d.Jnately two hours. The system is serviced a.t a fitting located under the nose access cover, as shown in Figure .3.

The oocy-gen regulator is an a:utomat.:tc diluter-de.'!Wld, pressure .. de::nand type (127) which is made operational by opening (counter-clockwise) the two valves (125 and 126). Gauge (81) :indicates rucy-gen pressure,, and OJcy"gen n~r is indicated by a standard type blinker (41).

The oxygen tube goes from. the strcrai't's oxygen outlet to the .front 0:£ the seat type para.chute pack,, which cont~ a bailout ~gen bottle, then to the ox;ygen mask. Upon ejection,, the o:eyeen hose to the airplane :ts automatically disconnected and the bailout bottle is automatic~ put. into operation.

Ii' the parachute is in the ailrplane but no QXYGen mask is available,, the short length 0:£ hose :from the parachute (to Which the masl~ would be attached) can be used !ar breathing o.vgen. If' no o:cy-.gern is available, the aircraft should not be f.loWn above a cabin altitude (65) of 5,,100 meters (l.6,000 :rt) which is appraxi."1'1B.tely 32,,000 :feet aircraft altitude.

1$. E1ectrical

The airplane has a 24-volt electric pmrer system. The :n-r.t are circuit breaker togi;le type. The battery switch (84) 'When on connects the batterJ to the aircraft electrical syste."il,,' the engine starting circuit. The generator switch (85) connects the generator to the aircraf't1s electric systcr.i. The genera.­tor warning light (52) indicates red 'When the generator output is belcnr rated voltage (when the generator is inoperative or the engine rpm is low).

J.6. Radio C0r.1pass

The airplane is equipped with a oompletely a.uto:natic radio compass si:nilar to the USAF SCR.-26. The tuning controls (104) are located at the pil.ot•s right and a ma.Ster on-o:£f switch (90) is located am the right console. A beacon signal in the 150-1.300 KC band can be used :£or hom:Lng, when snitch (.36) is in the aft position.

17. Transmitter and Receiver

The airplane utilizes a high frequency (3.75 - S.o He) transr.iitter and rece:tw:r unit. Both the transmitter and receiver are turned on by switch (88) located on the right console. The receiver is tuned at box ( 24) located on the pilot 1 s left. The transmitter is while on the ~ound and cannot be tuned readil~,r in flight. The "push-t.o--talk" transmitter button {17) is located on the tbrottle (16). Switch (128) changes the head phones between r~o beacon and command receiver.



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18. A:rma."OOnt


The aircraft has two 23-m::i guns and one 37-ram gun located in the lower forward !u.selage. The guns can be electro-pne1llllaticalJ.y charged by push buttons (371 38 and 39 located at the forward left-side of the cabin) after master switches (911 93 and 94) have been turned on. The lights (3 1 4 and S located below the instrument panel) indicate when the guns are charged.

The gun tri.egers are loca:ted on the control stick (Fi.gure ll). The gunsight is operated and functions in the sa."lle manner as the I~l.4 raro lead co:nputing gunsight.. The sii;ht is t1l!'l'lod on by a switch (91) located on the right console.

19. P..em.ote Indicating Co.~ass

The aircraft is equipped with a remote indicating compass (6o) which is turned on by switch (87) located on the right console.

~lb.en the knob (69) is turned so the desired beading is at the top o£ the instrument, it is onJi necessar,y to turn the nircra.i"t so the indica:t.or aligns itself' with the desired heading.

This syste::i is gyro synchronized and mq be used as a directional gyro. It mq be necessary, when starting the system, to push the synchronizing push button {67).



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E e U~. :Q·. L. ASSIFIED ---N-F-48!HTIAL -



1. Select an aircraft that has been obeerved to have been ccq:>letely serviced with £u.el, mcygen, and air.· In ac}d:Ltioa a parachute or equivalent size cushion vJ.11 be necessal'1' for the bucket seat in the airplane. An o:c;rgen masl:: ~ be stored in the a.i.rcra--rt. However, its preamce mBY' not be assured.

2. I:£' possible, obtain and connect an external pmrer source.

3. Be:f'ore ent.ering the co*ckpit make certain that the externa.1. locks, chocks 1 and nose and dust covers have be& J"&lllD'ed. Note position o:£ el.evator and ailsron trim tabs.

