Bright Eyed and Bushy Tailed - tardigradetheking - 僕のヒーローアカデミア | Boku no Hero Academia (2024)

Table of Contents
Chapter 1: The first morning of the rest of your life Notes: Chapter Text Chapter 2: if you'd ah been there if you'd ah seen it Notes: Chapter Text Notes: Chapter 3 Chapter Text Chapter 4: Celebrate Good Times Chapter Text Chapter 5: Anger issues Chapter Text Chapter 6 Notes: Chapter Text Notes: Chapter 7 Notes: Chapter Text Notes: Chapter 8: Battle Trial Notes: Chapter Text Notes: Chapter 9: Cat Cafe Notes: Chapter Text Notes: Chapter 10: Miruko Notes: Chapter Text Notes: Chapter 11: the USJ Notes: Chapter Text Notes: Chapter 12: All-Might be alright Chapter Text Chapter 13: Shonen love interest Notes: Chapter Text Notes: Chapter 14: the horror Notes: Chapter Text Notes: Chapter 15: Monoma Chapter Text Chapter 16: first rule of a street fight Chapter Text Chapter 17: names and a bag of chips Notes: Chapter Text Notes: Chapter 18: Dance (through the pain) Notes: Chapter Text Notes: Chapter 19: Emotional Bandwidth Chapter Text Chapter 20: maybe just maybe Chapter Text Chapter 21: waking up to a new world Chapter Text Chapter 22: beach day Chapter Text Chapter 23: the elephant Chapter Text Chapter 24: the band-aid Notes: Chapter Text Notes: Chapter 25: the build up Notes: Chapter Text Chapter 26: Race Chapter Text Chapter 27: here comes the cavalry Chapter Text Chapter 28: from the side lines Notes: Chapter Text Notes: Chapter 29: at the old quirk game Chapter Text Chapter 30: Midoriya Loses It Chapter Text Chapter 31: Todoroki Shoto's Quest Notes: Chapter Text Notes: Chapter 32: POV Midoriya Izuku Notes: Chapter Text Notes: Chapter 33: two stroke duel Chapter Text Chapter 34: two types of victory Chapter Text Chapter 35: fast forward fighting Chapter Text Chapter 36: how a bout that Chapter Text Chapter 37: Friendly Competition Chapter Text Chapter 38: what you've all been waiting for Chapter Text Chapter 39: awards and nostalgia Notes: Chapter Text Chapter 40: reality with a steel chair Notes: Chapter Text Chapter 41 Notes: Chapter Text Chapter 42: life is magic Chapter Text Chapter 43 Chapter Text Chapter 44: date Chapter Text Chapter 45: some surprises are good Chapter Text Chapter 46: grand revolutions Notes: Chapter Text Notes: Chapter 47: a Mighty Burger Chapter Text Chapter 48: work studies Chapter Text Chapter 49: 9 to 5 Chapter Text Chapter 50: Deika City Chapter Text Chapter 51: return Notes: Chapter Text Notes: Chapter 52: maybe this wasn't such a good idea Notes: Chapter Text Notes: Chapter 53: Mr. Confidence Chapter Text Chapter 54: iida Notes: Chapter Text Chapter 55: the return Chapter Text Chapter 56: support Chapter Text Chapter 57: finals Notes: Chapter Text Notes:

Chapter 1: The first morning of the rest of your life


Hi new readers. Ive been going through and fixing up writing mistakes. Please comment where any agregious spelling mistakes are or if things are just unclear

Chapter Text

Today was the day.

UA, the best hero school in the country, had it's entrance exam today.

Midoriya izuku was laying in bed, terrified. He was quirkless, he couldn't fly or shoot lasers or even turn his green hair red. There was no way he could get into UAs hero program. He was going to fail and embarrass himself and everyone would hate him. But if he stayed in bed, he could leave hope, and possibility hanging there ethereally.

Tick tock

Went his clock counting down the seconds before he would be late no matter what he did.

Suddenly, interrupting the sound slowly hammering him down, was a knock.

"Bunny" called out Usagiyama Rumi, pro hero miruko, who somehow fell in love with Izuku's mother. Who for some incomprehensible reason believed in izuku's dream.

"Wake up. Breakfast is getting cold" she called out impatiently.

Izuku sputters "I'm just stretching"

He springs out of bed and begins to stretch.

Soon Izuku opens his door to face his fate.

From the hall he could faintly hear music playing down stairs. Following the music he soon smelled breakfast.

Rumi's cooking was simple and frequently under seasoned. A down grade from his mother's cooking but filling all the same.

He quietly walked passed his mother, sleeping on the couch, on his way to the kitchen.

After a villain attack sent her into a coma she suffered from Narcolepsy. Even in the age of Quirks where medical advancements happened at a breakneck pace it would still take months if not years to coax her brain fully back to normal.

As the two are breakfast Rumi spoke

"Inko wanted to see you off, but" she trailed off.
"But I can run you to UA myself."

"Oh um no I you don't have too. Youre a busy person"

"Never too busy for you" Rumi says back warmly.

"N-no it's fine. it's j-just up the hill"

The Midoriyas and Rumi lived practically at UAs door step. It was statistically the third safest and fifth most expensive city to live in.

Even with Rumi's salary there was no way they could afford this house, were it not for the fact that up until recently the neighborhood beach had been used as an illegal dumping ground for some incomprehensible reason.

Sure the fact that Rumi was responsible for getting the land cleaned only after she bought the house was a legal grey area but she had a really great lawyer. Who insidently was really great at surviving being car bombed, seven months of intensive care aside. But they were back on solid foods and back on retainer.

There was a reason Rumi moved her loved ones to the third safest city in Japan.

Chapter 2: if you'd ah been there if you'd ah seen it


(See the end of the chapter for notes.)

Chapter Text

UAs gates stood there like an open maw. Capable of swallowing Izuku and all his dreams whole.

Bracing himself he took on single step, then another. Then as if mocked by the entire universe trips on thin air.

The boy ducks, rolling his body in order to spring to his feet smoothly.

"Wow" someone says, hand out stretched.

Izuku makes an eep sound. In his life attention from his peers has never lead to anything good. Especially if they were popular. There's no doubt in izuku's mind that a cute brunette like that would be extremely popular.

"Oh I'm sorry" Izuku belts out before sprinting away.

Unbenounces to izuku many would mistake his movements for being quirk inhanced. Two years training with a pro hero famous for her legs, for many reasons, will do that to someone.

UAs entrance exam was broken up into two parts, academic and practical.

If you asked Izuku anyone could handle the academic. Which made him nervous if the academic wasn't challenging that much mean that the practical would be terrifying, because UA was famously hard to get into.

Soon Izuku and the other hopefuls were shuffled into a field next to a large open gate, through it a mock city. A stage and a large screen stood opposite. A man walks onto the stage. Izuku knows that man.

Pro hero Present Mic. Famous for his mastery of his disrructive vocal quirk and his late night radio show.


"ONE POINT" an image of a wheeled robot with blocky arms and human like hands

"TWO POINTS" a four legged robot with a scorpion like tail

"AND THREE POINTS" a stout and blocky robot

"Oh and there's one worth zero points" a robot with a blocky humanoid torso and tank treds for legs


Izuku bolts.

another beat.

There's a stampede.

Miraculously Izuku is the third through the gate. After a boy with motor block sized calves and a frog girl.

The fist robot izuku sees takes a swing at him, before a boy with iron skin plows through it.

Izuku needed to get further in to stand a chance at gaining points.

Izuku spies a two point robot on the other side of the wreck of a three point. Now is his chance.

He leaps off the wreckage like a ramp, leg swinging skyward. Before mimicing one of his mentors more famous moves

"Luna Fall!" The only thing saving his foot from agony as it breaks open the robots head is the sturdy boots Rumi gave him.

Looking around izuku spots a one pointer just in time to react to it's charge. Izuku shifts then plants his feet, reaching out he grabs the robots arm and swings.

The one pointer smashes into the two pointer which in turn smashes into the three pointers wreck.


...he could do that again.

Before long Izuku manages to smash a one pointer into a three pointer. Then a one pointer into two two pointers.


This can't last forever the one pointers are thinning out fast.

He hears a scream. A small purple haired boy has managed to stop two robots with some sort of purple orbs. Unfortunately ended up close enough together and close enough to him to effectively box him in.

One of them was a three pointer and the other was a two pointer. Two of its for legs were stuck to the ground but it one of the front legs free to flail at him.

With our thinking izuku charges. Kicking off a wall he throws his body weight onto the leg, slowing it just enough for the other boy to capture it.

"Thanks thank you" he says.

Izuku smiles then tries to get up, he's caught on something.

"Hold on I got you" the short kid leans Forward to get him free.

A shadow looms.

Izuku kicks out, pushing his comrad away as the robots scorpion tail swings.

It clips izuku's leg painfully. When its tail pulls back for another strike izuku sees his opening. Throwing his legs forward he hooks them around the robots exposed head.

"Luna Tijeras" he jerks his legs back taking the robots head with him.


"Dude...that was awesome"

Izuku's panting. "Thank you"

The kids easing izuku free of his sticky trap.

Soon Izuku is free.

"See you later" calls the purple guy before bouncing off. Apperently the sticky detachable ball hair was also bouncy. Quirks are weird.

Suddenly there's camotion people are running , there's a loud rumbling.

Huh izuku thinks oddly calm. That's a big robot, at least twelve stories.

"Help!" Someone calls snapping Izuku out of his frozen state.

Izuku looks around. "Hello!?"

"Help!" Izuku follows the sound through an alley.

A large rock lay on the ground, smashed robots are under it.

"Help" the voice calls again from right besides him.

There's no one there. He feels a hand on his leg. Someone's invisible.

"Oh uh, I'm here." Izuku looks down "what's wrong."

The rumbling is getting closer.

"Someone dropped a roc on me. My legs stuck."

First izuku tries.lifting the rock.

The rumbling is getting closer.

He needs some kind of lever. Looking around he sees a stop sign. "Hold on"

Izuku runs full tilt then jumps. Briefly it looks like the sign is going to spring him back before it snaps.

Dragging it back izuku frantically tries to think up a fulcrom.

The robot was getting closer

Izuku's boots have steel toes.

He takes of his boot. Then slides the stop signs base under the rock.

"Ah! Left a little"

"Ok ready?" Izuku puts his waiting the sign.

"Thank you. ah leg" a weight leans on izuku. He feels an arm wrap around him.

Izuku grabs at the invisible girl. They run the best they can.

A buzzer. The rumbling stops.

Izuku's being hugged. "Thank you I..." Her voice hitches "I think you saved my life"

"Oh well ha anyone w-would have done it"

"Still thank you"

She's clinging to his hand as she uses him as a support to get to the curb.

"I'm just...going to sit here a while."

Izuku takes off his shirt. "Here so they can know your here."

"Thanks" she squeaks out.

Suddenly Izuku was very aware that he was shirtless.

Izuku jogs back the way they came. Much to his dismay his boot was gone. Smashed under the treads.

Loosing his boots would make it harder to pass his back up schools exams. He had just broken them in.

Izuku starts to cry.


The shirtless izuku scene gives me a an opportunity to talk about something I'm passionate about. How strength is portrayed in media.

Wash board abs are the result of almost zero% body fat, which is unhealthy, and extreme dehydration, which is extremely unhealthy, and flexing, which even all might can't do all day.
Seriously body builders dnt even look like body builders outside of competition.

So to picture izuku shirtless. Picture fat. Then picture that fat being firm enough that it doesn't sag. Tha lack of saging means it's muscle. If he flexes it's going to be hard but until then it looks kind of squishy.

Especially considering he still has a thin layer of body fat. Which is good for a fighter. As fatgum demonstrates it's pading

Now strongmen, have large muscular bellies. Izuku is not a strongman. He is strong but given his training is mostly calastenic and cardio he should have a leaness to him.

Chapter 3

Chapter Text

Midoriya Izuku had been in his room for the last three days.

He hadn't even gotten fifteen points for UAs practical.

He knows he bombed the interview for Shiketsu and the teachers at Chiyoko kept on giving him dirty looks.

Inko was getting worried for her son.

"Izuku dear," she calls through the door. "Why don't we go to the beach. It's a beautiful day out."

"We can go tomorrow" izuku mumbles out

"It's getting late in the year, it might be the last warm day."

She hears shuffling.

Izuku steps out into the hall, puffy eyed. He was wearing swim trunks and a shirt.

Inko's son never let anyone see him shirtless. Much to inko's horror he has a dreadful amount of scars. Scars that she hasn't known about for years.

The beach was less then a block away. It has a wide sandy coast, and a gorgeous view of the ocean.

Since it was cleaned it the entire neighborhood became revitalized. Trade vans lined streets to fix any house that wasn't already being moved into.

Fishermen and a few food carts lined the pier.

The too stood there. The water would be cold and It probably wouldnt be a good idea for Inko to go into the water.

Izuku takes a deep breath and walks forward. The water is what one could charitably call bracing.

He hesitates as the water nears his hips. Then Izuku decides to jump in. It's like a slap to the face. Izuku feels wide awake.

"How is it" Inko asks from shore. Paralysisly close to the water line.

"G-g-good" he chatters out.

Inko laughs, her head drops slightly. Then she puts one foot in the water only to quickly pull it back.

"It's frigid."

"You get used to it" Izuku days truthfully.

Inko takes another step and begins an ankle deep wade.

"So izuku" she asks "I'm sure you'll get into one of your high schools, but do you have a just in case plan?"

"M-maybe" izuku says from where he followers her in the water. He does not elaborate.

"Oh... Do you like the new neighborhood?"

"Yes it's very nice."

The two are nearing the pier now.

"Let's get something to eat"

Izuku swims to shore. He hadn't eaten much lately and swimming hadn't helped. However much to izuku's dismay being out of the water didn't make him less cold.

He had hoped that food would warm him but even after he dug in he shivered.

"W-we should go home n-n-now"

Rumi like she often does comes home battered and ready for a long bath. What ever mojo that had been making villains surrended without even a little fight was wearing off. She was definitely happy about that, although that last group seemed almost hand picked to give her trouble.

Her large rabbit ears are still ringing from that last sonic attack. But she was home now and she could peal out of her costume take a nice long bath, then maybe get bunny to spar a little and oh she could cuddle with Inko.

Walking inside she immediately sees Inko and izuku standing around a table.

"Am I about to get interventioned?" Ri quips as she unclasps her bulky metal footwear.

"The UA letter came in" Izuku says fear and reverence thick in his voice.

"Oh oh shi shoot"

Rumi hurried into the living room. The letter was small. Not a good sign.

She watches as izuku with shaking hands opens the letter.

It's a small thick metal disk. Buttons on two sides of its edge. One side has a grating like a speaker.


Suddenly there's light. A holographic screen flashes to light. A familiar face greats them.

"I AM HERE" All Might booms out "as a projection."

"That's right. I wasn't just in Mustafa to fight crime youre looking at UAs newest faculty member."

Oh Rumi thinks izuku must have gotten in why else would they brag about this.

"MIDORIYA IZUKU, even though you passed the written exam 14 villain points isn't enough to get into UA"

Izuku and Inko start crying. Oh Rumi was going to go to jail for killing the number one hero wasn't she.

"IF that was all to it. But there's more to being a hero then swinging your fist. HELPING PEOPLE is the true goal of a hero which is why we have rescue points. YOU MIDORIYA IZUKU were awarded 64 points. Giving you a grand total of 78 points. CONGRADULATIONS NUMBER ONE SCORER. see you soon champ."

Chapter 4: Celebrate Good Times

Chapter Text

The three of them stared at the space the hologram once was.

"Holy sh-cow" says Rumi before turning to izuku.

Rumi's words seemed to prod Inko out of her stuper. She climbs over the table to hug her son.

"I'm so- I'm so" she sobs out. "happy for you Izuku"

Izuku's crying to, that is to say he had been crying the entire time but the reason had changed.

Rumi scoops them both up and starts spinning them around.


"EEEEEE" Squeals Inko in fear.

Rumi teeters as she almost looses balance. "hahaha"
She sets them down. "Not bad kid"

Izuku chuckles "it was nothing" he says deprecatingly.

"No" Rumi states "none of that. You worked hard. You did great"

Izuku sniffles "thank you Rumi"

"We should celebrate. I know, I'll cook katsudon." Suggests Inko "Rumi dear please help me"

"Of course. I'm going to shower first." Rumi then made a bunch of kissy faces and walked out of the room.

One of the rooms Rumi had specifically renovated when they moved in was the bathroom. Its foot print extended to make room for a large, claw foot bathtub. Rumi had found it on the beach and after having it lead tested and cleaned it was deemed fit to lay in, and that was the important part, being able to lie down.

It pained Rumi to not be able to bathe as there wasn't the time. The kid after all deserved a celebration. She could bathe later.

There kitchen is the other room specifically renovated for the move in. It's counters glisten, it's floors have traction and it's appliances dumb and durable. Truly a kitchen of 23rd century.

Yet for all the kitchen elegant design and it's hint of homey rustic decorations the most beautiful and elegant thing in the room was, in Rumi's eyes, Midoriya Inko.

"Hi'ya dumpling."

Inko jolts "hello dear."

Rumi slaps her hands together. "What's first"

Inko looks into the living room where izuku is watching one of his favorite movies. She gestures a sliding motion with her hands.

Rumi steps aside.

Inko gives a look then gestures again.

Rumi slides the door shut. She liked where this was going.

"We need to talk" Inko said seriously.

She no longer liked where this was going.


"Are we sure about this?"

"What? Us?"

"No I. No I mean" Inko looks a little panicked. "It's Izuku UA." She shuffle closer "what if he gets hurt, my baby boy."

"He.... Isn't going to be a kid forever"

"He might be, you know how dangerous hero work can be, I've I've seen your scars."

Rumi never wanted to have this conversation. "I...understand where your coming from. I don't's" suddenly she can't find the words.

"It's what? Some some adrenaline trip for you, like your the only one affected by your choices."

"It's not my decision it's not your decision either, it's his decision" Rumi points to the door, whisper shouting "and he doesn't want to live a life of mediocrity, shoved into a little box of people's condescending expectations. He's good at this. Maybe better then me in some ways."

"But he's not stronger then you, he's not faster."

"Neither is Centipeder, or nighteye, or Snipe"

"But he doesn't have a quirk"

Something inside Rumi was lashing around her heart and stomach. How couldn't she see it, how couldn't she see him? How could she treat her own kid like this. Like some weak little bunny girl who should be afraid of her own shadow.

"I" she flinches as her own voice cracks "need to leave. Tell izuku I got called in"

Chapter 5: Anger issues

Chapter Text

Upon reflection Rumi could have handled that better, Bunny is her kid after all.
Upon further reflection Rumi handled it really well actually. She hadn't yelled and she got herself out of a situation that was making her mad.
Take THAT Usagiyama anger issues she thinks proudly.
Haha haaauuuuuhhhh she's going to have to make this up to Inko and Bunny isn't she.
Ugh she was going to have to talk about her feeling too.
One step at a time Rumi.
There's a chime as she walks into a shop.

"Hi Rumi san" says a familiar face. "We haven't seen you in a...your not wearing any shoes?"

"Yeah yeah. Can I get two carrot cakes and a chocolate caramel bar to go."

A cat rubs against her leg. She bends down to pet Bay-Star.
The cashier says the price. Rumi pats herself down looking for her money clip, before remembering she was wearing her stay at home sweatpants.

"Can I set up a tab?"

"...I can tell you've had a weird night, so sure. You're here all the time, anyway."

She puts her hands together "thank you, so much"

With anger comes adrenaline and with adrenaline comes the blocking of pain and discomfort. With a calm head and no adrenaline comes the discomfort of not wearing shoes on a cool night.
Fortunately for Rumi, her office was right next door and she kept a few spare shoes there. The building was laughably small by industry standards, especially for a rising star like Miruko.
The ground floors foot print was taken up by the secretaries desk, the buildings only bathroom, a storage closet. The back half of the building and part of the parking spaces out back was turned into a training area. Thankfully only one of the buildings employees had a car. The second floor held a simple break room, a second closet, a former bathroom turned into a shower closet, the investigation room; which was simply two desks pressed together and several cork boards, and critically the crash room.
There was a trick to getting inside without keys to the building. The trick being being able to jump two stories up. Miruko’s costume was fairly skin tight, it had pockets but only had enough room for the bare minimum of day to day hero gear. Keys thankfully to this situation are not necessary equipment, so the roof access has a key pad. Soon she would be at the crash room.
The crash room is an institution, a pillar older and more hallowed than All-Might. Arguably it was older then heroics as a profession. The crash room is built into the very fiber of hero culture. According to many it wasn't a hero agency with out one, most judge the quality of the agency by the quality of those rooms. In all its elegant simplicity the crash room is a bed, in a room, with maybe a motivational poster.
Rumi slides a plastic tote out from under the bed, she shifts through its content. Past the blankets, past the one size fits most PJ’s past one of her old costumes stuffed inside a garbage bag; Rumi takes that out and tosses it into the corner. Finally she finds them, A pair of crocks and some grippy socks, Right next an open pack of men’s underwear and a sleeping mask.
Looking at the bed Rumi was honestly tempted to just go to sleep now and deal with this later. But she hates having to wake up to heavy emotions. So she sighs and trudges home.
As she opens the door to her home she hears a movie playing, Izuku breathing nervously and Inko’s stifled tears
“im home” she calls out warmly

“Rumi san” calls out Izuku.