4. Enter the aircraft from the left B!Lde by use of a ladder or from the wing. Pu11 the seat ejecticn safety pin, located in the top o:£ the ejection gun, at tba re.­o:£ the headrest.

5. Tum all SH:itches to the o££ pos:l:blqm (a.t't). PlaCe the throttle (J.6) in the closed (:f'ull a£t) position. Place the high pressure i'uel valve (ll) in the oU position (up). UnJ.ock the ccmt.rctl column. (1'be lock is located at tho bam o£ the column).

6. Turn master trim tab switch (97) an (forward) and place elevator tab in neutra.1., using switch (l30) until light (131) comes an. Set elevator tr.t."11 tab to neut.ral.1 using switch (20). Visual~ check ttb position.

7. To start the engine:

a. Turn an the f'ollowi:ng switcl:les1

(1) Engine instrunents (29)

(2) Ignition isolator (28)

(3) Rear tank transfer PW!i> (32)

(4) starter and boost pUtrp (30)

(5) Ir a starting cart is not used, one at~t at starting can be made with use o:r the aircratt•s battery, by placing the batter.r sid.tch (84) and the generator sw1 toll ( 85) in the on position.

b. the f'uel pressure uarning light. (70) goes out, press the starting button (17) and hol.d £ctr about 10 seconds. a period of appro:d:mately 10 ·seconds, 'When the engine rpm is betwe• 800 and 1000, opening the high-pressure i'uel valve (ll) by slaw:cy- pressing it doWn. AB the engine accelerates, open the high-pressure fuel valve to the i\1.ll down position. The engine trill automatical:cy-


• C 0 ~ ... pt l'·f) ! H T I A I: U;NClASSJFIED

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accelerate to an idling speed o:r appraxi."nate:Qr 2500 rp!ll (the relight warning light ($9) 'Hill be an durine the automatic starting c.rcle; however, it will automatic~ go out in the completion of the c.rcle.)

a. Turn on the batterJ suitch (84) and the generator switch (85) and disconnect the battery cart, if used.

9 • T al.:e O:t:r:

a.. The highest rpm and tail pipe te:i:g;>erature for take-o.:t:f shou1d be 11,500 rpm and 66o degrees centigrade.

b. Raise the nose at l6o km/hr.

c. Aircraft leaves the gro\Uld at 227 km/hr without naps or wing tanks.

d. Retract J.anding gear.

10. Relight in the Air

The best al.titude for re-starting the ang:lne in the air is bet.ween 1800 meters and 5400 metei·s. The standard procedure is as follarirs:

a. Throttle lever closed.

b. High-pressure fuel valve cJ.osed.

c. Dive to 4000 meters altitude.

a. Decrease air speed to between 300 and 320 Ian/hr. Engine rpr.t ld.ll. be appro."'Ci.Jnately 800 - 1000.

e. Sui tch f crr radio off.

f. P..elight switch (27) on.

g. Relight switch warning light (59) will be an.

h. 10 to 15 seconds smoo~ open the high-pressure fuel. valve. Jet pipe temperature and increasing rpm should be wa;t;ched to see whether the start is successf'uJ..

i. After the ancine starts the relight switch (27) :Ls placed in the off position.

T54-4394 20


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:U. Cruise


GRUJj8E ~iSTAlfi' ALTITUDE l Indicat.ed Air SJ?ili . tg,z/Hn A22rono"nat.e RPH

SL S65 - 620 a,500 - 9,000

JS,ooo 505 - 535 9,000

25,000 435 - 460 9,200

35,000 46o - 485 9,8oo

40,000 4J.5 - 4.30 10,000

45,000 310 - 380 10,500


Approach - FULL flaps (55°) and ger. D<l4I~.

Last t.urn is :made at. 300 lcn/br.

Final at. 250 lan/hr.

En:;L"lc speed 6-7000 rpm.. li'uel proanro 5 atmospheres.

?ouch dmm at. 172 l~n/hr.










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A. Botnll RoleaH Bvtton 8 • Fl rl nt Button for 37 111111 Gun C. ReceHed Button r.r Flrlnt 23111111 Gun1

.,, I 1 Oporatecl lty D


D. C-lil1tod 0 Tde..,..• '° F1 .. 37atm Gun 1 and Lower

E. Spood Brali:o .. Bllpplltt .. Button F. Wheel Brake Operating Lower


G. Saf.ty Guord for Boinll Reio- ButtDn

Fig. 11 Control Stick

T54-4394 22


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MIG 15 (VK-1)

Fig. lZ MIG-15 (VK-1) Cabin Layout



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© ©

1. Bomb Fusing Switch 2. Wing Tmk Empty (GrMft Light) 3. 23min Gun co*cked Indicator Light (Retl) 4. 23mlft Gun co*ckecl Indicator Light (Retl) 5. 37111111 G\111 co*cked lncHcotDr Light (Reel)

6. o,.. Tmk Light On/Off Switch 7. 0.., T•·a-11 Jettl•on Pullh Butten 8. Bomb Slip Co.eked md Selected, Right (Grwen)

9. Bombs Fuzecl Light (Retl) 10. Bomb Slip Coclcecl ond Selected, Left (G'9en)

Fig. IZ Cabin Layout - Detail A




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n. High Pres.we co*ck


18. Auto-Speed Broke On/Off ( lnoperottve) 12. Throttle Lockint Lever 19. Ailoran Booater SyatwW Hydraulic Proasure C.-.• 13. Flap Selector Lever 20. Alloren Trim Te Positioning Switch 14. Aileron Boost Selector On/Off 21. fire w-1n1 Light 15. Engine Starter Button 22· fire EJ1tln9ulahlng O,.ratln9 Switch 16. Throttle Lever 23. Fire w-1n1 Lltht Orcutt-Check luttDn 17. Push-ta-Talk Switch (Command Tron-ltter)

Fig. lZ Ca.bin Layout - Detail B



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2 ... 25. 26. 27, 29, 29. 30.


Radio Commend Receiver Remote Coiltril. le• 31. l•olatlng Valve Light (Gl'een) Three Rcnge To1111le Switch (Radio Co1111taH) 32. Rear Tank Pump and Light Switch Brake PNs•ure Gouge 33. laolating Valve Switch

Engine R .. light Switch 3 ... Air Brake lndicatDr Light (Green)

Ignition Isolator Switch Air Brake "Open" Lltht "On"

Switch for Engine ln•truments 35. Air Brake Operation TogvJe Switch

Start and Booster Pump Switch

Fi.g. lZ Cabin Layout - Detail C

27 T54-439i+-


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36. Radio Beacon FAR-NEAR Switch 37. Gun co*cking Button 23 mm (Outer) 38. Gun co*cking Buttan .23mm (Inner) 39, Gun co*cking ButtDn 37mm

129. Rheostat M•.-.•tlc CompaH Light 130. Positioning Switch• l;leHtDr Trim Tab 131· Elevcmr Ttlm Tab•Neutral Posltlort Indicating Light 132· Navigation Light Switch

Fig. 1 Z Cabin Layout - Detail D


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® @ @ ® @ ®


@@@ 56 57@@60@@@

TI @ 68 ® &&

Fig. 12 Cabin Layout - Detail E


~ ~

t-® 0



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«). Landing Lamp Switch .Cl. Oxygen Flaw Indicator

42. Flap Indicator Light (Green) "on" When Flap• Nat "up" 43. Altimeter Barometric Setting Kfto.b .C.C. Altimeter 45. Air-Speed Indicator

46. One af Four Thumb Hut• '9r Re-Ying ln•trument Panel 47. M·0.92 RN Womlng Light (lnop.,atlve) 48. Warning Light Under Corrio.- Not Down (Red)

49. Adjustment ICnol>Horlnn lll•fwt1nc• Line SI. Combined Gyro Hori •n-Tun..-8tftk lndl cotor 51. Caging Knob• Orto Horlaon 52. Generator Womlng Light CRH) 53. Zero Adiu•tin•nt ICnol>ReN of Climb Indicator 54. RaN of Clmb Indicator