I brought gifts, Rumi deposits the bag of cake in the living room. Inko laughs a little wetly. “how far into the movie are we?”
“halfway” Says Izuku.
Inko scoots over making room, leaving her sandwiched in the middle. Rumi starts idly tracing old graffiti traced into the wood. A stylized S, a different stylized S with a shield, ‘Yoichi was here’ and a picture of a simple man with a droopy nose peaking over some kind of wall. Part way through the night Inko falls asleep as she leans into Rumi and as Izuku leans into her.
“alright kid its getting late go to sleep.”
“yeah ok, its too late to start another movie.”
now Rumi waits. And waits and. Suddenly its morning. Inko, wheres Inko? She finds her in the back yard watching a sunrise.
“hey” Rumi says “im, I guess im sorry about last night….I well...grew up hearing a lot of that cant be a hero stuff and I reacted poorly.”
“I understand” she says cooly
“I think Izuku is going to be a great hero, not all heroes are going to be front line fighters, our boys a strategist.”
“he’s our boy now?” tone unreadable. Rumi decides its best to forge ahead. “I could get the boys” her work teammates “and try to push him towards investigation but he’s going to be a hero, somehow someway. We might as well give him the tools he needs.”
“I suppose your right.”
“I’m sorry I got angry, its not something I can just decide not to be, so sometimes I just need to leave. I’m sorry for scaring you.”
Inko by way of response slowly leans onto Rumi’s shoulder.

Chapter 6


(See the end of the chapter for notes.)

Chapter Text

Midoriya Izuku is terrified, the first day in a new school. Given his track record with school he has plenty reason to feel that way.

However given that right here, right now, the only thing standing between him and his life long dream was a door, he has no choice but to open that door.

Taking in the class he half expects to see bakugou, his best friend, turned bully, turned quirk supremacists. But instead he sees strangers, calmly chatting. Well they were chatting until Izuku opened the door.

"Sup" says a guy with yellow hair before a familiar face calls out "dude" a short purple haired boy jumps out of his seat "we're going to be in the same class, that's awesome."

"Y-yeah" Izuku wasn't used to this.

"I'm Mineta" he holds out his hand.

"Midoriya" Izuku then with some hesitation shakes. The chatter of the class slowly picks back up.

"I can't thank you enough for helping me. I was terrified."

"I-its nothing re-" Izuku feels eyes on him "-ally" his eyes sweep the class room. For a second fear strikes through him when he recognizes the popular brunette from before. Then his eyes lock with empty space, or rather the space above an empty set of clothes as if worn by someone invisible. The clothes jerk and suddenly twist slightly. Now Izuku's really afraid. What has he done, what had he done? Wait he knows her, he saved her...and then took his shirt off. Did she think he was hitting on her, did she see his many scars and think he was dangerous? No she probably thinks he's pathetic for letting people leave so many scars on him.

Izuku sits down in the nearest chair and curls up.

"I've been standing here for three minutes" a voice suddenly says dryly. The class turns, A disheveled man stands in the back of the class. "Your situational awareness is pathetic." He then confidently strolls to the front. "Im Mr. Aizawa. I'll be your home room teacher. We have assigned have five seconds."

A scramble. Izuku wants to raise his hand and ask about assigned seating.

"Wait" asks a pink girl with horns "what is the assigned seating"

"That was a test you all failed." He smiles, it's a frightening smile "now let's go." He walks out the door. The class streams after him.

"Sir, sir" says a tall black haired girl, "where are we going?"

"We're going to have a test. Now here is the locker room you'll find gym clothes inside. Take the door out the back."

Great izuku thinks changing. As he enters the room. Well at least he'll be humiliated somewhere nice looking. These were genuinely the nicest locker room he had ever seen. He glances at a locker. It has a name on a plate. It wasn't his. Easily Izuku finds his locker.

He lays out his shirt and takes a deep calming breath. He has to do this quickly. Three...two...two and three quarters. people are starting to stream out. Go. Midoriya Izuku sets a personal best for changing shirts.

The gym clothes were surprisingly comfortable, he twists experimentally. They breathe very well, and are these shoes. They were light very light. Wow UA is great.

As Izuku walks out he starts taking shaky and hopefully calming breaths. The rest of his class already waiting. In front of them Aizawa. "The board of education has a fitness test but they don't let you use your quirk. That's illogical, today we see what you can really do"

"Awesome this is going to be so fun."

"Fun? Fun you say?" The teacher asks "being a hero isn't fun. That's why in order for you all to take this seriously, if you don't impress me and get last place you're expelled" the teachers eyes fall right onto Izuku. The boy swallows, he's used to teachers hating him.

"Oh my God" says the pink girl "I am so sorry guys"

Izuku finds himself at the starting line of a fiftie meter dash. To his left the pink girl to his right Mineta, the frog girl, and the invisible girl.


Izuku sprints barely keeping pace with the girl to his left skating on some sort of slime, the frog girl reached the finish line with two hops, mineta bounces away leaving everyone but her in the dust.

Izuku ties for third. Midoriya's heart sinks until he realizes out of the whole class he's in sixth. Maybe he will pass.

That errant thought is quickly beaten to death when he scores 11th in grip strength.

Yet hope yet lives when he scores seventh in the standing long jump. Followed soon by scoring third in side jumps. Right behind Mineta and ahead of a girl who had been underperforming up until this point does a surprisingly effective mimicary of Mineta's trick using two large mushrooms.

First place as with all the other events goes to an orange haired girl with a strength and gaintification quirk. She'd only been slowed down by the grip strength because her hands grow at a faster rate and they needed to find a bigger machine. She was dominating, until the brunette got an infinity on the ball throw. Izuku has so many questions about her quirk.

Furthering the upset Izuku scored number two on the flexibility test behind the frog girl tsu. Izuku then faces his own upset when the invisible girl scored ahead of him in pull ups and sit ups. She was a beast getting second in both. That being said the last event, the fitness gram pacer test. Izuku was starting to actually have some fun. Rumi had trained him in agility and endurance hard so, outside of Mineta and the orange girl no one could keep pace with him. although the frog girl gave a good showing. But eventually all things end. First Mineta fell behind, jumping from ball to ball was energy efficient but he lacked the stamina to keep up. Then Izuku faltered.

As he lay there on the ground panting he smiled. Sure his teacher hates him and his class mates scare him but thanks to the runners high he had a good time. A genuine good time.

"Alright" the teacher says "you all impressed me congradulations. Now take a shower. We're going over the syllabus in class" he then walks away.

"Well that was anti climactic" someone says.

Suddenly there's a hand in izuku's periphery. He flinches. It's the big six armed guy. "You ok man?"

"Y-yeah g-give me a minute...a-a-actually go on with out" he's pulled to his feet.

"That guy was out of line."

"I'm sure he h-has out best intentions at heart."

"Sure he does" the two start walking "hey are you that Midoriya Izuku?"

"W-what are you talking about?"

"The Aldera one." A pause "well if you are him, it's cool that you made it. We quirk diverse have to stick together."

"Th-th-thank you?"

"My names Shoji by the way"

"I'm midoriya b-but you already knew that" izuku laughs nervously. "L-l-lets get to class"

After a not so brief lecture on the syllabus, which includes slides and informative videos it was time for lunch. Izuku was yet again terrified. Terrified as he waited in line, terrified as he got his food and he was certainly terrified when Mineta waves him down. But if Izuku spent all his time avoiding what he was scared of he'd never leave the house so he sits down.

As the two begin to eat Shoji sits down. "Hey" he says.

"Mineta this Shoji"

"Nice to meet you."

"Hi" another voice says softly "can I sit here" it was the invisible girl, Mineta scoots over while Midoriya gets up to leave, only to be held down by Shoji.

"Er" the girl says to midoriya directly. "I'm hagakure. I'm not sure you remember me"

"Y-yes" Izuku braces himself

"Thanks for saving me"

"Huh?" Izuku was baffled.

"Oh he saved you to?" Asks Mineta chipperly

"Yeah I was stuck under a big rock and the zero pointer was..."

"Wow. That must have been terrifying"

"It was, I don't know how he did it" the two look to izuku.

"M-move faster the-n your fears."

A pause

"Well" starts Shoji "we're all friends here let's see what we have in common. I'm Shoji I like the summer and want to be a hero to help progress society"

"Oh I'm hagakure, I'm more of a winter girl and I want to be a hero for...personal reasons but I do like summer flowers."

"I'm Mineta I really like spring and I want to become brave."

"I'm midoriya I-i guess I like any season really, I've...always wanted to be like all might?"

"Ok favorite book" hagakure fires off

"I've always liked slice of life manga" Izuku adds tentatively.

"Me too" adds Mineta

"Same here" Shoji states.

Hagakure snickers "I actually really like cheesey shonin"

Mineta nods his head "my mom says its sexist. But I've read a few"

"Oh my God it's so sexist" Hagakure agrees "the girls never do anything. But it's soo fun"

Mineta and Hagakure share a laugh.

"D-d-does anyone play video games?" Izuku hazards.

"Dating Sims and visual novels" says Shoji

"I'm more into shooters" Mineta adds

"Oh do you play COD?" Shoji asks


"Nice we should add each other. How about you midoriya?"

"F-fighting games"

"Huh" Hagakure adds "I can see it. Do you get all try hard?"

"No, I mostly like getting into the flow of it."

Mineta holds up his drink "to a gamers best friend, flow states" everyone toasts.

"Wait what about you Hagakure" Midoriya asks

"I only really play party games." Her hand moves behind her head as if she's rubbing the back of her neck.

"Ok ok hidden talents" Mineta asks

"I can wiggle my ears" Hagakure states.

"can you see yourself?" Midoriya asks


Shoji clears his throat then two of his hands morph into mouths and harmonize.

"Wow" says Hagakure

"That was awesome" mineta says while izuku nods his head.

"Hey Shoji are you done with that bottle" Mineta asks

Shoji hands it over.

"Watch this" Mineta then throws the bottle a third of the way across the cafeteria straight into a garbage can.

"Dang how didn't you dominate the ball throw"

Mineta sighs "accuracy is not range"

"How about you midoriya?" Hagakure asks.

"Um I don't I uh cartwheels."

"I can't do cartwheels" Shoji confesses.

Midoriya felt like he was going to faint. Three new people willing to spend time with him. His life felt like a dream. Suddenly an alarm blares, the dream is a nightmare there's chaos. As quickly as the chaos starts it's ended with one Titanic claps.

"Alright everyone" shouts the Orange haired girl, Kendo "let's remain calm. We're surrounded by pro heroes we are safe. look outside is just reporters."

Outside Present Mic can be seen suplexing a reporter, who had presumably done something extra to warrant it. Other reporters are tripping over each other to flee for the gate.

UA is weird but Izuku just might like it.

The second half of the school day was taken up by a shortened full class schedule. Applied math, history through the lense of art, applied science, English and Literature, and then the hero focused classes rescue first aid, and hero law.

They were told that on alternating days the would have Ethics instead of English & lit and fundamentals of heroics instead of first aid and hero law.

Izuku thought the combination of English and Literature into one class was interesting. By the end of the semester they would learn enough to read an English translation of a Japanese children's novel. Then, in English, discuss the merits of that translation. Given the specialization heroes needed it made sense for some general education classes to pull double duty. That's not even touching on history through the lense of art, midnight was truly an inspired and inspiring teacher.

He had never felt this good about school. His life was looking up. He open the door to his home.


Izuku screams like a little girl.


So to recap. Izuku has better speed, stamina, and flexibility then anyone without a directly helpful quirk. A large part of this is everyone else splits there attention between training and quirk training. This isn't going to be a quirkless power fantasy story.

For instance Hagakure is a lot stronger

As for Mineta well spacetoons mineta (the Arabic equivalent of 4kids) is a nice mommas boy trying to become brave. So basically this Mineta went with his mom in the divorce instead of his dad.

Yes, there will be no eraser dad, this fanfic tends to play with fanon assumptions.

Chapter 7


(See the end of the chapter for notes.)

Chapter Text

"SURPRISE!" yelled the Usagiyama family, the Uguro's, Inko, centipeder and Rumi's lawyer.

To which Midoriya Izuku screamed shrilly.
Rumi and her brother and sister as well as oclocks daughter all burst out laughing.

”im sorry I'm hehehe ppfff" Mizuki chockes out "we shouldn't be laughing" the laughter slowly dies out.

"Come on in kid" Rumi yells "tell us all about your day."

Izuku feels a little overwhelmed by all these people, but he knows them all, they are safe. So izuku walks through yet another door. Taking off his shows he starts.

"I-it was nice. The classes are interesting. Midnight of all people is a teacher and she's amazing, she took us into a fake cave to make wall paintings as she lectured about pre history."

"Wait" Mari covers Kei's ears "the R rated hero teaches?"

"And is good at it, apparently" adds Oguro.

"What else" Inko asks "did you make any friends?"

"Inko dear it's the first" Rumi starts.

"I did"
Rumi freezes, turns, charges, hugs, and spins. "We're so proud of you" people are clapping. Izuku was starting to feel self conscious. Before his mother adds to the hug and then Mizuki.

"So" starts Oguro "are we going to party or not."

Tsuyoshi looks at him "I know exactly what your thinking"

"Grilling" they say together before heading to the back yard.

"Wait you put a grill in my back yard" Rumi asks

"No" clarifies Oguro "we brought two grills"

"Dad's burgers are so good" says Mizuki and Tamao simultaneously

"Jinks" calls Mizuki

Everyone streams into the back yard.

"I could definitely eat, regrowing most of ones body has left me with quite the appetite" elaborates Komon-san

"How did you survive anyway?"Mari asks

"Well turns out my weak shape shifting quirk is actually a healing quirk."

"Awfully convenient that you didn't know about this until now." Implies Mari

"Yes quite serendipitous. It's almost as if I were avoiding the paperwork."

"Aren't you a Lawyer?"

"It's almost as if I was avoiding the paperwork."

Centipeder for his part has been mostly silent. Despite the colorful bowtie he doesn't seem particularly happy to be here. Still he shares a pat on the back and a conradulations to Izuku.

Outside Oguro and Tsuyoshi have already started grilling. Both holding a beer in one hand.

"So" asks a Tamao, flanked by Mizuki, to Izuku "tell us about these friends of yours" Inko hearing the inquiry and walks closer.

"Well there Mineta he's nice and faces his fears a lot. Then there Shoji he's...a bro?" Izuku wonders if he's using the term right. "And t-then theres Hagakure she," izuku is interrupted by Tamao loudly saying "oh a girl"


"Tamao don't tease the boy" Mari demands

"Youre not my mom"

"Ha you tell her" Rumi contributes, from where she stands pushing Kei as she clings to Rumi's punching bag like a koala.

"A-a-and she's outgoing? And I kind of saved her lifesoimactuallyreallyscaredthatthatstheonlyreasonshespendstimewithme."

Tamao laughs "kid your cute in good shape and saved her life, she has a crush"

"W-w-what, no, no I mean who could have a crush on me?"

Tamao and Mizuki flinch after being very suddenly reminded about how low Izuku's self esteem actually is. Inko hugs him, rocking slightly.

"Is he ok" calls Rumi

"Yes?" Izuku says kind of unsure of what's happening right now.

Oguro and Tsuyoshi were talking about old dad things like watching your kids grow up, how the old days were better in some ways, the obligatory praising of All Might for making things so much more peaceful and how best to grill. That last topic got briefly heated, much like the meats. Haruki walked up to them and suggested the dumbest grilling advice he could think of. His "have you tried puring co*ke on it?" Got both grillers back on the same page. Haruki walks away satisfied with a job well done.

"Burgers are ready" declares Oguro

"Mine aren't" clarifies Tsuyoshi "you can't rush this"

The burgers were good but soon a consensus was reached that Tsuyoshi's were better. Oguro nurses a beer as his daughter slumps over while being consulled by Mizuki.

Suddenly Izuku's sick of being the center of attention "Kei what are you doing?"

"I'm a koala rawr" she says from behind a plate of lettuce.

"Oh are koalas your favorite animal?"

"Uh huh. They eat leaves" She goes back to eating lettuce.

The night was fun, eventually Kei had to go to sleep and centipeder drifted off, Oguro hobbles home as his daughter stays late chatting with Mizuki. Inko falls asleep before Kei does and Rumi carries her upstairs. The chairs a packed away, the grills are doused. The night slowly winds down.

Izuku Midoriya falls asleep after the greatest day he has had in a decade.


Why is the R rated hero allowed to teach? Because she's the best at it.

Also Tamao and Mizuki is it friendship, is it more, for now you decide.

As for Rumi's lawyer, they have plenty of reasons to not update there quirk registry after all why would you give people reason to think you aren't easy to kill. This paranoia is also what kept them off all for ones quirk radar, leaving him a potato face still.

Chapter 8: Battle Trial


(See the end of the chapter for notes.)

Chapter Text

School Midoriya was quickly learning was actually kind of, shockingly great. He actually had friends, classes were fun and challenging and he was surprisingly well prepared for hero law and first aid.

Sure his homeroom teacher was hyper critical of his mistakes but that was old news. Shoji always says he's an ass but then in Midoriyas experience so are most teachers.

"Seriously" Hagakure says while the four wait for the applied math teacher to walk in. "He's so mean to you." As she talks and gesticulates parts of her outfit seem to blur and fade into invisibility. "What is his problem?"

"I-i'm sure it's nothing teachers tend to not like me"

In there little group a pin could drop and they would hear it.

"Dude what" Mineta asks some level of horror in his voice. Shoji's fist shakes as he clenches it.

"Do you..." Hagakure hesitates to ask "deal with this often?"

Midoriya opens his mouth to answer.

"Alright class" the voice of Snipe sensei calls out as he walks through the door. "It's time for math."

Between applied Math and History through the lense of art the conversation picks up again.

"What's not to like about you?" Asks Hagakure "you're smart, you're nice, you're a natural hero, you're very er I mean you have a cool quirk."

Izuku's heart races and sinks. She thinks he has a quirk, of course why else would someone spend time with him, except Shoji he's a bro, he was so stupid and USELESS and

"Some of it's got to be dedication and training" Shoji before further diverting the topic "what is your work out routine?"

"I start my day with a lot of stretches and a quick 5k, then I do calastenics when ever I can."

Midnight bursts in wearing a fur tunic "it's Cave time." They all exit the classroom and head to a bit of woods, Cementoss' manmade cave awaits. It was time for the lesson on the late stone age.

"What about workout days?" Hagakure asks as they walk back to class "you said you do a 5k every day."

"I-i do a 10k kick my punching bag for an hour then some Yoga"

"That's impressive" Hagakure flexes her arm, muscles bulging "I mostly do stealth and weight training, I'm all about power."

"Oh we have to arm wrestle" adds Shoji

"You people scare me" Mineta jokes

The four laugh as they head to the science room, it's easier to keep the specialized equipment in one place.

After class Hagakure continues "what about you Mineta?"

"I have a gym membership so mostly kickboxing and gymnastics."

"Really gymnastics?" Asks Shoji

"I always have a spring board" Mineta says pointing at his hair. "How about you?"

The giant octopus like man shrugs "I have some dumbbells and I run laps around my town with them."

"Oh I should try that" Izuku adds excitedly.

"You know Izuku" Hagakure says "it's really interesting that you don't use any weights. Why is that?"

"W-well my tr-te-yeah teacher doesn't like dealing with all that equipment when you can just" he starts doing walking lunges as they move. Shoji again shrugs and joins him, followed by Hagakure and Mineta. Tetsutetsu and Kiroshima the classes twins in another life join in. Pretty soon the entire class is lunging back to there classroom. They devolve into giggles and laughs even as there legs start to burn.

After English and Literature they have lunch.

"So I hear our costumes are coming in today" Hagakure comments."what did you guys design?"

Shoji simply says "leatard"

Midoriya Blushes "m-mostly just a leatard too"

Hagakure whips her head towards izuku.

"I couldn't think of anything" says Mineta

"At least you get to wear something my quirk kind of leaves me naked"

"What!" Mineta yells "that's so messed up don't they have anything for you to wear, what about breast support, what about the cold, what about."

"Wowow" says Hagakure "joking joking"

They're all looking at her "check this out" she takes a napkin and pushes it up to her face, it disappears. "Just don't tell anyone it's way more fun this way. But is nice that you care this much."

"My mom's a dyed in the wool feminist. It's hard not to care."

"Nice man" Hagakure presumably extends a fist "Respect" she says Borrowing on of Shoji's moves.

Soon with a detour to Ethics its time for Fundamentals of Heroics, All Might addition. For all the hype of him being on staff he's more of a guest lecturer and would only teach on occasion. Today is one such occasion. They were instructed to change into there hero costumes, which true to Hagakure’s rumor milling have finally come in.

Izuku’s costume was green, with brown and yellow highlights. The yellow paying double duty as a reference to Miruko and All-Might. It Much like Miruko was a torso covering leotard, although his also covered his upper arm and upper thighs. Instead of the strange thigh high stockings Miruko wore he wore heavy duty boots going up to his mid calf. Lastly he knew his mother would have a fit if he didn’t also have goggles, a cod piece and knee and elbow pads. His only real piece of support equipment was a yoyo like grappling hook Oguro Sensei gave him. He felt a little silly, and relieved that it covered as much of his back and shoulders as he hoped. Midoriya Izuku in his best imitation of a confident strut walks out to join his class.

The costume that most stood out was Ochako's a bulky pink and white space suit with cat ears. The only thing not quite to theme was he bulk mittens. They had thick armored slabs on them. Ochako's bare fingers could be seen when she opens her palm to wave at her friends. Her natural finger pads look like a cat's toe beans.

"Wow Ochako" Mina calls "going to space?"

"I wish but no."

"That's looks really heavy." Kirishima adds.

"Only if it needs to be."

"Manly" Tetsutetsu exclaims. "Welcome to the armor bros"

"Thanks, there class nine plates" Ochako exclaims excitedly. Before smacking her chest. "And it has liquid cooling system, I love not having to worry about gravity."

"Wow" says kirishima in awe

Mina laughs "is class nine a big deal"

"I've always wanted to be a class nine plate" says Tetsutetsu.

"It's like the holy Grail of body armor. They use it in battle mechs. How thick?" Kirishima elaborates excitedly

"Over an inch in some places"

"That's got to weigh like a ton" Tetsutetsu adds in awe.

"Two hundred fifty pounds."

"Bro" says Kirishima

"Bro" agrees Tetsutetsu

Before they could continue to geek out about battle armor a booming laugh rings out. Suddenly a man, or more accurately a demigod masquerading as a wall of muscle and blonde hair flips over a building into a standing position in front of them.

“wow” his voice booms out, a deep tone that rumbles chests “you all look like heroes, now lets see if you can act the part. Today we will be splitting into teams of two one team to play the villains who have to protect there dastardly nuclear bomb while the other side heroes, who have to either incapacitate the villains or secure the bomb.”

Yaomomo raises her hand


“isnt it unbecoming to play villains?”

“I should hope not, otherwise I have a lot to answer for,” a booming laugh “we can learn and have fun at the same time cant we”

“woo” calls out Kaminari, as sparks shimmer off him.

“now then lets...Draw lots” he holds up two boxes.

Izuku much to his relief gets paired with Shoji only to quickly pivot to horror as he has to go up against the popular girl, in class nine plates, and Sero, Controlling gravity unlimited sticky tape. They were doomed. So he did the only reasonable thing and asked All-Might “sir are we allowed to leave the building with the bomb?”

another booming laugh “clever but in a real world situation two villains running down the street with a large bomb would get swarmed by heroes.”

it was a hallow blessing that Shoji and he are given time to prepare. The bomb was large, there were very few places they could put it.

“im thinking, we keep the bomb away from windows.”

“good idea, theres a dead end hallway we could shove it into. That would at least give them less angles of attack.we should also barricade it.”

“cant she cancel gravity?”

“yes but she still has to move the boxes.”

as the two barricade Midoriya spots a fire extinguisher. “Shoji here. You could use this for maneuvering if she gets you or try fogging up that face shield.”

“tha” what ever else Shoji was going to say is cut off by a buzzer.

Shojis hands morph into large ears. He had a very versatile quirk. “they came in through a window upstairs wait, he points his hands down. That must be Sero.”

“I might be able to take Sero but, no if he gets up here his tape might work in our favor. One of use needs to stall Ochako.”

Shoji stretches out his hands easily touching both walls “I can maneuver” he runs upstairs surprisingly quietly for someone his size.

Midoriya waits, there is one staircase, one elevator shaft, and a fire escape, but the fire escape is near the elevators, He’s going to need room to avoid Seros tape. Midoriya plants himself in an intersection. Then rounding the corner is one of the scariest things hes ever seen. A five foot one girl charging in two hundred fifty pounds of class nine plates, correction a five foot one girl charging at him as if she wasnt wearing an eightieth ton of class nine plates and body armor.

Midoriya charges to meet her. Bouncing off a wall Izuku jumps over her. Then while her back was still turned sweeps her legs. She hits the ground deceptively lightly before her hand shoots out. Izuku was already moving, the fundamental rule of Capoiera was to never stop moving. Unfortunately its easier to charge forward then dance backwards. With a miss timed jump and an unlucky swipe Izuku hits the ceiling. Izuku kicks off the wall and tries to stomp on her head, only for something truly unusual to happen. Izuku weighing nothing has just with all his force tried to move something that weighs infinitely more then him. Izuku having no weight essentially doesn’t carry momentum so he stops dead with out it hurting anyone but his already nonexistent pride.

Midoriyas grabbed, flipped around and thrown down the hall. Izuku throws his grappling hook, Izuku throws the grappling hook he has barely used. It goes wide and bounces harmlessly off the window. Uraraka is charging. Not quite as fast as the yoyohook can retract though. Not that it helps him much as theres nothing to grab onto. He hears a scream, both he and Uraraka glance. There is Sero hanging by his tape out the window behind them. He waves, Izuku and Uraraka wave back. Uraraka turns the corner towards the bomb.

Izuku frantically swims in the air making little progress but still moving. Shoji grabs him as he runs. “hero team wins” gravity reasserts itself.

“that was pretty great guys.” calls out Uraraka. Sero gives a thumbs up from the window.

“sorry for accidentally throwing you out that window” Shoji calls to Sero “its cool" he calls back before he slides downward out of view.

Back in the viewing area All-Might asks the class “who was the MVP of the exercise”

“Midoriya” Hagakure suggests “he came up with most of the plan and stalled Uraraka”

“sorry man” says Shoji “its got to be Sero our plan would have worked if his stomping hadnt convinced me he was Uraraka.”

“that was her idea” Sero counters.

“Uraraka won so it should be her.” suggests Kaminari.
Suddenly Cementoss runs in “STOP STOP. All-Might I gave you a year two lesson plan, its”

everyone is looking at him “too soon for this, you all need to cover, quirk and sparing safety, as well as costume checks and finish the first aid unit before theirs any actual fighting.”

All-Might pales “, is everyone alright.”

Sero raises his hand “I think I strained my Elbow a little when Shoji Accidentally” he stresses “knocked me out a window”

“see” yells Cementoss.

“sorry man” says Shoji again

“er well...class dismissed?” Asks All-Might.

Cementoss claps his hands together “congratulations you know have an hour and a half free homework period. Now go get changed out of your costumes. And Sero go to Recovery Girl pronto”

responding to Shoji Sero says “water under the bridge it was an accident. Although I wouldnt say no to you carrying my backpack.”


shout out to "a clear pattern of behavior" for the idea of All might accidentally using the year two refresher lesson plan

also its my AU i get to make Uraraka the terrifying force of nature that she should be.

Chapter 9: Cat Cafe


(See the end of the chapter for notes.)

Chapter Text

as the school day comes to an end Hagakure makes a suggestion “we should totally do something, were ahead on homework.”

“great idea” agrees Mineta “ill need to text my mom.”

“im game” says Shoji “Midoriya do you want to come?”

“s-sure w-where t-t-too”

a pause “im kind of hungry” says Shoji

“oh.” squeels Hagakure “I know this great cat cafe. In walking distance. No ones allergic right?”

It took Izuku five minutes to realize where they were going, the cat cafe next door to the Luna Agency. Please no one notice me please no one notice me he internally pleaded as he walked in the door. A cat meows and quickly trots up to Hagakure. “Thing Two my baby my precious bean. How I missed you. Come on guys lets sit down.” she turns to the cashier “my usual please and table for four”

as the group sits down Thing Two stays basically glued to Hagakure. “wow she really liked you” Mineta says.


walking by is Sprungles, Midoriya as is customary, picks him up like a ferret. “dude” says shoji “your not supposed to hold cats like that.”

“oh he likes it” supplies Hagakure “I didn’t know you’ve been here before.”

“yeah my er teacher loves this place.”

“thats so cool, its crazy that Miruko set up her agency next door.”

“oh” Shoji says giving Midoriya a knowing look.

“I wonder” Mineta wonders “if we’ll see her.” Midoriya scrunches up in his chair.

“oh do you have a crush on her” teases Hagakure.

Mineta stutters before looking away blushing “I mean who doesn’t.”

oh my god midoriya thinks please kill me.

“yeah” Hagakure agrees “I can tell you for a fact shes quite a few girls sexual awakening”

Shoji the bro that he is is straining not to laugh at Midoriya’s expense.

“how about you Midoriya?” asks Hagakure “do you like muscular women?”

Midoriya is blushing a very bright red. This was a mistake he should have gone home. “i-i-i don’t think I’ve ever had a crush on her.”

“oh then who is your celebrity crush.” Midoriya could say All-Might, as he does get the appeal of strong lovers, but All-Mights there teacher and that would be very very weird so he goes with his other celebrity crush “i-i- guess Mt Lady?”

“oh” says Hagakure emotionlessly “you like skin tight clothing”

“I do see the appeal of giant lady” Shoji says trying to damage control. “the power dynamics alone.”

Mineta nods his head.

“wait hold on” says Hagakure “you’re mister feminist you don’t have anything to say about this?”

“finding people attractive doesn’t mean you see them as lesser, its actually really important to to have a healthy relationship with you're sexuality. Plus as a short guy, I cant not get the appeal of tall girls.”

“y-yeah d-d-definitely” Midoriya stutters out.

“you’re not that short dude.” Shoji insists

And then as if the universe itself was laughing at him, miruko walks though the door.


Its MY AU and i get to give Mineta a healthy outlook on sex *mad cackling*

Chapter 10: Miruko


(See the end of the chapter for notes.)

Chapter Text

“hey can I get a” Pro hero Miruko’s voice stops.

“guys,” Hagakure says in disbelief “shes staring at us.”

Miruko at her core is a trouble maker. “hold that though.” she says before B lining towards the group of friends.

“hi Bunny” Izuku slumps over defeated by the cruelty of the universe. As Rumi hugs the boy, everyone but Shoji looks on in dawning horror. Shoji the bro that he is manages to not bursts out laughing.

“guys” says Izuku as Rumi sits down “this is my teacher Rumi”

“hi” Rumi says “you must be Izukus friends he’s told me so much about you.”

Shoji being the only one not blindsided acts “yes ma’am that is correct.”

“so” Mineta says while Hagakure tries to melt with the floor “how do you too know each other?”

“shes…” Izuku hesitates “dating my mom”

“oh wow” says Hagakure “oh oh wow”

“yeah I know im a pretty big deal” brags Rumi “so you three are hero students?”

“yes ma’am” again says Shoji

“none of that ma’am stuff call me Usagiyama.”

“do you have any advice” asks Mineta

“about what?”

“er overcoming fears?”

“ah theirs a trick to that. Move faster then your fears and if your fears catch you get mad about it. Then all you have to worry about is keeping your head.”

“do you” Shoji asks slowly “have any advice for people like me”

Rumi pauses “I’ve mostly been motivated by spite as far as social stigma goes. So I guess if you make a name for yourself once. They don’t try to drag you down as much.” Rumi makes an apologetic face. “oh and prepare for fetishists”

Mineta, visibly blushes as Hagakure invisibly blushes.
“how bout you” Rumi asks looking at Hagakure.

She pauses, its a good long pause “what do you do if you have a goal that you know you cant reach?”

“no goal worth having is easily within reach. So I guess dedication. Also” she looks to the rest of them “don’t be like all might, take days off and have a life outside of your goals oh and learn to kick” then she gets up, places her order and leaves.

The first to react is Hagakure with a loud groan “we had a prolonged discussion about how sexy your parental figure is didn’t we.”

“y-yeah” Midoriya stutters out.

Shoji bro that he is doesn’t laugh and instead lends a comforting shoulder pat to his friends.


Shoji truly the bro'est of Bros and in the top five class 1A students you wouldn't not want bearing down on you at top speed.

Chapter 11: the USJ


(See the end of the chapter for notes.)

Chapter Text

As the weeks went on class 1A got busy first they had a student election, which Kendo won handily after getting everyone to agree to not vote for themselves with Shoji as the VP. He still doesn’t know how that happened. Class 1-A also finished there first, first aid unit, costume safety checks, sparing etiquette, quirk safety, a swimming competency unit and a myriad of other minutia wrapped up under the umbrella of heroic fundamentals. They were finally ready for more hands on training, not like All Might’s first class, no they were going to focus in on rescue work.

The class is on its way to the USJ, a large domed structure used to simulate disaster scenarios. It isn’t directly connected to campus for security reasons as various emergency personal and other hero schools often book the space. Once in a blue moon its used for movie shoots and birthdays of, very, very rich people.

Much to Uraraka’s amazement the space themed rescue hero Thirteen is one of the heroes who will be training them, along with there homeroom teacher and the last minute addition of Cementoss, who honestly didn’t look like he wanted to be there.

Mina hazards a “this is going to be so cool” when she feels comfortably outside of Mr. Aizawa’s hearing range.

As the class files in the Thirteen begins to speak. “hero work at its heart is about saving people, be it from criminals, natural disasters, or even emotional crises. Today we are going to cover one of those things.” suddenly a thick metal curtain slams down over the door. “huh” she says. Cementoss slaps his hands against the ground as a black mist portal deposits about 70 villains. A wall shoots up from the ground. “thirteen get that door open.” shouts Mr. Aizawabefore putting on his goggles and turning to his students. “these are villains, stay together stay calm and we will get through this.”

Tetsutetsu and Kirishima activate there quirks. Ones skin turns to metal, the others turns jagged and hard. Kendo grows a foot as Uraraka slams the visor down on her body armor.

Thirteens quirk the creation of localized, miniaturized black holes thankfully with an off switch is chewing through the wall next to the door, just far enough away to not suck up the students in its ever present ever growing gravity.

“im not getting cell reception” calls out Cementoss as Mr. Aizawa clings to a pole and activates his quirk. “kendo, break the door open and run for help,” Cementoss tosses her his com. But before she can catch it, Mr. Aizawa blinks.

The class is scattered.

Yaomomo was decidedly not having a good day. She came to this decision as she landed hard on an indoor mountain slope. Oh, she thinks, a villain is charging me. She was not afraid she has planned for such occasions. From her back she pulls out a single barrel grenade launcher, in her hand a beanbag round. It makes a very satisfying sound both when its fired and when the beanbag round connects. Briefly she pauses, then she straps a brace around her rolled ankle that was not there a moment ago. She had planned for battle field injuries too after all. Sliding another round into the chamber she looks around. Slightly above her the Electrical Kaminari was swinging a metallic bull whip around with reckless abandon. He didn’t need attention right now.

Below her is Jirou doing a shockingly effective impression of an earthquake. Too impressive judging by how much the ground behind her is shaking. Yaomom yells “Jirou stop, the mountian.” the girl looks up and sees her two class mates. Yaomomo fired a round over Jirous head hitting a particularly stubborn villain.

Yaomomo pauses before placing her newest round in the chamber. She does a quick 360 then concentrates. She quickly creates five new rounds and places them within already present ammunition holders. As Jirou walks up Yaomomo simply asks, “are you capable of identifying targets when your vision is obscured?”

“yes?” Jirou is handed a gas mask. Kaminari for his part was keeping at bay three villains until a fourth charges him. Seemingly indifferent to the electricity. Yaomom and Jirou sprint. But its too late. The villain has there classmate by the neck. Electricity sparks between them. “hands where I can see them. Or the kid gets it.” oh Momo thinks I don’t have a plan for this.

“great” says the Villain. Now you too little richy riches are coming with me.”
“do you intent to ransom us?” Yaomomo asks coolly.
The villain chuckles “among other things.”
Yaomomo realize that she had never considered facing villains who would actively seek out a class full of children like this. Yaomomo begins to panic.

Cementoss was probably boned. He was surrounded by water, and has received a bite wound before Shoji could pull him onto the fake yacht. With them is also Tetsutetsu, someone who was in all likelihood equally boned and Komori who’s mushroom powers could be useful.

Cementoss claps his hands together. “lets get to work. This boat is meant to sink but the life boats and flotation devices arent. Tetsutetsu, Shoji gather up as many flotation devices and rope as you can. Komori lets get some Oars.” as the two swiftly walk he asks her “how much water is too much water for your mushrooms.” too which Komori says “if theirs an opening they can grow inside people.” Cementoss smiles there going to be just fine.

Midoriya Izuku was used to fire, used to pain. So when he found himself inside a large simulated inferno. He felt just fine, his clothes were even fireproof. His fellow student Tsu on the other hand looked like she was dying. Midoriya Izuku Slings Tsu onto his back and sprints, hero uniforms are basically all fire resistant so it really comes down to how quickly Izuku can get them both out of here. The main principle of parkour is momentum.

He runs, dashing past villains, past fire hazards, over pits, under beams, through windows. Before he knew it they were out of the fire zone.

Midoriya Izuku comes face to face with a villain. “wait” the villain says “are you Miruko’s kid?”


the villain holds up both hands and backs away. Then he looks back, conflicted emotions flash across his face. “sorry kid, its not personal” Midoriya turns and runs “HE’S OVER HERE”
the villain both having decided that he had fulfilled his contractual obligation and decided that he didn’t want to risk earning Mirukos Ire decides the opposite side of the USJ is where he should be.

As he runs in the opposite direction he sees a big handed kid going toe to toe with there All-Might killer. She clearly wasn't anywhere near as strong but she had the guy by technique in spades. The weird guy with a scarf seemed to be giving there leader and his easy ticket home some trouble. While a third villain was getting quite literally curb stomped by two punk rockers and a a third student. You know what the villain thinks. Im going home. After some looking he finds a giant hole in the foundation of the dome. He doesn’t look a gift horse in the mouth and he sprints for it.

Behind him her hears a door burst open thunderously. “I AM HERE”

the man throws his gear into the giant pool and sprints like his life depended on it.

Midoriya didn’t know why the villains wanted him in particular but they definitely did. While still carrying Tsu he had already out run two villains, barreled through a third that had tried to cut him off. Finally remembering his yoyo hook he catches some rebar sticking out of the ruins of a fake highway over pass and swings. While he is in the air. He spots Kirashima, Uraraka and Mina protecting Thirteen who is hopefully just unconscious. Lungs burning still caring Tsu being chased by four villains he runs towards an impressive Wall Uraraka managed to construct blocking off the road. Before the Villains can reach him, the human tank manages to jump down and bodily hurl her two classmates over the wall.
“kirishima!” she yells while punching a villain with her heavy armored fist.

Midoriya gently places Tsu next to thirteen in a recovery position. Then as Kirishima jumps off the wall, Midoriya runs to join Mina in a fight. after urning a cartwheel into a kick that knocked a villain down and out, midoriya realized just how tired he is. he is tired, winded, burned, and drench but the first rule of Capoiera is to never stop moving.

A boom in the Distance “I AM HERE”


i know I've gone my own way a little with the female characters and by giving Kaminari an electric bullwhip but i think its better this way. everything else will be as close to canon as feasible.

Also to be clear Momo's costume is different, preexisting holsters for stuff like ammo and she has a back opening instead of a front opening.

Chapter 12: All-Might be alright

Chapter Text

It took Yagi Toshinori twenty minutes to realize his life was a nightmare. One minute to get to the USJ one minute to incapacitate all the villains in the building, another minute to get back to UA before he pulls something or tears something. Then another 17 minutes for his protege to get to him and open her mouth.

"I need to talk to you" she says

"What's wrong my girl?"

"I know you said that there's only one transferable quirk but are you sure?"

A pit of fear is opening where his stomach should be "why do you ask"

Kendo looks like she's going to be sick "when I was fighting Nomu he was so fast and strong but punching him didn't feel like punching anything and I flipped him. Sensei I heard a snap, I saw the arm bend in two places and then suddenly it was whole again."

Yagi coughs blood. "Sit down, please." He wipes his mouth then swallows, then suppresses a scream of anguish.

"long ago there were two brothers. One was seemingly quirkless, the other the opposite, he could give and take quirks." Yagi stops, then starts the story anew" I don't believe people are born evil but what ever hardship he faced and temptations he fell to twisted him into something rotten. One day he gives his brother a quirk, maybe as a bid to control him, maybe as an attempt to help him. That quirk merged with his invisible quirk creating One for All. As one brother grew more and more power hungry the other brother tried to stop him. He turned one for all into a tool to defeat All for One, I had thought, hoped I had finished the job."

Kendo is white as a sheet.

"I can take it back if you want me to. You shouldn't have that target on your back."

Kendo pauses to find her resolve "no, You can't win not on your own."

"Kendo" he pleads "youre a child, this shouldn't be your fight."

"Yagi sensei I came to this school to be a hero. If he's a villain I would still fight him eventually."

Yagi manages a bitter chuckle and a genuine smile. He can practically hear Nana's voice 'you picked well Toshi'

Yahi sensei stands "you and your family should stay at Might Tower for now."

The two march out the door.

Thankfully Yagi even in his rail thin and emasiated form can be very persuasive, and after explaining that as all mights mentee this new villain group with a warper might target her family directly and after offering a cushy job to help ease the transition Kendo's parents and sister accepted the invitation to live inside All-Mights agency building.

He was relieved that Kendo's family would be safe. What kind of mentor wouldn't do such a thing given the situation.

The next morning to Yagi's dismay he felt heavy, weighed down by dread, fear, regret and fatigue. Getting out of bed would take effort. Although with Kendo here the two could more easily spar and even work on One for All. Yagi has a quick morning routine, even with time scheduled for existential dread. Today it was because he had stepped on his scale and realized he was still losing weight. Yagi shoves an extra couple specially made food bars into his pockets, mmhhh apple flavored.

One of the small mercies of Yagi's situation is that if he moves slowly and doesn't exhert himself he can still passibly look like All-Might for several extra hours of the day.

All-Might smiles as he walk. When he reaches his destination the door opens. "I Am Here. To pick your daughter up for school," he says to Kendo's mother.

She laughs "somehow I didn't expect this"

A booming laugh "we are neighbors"

"Huh" she says "I suppose we are"

"How are you all adjusting?"

"Hard to say to be honest but how nice the apartment is really helps. Have you tried the bath?" She throws seduction into her voice "It's very nice" No Yagi thinks not dealing with this.

"I am well aware, I have one of my own. I quite enjoy the ice bath feature" he stresses.

"Excuse me mom" Kendo says while limboing under her mother's arm, grin plastered across her face.
Was it genuine? Yagi wishes he could say.

As the two ride out in Yagi's old Toyota champ he deflates.

"you look tired" Kendo notes

"When you're this old you get tired"

"You better be eating and drinking enough" Kendo holds up her hand "or all chop you."

Yagi laughs then fishes a water bottle out of his oversized suit. There's a trick to opening one, with only one hand. The trick mostly being what to do with the cap after it ends up in your mouth.