55. Fuel Wamlng Light (300 LI'-• L•el) (Red) 56. Camero Gun Indicator.Light (Wlil•)

SI. Morlter Beacon Indicator Light,

58. Indicator for the Rodia C,.inpoH Receiver S9. Wamlng Light for Engine fh.Llght Switch 60. Gyro Magnetic CompaH JndlcOIDr 61. Engine R.P.M. 62. Jet Pipe Temperaturo 63. Volt .Ammeter 64. Pltot Head HeoNr Switch 65. co*ckpit Dlff.rentfol Pr•Hure Gauge .,d co*ckpit Altimeter

66. Low Fuel Pr•Hur• Gouge 67. Gyro Magnetfc Campa•• l;nchronlalng Pu1h Button 68· Engine Gouge Unit (011 T-..erotu••)

(011 Pr .. aur.e) (Fuel Pre1111r•)

69. Gyro Magnetic Scale Adfua1-nt ICnob 70. Low F~el PrHsu,. Warning Lltht (Red) 71, Sltnal Light (Green) RHr T•k l0o1ter Punp Out or T.,k E-.ty 72. Fuel Quantity Gouge 73 • Madimeter 74. Clock 75, Range Switch (Radio .Althneter) 76. Indicating Meter for Radio Altl-ter n. On/Off Switch (Radio Altl-ter) 78. Pu1h Button for Check Int the L_,. S.rYlceablllty In the

Undercaniage Indicating Unit 79. A Slide Control for L•H•nlng fh• lntenaity of the Landing

Gear Position Indicator Lamp 80. Undercanlage lndlcatcir Unit 81 • Oxygen PreH11re Gouge 82· Undercarriage Selector Lever 83. Lock Slide Undercarriage S.1.ctor

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84. Maetet' a...._, Switch

85. Getterator Swttc:fl

86. L..tlftf Lltht Switch (Lltht '" Left Wing) 87. Gy'° IAelnetlc Co111paH 88. Rocho Tr.·••ltter R.colvar 89. ARIC Mcukot Switch (Racllo ConlpaH) 90. Racllo Al tlMe•r 91. Gun lltht 92. Ca_,. Gun $.itch 93. Mas .. r Swft0h23in• Gun U. Me•tw SwlNh # - Gun 95. BoMll Rerlea .. Selector 96. Dntp Tank Relaa•• • Einargency

Bo111ll Rel"" Selector Switch 97. Ma1ter Swttlh • Elevator oncl

AlleNn TrSM 'fall Motor•

Fig. 12. Cabin Layout - Detail F



®@ 82

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91. Emerpncy Un•retMrl ... Air Pre•.,.. o-,. 99. Underc•rrlap ·E••"9"CY Air VelH

100. Mein Hydr1111llc IY•'- PreNUt"• 0-.• UH. Em•rgency !'lap Air Pre .. uiw Geu1e 102. Ftap &.,..ncy AJr v.1 ... 103. Air PrH•UN a-,. Mein 5yst-

Fig. lZ Cabin Layout - Detail G


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104. Rel'IOte Contrttl Box (Radio Compau Rec•I••)

105. Fu-ae Holder 106. BFO Relay (o, Switch 107. FuH Holder 101. Tunlnt 0-k 109. ..On" lncllcotln9 L.,.p 110. Function Switch 111. Contrttl Switch (not ln us9}

112. 2 s,- Dlol c1 ..... 113. "L•Rltht"' Switch 11.t. Tunln9 Meter 115. Vol- Conttol 116 • LI tht Intensity ContrDI 117 • a. ... Switch 118 ..... .,ency Diol 119. Dlol .__,

Fig. 12 Cabi.n Layout - Detail H



Technical Report TR-AE-63: MIG-15 (VK-1) Pilot's Operating Manual ... - [PDF Document] (2024)


What were the tactics of the MiG-15? ›

At the tactical level, large formations of MiGs would wait on the Chinese side of the border. When UN aircraft entered MiG Alley, the MiGs would swoop down from high altitude to attack. If they ran into trouble, they would try to escape back over the border into China.

What engine was in the MiG-15? ›

The MiG-15 was the first Soviet jet to benefit from the British sale to Russia of the new Rolls Royce Nene and Derwent jet engines, which the Soviets immediately copied and refined. The resulting RD-500, Klimov RD-45, and modified VK-1 engines gave a powerful boost to Soviet jet technology.