"Will I see you in class today?"

Yagi shakes his head. "I'll be in meetings all day"

Kendo puts on some music. She has an amazing talent of coaxing new stations out of the radio. How she found a Latin American station is a mystery. the station only lasts a few blocks before devolving into static.

As they get close to UA Yagi smiles and reinflates. After they park, All-Might springs forth. Then strolls with purpose towards the main UA faculty building. All-Might takes great pains to never hurry when being All-Might people seeing him run without clear cause make up one, which usually leads to panic.

Inside the conference room is Nedzu, "I'm glad you can finally make it" he says passive aggressively

"I had to make sure Kendo and her family was safe."

Nedzu sighs "I hunderstand. Now let's rip a bandaid off. After reviewing the photage it appears the villain known as Nomu wielded several quirks. There are several conclusions all horrible"

Suddenly there's a pounding at the door. A computer monitor folds out of the desk. Nedzu pulls a microphone to his mouth. "I am very busy right now Miruko, I will contact you at"

"You fought my warper" the hero cuts off.

"I'm sorry what ever do you mean?"

"I know that warper, and if he's involved you need me."

Nedzu looks at All-Might. He nods his head and bulks up by answer. It would only get harder to be All-Might as the day wore on. The door clicks open.

"How ever dangerous you think these people are double it" are the first words out of Miruko's mouth. "that warper is involved in, there's no easy way to say this, experiments to make multiquirked villains."

All-Might coughs up blood.

Miruko pales the door behind her is thankfully closed "are you ok"

"It's chronic"

"That's because you never take a vacation" she fires back oddly invested in his private life.

"Please" Nedzu calls "back on topic elaborate on what you just said."

Miruko sits down "I've been investigating this...thing. I've found labs hidden under clinics and inside hospitals, I got the drop on them and managed to see inside before they could react. There was a body on a table, a patchwork of body parts sewn together. Everything else got warped out by a black cloud. They've kept him on a hair trigger ever since."

"Oh dear" Nedzu adds

"You don't know the half of it. I've fought one, it was pumped full of trigger and sent to kill me. Custom made even. I don't know how they got it to move let alone fight."

"When you said thing?" All-Might asks "what did you mean?"

"It's kind of hard to believe"

"The Boogeyman of the underworld" All-Might says

"Yeah crazy right, he's been after me for years I think"

"What!?" All-Might coughs blood again.

"Yeah remember when I asked your help with an investigation? Turns out he had an open bounty on me for a while, then he started sending what seems to be hit teams created to counter me. Even a Frankenstein."

"With all do respect" Nedzu inquires "what could you have possibly done to earn suck ire?"

Miruko leans back, sh*t eating grin on her face "turns out I whisked away the wife of one of his lieutenants."

Something about that sentence seemed off to Yagi. "The Midoriyas boys mother?"

"Yep." She leans forward something having occured to her "DO NOT be weird about this, they don't know anything. Leave. Them. Be."

"Of course" Nedzu placates. "tell me are you worried about retaliation?"

"Already happened, my lawyer narrowly escaped death by car bomb." She hold up one finger. "The Bully's parents are dead and there kid shanked twice" another finger "Inko was used as live bait before the bounty was canceled" a third finger. "thankfully Centipeder, the Midoriyas and I all moved to UAs door step, Oguro insists he's safe where he is and my parents live right outside a particularly gun loving enclave town. So there safe, hopefully"

"But" she continues "I'm glad you brought this up, my kid seems to think the villains targeted him specifically. Can you make him a panic button or a tracker. Something so if he needs me I can come" suddenly a tiredness, a desperation shows through.

Yeah Yagi thinks bitterly she's going to fit right in.

Chapter Text

Hagakure Tooru has a very odd morning ritual. When she wakes up in the morning she checks the camera she keeps pointed at her pillow.

Hand, hair, forehead, she inhales sharply, camera turning invisible where she clutches it. Cheek bone. She is so going to print this later. No scratch that now. Plugging it into her lap top she boots up the program and feeds paper into her printer.

Tooru like many people suffered from a case of a quirk with no off switch. Hers wasn't particularly imparing but she could only become partially visible when calm, and being visible excited her. Which turned her quirk back up to full. So her solution was sleeping, a camera and an untraviolet sensor. Occasionally her face would turn the right way when a patch was visible and she'd get a piece of a rather beautiful puzzle if she did say so herself.

Taking out her scissors she cuts carefully. Her heart pounds as she slides the image into her collage. It's finished. Admiring her handy work she looks at a 3/4 side profile of her sleeping face. It was breath taking. Maybe someday she would work up the curage to share her project.

What would Midoriya think? She indulged in a moment of fantasy. Before getting ready for the day. She knew she wasn't his type but no goal easily reached was worth having. That being said she isnt some shonen love interest, she has a life.

"Morning dad!"

"Morning." Her perfectly visibly dad calls from the other side of there small apartment. Probably already hard at work from his home office.

Soon with a pep in her step she marches on. Only to stop dead. A cute little dandelion had bloomed right at the end of her apartment buildings walk way. She pulls out her camera.


Her train ride was a relatively long one. Tooru always wishes she could just nap but the idea of being seen with out concent creeped her out. So instead she begins to hum to herself as she finishes some last minute homework.

She gets a text from Mineta

Min: as a woman how mad would you be if I read a harem manga

T: is it well written?

Mimn: it is accidentally really funny.

T: OMG you can't not share.

Min: to kill a lover

Tooru cringes

T: stop reading after the third chapter it gets really really uncomfortable.

Min: do I want to know

T: trust me you do not

Min: noted

Near the end of the train ride she gets another text

Min: dear God

T: warned you

Her train pulls into the station. After she walks out she plants herself in her usual bench.

"Yo" shouts Shoji who's train just arrived from the countryside.

"Shoji" the slap there right hands together into a flex off. Well one of Shoji's right hands, he has two other.

This time he cracks first. It's a snicker, then a laugh. Then as costumary Tooru joins him.

"You know" what ever else Shoji was going to say is cut off by Mineta
"Hey Shoji. Hagakure you were right it was disturbing."

"I tried to warn you."

"What?" Asks Shoji

"Unintentionally funny harem manga turned nightmare fuel" says Mineta

"Dang man"

"There was body horror"

"Define body horror" Shoji asks on edge

"Someone's head and spine" starts Hagakure "getting slowly ripped from there body over the course of three pages, as"

"Stop stop" begs Mineta

"Dear God" says Shoji

"Aww but I didn't even get to the"

"Nonono" yells Mineta as he shakes his head and Waves his arms.

"I'm with Mineta on this one"

Tooru lets out an evil laugh. "I had warned you"

Shoji nods along "she did warn you"

"Oh what were you saying Shoji" asks tooru

"Oh yeah, it's getting warmer and midoriya lives near by, and there's a beach near by so."

"Ohhh" chuckles Mineta "I like where this is going."

"I'm not usually one for the beach." Admits Tooru as the trio starts to walk "Tight swim wear, invisibility, ocean currents"

"Have you tried mens swim wear?" Asks Shoji "that's pretty baggy.

Tooru slaps herself in the face "HOW DIDNT I THINK OF THAT!? ITS SO OBVIOUS!"

"we all have blind spots" Shoji soothes.

"Now we're definitely going to the beach."

"Guys would it be funny if I wore a white T-shirt"

Shoji laughs

"Huh" says Mineta "that could be political commentary"

"But what would the message be?" Asks Tooru

"Women should control how and when they get objectified?" Hazard Shoji

"Sexualized" Mineta corrects before making his own suggestion "Societies habit of depersoning women as sex objects?"

"I'm sold on this. We could call it 'wet tshirt contest" Tooru says.

"Think we could get Minoriya into one" suggests Mineta teasingly

Tooru makes a sound, maybe even a noise, with sylabols in it. "I thought you were supposed to be an ally"

"Revenge" cackles Mineta

"I wouldn't count on it." Says Shoji "but don't worry I'll wear the white T-shirt"

"Thanks Shoji" she says with a sigh

"I have amazing pecks" Shoji supplies "four of them" he adds

"Wait just four"

Shoji shrugs his two shoulders attached to three arms each "body's are weird"


Honestly kind of weird that the kids so easily brush off a life and death situation but they did in canon so *shrugs*

I guess one of the great things about throwing kids into a seemingly barely controlled barely safe entrance exam is that you filter out the ones who can't take a near death experience

Chapter 14: the horror


(See the end of the chapter for notes.)

Chapter Text

Midoriya Izuku fiddles with his new medical alert bracelet. On paper he was now allergic to latex. In reality if he twisted a part of it pulled it out then pressed a circuit would close and it would send out an SOS.

The class was somber after there brush with villainy brush with death, they were shaken, scared even, but determined.

"Alright class" says Aizawa sensei "we're going to be doing something unethical this week. That was a joke don't get used to it. We are skipping Hero Ethics and Hero Law in order to give you all a crash course on fighting."

Tetsutetsu raises his hands "shouldn't we also skip the gen ed classes"

"No because some of you" his eyes pivot to Midoriya "understandably might not want to be heroes anymore"

"Everyone" he continues "get your costumes we're meeting class 2-B in grounds Alpha."

As the class walks to the locker rooms, a pink haired, pink skinned, horned girl saddles up besides Midoriya.

"Hey Midori, how are you doing."

"W-w-well I'm w-well."

Mina looked at him oddly. "those were some sick dance moves the other day, I didn't know break dancing could be used in a fight."

"I-it wasn't break d-dancing. But Capoeira i-is a progenitor to it."

"Can you teach me?"


She puts her hands together "pretty please."


"Nice" she says as the two split up to enter there gym locker rooms.

As the group changes, new students come in. On of them stops "Well well well" the lanky blonde says "class one A gracingus with there magnamonious presence."

"MONOMA" another boy yells. "You are obstructing the class move at once."

He rolls his eyes and steps to the side. Following him in. Oddly they seem to have more heteromorphic quirks, or at least more striking secondary characteristics. Shoji hoped that wasn't intentional.

Oh no midoriya realizes more people to worry about. He can't just change in front of all these people. Midoriya arms shaking runs towards a bathroom stall, costume case in hand.

"Oh can't stand to" the blonde boy starts before a loud slam could be heard "leave him be" Shoji says voice as cold as its angry.


Midoriya Izuku sits in the stall and just breathes.

Mineta calls out "are you alright Midoriya?"

"J-just give me a minute. I-i'll be right out."

Ground Alpha isn't called as such because it's close proximity to the main campus. Ground Alpha is called that because it was the first, back when UA had a shoe string budget and a principle with the ink still drying on his degree. It is relatively small at about two football fields pushed together. It is a play ground of concrete, a skate park meets a parkour plaza with several simple and concrete buildings simulating a towns street. Ground Alpha had been semi retired so to it's small size making it easiest to put out of commission. That is until Cementoss was hired. Now it's the easiest to get running again and the second cheapest to maintain.

Both classes are already outside waiting by the time Midoriya makes it. He can feel Mr. Aizawa glaring.
"Are you ok" Hagakure whispers.

"Alright class" a voice calls out "I am Kan Sensei this is Mr Aizawa. This is class one A this is class one B."

"Hi class one A" class one B drones out.

Class one A gives a smattering of confused greetings.

"For our fist lesson Tetsutetsu Kaibara" both boys step forward. "Kaibara" he points to an elevated platform Kan Sensei walks over and whispers something to Tetsutetsu. Then yells out to the class. "Kaibara is the best hand to hand fighter in class one B. Tetsutetsu makes a good training dummy. Who ever knocks the other off the platform wins."

As Tetsutetsu walks onto the platform his skin turns into a dull steel. Kaibara's twists his arms, then keeps twisting them, faster and faster until there a blur.

Tetsutetsu charges. Kaibara meets him. A fist flies onto an armored stomach. A grinding noise. Tetsutetsu muscles forward knocking Kaibara back, then while Kaibara is staggered hits him with a vicious gut punch. The air is forced from his lungs. Kaibara retaliates, arms whipping wind as he swings. Tetsutetsu staggers back then presses forward.

There's a horrible grinding sound, Tetsutetsu pins Kaibara onto the ground.

"Say uncle bro"


"Manly." Tetsutetsu then picks Kaibara up and throws him out of the ring.

"Good job, both of you." Shouts Kan Sensei. "Now who can tell me why Kaibara lost?"

A green haired girl in purple raises her hand, blows a kiss Monoma and says "class one A's inherent superiority" the entire class bursts into laughter.

"Let's do another" the teacher continues "Uraraka Shiozaki." An elegant looking girl with vines for hair walls up. "Uraraka here is wearing two hundred fifty pounds of tank armor and is a hell of a close quarters fighter. Our Shiozaki makes vines. You know the drill."

before Uraraka can cross half the distance between them she's lifted into the air by vines. Momentarily the vines almost lose there grip as gravity is allowed to grace Uraraka's armor.

"Great job both of you. Now why did Uraraka lose?"

Yaomomo's hand shoots up "bad quirk match up."

"Correct, why did Kaibara lose?"

Mineta raises his hand "over confidence."

"Correct that's what turned his unfavorable quirk match up into a bad match up. Now that my point has been made everyone line up." Kan Sensei begins to count "1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,10,1"

Midoriyas heart sinks Shoji's to his left, Mineta to his right. Here he is.

Midoriyas group includes Monoma, Ojiro, and iida

"Alright class pick a partner from the other class in your group. I don't particularly care how." Says Mr Aizawa.

Iida puts a hand on Midoriyas shoulder and flashes a thumbs up. Midoriya does his best impression of a smile.

"Alright remember your partner because you aren't allowed to talk to them until it's your turn." Kan Sensei points to two groups "you with eraserhead, you with me."

Shoji, Tsu, a guy with exposed teeth and gums and a guys with a comic book speech bubble for a head went with Kan Sensei. While Komori went with Mineta, a guy who looked like a Sasquatch and a goth girl.

"Now before we all begin" shouts out Kan Sensei, who could really project his voice "the name of the game is improvisation, each group has thirty seconds to develope a plan and share details about there quirk then who ever gets both of the other team in hand cuffs first wins. I want you spectators to A. Practice juggling your attention and B. Practice your quirk analysis. When the whistle blows it's time to start."

Each group splits into a team of two and talks to themselves. Shoji with manga panels, Tsu with the exposed teeth. Mineta with the Sasquatch and Komori with the goth.

The whistle blows. Midoriya Izuku enters zen.
The goth girl picks up Komori and bounces away, her movements similar to Mineta's who was bouncing away from his partner as he grew into a giant ape like thing. The goth seems to have some kind of rubberized feet, could it extend the rest of her body how does it affect durability. What else changes with the Sasquatch. Unless they can catch up to Komori Mineta's team is going to loose.

He turns his head. Shoji's waist deep in the floor arms spread as the comic guy holds onto large inflated letters spelling out Puff lifting him int the air. The ground hardens. Comic book let's go with a yell of "crack" several jagged cracks splinter into the ground. "PUFF" he yanks them both out of the ground just as the ground liquefies again and Tsu jumps towards them.

A scream. Mineta is running away covered in mushrooms. Yep ran out of time.

"Woosh" comic book and Shoji are flying throught he air. Tsu sits in the sidelines handcuffed. Comic book has a very versatile quirk. The personification or rather materialization of Onomatopoeia. The other guys quick seems be the changing of viscosity of materials. It seems like hes out of luck unless Shoji's team drops to the ground. "KERPLUNK" the words briefly appear as solid objects slamming into the puddle that is the ground. Suddenly the tidlewave of concrete solidifies as the other guys runs along the wall. Taking a fearless leap he collides with comic book, the puff looses it's integrity as the group plummets only to sink into the ground like it's a soft bed. Comic book and Shoji are stuck to there neck.

"Alright then." Yells out Kan Sensei "what did each group do right and wrong?"

Midoriyas hand shoots up. "Both Mineta's group and Komoris group had pretty optimal strategies. One groups agility made it harder for the other group to be reliably up wind or out of spore contaminated air making Mineta's strategy to rush back the only real option, so if Mineta had maintained the aggression or his team mate had managed a hearding maneuver it could have been a victory for Mineta. No offense man"

"I tried ok"

Komori pats his back reassuringly.

Midoriya continues "Also Shoji's team was to afraid of the ground. I see no reason Shoji wouldnt just be sunk down to his head unless buoyancy laws apply in which case the team gaining height actually allowed them to be sunk further into the ground."

the exposed teeth guy seems to smile "people don't usually pick up on that"

"Midoriya iida Ojiro Monoma you're up."

Midoriya springs to his feet like a coiled spring. The group is assigned to start in an area around what looks like a drained pool, to Izuku and iidas left is a strange series of concrete ripples, to there right several small buildings, only a few rooms in size.

Midoriya starts “Ojiro has a prehesial tail, capable of supporting 500IB weight with some difficulty and can strike with enough force to break a concrete block, what can Monoma do?”

“I” iida looks a little taken aback, at least judging by his body language. “he can copy up to three quirks for up to 5 minutes.”

what ever calm Midoriya had been in turns into a thin and delicate mask as a storm of dread howls within him. “oh”

Iida oblivious to the change continues “as you can see I have a quirk similar to my esteemed brother. What may I ask is your quirk?”

“I..i..i..” the whistle blows, stalling Midoriya’s grim fate. “I’ll handle Ojiro bye” he then jumps into the empty pool and runs, the closest distance between two points is a straight line. Monoma charges him. Izuku’ shoes skid as he frantically reverses his momentum. He slams into something invisible.

“oh” says Monoma “I heard you have quite the quirk, a general enhancer is it.” Monoma throws a white glue. Izuku kicks off the wall, then off Monomas own shoulder. Landing with a roll he runs. He sees Iida in a hold as Ojiro struggles to cuff him. Midoriya changes direction with a flip and a jump he manages a close approximation to a drop kick staggering Ojiro. Frantically Midoriya pushes himself up and out of the way of Monoma’s hand.

...which then brushes Iidas ankle. He hears an engine rev behind him. Well damn, two pairs of engine legs will definitely make the beatings worse. Midoriya hadnt had time to consider that. The sounds getting closer. Midoriya throws himself left. The terrain would slow monoma and the while offering enough space to avoid glue and walls. Then as if it was thought into existence Midoriya slams face first into an invisible wall. Monoma tags him.

Several very critical things happen in short order. There is the sound of a crunch emanating from Midoriya’s nose. Monoma begins to hyperventilate. This is followed by another

The invisible wall disappears. Midoriya is tackled from behind, his face slams into the ground. Instinct takes over. He curls into a ball and thinks about quirks.

Ojiro for his part, having just tackled his class mate only to see an unexpected and worrying amount of blood pool around him yells “AAAHH” thankfully training kicks in.

midoriya feels a tap “midoriya” tap “midoriya are you ok? Mr. Aizawa!”

Midoriya sits up. “im ok, I j-just need to...go to the nurse?”

He then gets up, seemingly oblivious to the blood and begins to walk. “wait hold on.” Ojiro yells.
Iida having arrived begins to speak “I must insist someone accompany you.”
“what?” yells Mr. Aizawa as he jogs over.
“midoriya broke his nose” Ojiro calls back “like really badly.”
Midoriya for his part starts to walk faster.
“iida” Mr. Aizawa orders “take Midoriya to the nurse.” then much to Aizawa’s credit as a teacher he walks over to talk Monoma out of his panic attack.

as iida walks he has to pull his hand away from Monoma who was holding it for some reason. “im sorry Monoma I am needed else were”

Midoriya and Iida walk in silence.

As they open the nurses office door the in house doctor and retired pro, recovery girl asks a question “so what seems to be the problem?” only to answer her own question by turning her chair to look at them. “I see have a seat.”

As Midoriya sits Recovery Girl explains what shes doing “now here is a numbing agent for your nose before I set it. She injects him with something. A few secords later she begins to talk again.

“This may hurt a little.”

she puts a metal rod into his nose very gently

“3..2” the nose is set. Recovery Girl quickly pulls the metal rod out then sits there waiting for something. She begins to grow pale as she realizes he simply is not going to react.

“were going to run some tests now ok deary?”


as recovery girl pulls out a miniaturized MRI machine she realizes she never actually healed the break just set it. Hurriedly she runs over and plants a kiss on his cheek. Then she hands him a large handful of specially formulated gummy candies.

Midoriya sits there gummies in hand as recovery girl affixes the machine. She powers it on. And then takes a blood test on his finger, for no other reason then the fact that it hurts a little, for a moment Recovery Girl is relieved that the boy can feel pain only to quickly realize that the boy can feel pain and just had a very broken nose reset without even blinking.

She hands the boy another handful of gummies. Calmly and efficiently puts away her equipement. Writes a quick not excusing Midoriya from further physical combat for the last 45 minutes of the day and more importantly the note demands Eraserhead to see her after class.

Well after Midoriya leaves she leans forward and just stares at the ground for a good long time.

“You wanted to see me?” asks Eraserhead.

“what ever your doing to that boy needs to stop”

“I wasnt aware you had any experience teaching.”
“do you remember when I set your nose, the first time you broke it? It was in my first year here and your first year as a student.”


“do you remember how painful it was?”


“midoriya didn’t react to having his nose set.”

“so he’s stoic”

“DONT YOU THINK I KNOW THE DIFFERENCE BETWEEN THE TWO. Im telling you he didn’t react.” Recovery Girl was tearing up “I had to test that he even feels pain. So what ever tough love bullsh*t you think is going to work, stop.”

“are you sure...he didn’t just just.”

“he. Didn’t. Blink.”

the reality of the situation sets in.

as a teacher Aizawa’s greatest fear is that his students wont take the job seriously and end up dead or crippled or walk into a trap. Today he finds a new fear, that one of his students just wont care what happens to them.


breaking your nose and having it set is so painful that when my dad was a broke college student and couldnt afford anastisia the doctor just gave it to him anyway. the doctors hands were shaking with terror when he briefly tried to attempt it without a numbing agent

Chapter 15: Monoma

Chapter Text

Midoriya was having a bad day, he couldn’t sleep last night and he was distracted all day. He was waiting. Monoma knows, he knows and he has no reason not to tell people. Even now during joint training he can feel Monoma’s hateful eyes on him.

“midoriya” Mr. Aizawa calls him over as class ends. “you're a good hero student, but you seem distracted today, er keep your head”


“t-thank you...sir?”

Mr. Aizawa stares, the fact that his neutral face looks like he’s contemplating weather or not to push you off a cliff isn't helping. “ can go”

before the boy can mentally reset from that frankly alien interaction as far as Mr. Aizawa is concerned Monoma walks up to him.

“midoriya” he says with a smug smirk “can I talk with you after class.”

“yes, of course” Midoriya looks away. Hes ready for this, he brought 6000 yen with him and he has an extra sirt, bandages what ever happens he is ready.

Monoma then walks with him to the locker room.

“yo Midoriya” calls out Shoji, “we were thinking that”

“sadly” Monoma cuts in “Midoriya and I have other plans.”

Shoji stares blank faced, “do you now”

“y-y-yeah” Midoriya stutters out “its ok Shoji”

as the two walk Monoma leads him around the building out of view. Then, as is often the case in life Midoriya was braced for anything but what actually happens. Monoma goes into a deep apologetic bow.

“I am sorry for reacting the way I did.”


“you see Midoriya.” he looks away and begins a monologue “I had always been afraid of what would happen if I tried to copy a quirkless person”

Midoriya jolts and darts his head around.

“but now I know, you freed me from that and id like to thank you. So, since you’ve helped me id like to be your friend. I have a fun day for us planned, fine dining, exquisite music what do you say?”
fear must have been evident on Midoriya’s face.

Monoma sighs and rolls his eyes. Then hesitates, what ever aloof persona he carries slipping through his fingers like so much sand.

“I cant pretend to know what you went through, I can only project my own experiences and extrapolate. And well.” the boy seems to shrink “I was always told id be nothing but a cheap knock off. But, but look at us. We did it, were IN here and there out there.” he seems to regain some gravitas “isnt that vindicating, isnt that satisfying, such Schadenfreude. We won, they lost Midoriya. We should celebrate.” then Monoma extends his hand

Midoriya where his fear and relief mingle takes the hand.

Quickly, he finds himself on a crowded train, pressed close to Monoma. Before much longer the two are strolling down a street, proud grin stretched across Monoma’s face as they entered there first destination. The double doors open for them.

It is a high end grocery store.

“midoriya have you ever had star fruit?”


“great lets try some free samples” he then strolls over to a stand manned by an employee. Midoriya watches as he strikes up a conversation while handing Midoriya a slice of fruit in a little plastic cup, before taking his own and snagging two more. As the two enjoy the tropical fruit Monoma spots a stand containing smoked salmon and bagel chips. Which Monoma deftly swipes three extra.

“i-is this allowed” Midoriya asks as he is offered his second chip.

“its fine, most of the time they will give you extra if you ask, case and point.” he walks up to the deli counter.

“my good man, your finest sample of, I’m in a Thuringer mood today.”

after two slices of sausage are handed over the deli man speaks “making friends I see.”

“oh yes who can resist my charm?”

“most of the country”

Monoma gives a venomous look, while adjusting his UA uniform “Ever the critic”

The man laughs. Midoriya gives a polite chuckle. They both get an extra slice before they are shooed away.

Finally after each sample stand was exhausted the two leave. “now then ol’ chum. I believe I promised you music.” he then leads Midoriya into a park, in order to sit down on a fountian next to a man playing drums on several jugs and a woman with a battered violin.

“Neito” the woman calls before flourishing her violin. “did you finally bring a friend to see us?”

“yes, yes this is my esteemed guest Midoriya Izuku” as he talks the boy drops a handful of change into the violin case.

“so how did you to meet.” the violinist picks up speed “wait dump question the uniform.”

“yes, I accidentally broke his nose and now we are friends.”

the drummer bursts out laughing. “He didn’t kid nap you did he?”

Midoriya in a moment of daring holds up a hand and pinches his fingers together slightly.

Now both are laughing, with Monoma clearly suppressing a snicker before mumbling out “next time ill tip you after the ribbing see how you like it.” before turning to Midoriya “take notes only those who provide me food or music can tease me.”

“and your sister” adds the violinist, before attempting to ruffle his hair with her elbow. “now get home you have homework I’m sure.”

a sigh “shall we head home then Midoriya?”

the other boy shrugs “sure.”


Midoriya finds himself smiling, this was actually a really fun afternoon.

Chapter 16: first rule of a street fight

Chapter Text

as Midoriya and Monoma walk towards the train station they hear something that is quite like catnip to there particular demographic, a cry for help coming from an alley.

Midoriya without any hesitation runs in, Monoma after a heart beat runs after. Ahead of them a woman being menaced by a rough looking character with knives for hands. As the woman makes eye contact things go off the rails. That is to say she points at them and says “get em”

the two turn around a large stone covered man is blocking the exit. Midoriya briefly fiddles with is medical alert bracelet. Monoma puts up his fists and says “one role to an alley fight, hurt them.”

Monoma charges forward. As he runs all the loose paper and even cardboard boxes begin to whip themselves into a frenzy as if by an oddly selective wind. The papers converge upon Midoriya as Monoma tags the big guy while ducking a blow. As the quirk takes effect he realizes his life is never simple, as opposed to the large stone blotches seemingly covering the mans entire body, he feels three small patches of a numb weight form on his body.

Experimentally he tries moving the patches with his mind, to his delight it worked. Right fist left fist back of neck. He pivots and charges to avoid the rock while attacking the knife guy.

Midoriya is currently kicking him in the head while trying to flail out of the paper.

The thrown punch barely brushes him, he tagged the quirk but in exchange the back of Monoma’s neck is grabbed robbing the blow of further momentum. Back of neck, forehead, left elbow. He slams his elbow back cracking against the mans head, like two stones. His hand slips, Monoma lunges at scissor hands. Both there fingers are currently blades with seemingly no off switch so Monoma hits with a stone laden back hand. Papers swarm him. As he slashes and swipes he is pushed against the wall, buffeted by a paper typhoon. Over the cacophony of wrinkling paper he hears a head hit cement, the papers loosen.

Monoma throws a stone punch at the biggest shadow in the vicinity. Crack. His bladed fingers chip against his own palm. Hes being hefted into the air. Back of head, upper spin, left elbow all feel asleep and leaded as he is smashed into the ground. Left fist, face back of neck. A fist slams down.

Briefly Monoma wants to curl into a ball, but the first role of a street fight, be the last one standing. So instead he throws himself up and wraps his hands around the mans head. He twists, the man slams into the ground like a bag of rocks. Monoma gets a stone elbow to his stone face. He of course returns the favor twice over. Blade quirk mentally dropped, nothing to get in the way.

Thud thud, a hand puching him away. Midoriya’s boot slams down on the thugs face. Monoma looks up Paper girl and Scissor hands are on the ground. Midoriya’s boot slams down again. And again. The villain lets go. Monoma rolls back. Then not to be left behind stomps down on the mans stomach.

Theirs a thunderous sound of metal scrapping on asphalt. “who” a pant “touched my” pant “god damn boy” the villain freezes. Monoma throws one last kick. Midoriya having just diverted a straight kick away from the Rocks head, slams his boot down onto the ground. Monoma lets his quirk drop and looks behind him. Its Miruko. He’s suddenly being hefted into the air.

“no wait wait” shouts the thug. THUD

the pro hero takes stock of the situation. “good job Bunny”

it takes Monoma a little longer then he would like to get to the right conclusion. “oh you to know each other?”

“yep” the pro hero says popping the ‘P’ “its really impressive that you both took these three down entirely quirkless”

Monoma likes her already “I couldn’t agree more I just followed my dear friends lead.”

a siren can be heard closely approaching.

Monoma leans over “Midoriya how do you know this person?”

“we live together?”

“huh, well next time your paying for the outing”

Midoriya laughs “free samples my treat.”

Chapter 17: names and a bag of chips


(See the end of the chapter for notes.)

Chapter Text

were you to walk into class one A in the morning like Shoji Mineta and Hagakure just did they would see an unusual sight.

A student from class one B sitting across from Midoriya with a bag of chip between them. Monoma was gesticulating wildly as if he was trying to take up space while Midoriya listened. Monoma’s uniform coat has several barely visible stitch and midoriya has a black eye

“and that’s why my sister cant eat broccoli” he finishes the tale.

Midoriya pauses “why didn’t she just wash them again?”

the two look at each other. Then start laughing hysterically.

“Midoriya” Hagakure calls as she walks up. “what happened to you?”

As is typical Midoriya jumps. “hi Hagakure” he smiles and boy does that smile melt her heart.
“we ran into a little trouble after school.”

boy is that cagey

“what kind of trouble.”

Midoriya suddenly looks shy, before Monoma cuts in. “kidnappers, luckily a pro hero was in the area and since Midoriya’s quirk cant be turned off we avoided vigilantism charges”

“yes” Midoriya agrees “we were very lucky.”

“well, this has been fun.” states Monoma as he stands, “but I simply must be going. See you at lunch ol friend.”

“since when are you too old friends” Hagakure asks

Midoriya smiles “about 15 hours ago”

Shoji nods his head. Then the four students head to there seats. Mineta staying up front because he is very short. While Hagakure, Midoriya and Shoji bunch up in the back of the class.

Mr. Aizawa walks in “alright class do to security concerns the sports festival is rescheduled.

The class is in an uproar.

Mr. Aizawa’s hair stands on end his eyes glow as they sweep the class, a wave of shocked silence sweeps through the class.

“ERASERHEAD” Midoriya Izuku shouts, before looking like he wants to die.

Mr. A blinks his hair drops. A sigh “Midoriya extra credit. Now back on topic due to security concerns we are going to have the festival two weeks as a closed event. Which will give us time to edit and obfuscate quirks and faces as much as necessary.” His voice drones on “UA will take some responsibility for finding you all internship oportunities over MEA weekend.” a long breath “it will still be broadcast at the normal time, youre all going to have to sign NDAs because of the gambling lobbiests. And the number one entrance exam scorer will have to give a speech.”

“now” ‘before midoriya can hyperventilate’ Eraserhead adds internally “were going to work on hero names.” and then Mic Sensei bursts into the room “lets get MARRKEETTTING” Mr Aizawa walks out of the room. “alright class get into groups if you want.”

quickly Midoriya’s friend group bunch together. The group pauses as midoriya pulls up his phone to the HPSC hero list.

“hows” Hagakure starts “invisible girl?”

“meh” Mineta says “kind of obvious”
“transparent” Midoriya suggests


“see though” Shoji hazards

“no, well maybe the tag line”

“ok so blank the see through hero?” Mineta adds

“blanks not bad” Shoji comments.

Hagakure sighs “invisible girl the see through hero it is”

“alright” Mineta declares “ I still have nothing.”

“grapeman?” Shoji whinses as he says it.

“ball guy” Hagakure suggests thankful that she doesn’t need to keep a straight face.

Mineta stands up in his chair “Mic sensei does the name have to be related directly to your quirk?”

“well it would make the boys in marketing happy but no it doesn’t.” then to the whole class he adds “that is not an invitation to call yourselves superman or something.”

“you bounce around a lot” Midoriya notes “maybe Pinball?”

“how about” Hagakure add “blank the pinball hero?”

“I already have a tag line picked out.”

“respect” shoji says before extending a fist.

After a brief fist bump later Mineta confesses “I kind of like pinball. Yeah” he extends his hands as if unveiling a banner “Pinball the brave hero”

the group claps. Then they turn to Shoji “I cant really think of anything that doesn’t involve the fact that I have a heteromorphic quirk.”

“arent you all about heteromorphic quirk representation?”

“true but it shouldn’t define me.”

“w-w-well. You have a habit” Midoriya stutters out “of looking out for people and making people feel safe.”

“thanks dude” Another fist bump.

“bastion man?” Hagakure offers “I know bastions taken”
“Bastion-man the Bro hero” Mineta delivers with gravitas. The group stutters out a laugh

“ok Midoriya your turn”

“w-w-well im stuck s-somewhere between an a-a-all might reference and a m-m-miruko reference.”

“wait” asks Mineta “are there any all might derivatives that arent already taken?”

“i-i think a-all mighty man is free. Bu-but thats not good.”

“your always bouncing around” Hagakure observes “and with the kicks I think leaning into the rabbit would work best.”

“Pinball and Hopping-boy” Mineta suggests

Shoji laughs “if he’s a boy you should be pinball boy”

“hopping man?” asks Hagakure

“how about jack rabbit” Shoji suggests off hand.

“ooh” Hagakure coos “I like it. Midoriya?”

Midoriya thinks, then thinks more. “I like it”

“now we just need a tag line” states Mineta

“the perfect hero?” Hagakure blurts out before pulling her shoulders higher and closer to her head. “i-i- mean think about it, what isn't Midoriya at least good at?”

“t-thats a bit of a bold statement” Midoriya frantically counters.

“the generalist hero” offers Mineta.

“huh Jack-rabbit the Generalist hero” Midoriya starts to cry “its perfect guys thank you so much.”

Hagakure and Shoji are hugging him, Mineta strains to reach his hand across the table.

As the group sat down Hagakure states a little panicked “I changed my mind my name sucks.”


“taken” midoriya informs

“see-more, its ironic”

“taken, but the ironic hero is open.”

“gah I don’t know Whisper because im stealthy”


“damn it. Vizzie?”

“not taken”

“Vizzie the uh, stealth hero”

“alright class its time to present” Mic calls out

Urarake went for Catsronaut but had to be talked into changing her tagline from the armored hero to the gravity hero.

Ashido’s first suggestion Dancing Queen the Acid hero was changed to Acid Queen the Dancing hero.


so an MEA weekend is apparently Minnesota exclusive but its a teachers conference thing that gives students a three day weekend

Chapter 18: Dance (through the pain)


hey this chapter gets a little heavy

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

"Alright class" shouts out Kan Sensei "today we will be doing individual and group training. So pick a group of four and spitball ways to improve. Expect Mr. Aizawa or I to pull you away for one on ones"

Izuku turns to his friends, Shoji with a smile in his eyes says, "I suppose we'll be together" then someone else speaks "actually Midoriya still owes me dance lessons" Ashido Mina states from behind. "Oh" says midoriya while finding his courage. Then he looks to Shoji, Hagakure and Mineta. "I guess one of use will have to find a different group."

"Actually i have a group for us." Ashido clarifies. "So come on Midoriya let's go." She then takes the boy's hand and starts walking "I found a nice dancing spot, this is going to be awesome"

"Wait hold on" Hagakure mutters out before Mineta starts clapping. He then sniffles "our little boy is spreading his wings."

Shoji snickers "I think Miruko would fight you on who's boy he is."

Hagakure sighs "we still need a fourth, do we have any other friends?"

"Don't worry guys" Mineta confidently states before plucking a ball from his head and placing it on the ground as a launch pad. He springs into the air with grace "HEY Komori!" He shouts from right by Shoji's head causing him to recoil. The girl in question looks over at Shoji. She has time to point to herself in confusion before Mineta springs back into view "want to join" "our group?"

"SURE!" She shouts back with enthusiasm before walking over to her fellow one A students. Being another incredibly short person she sits in the front of the class right next to Mineta.

Midoriya finds himself facing Tsu and Kamakiri, a one b student that looks like a cross between a praying mantis and sword. Tsu by way of greating waves while Kamakiri bows.

"Alright!" Cheers out Ashido "we are here today to become all the greater at kicking, dancing and becoming the human equivalent of a blender."

Oh ok Midoriya thinks things are starting to make sense. Then he realizes everyone is looking at him expectantly.

"O-o-okay. T-the first rule of c-capoeira is to keep moving. Even you're fighting s-stance is movement" he starts moving his feet in a casual almost dance like triangular pattern. "The g-ginga keeps you loose" Midoriyas foot work widens a little as his body bends towards the ground."making you always ready to evade or" he plants a hand on the ground and throws his body into a powerful kick. Ashido standing closest startles back.

"S-sorry" midoriya stutters out, as he stops dancing.

"No no no this is really cool" insisted Ashido.

"Keep going" agrees Tsu

"T-the next principal of Capoeira is Malícia." Midoriya throws a kick only to fluidly shift into a flip which shifts into a new kick coming from a different direction. "Never let your opponent know what your doing. Otherwise you'll probably get kicked in the head." To emphasis the point. Midoriya transitions a flip into a one armed handstand. "Lastly you need Malandragem, or enough street smarts to read your enemy." Briefly he loses balance, then leans into it and tumbles to his feet. "Any questions?"

Tsu raises her hand "why does it look like dance?"

"Oh it was invented by slaves who needed to disguise there training to fight."

There's a brief lull. "Let's see your ginga" the three start dancing as midoriya inspects them. Ashido was like a fish to water. While Tsu and Kamakiri took a little while longer to get it down. Kamakiri's main obstacle was that he kept on feeling silly and self conscious.

"What are you doing?" Mr. Aizawa suddenly asks from the side.

"Sensei hi" Ashido says while seamlessly transitioning the direction her ginga faces. "Midori's teaching us Capoeira." Mr. Aizawa looks at them stone faced. Then before leaving he simply says "carry on"

It takes Midoriya a moment to regain the wind in his sails but when he does he says "l-lets try some basic kicks, heel and toe" To demonstrate Midoriya rapidly chains together a series of kicks, with a few gratuitous flips thrown in. He was starting to have fun. Fun that Ashido definitely picks up on, seeing as she starts trying to free style in break dancing moves. "Am I doing this right Midori?"

"That's great Ashido" Midoriya calls when prompted. "Capoeira can be about free expression as well, b-b-but don't forget this is about fighting" Mina stops shifting into her own hand stand. "Well if it's about fighting, shouldn't I be using my quirk?" Midoriya pauses then smiles. Ashido calls out "alright everyone back up" three steps back. "More" another step "MORE" three more steps.

Ashido Mina starts to spin, acid streaming off her, flying away from her. Her group takes another step back as she picks up speed. Ashido Mina starts to laugh maniacly as the area around her melts into an acid puddle. She slows down panting. Then from where she poses on the ground takes in her surroundings. "That was the coolest thing i have EVER done"

"Very cool" Tsu says with a croak before tilting her head "should I not be holding back either?"

Midoriya looks at her, fear in his eyes "don't hold back" he says.

Tsu let's lose a powerful kick that generates enough wind to stagger Midoriya. Midoriya is in awe, he hasn't just created a monster today he created two.

"Oh my God" says Ashido in awe "we are awesome."

Cutting through Midoriya's thought is a shrill whistle. Kan Sensei calls out to both classes "good work today. Hit the lockers."

"Wait? It's been two hours already?" Suddenly Midoriya's being hugged "thanks Midori" Ashido says "this was fun, let's all do it again tomorrow."

Tsu pats his back "Tomorrow"

"S-sure" Midoriya says, a stuttering mess even after the surprise hug was over. "L-lets work more on evasions tomorrow."

"Actually" Kamakiri says, before bowing "I don't think this fits my fighting style well. Thank you for the lesson."

"Oh it's n-nothing. I'm glad you tried it."

As Midoriya walks to the locker room her hears footsteps rapidly approaching. "Hey Midoriya" Kaminari starts "bro, Brodoriya?"


"You we're surrounded by some pretty ladies today."

"Yes?" Midoriya tries not to find people attractive, it just sets him up for failure.

"Well I was wondering if you could share your mojo."

"My mojo?"

"Yeah man how'd you do it?"

"I...I guess the had a reason to pay attention to me... and I didn't objectify them?"

"I hear you but it's hard not to appreciate the view"

"W-well finding someone a-attractive doesn't mean you objectify them. It's about respect. Not that you don't respect them" he hastily adds.

"I hear you" Kaminari says, then he adds "but what does that even mean? Treat them gently? Don't? I know your supposed to hold doors open." Without thinking or reading into it Kaminari holds a door open for Midoriya "but that doesn't seem to get me anywhere."

"I guess they know if your just doing it to get somewhere" Midoriya hazards, he's not sure the are having the same conversation.

"How are you supposed to get anywhere with the ladies then."

"Treat them like people" Mineta calls.

"Huh?" Kaminari asks

"Women aren't a monolith"

"I know but, I still want a girlfriend."

"There's nothing wrong with that" Mineta clarifies as Midoriya changes "but you need to ask yourself are you prepared to put on an act forever if that's what got you a girl?"

"Huh" Kaminari states introspectively. Then he turns to Midoriya to get his input "dude what happened to your back?"

Midoriya slams his scar covered back into his locker "nothing, I, it's nothing. My back is fine, nothing happened to it." He forgot, he forgot, he forgot.

Midoriya Izuku has not had a kind life, someone who was once his friend became his bully. His bully had an explosive quirk. Once upon a time his bully had poor quirk control. Even when his bully became skilled with his quirk the growth of his viciousness and his calculated cruelty paired with the callous disinterest from his teachers, more then made up the difference. Midoriya's upper back is covered in frequently overlapping scars, his shoulders have vaguely hand print shaped burns. Desperately he wraps his arms around himself trying to hide. Even his stomach and chest have a few scars. What stands out most is his largest scar, faded and stretched with age. The only one he could confidently say was an accident.

Kaminari quickly turns his head. Mineta pales. Shoji isn't here to bail him out. But Monoma, despite his green tinged face, acts. His costumes suit jacket is hastily thrown over Midoriya. As if a spell is broken the people still in the locker room look away. Some hesitantly try to pick back up conversations.