What weapons are on the DCS MiG-15? ›

The aircraft is armed with three cannons (two 23 mm and one 37 mm) and can be further armed with two 100 kg bombs.

How many F-86 were shot down in the Korean War? ›

According to official US data ("USAF Statistical Digest FY1953"), the USAF lost 250 F-86 fighters in Korea. Of these, 184 were lost in combat (78 in air-to-air combat, 19 by anti-aircraft guns, 26 were "unknown causes" and 61 were "other losses") and 66 in incidents.

Was the MiG-15 better than the F-86? ›

"The MiG-15 was good, but hardly the superfighter that should strike terror in the heart of the West ... There was no question that the F-86 was the better fighter." Soviet leader Josef Stalin feared that if a Soviet MiG-15 pilot was captured, it would prove the USSR's direct involvement in the war.

Why is the MiG-15 called fa*got? ›

NATO designations for Soviet fighter aircraft started with an “F”. One syllable for propeller-driven, two syllables for jets. In the mid-1940's, when the MiG-15 was first spotted, 'fa*got' literally meant 'bundle of sticks', and was British slang for cigarettes.

Did a Corsair ever shoot down a MiG-15? ›

In addition, Marine Captain Jesse Folmar flew a most unusual mission in the skies over Korea, becoming the first piston-engine pilot to down a MiG-15 jet in air-to-air combat.

What is the military name for the MiG-15? ›

The Mikoyan-Gurevich MiG-15 (Russian: Микоян и Гуревич МиГ-15; USAF/DoD designation: Type 14; NATO reporting name: fa*got) is a jet fighter aircraft developed by Mikoyan-Gurevich for the Soviet Union.

What replaced the MiG-15? ›

The Soviet MiG-17 (NATO code-name "Fresco") was designed to replace the famous MiG-15 of the Korean War. Although similar in appearance to the MiG-15, the MiG-17 had more sharply swept wings, a longer fuselage, an afterburner, and better speed and handling characteristics.

What is the real name of the MiG-15? ›

The Soviet Union developed the MiG-15 following World War II and the fighter entered service in 1949. By 1952 the Soviets provided the MiG-15 (NATO code name "fa*got") to a number of communist satellite nations, including North Korea.

Why does the MiG-15 have a hole in the front? ›

Couple examples would be Mig-15 and F-86. They all have “holes” somewhere near the front if they are indeed jets as they are air intakes for the engine. A-10 warthog being a notable exception as it's engines are above and behind the co*ckpit and it doesn't use ducted intakes.

What is the top speed of the MiG-15? ›

What is the speed of a MIG-15 jet fighter? - Quora. 1,107 km/h (688 mph; 598 kn) / Mach 0.9 at 3,000 m (9,843 ft); Cruise speed: 850 km/h (530 mph, 460 kn) Mach 0.69.

Who shot down the first MiG-15? ›

8 November 1950: First Lieutenant Russell J. Brown, United States Air Force, 16th Fighter Interceptor Squadron, 51st Fighter Interceptor Wing, is credited with shooting down a Russian-built Mikoyan-Gurevich MiG 15 jet fighter near the Yalu River while flying a Lockheed F-80C-10-LO Shooting Star.

What was the weakness of the MiG-15? ›

The MiG-15 arguably had sufficient power to dive at supersonic speeds, but the lack of an "all-flying" tail greatly diminished the pilot's ability to control the aircraft as it approached Mach 1. As a result, pilots understood they must not exceed Mach 0.92, where the flight surfaces became ineffective.

Why was the MiG-15 called fa*got? ›

NATO designations for Soviet fighter aircraft started with an “F”. One syllable for propeller-driven, two syllables for jets. In the mid-1940's, when the MiG-15 was first spotted, 'fa*got' literally meant 'bundle of sticks', and was British slang for cigarettes.

Did the MiG-15 have an ejection seat? ›

First flown on December 30, 1947, the MiG-15 featured the first production swept wing on a Russian aircraft, the first pressurized co*ckpit, and the first ejection seat.

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Name: Duane Harber

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Introduction: My name is Duane Harber, I am a modern, clever, handsome, fair, agreeable, inexpensive, beautiful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.