"H-hey Midoriya" Mineta asks his back still turned "are you ok?"

"I'm FINE" Midoriya says too forcefully. "I'm" he says softly "in a better situation now" He wants to curl up and disappear. Instead he changes, it's a struggle but Monoma's coat provides enough cover.

Midoriya Izuku climbs into bed with our even remembering going home.


I find it really hard to describe Capoeira. In a blow for blow sense so I've outlined some of it's principles and history to help give everyone an idea. Highly recommend you all look up Capoeira fighting/dancing.

Realistically Izuku should have scars. but given that bakugou is depicted as not wanting to anything to compromise his chances of getting into UA, Such as when he told of his friends for smoking, Bakugou would only leave scars in places Midoriya could easily hide.

I full I hate bakugou as a character if you couldn't tell.

Also a lot of people are about to realize that Midoriya isn't just socially awkward but someone who has very real reasons to be afraid of people.

Chapter 19: Emotional Bandwidth

Chapter Text

Rumi and Inko were watching cuddling up on the couch while watching a movie, enjoying one of her days off, when izuku came home.

"Morning Bunny"
"Hello Izuku, how was your day?"

Izuku makes a none commital grunt sound. Then walks up to his room.

The two look at each other. He's usually so much more friendly and talkative.

"Do you think he had a bad day?" Rumi asks. While fumbling with the remote to pause the film.

"Maybe, I'll go check on him" Inko says before getting up.

Rumi turns to watch her leave, already missing the warmth at her side.

Soon Inko walks back down. "He doeant want to talk" she says concern and dejection in her voice.

"Best to give him space then. Let's finish the movie."

Her phone buzzes. Please don't be a work thing please don't be a work thing.

It's a text from Izuku 'dont tell Mom, can we talk'

Oh boy, thinks Rumi. "I bet he will be more receptive if I bring him a snack." She says before getting up and heading to the kitchen. Opening the fridge she reaches for a Tupperware before rattling it. She pours it's content, carrot sticks, into a bowl before heading up stairs.

Bunny's door still has his old All-Might name plackart. A couple of rabbit themed stickers stuck to it. She knocks. A light rapp. She opens the door.

"Hey Bunny" she calls to the bundle of blankets. "Bad day?" The blanket shake "yeah" she leans down to hug him. "What happened?"

"I messed up"


"People saw my back"

"Oh?" Rumi's eyes darken "did they have a problem with that?"

"N-no, I don't want them to think I'm w-weak."

"Bunny look at this" she pulls up her shirt to expose her midriff. A jagged scar cuts across her stomach and side. "Do you know how I got this?"

"A villain fight?" He asks softly

"Car crash, I was 11. Get this legally I died for a bit." Rumi pauses and chuckles "before then I was scared, most of the time. But then, the worst thing already happened to me. Do you get what I'm saying?"

"I didn't almost die"

"No but you had an entire school district bully you. Then they got sued into oblivion. As far as school goes, your worst thing already happened. Hell you have the scars to prove it."

Izuku manages a chuckle.

"Now I was going to help you're mom cook dinner but we can order take out and play guilty gear instead. How about that?"

"C-can I stay here a while?"

"Sure come down when your ready." Rumi gets up, leaving the carrots on the night stand and walks down stairs.walking from one emotional disaster into another. Inko sat on the couch, tears streaming, white knuckle grip on her pants.

"He went to you didn't he?"


A chuckle,maybe a sob "of course, you're the one who believes in him. Why wouldn't you."

"Hey come on" Rumi attempts to placate "it's not like you're a terrible mom"

"But I but I am. I knew something was happening. I was just to, just to depressed to, I thought it would be the same every where and" she starts sobbing.

Rumi does not have the emotional bandwidth for the day. But well go big or go home, and she's already home. Rumi goes for a hug and begins to slowly rock her girlfriend.

Chapter 20: maybe just maybe

Chapter Text

The worst thing that could happen has already happened

The worst thing that could happen has already happened

The line repeats inside his head, mumbles out of his mouth, over and over and over. As he trudges up the slope, his walk far longer and more time consuming then usual.

His hands shake as he opens the door to the class room, his lips finally silent. Several people look at him. A few pained looks, a few sympthetic. No contempt, he's surprised.

"Hey dude" Mineta says from his desk near the door. Komori, who had been leaning on his desk waves.

"Midoriya" Hagakure calls out from the back before tripping out other desk and power walking over, dragging attention with her. Hagakure's hands hover before him, as if he was delicate, fragile.

"Are you ok" Mineta asks beating her too it. As Kiroshima, Ashido, Yaomomo, Tsu, Tetsutetsu and Uraraka crowd around.

"What happened" "who did it"

More people

"Does it hurt" "did you get em back"

Suddenly there's three loud, not quite synchronized, claps. Everyone looks over behind Kendo, whos large hands had yet to make contact, is Shoji.

"You're crowding him" he says simply as he walks over. Everyone takes a half step back, excluding Mineta, who is trapped in his desk by the crowd.

Hesitantly Midoriya begins to speak. "I-i'm ok, I d-dont want to t-alk about it." He runs the back of his neck, and crosses an arm protectively, as the classes faces shift almost imperceptibly towards disappointment.

"Alright everyone" Kendo yells "the last thing we need is Mr. Aizawa throwing out detentions let's sit down."

The milling crowd disperses. Someone pats Midoriya's back. He flinches violently. Tetsutetsu stands back hands raised "sorry I meant" Midoriya nods his head before going to his desk.

"Alright class" Mr. Aizawa starts as he walks in "as you know next week will be a normal schedule, excluding Friday which will be the sports festival. Midoriya, you're not in trouble but, I need to speak to you in the hall."

Izuku stands up arms shaking. The door closes with a click of finality behind him.

"So..." Mr. Aizawa says "as you know, the highest scorer of the entrance exam usually does a speech to open the sports festival."


An exasperated expression "Midoriya that's you..." A jolt goes through Midoriya "good job by the way"

"W-w-what, I thought, I mean, I assumed that was a mistake."

The expression turns pained "no, you did a good, a great job"

"Thank you?"

"Will you need help with the speech?"

"I uh ha um I g-guess I can ask my friends who, er know m-my...situation?"

The face is blank, unreadable "it's illogical to try to keep it a secret and you're only delaying things."

Midoriya jolts again

"But if it means that much to you, someone else can do the speech. There's no guarantee it won't come out after the sports festival gets on TV but there's a chance."

"I-i'll think about it"

Another unreadable look "between you and me id rip the band-aid off, have different lives. So...yeah"

"O-oh th-thank you sensei"

"Anytime...I realize you've been failed by a lot of teachers...and I don't want to continue that pattern so if there's a problem, or you need advice, you can come to me."

Midoriya wasn't sure he believes that but he says thank you anyway.

Eraserhead opens the door and looks at Midoriya with what passes for an inviting expression. The student takes a step.

Midoriya Izuku plops down onto his desk with a shuddering exhale.

Shoji looks at him "he wasn't a dick was he?"

"N-no. He was helpful" Midoriya confesses.

"Good" Hagakure adds "just remember I could totally get away with putting salt in his coffee."

Shoji sighs "somehow I doubt that"

"Well ill get an A for effort."

Midoriya chuckles. Before turning to Shoji. "Can you h-help me with my speech today?"

"Sure" he holds up a finger "one condition, tomorrow we all go to the beach."

Midoriya smiles. "Deal"

Hagakure pumps her fist.

Maybe just maybe, the worst really was behind Midoriya Izuku.

Chapter 21: waking up to a new world

Chapter Text

Midoriya Inko wakes up from her nap. They were starting to happen less and less frequently. Someday, thanks to modern medicine, the might even be gone. She rolls out of bed and dusts herself off.

She hears voices down stairs, they aren't Izuku's. Fear shoots through her. Her eyes dart to the bat they keep by the door. Then she hears her boy laugh.

Walking down stairs she sees, a lanky blonde, and a large six armed heteromorph. Between them is her son. She smiles, tears well up as he muscles briefly get droopy.

"Hi mom" Izuku calls. Gasping between tears she waves. Her little boy has friends over. "This is Shoji and Monoma"

"Hello... Would you like a snack?"

"I could eat, thank you" says Monoma.

Midoriya Inko walks into the kitchen.

Chapter 22: beach day

Chapter Text

Midoriya leads his friends to his house, where they plan on changing into swim wear and having a snack before they hit the beach.

Midoriya is nervous, this is the second time he has had friends over in six years, longer if you didn't count birthdays or times when Inko unofficially babysat bakugou katsuki. He had never had so many people over.

Shoji, Mineta and Monoma, as well as not one but two girls. Hagakure has been is friend since the start of the school year while Komori is a new face. Lately Mineta and Komori have been spending more time together.

"Wow Midoriya" Hagakure states as the turn onto the front path "nice house." The two story residence was honestly fairly small, if cosy looking, but considering it's proximity to a beach it was a respectable size.


"Yeah its nice" agrees Komori "you're a real spore-t for letting us stop here"

Midoriya chuckles nervously "it's let me show you around" he fumbles his keys before getting the door open. "W-we have two bathrooms." He points to a door down the hall "last door on the right. The doors on the left are the living room and kitchen. T-the other is upstairs f-first on the left. My par-er moms room is on the right and mine is the second on the left. That's about it" a nervous chuckle. "I'm going to go change now"

"Oh can we see your room?" Ask Mineta.

"I uh it's, I forgot to clean." He answers truthfully, it's been an emotionally exhausting week.

"Hey so" Monoma asks "where's you're mom?"

"Oh uh" Midoriya answers from the stairs "she has a book club"

For what ever reason Monoma looks a little disappointed.

Upstairs in his room throws on an old grey T-shirt, with the word abs written on it in white, and his swim trunks. Yes, they are All-Might themed. Outside he can hear what sounds like Monoma and Mineta wrestling over who gets the bathroom first. Midoriya walks out just in time to see a door slam on Monoma's face. Monoma who's face is red and leg stuck on the ground by Mineta's quirk looks as if he is suppressing several swear words.

Shoji for his part was already in his trunks. Pants bunched on the floor. "Did you change in the hall?" Midoriya asks. He shrugs "kind of, I wore these under my clothes." As he talks he fishes out a white t shirt to shrug on and begins to stuff his clothes into his large book bag.

Mineta slinks out of the bathroom and unsticks Monoma, weird quirk ball simply shoved back onto his head. It sticks out like a cow lick. "Do you have a garbage? With a bag?"

"Kitchen down stairs, I'll show you?" Offers Midoriya.
As they walk down stairs they hear a squeak. "I'm changing" yells Hagakure

"It's not like we can see anything." Comments Shoji.

"It's the principle of it"

"Why are you changing in the hall anyway?"

"Because I'm invisible" she says with out a hint of self awareness. "Ok you can come down"

"Where did everyone go" calls Monoma from upstairs.

"Down stairs" calls up Midoriya. "We're heading to the kitchen."

Down stairs Hagakure stands in the hall wearing a white T-shirt and a pair of mens swim trunks, around her wrists are tied a whistle and an LED light strip.

Mineta and Shoji start laughing "you actually wore a white shirt" snarks Shoji.

"So did you. I brought my camera too."

"Oh are we doing a photo shoot" Komori asks wearing a surprisingly immodist bikini. At his point the boys are bunched up on the stairs.

Komori snickers when she sees Mineta's cowlick. Mineta looks a little offended before opening his phones camera to see himself. He quickly takes the extra ball off his head. Three more balls go with it as replacements pop into place.

Mineta looks at the offending clump frown on his face. Komori burst out laughing. "Are we spending time in the stairs now" snarks Monoma.

"Oh sorry" says Midoriya before he starts walking.

The group finds themselves in the kitchen where Mineta slam dunks his hair into the trash. Before removing the trash bag, and pulling another out of the bottom of the can.

"What are you doing?"

"These always rip the bag when they shrink away."

"Oh" Midoriya calls out "I found the cooler"

"It's...smaller then expected" says Shoji a little disappointed.

"We can keep the drink in it and maybe some orange slices." Midoriya starts before shifting into mumbling as he digs through out the kitchen "we have a tot bag, maybe put the chips in there? Oh and." His voice shifts up "does anyone want a sandwich?"

"I'm never one to turn down free food" confesses Monoma.

"Oh we have meat in the fridge and" Midoriya digs through a drawer "white or wheat?"

"Wheat please."

Soon the group is walking down to the beach, merrily eating sandwiches as they walk. There cooler filled with drinks and a bag with chips, jerky and oranges. A second bag with towels and extra sunscreen.
Komori feeling a mounting sense of dread.

"Oh sh*taki" she says before crossing her arms over her chest. "I didn't realize so many people would be here." What looks like half the neighborhood and several of there class mates.

Mineta looks at her concerned "do you need to leave?" She takes a deep breath, "nope let's do this"

The group charges, practically throwing the cooler, and the bags down in a bare patch of sand. Mineta and Komori take a wave to the face as there taller friends bound in.

"So" shouts Hagakure as Shoji disappears below the water "what should we do first?" Midoriya looks over to her. Where Hagakure should be is a set of clothes rippling in the water. The water itself is outlining his friend. He takes in her figure before realizing what he's doing. He hurriedly looks away as Hagakure reflexively covers her chest.

Monoma, the prick, starts laughing at the situation.

"Sorry I" what ever blushfilled stammering was to follow is lost to time as Shoji burst from the water. "Squid attack!" He splashes them all while briefly dunking them under water.

Monoma hacks up water "you bastard" he splashes back "youre so dead"

"Get him" shouts Hagakure as the group swarms.

"No regrets" Shoji shouts as they try to pull him under.

"Stop that at once" shouts Iida of all people from the shore.

"You're not my boss it's after school" Monoma cackles to his class rep before a wave splashes into his mouth. He wisely starts swimming closer to shore. The other three stop.

"Are you ok" Midoriya asks nervously

Monoma flashes a thumbs up as he stands in the shallows, head just above water.

"Ok" says Hagakure "let's move it a little inland. Wait...where's Mineta and Komori. The group looks around, head on a swivel. "There they are" Shoji declares. The two shorties were sprawled out on there beach towels guarding the groups things. As the group wades to shore Shoji calls out "the water is fine"

"Someone has to guard our stuff" Mineta calls.

"Want me to tag you out?" Asks Midoriya

Komori springs to her feet "youre a fungie Midoriya"

"Thank you?" He says as he sits down. To his confusion Hagakure sits down next to him, before digging through the bag.

"So the guys and I" she starts "had this great idea for an art piece, could you take my picture?" She hands over her camera.

"Uh sure yes." Midoriya looks at her through the lense of the camera. Where the wet clothes press into Hagakure they become invisible, leaving the only indication of her existence where the clothes crease or splay out on the ground. Hagakure strikes a pose or two before taking the camera back and inspecting his work. "Wow Midori you have a pretty good sense of composition."

"Thanks I" he swallows "draw actually so...yeah"

"Oh" her voice goes sly "I didn't know you draw, can I see."

Midoriya digs around in the bag for a note book. Flipping through he finds a picture. Mineta mid flip, on the page is also a picture of UA's front gate and Pro hero Air-Jet.

"Wow these are really good...can you draw me?"

"I-i-i, yes"

"Great" she says before leaning back.

Midoriya starts sketching. It's easy at first, the places where the wet clothes hang off her are clearly visible but if he looks closely he can see more and more barely visible creases. It's almost like he can see her body. He stops, eyes tracking a blob of translucence. He glances up to Hagakures face. He gets a hint of chin, before a blob migrates near her lips, she has dimples. Suddenly she's gone. Midoriya's a little disappointed. With another swallow he finishes up the sketch. Before he shows her he hesitates. I mean who would want to know HE was looking close enough to get part of her face into his drawing, let alone part of her hip and side.

"Are you done"

"I-i erm"

"Let me see." Before he can muster the presence of mind to hold onto the notebook it's slipped out of his hands.

"What, I have dimples?"

"I I'm sorry" he flinches

"No no this is, Midoriya this is amazing. Do I really have dimples?"


"Wow" suddenly he's being hugged "thank you, this means so much to me."

"Oh? Oh I'm g-lad. I was afraid you wouldn't like I mean." "I look pretty cute" she interrupts "what do you think? Do I have cute dimples?"

Midoriya blushes "y-yes"

Hagakure goes quite. He messed something up, he messed something up, he

"Go out with me"


"Go out with me please."

Midoriya didn't understand "w-what? Why would, I mean you could do better." He curls up

"I really couldn't, Midori you're amazing."

"You don't" hands gripping his shirt "mean that"

"Yes I do" she insists "you're cute, and buff and kind and perfect."

she doesn't mean that, Midoriya knows better. She deserves better then a quirkless USELESS liar like him. He starts crying and sniffling. She leans in. He stands "I'm sorry." He bows "I have to go."

Midoriya turns and runs.

Chapter 23: the elephant

Chapter Text

Midoriya lays in bed, his friends had stopped by an hour ago to drop of the cooler and pick up there bags. He said his awkward good byes. They had gone home. He was alone. His mom had come home from her book club and he felt alone.

The sound of a door opening. "I'm hoOome" sings out Rumi. Midoriya Izuku goes down stairs. He needs a hug. Briefly Rumi goes stiff. Then returns the hug.

"Hey bunny what's the matter?"

He mumbles something. Rumi co*cks her head. "something about asking" she then sits down and pats the floor next to her. "Talk to me"

Izuku slips to the floor next to her. "I don't know what to do mom, Hagakure asked me out but I'm quirkless and she doesn't know and she's going to find out, there all going to find out the sports festival."

Rumi nods along, before holding up her hand. Then she pauses. "let's put a pin in the sports festival. So... Do you have any reason to think that you're friends would think less of you for not having a quirk?"

He looks away "lots of"

"No" she cuts him off, "not people, you're friends"

Midoriya pauses "Shoji and Monoma already know, so I'll have them unless they don't want to be associated with."

"Stop. Do they seem like the type."

"But what if they are?"

"What if they aren't."


"What about Mineta?"

Midoriya thinks, his short friend who always speaks out when he sees something wrong, who's always afraid...who's trying to get braver. "M-maybe?"

"Has Hagakure ever done anything that makes you think she would think less of you"

Midoriya thinks again "n-no?"

"Do you know why she likes you?"

"She said I was cute and nice and p-perfect"

"Bunny, she called you perfect?"

"Y-yeah, but she doesn't know that"

Rumi interrupts again "does you being quirkless diminish anything you've done? Because I think it makes you more impressive."

"Thank you? N-no it d-doesnt. But I've been lying to them." Midoriya insists his mind like a relentless motor driving him to anxiety.

Rumi goes quite "you don't want fair weather friends trust me. If they leave you're better off. You have Shoji and Monoma."

Midoriya pauses to think

"The worst is behind you. You should tell them."

There's a long contemplative pause.

"What am I going to do about the sports festival? Everyone is going to know."

"f*ck em" Rumi says. Midoriya recoils, pro heroes tend to filter swears out of there vocabulary. "look that's there problem not yours. UA has actual anti bullying policies and I have my lawyer pointed at them with a hair trigger. As far as the rest of the world goes, f*ck em sideways with a tractor."

Midoriya burst out laughing.

"You Midoriya Izuku will be a darn good hero and the rest of the world will have to deal with it and thank you for it."

Chapter 24: the band-aid


(See the end of the chapter for notes.)

Chapter Text

Midoriya Izuku spend sunday cleaning, exerciseing and doing homework. His mental state alternated between nervousness, conviction, hope and existential dread about telling people about his quirk situation. He does have two friends who know but they found out on there own. Monoma having attempted to use his copy quirk on izuku and Shoji, being heavily invested in the quirk diversity movement knows all about the Aldera trials. Often Izuku is thankful that those trials are mostly nitch information to civil rights groups, and heroes.

Izuku's flip flopping mood made that Sunday crawl on at an agonizing pase. But eventually, mercifuly or perhapse mercilessly, it is Monday.

It's a very ordinary Monday, devoid of twists, villain attacks, or unusual scheduling. Even fundamentals of heroics wasn't particularly exciting, mostly focusing on a new first aid unit. Although they did learn some counters for five point activation quirks, much to Uraraka's distress given the proximity to the sports fest.

Either before Izuku knows it or after a life time the school day ends. During lunch he had told his friends he needs to talk to them. As the trio walks into a grove of trees on campus Mineta speaks.

"So... What's up?"

"I-i-in a minute" midoriya stutters out as the walk further in. Then moments later he turns to face his friends, his two oldest friends. Midoriya quivering like a leaf goes into a deep bow.

He doesn't want to do this, he doesn't want to be here, he needs to move faster then his fears.


"What?" Ask Hagakure.

"I'm sorry" he can't even look at them

"No I mean." Her voice goes soft "I didn't hear you."

Izuku takes a deep shaky breath. "I don't..." His voice pitches up with fear "have a quirk"


"Wow" says Mineta "seriously?"

Izuku nods his head.

"Holy cow" he breaths out "midoriya dude you are"

Izuku braces himself

"The coolest guy I've ever met."

What? Izuku's head shoots up. Mineta's looking at him in aw.

"You ripped the head of a robot with just your thighs and back? No quirk! That's...that's"

Suddenly Hagakure speaks. "Is that why they hurt you?"

Huh? Midoriya looks at her confused.

"Who ever scarred you." Her voice gains momentum and thunder "is that why they hurt you?!"

Midoriya's terrified. "W-well I mean they t-thought that someone U-like me w-w" Izuku continues to try to stutter out a defence or an explanation before asking himself why. Was it his responsibility to defend or even explain the people who hurt him? f*ck'em a familiar voice plays through his head.

"yes" he says softly.

"Dude" says Mineta "I'm going to hug you, alright?" He opens his arms and walks towards him, slowly enough for Izuku to be able to react but not so slow as to drag it out. Midoriya starts to cry as one, then two pairs of arms wrap around him. He's sobbing, wailing tears pooring down his face. He's hugging back like his life depends on it. "Thank you, thank you" he repeats over and over.


For those of you wondering I can't see Midoriya being ready to tell the entire class for a while yet or at least until his hand is forced.

Chapter 25: the build up


I was unhappy with the last posted chapter so I deleted it and created this chapter.

Chapter Text

Midoriya Izuku is on top of the world. He feels ten feet tall. His friends accept his quirklessness. That has never happened to him before. Should he get them flowers? Would that be weird it would probably be weird he mumbles as he walks to class. As he opens the door he gives Mineta and Hagakure a warm fond smile.

"Good morning everyone" the boy says on impulse. Yaomomo looks up, from a card game she is playing with jiro, Tsu, and Kaminari, and smiles

Uraraka nods as he refs for an arm wrestling competition between Tetsutetsu and Shoji.

"Morning" calls Hagakure from where she waits with kiroshima for her turn at arm wrestling.

"Hey Brodoriya" calls Mina from her group where sero, Kendo, kota, sato, and Ojiro sit talking.

Mineta waves from where he, Komori, tokoyami and dark shadow exchange manga.

Aoyoma like always has his head down reading a book.

Midoriya knows he has to tell them his secret soon. The sports festival is this week. It gets televised in another two weeks, no way he can keep it a secret past then. Midoriya knows it makes him a coward, but he has never felt this accepted and he doesn't want to risk this until he has too.

The class room door opens.

"Five" says Mr. Aizawa

The class moves, hurriedly yet efficiently


Everyone is seated.

"Good." The teacher says before grappling a piece of chalk "remember to get you're permission slips sighed for the sports festival. You will end up with less work study options if we have to blur your face. But you will have at least two options regardless" His dry monotone voice begins to drone. "Snipe will be hosting an after school study hall for hero ethics in the library, it's not mandatory but is worth extra credit. I'll be available after school as well. In fundamentals today we will be going over use of and countering area denial quirks as well as basic phorensics." He turns to face the class "lastly again the sports festival is Friday. Comments? Concerns?"

Subconscious the class unclenches. After everything that has gone on they expected some curve ball.

"Great enjoy the rest of you're week." Mr. Aizawa says with a hint of warmth. Before sitting down.

Soon the bell rings and it's time for applied math. "Pop quiz" is the first thing out of ectoplasm's mouth after the usual gratings and niceties. The class groans. It is an easy test for Midoriya at least, his near idedic memory and how relaxing it is to not be the school punching bag has done wonders for his already above average school performance. The thought of that changing sends a familiar twist of anxiety through him. He tries to focus, a task made all the easier with the start of history through the lense of art. Midnight sensei has a gift for engaging the entire class through the entire period. Today they start a unit on castle construction, having to plan around the technology of the day to defend against a siege. The way she teaches turns even this into something between art, living history and a puzzle to be bested.

The next class I applied Science meaning one A has to get up and go to the science classroom, where power loader waits.

Afterwards they head back to there classroom for Literature and the English language taught by Present Mic. It would be a hard class today as they were breaking into none traditional story structures.

Then it turns to lunch, as Shoji, and Sato, the classes two biggest eaters, power walk to the door they both stop dead.

"Er, can we help you?" Shoji asks before slightly steping aside. Outside is a small crowd of people.

"Just checking out the competition" snarks a purple haired kid, speaking for the crowd.

"Can you move?" Asks Shoji "it's l"

"Oh I'm surprised you even noticed us" retorts the purple haired kids "after all you're the great class one A."

"Do you have a problem with us?" Asks Uraraka aggressively before kiroshima puts his hand on her shoulder.

"There are a lot of kids at this school who deserve to be heroes and not all of them are in you're class. The sports festival gives guys like me the opportunity to jump classes and even the opposite. So this is a declaration of war. I'm coming for one of your seats."

"Yeah man" shouts Tetsutetsu and Kiroshima together "bring you're best"

The purple haired kid scoffs before turning and walking away. The crowd disperses as One A filters towards the lunch room. "Man what a jerk" mumbles Uraraka.

"I don't know bro" says Kiroshima "he has a manly spirit."

"Hmf there's such a thing as toxic masculinity, bro"

Kiroshima looks crestfallen "maybe you're right."

Tetsutetsu starts patting his back before throwing his arms around his two best friends. "Either way Bros, it's going to be manly and awesome to compete against everyone."

"Yeah" Uraraka agrees passionately "let's crush em."

"Yay. Love that manly energy bro."

"Hu hu hu" kiroshima pumps his fist in agreement.

"Ok ok" Uraraka folds "the competitive spirit is a little manly"

"Yeah!" The two others shout in victory.

The week continues on blissfully normal until it is finally Friday.

Midoriya Izuku, for once, doesn't hesitate at UAs main gate. Although that's mostly because Rumi san continues her confident stride as the three of them hold hands. It's early in the morning so Inko is still a little groggy, yet her fear and excitement is quickly waking her. As the group reaches the stadium they split off. Midoriya to the locker rooms and his parents to stadium seating, but not before a series of hugs.

"Break a leg" says Rumi, her vicious smile making it impossible to tell how literal she is being. "Oh and remember, everyone is just as scared as you that's an advantage. You and I we can work through fear like it's nothing."

Izuku manages a nervous smile, as Rumi quivers with excitement. "Show em what you can do." Then Inko adds "you're going to be amazing sweetie"

Izuku is a little taken aback "thanks mom" he says keeping the question from his voice.

"Oh" Inko adds "make sure it's not your leg that breaks."

Rumi, then Izuku busts out laughing.

Midoriya Izuku enters the waiting area. The only other people already there is Shoji and kendo. Both in sports uniforms and in Shoji's case a new face mask. It like always covers the area a nose should be and everything to his neck. He is fast asleep.

Kendo smiles "midoriya stretch with me" she invites by way of greating. After the two stretch midoriya starts jogging up and down the room in order to get a feel for his new running shoes, his usual boots left his bag for now.

Others trickle in, ready or not it's show time.

Chapter 26: Race

Chapter Text

UA's sports festival was a big deal, not as big a deal as the Olympics despite the persistent rumors but still a very big deal. The sports complex the festival takes place in can hold up to fourty thousand people and year after year it is packed to the gills. That is most years. This year, the stadium only holds a fraction of that. The families of students and representatives of larger agencies clump together in there own little islands. The usual hord of venders in and around the stadium are replaced with business management students and vending robots. The security force of ectoplasm, hound dog the guidance councilor, and robots is reenforced with sidekicks from both the iidenten and Endeavor's agency as well as the retired Yoroi Musha, much to the lament of anyone with a canned drink they want to open.

Midnight sensei walks up to the podium, wearing a stylish pantsuit. as the holographic jumbotron turns on she begins to speak

"Students, esteemed guests welcome to the 78th annual sports festival. Before we officially begin I'd like to welcome the first place winner if the Heroic Entrance Exam to the stage today some opening words.

Every step to the stage felt like a herculian effort. The hallow empty stadium as unsettling as it is unnatural, yet Izuku has the self awareness to know he would be equally unsettled by a full stadium. Either way as he stands on the podium, every eye in the stands and every students looking at him, he is scared.

"I" his voice cracks "wouldn't" he speaks slowly, determined not to stutter "be here today" a shakey breath "if people didn't believe in me. S-so" he cringes internally "I b-believe in y-you. Let's give it out best and-and" his voice pitches up "have a fun time?" A deep breath


"PLUS ULTRA" The student body echos.

A smattering of applause. It's hard to tell how well his speech went over given how few people are in the stand. He can see his mom standing while she claps. Soon joined by Rumi and her family who must have arrived after Izuku separated to the locker rooms.

He hurried down the steps, just robotically enough to prevent himself from tripping, to rejoin the student body. Shoji claps him on the back, as Izuku finds his place in the crowd. The hero students are in the front, followed by the support and then the gen ed, with a few management students as well.

"Well said" Midnight continues "today's first event is the year one" she points to the jumbotron dramatically as the event name appears. "OBSTACLE RACE!" She coughs "which of course will be commentated on my my dear friends Present Mic and Eraserhead."

"That's right folks" Present Mics voice cuts in. "Today our students will be running the Mystery gauntlet." A spot light flips on pointing to a tunnel entrance directly behind them. "There's the entrance. You're already at the starting line. Threetwoone GO"

Suddenly the hero course is in the rear and not the front. Izuku really should have seen this coming given that the support students were already covered in there gear.

Suddenly as the crowd begins it's stampede a thunderous boom can be heard.

"Unbelievable in a record breaking .02 seconds Kendo Itsuka wins UAs obstacle race. Talk about plus ultra!"

Suddenly Midoriya's feet are iced to the ground. People tumble forward others stop dead. Luckily for him one of Izuku's feet was in the air when it happened. With little struggle he breaks free. Only to begin to slide on the ice. His boots would be really useful right now he lements as he wrestles himself in the right direction.

It's a testament to his conditioning that he reaches the relatively narrow gateway before it becomes clogged with people. Even though he has to dodge an elbow or two. Suddenly his feet freeze to the ground again.

"Icing people to the ground. Todoroki won't be making any friends with that strategy but it is effective." Mic's voice booms out before continuing. "It looks like people are starting to clear the first hurtle, that is to say each other."

People slip and slide on Todorokis second batch of ice. Tetsutetsu and Kiroshima stomp through the ice as Uraraka clings to them. Reaching the outside they see there next obstacl, robots, the same from the test to get into UA. Not one but two of the zero pointers loom already covered in ice. No not looming tilting. Kiroshima tackles Uraraka to the ground as Tetsutetsu lunges at Midoriya. Four giant pillars of concrete shoot into the air catching the robots.

"In a stunning display of heroic spirit Tetsutetsu and Kiroshima sacrifice time and focus to save classmates." the students continue to run. "Thankfully they were in no real danger although Todoroki will be talked two. Speaking of he's reached the third obstacle."

Present Mic continues as Midoriya weaves through the robots, it was a tight race between him and the armor bros until iida rockets by. Ahead of them is a series of stone pillars, tight ropes strung between them. Iida hesitates trying to think of the best approach. Izuku thinks on his feat, even if it just looks like throwing himself into the air and praying.

Like Icarus he flies. Like Icarus he falls. Landing in a roll he doesn't hesitate to throw himself over the next gap.

Present Mic's voice rings out "an amazing leap from UA's very own wonder kid, jumping him into third. Although UAs other jumper Asui isn't far behind. And what's this, Hatsume swings ahead on her own invention."

Out of the corner of Izuku's eye a blur shoots by. He needs to hurry, he feels his flow slip through his fingers. He makes a foolish leap.

Izuku's chest slams into a stone ridge. The wind knocked out of him, his limbs flail for purchase. Something grabs him as Tsu jumps past. Izuku catapults forward.

"An another stunning display of sportsman ship from 'call me Tsu' Asui. UA should be proud of that pull each other up additude."

Izuku takes in his surrounds from another pillar. There's a route he can take but he needs to back track one to a higher pillar, and that means a tight rope.

Eraserhead's voice can be heard. "In the age of All-Might it's hard to remember heroics shouldn't be a one pony show. This year is something special, so long as hey don't get co*cky"That last part is clearly directed at the students.

Izuku reaches the end of the spires. He sees an empty field with small barely perceptible mounds and a sign marked minefield. Ahead of him Iida takes a wrong step and flys through the air. Izuku begins to carefully pick his way across the path. Behind him a chant occasionally broken up by laughter and explosions.

"Armor bros, armor bros" three voices chant out. Tetsutetsu, kiroshima and Uraraka have formed a line the two in front stomping on the ground as they go.

"And the inseparable armor bros make mincemeat out of the landmines. Some may ask why Uraraka is included. Well for this one woman army weight is no issue, that's a lot of body armor she can wear."

Izuku picks his way towards the group and begins to follow behind. As soon as they clear the minefield he calls out "thanks" before leaving his incidental mine sweapers in the dust. Ahead of him is the entrance to the stadium. It ha a large visible dent on the upper beam.

As he runs a purple orb lands next too him. Redoubling his speed izuku pushes himself to his limit.

"ITS A PHOTO finish for sixth" shouts Present Mic before pivoting to other contestants.

Midoriya Izuku and Mineta Minura fist bump as they desperately catch there breath of to the side.

With them is Kendo, Todoroki, Hatsume, iida, and Tsu. Behind them zooms in Yaomomo on roller skates. As Kiroshima passes the finish line.

Chapter 27: here comes the cavalry

Chapter Text

Midnight walks back on stage.

"Talk about a pulse pounding performance, if it was up too me. Every last one of you would go onto the next round. Sadly only the first 42 will go on." She smiles and winks at the student body "but don't you worry everyone will have a chance to shine later today. As for our lucky winners" she cracks her whip, the only item hinting at her brand "CAVELRY BATTLE. Each team must be 2-4 members." An image flicks to life on the screen, all might in his yellow suit being held aloft by Thirteen and Present Mic, who is clearly struggling.

Midnight continues "each team will be given headbands corresponding to the members place in the race, all to be worn by the teams rider. Each headband is worth five points times the distance you placed from forty seconds...with the exclusion of the first place winner at"

Present Mic cuts in "one thousand points"

"Now the rules are simple." Continues Midnight
"1. The rider must stay off the ground and there horses intact. Least you be disqualified"
"2. Disqualified teams must hand off points to the last team the rider made physical contact with"
"3. The bandanas must be visible on the head and capable of being removed from the rider"
"4. Any team member can grab a bandana but they must be passed off to the rider"
"And five play fair play fun. You're not just being judged by point total, but sportsmanship and other secret criteria as well."

"When I say start you all have fifteen minutes to team up and plan." Kendo raises her hand "yes?" Asks Midnight sensei

"I'll pass." People look at her shocked. "I don't want to ruin others fun. I already have an internship lined up"

Midnight looks taken aback before rebounding "once again this years something special as Kendo choose to give others a time to shine and go plus ultra."

Eraserhead's voice cuts in "would Arima Tomiko
Step forward."

"YES!" A girl shouts. "Kendo you're the best!"

Some applause "yes kendo you rule" someone else calls out.

Midnight leans into her mic "alright enough delays START"

Izuku looks to find his friends. While he does so PresentMic starts talking "after this we will have the first two rounds of the year two and three competitions, followed by more traditional events then the final even of the day" suddenly eraserhead cuts in his voice as dry as ever "can I get a YEAH?" Present Mic, the audience and half the student body bursts out laughing.

Izuku sees his friend Shoji, "so the two of us?" He asks

"I was hoping we could get Mineta and maybe Monoma." He would have liked Hagakure but she didn't make it.

"Hey guys" Mineta shouts from where he bounces, before dismounting and trotting over.

Izuku spots Monoma "ol' friend!" He shouts only to see Monoma shake his head. "Sorry ol' chum. Today One B shall rain supreme. Good luck getting second"

Izuku snickers "same to you." Earning a glare and a good natured smile.

This isn't good, they needed more power, more hands. Who who who. Tokoyami. "Hey Shoji? Can you get Tokoyami on board"

Shoji nods his head and walks off.

Moments later Shoji returns with Tokoyami.

"Alright boys" Mineta calls them into a huddle. "What's the plan?"

"Shoji will act as a defensive core, while tokoyami and dark shadow will act as our offensive front. Mineta will act as a rear guard and I-i could act as the rider." Midoriya holds his breath.

Tokoyami nods his head "mad revelry of darkness"

Dark shadow clarifies "that means he likes the idea"

"It's a good plan" Shoji extends his knuckles "respect"

Izuku returns his friends gesture "respect"

"Let's do this boys" Mineta says excitedly

Soon Izuku surveys the field from atop Shoji's shoulders.

Komori can be seen riding on the shoulders of a support course kid on running stilts with something strapped to his arms. Who knows what they will be capable of.

The armor bros are of course a team along with Arima. Judging by the lack of equipment she is gen ed. Tetsutetsu and Kiroshima both face front as Arima acts as a support for Uraraka. That's going to be a tanky group that's hard to tangle with. Uraraka has fast hands.

Monoma's team has iida with Tokage on top. They promise to be a moble apponent.

Todorokis team with there thousand point headband includes Honenuki, Yanagi and Bondo. That's a dangerous combination. With high quirk synergy and large potential for area denial.

Shishida, and Tsu have teamed up with the purple haired gen ed kid. With Shishida and Tsu they promise to be hard to even get to.

Sero has teamed up with Ashido Kodai and kota. Which seems pretty manageable too Izuku.

Yaomomo is riding a group of jirou, Kaminari and Hatsumei. They are on roller skates, excluding Hatsumei in her hover boots. The amount of high mobility teams is worryingly high.

Ojiro has teamed up with Shoda, and Kiabara with Rin on top. That's most of Both classes Martial artists with Kendo gone and Uraraka accounted for.

Aoyoma has teamed up with Shiozaki, Kamakiri and Tsuburaba. Between Aoyoma and Shiozaki's range Tsuburaba's defense and the only hard counter to Shiozaki's vines being on there team Izuku really didn't want to tangle with them.

Shima the goth girl with the rubber body quirk has teamed up with a gen ed girl and Kuroiro who knows what they are capable of together

Lastly Yanagi has teamed up with Manga and Awasa. Between Manga and Awasa working as defense and Yanagi's quirk they are yet another group he doesn't want to tangle with.

Izuku's team could face off against the small fy combos, and swing by to Monoma's group if the opportunity arrives or they could play risky. After all they never said how many points would get you to the next event.

The whistle blows

Midoriya makes a decision

Chapter 28: from the side lines


(See the end of the chapter for notes.)

Chapter Text

Midoriya Inko was scared, scared for her son's safety and scared that she had pushed him away. But as the cavalry battle begins and the tea with the Todoroki boy immidiately charges her son the fear for his safety wins out.

She stiffles a scream and hold Rumi's hand in a vice grip as their boy's team gets encased in ice. Rumi starts to squeeze back as todoroki melts his way into the ice. Suddenly surprisingly a boot flies out. Todoroki recoils reflexively freezing his own past there heads. Suddenly thanks to a quirk the ice flows off like it instantly melted. The Todoroki boy hits the ground.


"NOOOO!" screams out someone behind them

"WHAT AND UPSET!" Screams out the announcer "UA'S VERY OWN WONDER KID ONE HIT K.O.S TODOROKI SHOTO. Of Course This Means He Has A MASSIVE TARGET On His Back. Good luck kid."

As the group with Monoma and another two person group charges her son, the other announcer chimes in "we are supposed to be objective"

Inko can't take this she has to look away.

"I can't believe what I'm seeing" The first announcer continues. "A three way melee between teams Aoyoma, Yanagi and Komori. That's right folks between Yanagi's psychic powers, Shiozaki's vines and the agility and range of Yonamine's inventions the arenas been effectively cut in two."

"Team Aoyoma has a winning strategy" the other announcer supplants. Between Aoyoma's lasers and Tsuburaba's air barrier they are practically untouchable"

"What's this?! A brutal showdown between team Armor Bros, love that branding, and Team Martial arts"

"Situational awareness is important" the dry announcer comments as a girl with a long tongue snatched up boh groups headbands from aback a large hairy child"

"Go Izuku KICK ASS" shouts Rumi. Inko looks over. A Shadow bird thing is tearing through a series of ice spikes and Mineta tries to fend off Monoma's team.

"And the war of the middle ends with teams Komori and and team Yanagi retreating. But Aoyoma's victory is pyrrhic after Komori wittled away Shiozaki's strength." A deep breath "but back to Yanagi her amazing psychic reach has broken team Hitoshi's ranged dominance. It's anyone's game now."

"They better hurry" the other announcer chimes in "10...9...8..."

Inko's son is in a fist fight with Monoma. Inko is going to faint. "7...6..." The entire stadium is joining in


The world fades to black


Don't want to deal with counting points have the POV character faint through it. Tardi you are a genius

Chapter 29: at the old quirk game

Chapter Text

Izuku can't believe it he won another round. He might just, no surely not.

Izuku sits down arms shaking from his vantage point in the stands he bwgins to enjoy the year two opening ceremony.

Hakagure speaks behind him "you did great"

"Huh" he startles "t-thanks, you t-to"

Hagakure seems to deflate "you don't need to lie I didn't even get through the first round."

"I'm sure you'll d-do better next year. Y-you just need m-more stamina"

Another sigh. "I don't suppose you could give me some pointers?"

"Yeah" a wild thought strikes Izuku "m-m-maybe we c-could tr-ain t-t-together. Er if you want to you don't havetoimeanimsureyou"

Hagakure grabs his shoulders "id love to"

"G-g-great h-how about t-tomorrow?"

"Yes" Hagakure says resolutly before sitting down.

The obstacle course starts. Izuku hones in writing frantically in his notebook. Tim slips by like sand in an hour glass. Before Izuku knows it the last contestant reaches the finish line.

"Midoriya" Izuku startles then turns his head. It's Shoji. "Mineta bought us all hotdogs." He says while holding out one for him. Looking over Izuku smiles at Mineta where he and Komori sit eating hotdogs. "Thanks Mineta"

"Dont mention it my mom gave me money"

A head pops up over the barrier between the classes, why there's a barrier is anyona guess. "I do believe I hear something about free food?" Asks Monoma hopefully. Mineta rolls his eyes before handing over half a pretzel he bought.

"Monoma quite pestering the other class" shouts Iida

Monoma reaches over "thank you my stalwart amigo"

"Chill out Iida it's called socializing" snarks Tokage from our of view.

"Does this mean Mineta can make fun of you?" Izuku asks earning himself a glare. Izuku laughs as everyone looks at him questioningly. "It's uh a you had to b-be there thing"

Shoji shrugs "alright"

"Oh oh" Komori adds "I want to make fun of Monoma"

"Monoma" asks Mineta "can I transfer insulting rights?"

Another glare "look what you've started Midoriya. And no"

"Quick quick Midoriya how do I get insulting rights?"

Izuku mimes zipping up his lips before noticing the ongoing event and promptly getting lost in quirk analysis again.

Chapter 30: Midoriya Loses It

Chapter Text

If you only watched the UA sports fest on TV you would be forgiven for thinking it is all action all the time, however that couldn't be further from the truth. UA like all schools hosts several games and competitions you could find in any school. The hundred meter relay, the long jump, a water balloon toss and tug of war are all present. That being said UA isn't an ordinary school. No it is a school to train heroes, and because of that the capstone of this event is bombastic action. But before then a simple and filling lunch provided free by the school.

As five friends sit down and eat, Midoriya reflects on how awesome his day has been. Usually school sports festivals suck and Izuku gets turned into a laughing stock. But, here now at UA he has friends, he has so many interesting quirks to dissect, he's having fun and his family is here healthy and whole. Nothing future or past can take this moment away from him. However as the food dwindles so does Midoriya's nerve.

Midoriya Izuku is quirkless. He has no superpower something he has in common with twenty percent of the population at large. However, he is the only quirkless heroics student in all of Japan. What's more UA is the best heroic school in Japan and he made it into the third round of the sports festival. The third round this year and in all others is a combat tournament.

"I'm going to die" Midoriya says weakly

"Your not going to die" assures Hagakure

"Yeah man" Mineta encourages "I've seen you fight you'll get through..." He pauses "at last the second round"

"Mineta" Shoji scolds

"I'll tell you what's going to happen" Monoma declares imperiously "your going to face off against me in the final round. I'll win of course"

What ever Izuku is going to say is cut off my a very plesent chime. "All year one cavalry battle participants report to he stadium"

"Welp" Shoji says before stretching into a stand "this is it"

"Don't worry Midoriya I believe in you" shouts Hagakure.

"What are we chopped liver?" Asks Monoma

"I mean I believe in all of you"

The group sans Midoriya laugh "sure" responds Shoji

As the four competing friends walk to the next competition Shoji turns to Midoriya "she's still into you, you know"


"Not everyone is quirkist my friend" Monoma adds

"I mean I know that's why we are all f-friends but I-i mean d-d-dating?"

"Come on dude" Mineta says joining the discussion "it's super obvious."

"We aren't saying you have to date her" clarifies Shoji "but you should give her an answer"

"W-w-w" Izuku continues to stutter "wait a minute." He points accusitorily "this is strategy you're trying to to distract me"

Shoji snickers "you got me" he says clearly sarcastically

Monoma sighs "me too" he answers earnestly

"That doesn't mean it isn't true" Mineta says expertly dudging the accusation.

"Ok ok" Shoji relents "bad time, forget we said anything"

The group enters the stadium.

On a raised concrete structure stand Midnight Sensei

"Welcome, ladies, gentlemen, and students" that earns a laugh from the crowd. "It's time for the year one sports festival's final event. 16 students will compete head to head in a no holds bar." The sound system comes to life Mr. Aizawa speak "by that we mean follow UA sanctioned sparing etiquette, or else"

"Yes yes you're no fun at parties" Midnight jokes "now as I was saying a no holds bar head to head combat event. Now then" a screen flicks to life on it a blank tournament bracket. A drum roll starts.

"Midoriya Izuku, Shoji Mezo, Mineta Minura, and Tokoyami Fumikage of team Midoriya"

"Arima Tomiko, Uraraka Ochako, Tetsutetsu Tetsutetsu and Kiroshima Eijiro of team Arima"

"Tokage Setsuna, Iida Tenya, and Monoma Neito of team Tokage"

"Aoyama Yuga, Shiozaki Ibara, Tsuburaba Kosei and Kamakiri Togaru of team Aoyoma"

"Lastly Shinsou Hitoshi of team Shinsou as his team mates dropped out"

It looks like Izuku would be fighting a Shinsou Hitoshi. They had to be one of the Gen Ed kids as he didn't recognize the name and none of the support students made it through the cavalry battle.

"Hey Midoriya" a stranger calls, turning his head Izuku sees a skinny pale kid with purple hair standing on end. He smiles and extends a hand. Wait was that the guy who 'declared war against them'

Izuku opens his mouth to gasp,he inhales. Tsu runs into him. His mouth is briefly covered by his classmates large hands"Come on Midoriya" Tsu says dragging him away "let's get a spots drink I'm thirsty"

Soon Tsu stops dragging him "Sorry Midoriya it's just that after I talked to him my brain shut down, when I woke up the cavalry battle was over."

Izuku opens his eyes wide. "Just don't say anything to him, he's a jerk and the reason why it didn't feel right for Shishida and I to go onto this round." Turning his head Izuku sees Hitoshi glaring.

"Good luck by the way" Tsu says "it looks like youre up"

"Ahuh already?"

Sure enough as the other competitors are filing out of the stadium as he and Shinsou are projected onto the jumbotron. In that moment Izuku realizes that there's no way people won't find out that he is quirkless after this. But as Miruko says move faster then your fears. Izuku power walks to the arena

"In this corner" Present Mic shouts "the man with a plan, the Gen Ed dreamer willing to do anything to win Shinsou Hhhhitoshi"

"And in the other corner th embodiment of grit and tenacity the dangrous dancer of One A Midoriya Iiiizuku"

a deep breath "the rules are simple, no eye gouging, and no throat punches. If you leave the ring, surrender or get pinned you lose. Try not to break any bones."

Mr. Aizawa cuts in "and by that we mean don't"

"That's right, Eraserhead. If either contestant act beyond which is reasonable, and you all had a class on that, we will cancel the match. Now then get ready to GO PLUS ULTRA. And Ah ONE AND AH TWO BEGIN"

"So" Shinsou says posture relaxed even as Midoriya approaches"UA's Wonder kid, must have some quirk to earn that title."

Izuku flinches

"Oh not talking" Shinsou continues edging away to from him. "Too good for me? Or did that toad say something"

Midoriya Izuku has been in a dark place for a long time. The first person to ever support him was a heteromorph. Midoriya Izuku's first friend who knew he was quirkless was a heteromorph. Shinsou Hitoshi just made this personal.

Midoriya Izuku charges "All-Might, Endeavor, Hawks" he throws a kick intentionally to high in order to brush Shinsous hair. "Best Jeanist" The boy staggers back in fear and throws a punch. Izuku effortlessly dodges and then throws in a flip for good measure. "Edgeshot" Hitoshi throws a kick of his own. It's sloppy, easily avoided. Izuku kicks back hard. Shinsou flies off his feat landing in a heap. "Crust" As he gasps for breath izuku picks him up and walks "Ryukyu, Gang Orca, Positive, Wash" Shinsou is unceremoniously dropped out of bounds like a sack of potatoes. "Miruko"


"You piece of sh*t" Shinsou seaths out. "You had to crush my dreams just because I have a villains quirk."

Izuku starts to feel bad, turning around he shrinks into himself as he walks away. As he walks through the stadium he begins to cry. He crushed someone's dreams. He was a bully he

"You ok bunny?"

Izuku jolts out of his spiral then he goes into a hug.

"Hey it's ok" she says rocking him slightly "so what's got you down?"

"I humiliated him" Izuku sobs "I'm a bully"

"That did seem a little out of character. What set you off?"

"He called Tsu a toad and I just lost it."

"He what?! Bunny as far as I'm concerned you handled that right. You channeled your anger appropriately."

"But I hurt him"

Rumi laughs "it's a few holds bar school sanctioned fight your supposed to hurt each other."

"But but I was mean"

A sigh Rumi pulls away "bunny...sometimes you have to be a little mean. It's...from the perspective of a jerk standing up for yourself and others is mean ok."

"Y-yeah ok"

"Usigayami Rumi" Midoriya Inko calls "how dare you run ahead of me" she rounds the corner panting slightly then pulls izuku into a big hug "I'm so proud of you baby"

"T-thanks mom" Izuku stutters out while hugging back. "Do you want to watch the next round with us?" Inko asks.

"I'd like that"

Chapter 31: Todoroki Shoto's Quest


(See the end of the chapter for notes.)

Chapter Text

Todoroki Shoto felt numb. He had failed, he had failed catastrophicly. First All-Mights secret daughter effortlessly out performs him then dropped out and then he got kicked out of the running because of his worthless team mates and that quirkless. He hates this, he wanted to beat that bastard quirkless into a bloody pulp he wanted to burn the world down. He didn't want to become his father. With great effort Todoroki tries to shove all these emotions into the mental pit. He picture the sound of water splashing at the bottom of a well.

Shoto places his head against a wall, its cool like his mother's ice. He pictures the bottom of the well again. What was he going to do. Maybe he should ask someone? But who? His mind pulls up a memory. Iida Tenya stands before the class in a bow "thank you for this title I will be the best class president I can be" he straitens "if anyone needs help I will do my best"

Iida, yes iida. All he has to do is find his class mate.

Iida sits with the rest of his class mates, all jolly and socializing because they can afford to not take things seriously, even Iida is smiling and talking to one of his friends. "Iida...a word"

"Certainly." His class president says with his usual intense formality

"This way" the two walk away from where his class is seating.

"This isn't easy for me" Shoto says unsure of how else to start.

"I'm not sure what you mean" Iida says slowing to match Todorokis with drawn energy.

"The festival has gone very poorly for me. It's frustrating"

"I see" iida says chin in hand "what do you usually do?"

"Picture a well and put my feelings at the bottom"

Iida hums "that doesn't sound healthy, perhaps you should talk to someone about it"

"I'm talking to you"

"Ah my mistake, I meant talk to someone in a professional manner. Such as our schools psychologist."

Todoroki hums as iida smiles reassuringly

"There's nothing wrong with speaking to a psychologist it's very common in this field."

Shoto frowns his dad never mentioned a psychologist. Which means, he suddenly realizes, I must need one. "Thank you Iida this was very helpful"
Now all Shoto has to do is find Hound dog. A surprisingly simple feet all he has to do is ask a security robot and in a few minutes Hound Dog is here.

"You need to talk to me kid?"

"Do you know what a quirk marriage is?"

Hound dogs face is unreadable, or maybe Todoroki just wasn't socialized enough with heteromorphics as a child.

"Let's talk about this somewhere privately." Hound dog leads him out of the stadium and to a lone picnic bench.

"Yes I know about quirk marriages. They are unfortunately more common then they should be in heroic dynasties. While I can't share who without there permission, several students have already expressed similar concerns"

"Oh. I had no idea so many people purchased spouses"

"I'm sorry what?"

Todoroki Shoto then explains his story. With ever passing moment Hound-dog becomes more and more certain that Endeavor needs to face consequences.


I got the idea of quirk marriages being common amongst heroes from Beat Jeanist reacting to Dabi's revelations by calling it 'airing dirty laundry'

Well someone pointed it out to me

Chapter 32: POV Midoriya Izuku


(See the end of the chapter for notes.)

Chapter Text

"Over here" Rumi's younger sister yells. Mizuki being the tallest member of the family spots the three first. Her rabbit nose twitches as they come closer.

"Zuku" calls out an earmuff wearing Kai from where she stands on her mother's lap.

"Hi Kai" Izuku greats back.

"Hey great job kiddo" compliments Kai's father and Rumi's brother Haruki.

"Yes you did extraordinarily well" adds Mari, Rumi's sister in law. Her sparkling eyes dancing in the afternoon light.

"Hey where's Da" Rumi asks. The stocky patriarch Tsuyoshi being noticably absent.

"Turns out the Shiozakis are here. Dad's catching up" supplies Mizuki

"Wait she's THAT Shiozaki?!" Izuku asks loudly. The Shiozakis live inside the same enclave town as Rumi's family. Izuku had met the dad but everyone else was sick when he visited the family farm.

"I know what are the odds" Mizuki comments happily. Izuku was not happy. If Shiozaki Ibara made the connection between The Usagiyama family and him someone else would know he is quirkless. The only thing keeping Izuku from hyperventilating is remembering that he was going to come clean soon anyway.

"Sshhh-shshsh" Rumi says loudly "it's starting."

"Aaaannnddd in this corner the girl who just won't quit proof that you don't have to be slow to be steady Aaaaarima Toooomiko!"

"And in the other corner the harbinger of doom the heart of darkness themselves Toookoyami Fumikage and Dark Shadow!"

Izuku watches transfixed, some kind of endurance quirk probably not a good match up but better off then he would be.

The girl Arima seems to be trying goad the duo into charging, probably so she can wear them out. Tokoyami seems unmoved but what ever she said seems to have really upset dark shadow. The quirk lunges, dragging Tokoyami along with her. Arima gets away easily and begins leading the duo in a wild goose chase around the ring, that is until Tokoyami and dark shadow get coordinated. Arima underestimates Dark Shadows reach and finds herself getting boxed in.

Running out of options Arima charges throwing a sloppy punch before Dark Shadow tackles her. The quirk cackles as Present Mic calls the winner. Then in a stunning move of sportsman ship from Dark
Shadow she helps Arima to her feet. Tokoyami and his quirk each shake Arima's hand.

The stadium claps. Present Mic blares over the speakers "And there you have it folks an amazing run from the Gen Ed Runner"

"IIIIINNN. This corner. She'll toss you like a salad, the queen of gravity UUuraka Oochako"

"Aaaand in this corner slippery as a snake, master of multitasking Tokage Ssetsuuna"


Tokage immediately splits her body into twenty pieces all of which are floating.

Izuku can't think of anyway for Uraraka to win this, Setsuna can independently float her entire body with would allow her to if anything more easily manuvour if she loses gravity. Unless, Izuku squints then he reaches for his mom's Mari' binoculars "can I borrow these?"

"Of course." The binoculars come free. There's a patch of the ground that's the wrong color. It looks almost like part of a foot. Is Tokage just standing on her toes and displacing her physical body?

While Midoriya Izuku analysis Uraraka tags Tokage. Now that he knows what to look for he sees parts of her body dart off to the jumbo tron anchoring herself.

Uraraka and Tokage begin a tug of war between part of a forearm. Straining against physics Tokage is struggling to put up enough resistance, that is until Uraraka suddenly goes feather light. The forearm and girl shoots across the arena and out of bounds.

"Tokage hit the ground first. Uraraka's amazing gambling paid off! Uraraka wins"

Tokage snaps back together and stomps her foot twice in frustration, then as she walks away one of her hands split off to go for a shake with Uraraka.

"Oh Shoji's up next" Izuku exclaims "I should wish him luck.


I thought I'd more thoroughly introduce the extended Usigayami family as fluffy bunnies is more of a side story people may not have read.

Also how do I skip the commentary from mic and Eraserhead that I don't want to write. Use a really focused izuku as your pov

Chapter 33: two stroke duel

Chapter Text

Shoji Mezo knows he is different. That these differences will make his life an uphill battle. That's something he has accepted but has not made peace with. Something he will never willingly surrender to. So as he walks into the arena he knows if he wins he's doing things right and if he loses he has a goal to work past.

Shoji glares at his opponent. Truth be told he never liked iida. He knows part of this is his internal bias against people with the kind quirks that build dynasties of heroes without a hint of controversy. But Iida is loud, and prone to making his strict sense of propriety other people's problems. So he's going to enjoy this fight.

"In one corner the sports car given human form, the man with big shoes to fill IIIDDDAAA TENYA!"

"In the other corner the six armed mountain, the protector of the small SSHHOOJI MEZO!"


Iida charges. Fast and straight as an arrow. The only thing Shoji has time to think to do is plant his feat, protect his head and throw a punch back.

Iida ducks the punch instinctively. Momentum carrying his back foot forward he has no choice but to lean into it. His next step plants. His foot swings out.

Shoji sees a fraction of this, all he knows is that the blur has shifted its angle of attack. All Shoji has time to know is that Iida has very heavy calves. Instead of attempting to muscle his way through Shoji reaches out and spins. Two out of three of his right hands hook onto Iida.

The engine block calf hits two of Shoji's left arms. Shoji's third arm catches Iida's leg. Momentum and Shoji carry Iida.

Iida has to much speed to stop so he turns. A wind swing around the arena kicking up dust.

Shoji has just a moment to breath. His side stings where he was hit. Shoji takes two steps, reaches out and leans back.

Iida tucks his head as he tumbles through the air. Hitting the ground he rolls once before he manages to get his feet under him. Stumbling Iida course corrects. His turn tighter then before.

Yet not tight enough. Iida's feet hit empty air.

"And there you have it folks an amazing three second round" shouts Present Mic to the heavens.

Shoji stands there panting, cradling two of his arms, as Iida stumbles to his feet and bows. Shoji bows back.

As the two walk out side by side Iida speaks.

"Is-are your arms ok?"

Shoji raises his arm, to show that it's fine only to notice something and widens his eyes. His arms not supposed to bend like that.

"Oh no, I apologize. I had assumed you would be tougher. Let me escort you to recovery girl."

Chapter 34: two types of victory

Chapter Text

The first thing Shoji hears when he returns to your friends his Hakagure yell "there's our champion!"
Mineta Komori and Midoriya applaud. "You did awesome" says Mineta, as Midoriya purses his lips "are your arms ok?"

Shoji is briefly taken aback "oh yeah, I heal quick, especially after recovery girl helped it a long" His broken arm was had mostly stitched itself back together by the time he reached the nurse. It still hurts a little and Shoji has a sinking suspension that recovery girl wasnt giving the best care she could give.

While Shoji was introspecting Mineta slowly goes pale."oh no, my fights next"

Shoji snickers at his friends fear.

"Midoriya dude you have to give me tips" Pleeds Mineta.

Midoriya just shrugs "I think I need to be a neutral party."

"What come on please, I've been your friend longer."

Midoriya zips his lips.

Suddenly Komori grabs Mineta's shoulder and pulls him in. A kiss is planted. "I uh," she says awkwardly, her cheeks red "for good luck"

Mineta holds a hand to the kisses cheek. Then he looks at her. "do you...want to go to a cat cafe. There's this really nice one."

"I'd love too. Now go make Monoma eat sh*taki"

Mineta stands and throws out a solute "yes ma'am" he then marches off to war.

"Girl" Hagakure says

"What I saw my moment"

"Wait what" asks Midoriya "you like Mineta like that? Imeanhesniceandfunnywhywouldntyoulikehim"

Shoji and Hagakure looks at their friend. "They were pretty obvious dude."

Midoriya blushes "I-i shut up" all three of his friends laugh.

"IIINNN THIS CORNER, The gymnastics master, the champion of his own fears MMMMIINETA MMMINIRAAA!"

"IIIIINNN THAT CORNER, The Mimicking Mastermind of UA, the the 1-B scrapper MMMONOMA NEEITO!"

Monoma raises his hands to the crowd, prompting a cheer from Midoriya.

Mineta begins the round by attempting to turn the arena into his play ground. The beginning of a complex pattern of spring board traps. However such a trap takes time, time that Monoma would not give. Monoma charges. Mineta leaps ricocheting around the arena like a demented pinball.
Frantically Mineta attempts to continue his pattern as he flys.

Eagle eyed viewers would see that the balls occasionally curve off course as they fly warping Mineta's path dangerously.

In retaliation Mineta lobs his quirk with percision. Both Monoma's pant legs stick fast to the ground.

Calmly Monoma bends down turning the trap into a harmless liquid.

Mineta's bouncing reaches a frantic pace, dodging to and from planted spring balls.

Monoma scowls in concentration, this attempt to run down the clock would nonstand. briefly Mineta glows an ashy purple. His trajectory changes.

Flying off course Mineta exacutes the strangest dismount any had seen. Flipping and turning in the air he angles his hair towards the ground and braces his head with his arms. His hair sticks fast turning a hard landing into a fast flip as he bounces off it. It's a perfect gymnastics landing.

Monoma stares open mouth then says something. Mineta flashes a thumbs up after rubbing his neck. Monoma charges. Mineta turns and runs feet on ground, balls lobbing behind himself randomly. Monoma swerves and leaps. Slowly gaining ground.

Again Mineta begins to glow, his speed halving. A ball his Monoma in the chest. It turns to liquid running down his shirt, clinging to him.

Suddenly Mineta hurls himself backwards. Turning himself into a human canon ball. Monoma face plants, his shirt turning into a prison.

Surprisingly without hesitation Monoma flies out of his shirt, his pant cufsf ripping from where too are anchored. Ball after ball hits Monoma as he charges. The two collide.

Monoma lays on the ground trapped by Mineta's versatile quirk. Mineta lays trapped in the glued shut vice that is Monoma. Then with on armed free Monoma reaches for his hair, recently transformed. A small blonde ball is pulled free then slowly, gently placed under Mineta.

"Hold on a moment" asks Present Mic. The sound of flipping pages.

"Mineta can you get free?" Mineta squrms "no"

"Ok then by nature or Monoma having more free body parts" a deep breath "Monoma WINS"

After the two disentangle with the help of a couple quirks they shake hands.

Chapter 35: fast forward fighting

Chapter Text

The fight between Kiroshima and Tsunotori is destructive.

First Tsunotori fires a hail of her rocket horns pushing Kiroshima back even as he smashed most of them. Thinking quickly Kiroshima smashes his feet and hands into the ground. The ground cracks as he advances, even as the horns build up. The battle forward slowly turns overwhelming. Desperately Kiroshima frees a hand, like a whip his hand shoots out crushing horns between himself and the ground or even in his hands.

Ahead of him Tsunotori pants the horns has stopped firing. Kiroshima charges. Two more horns fire yet they are not enough.

Tsunotori is hit once, twice, she catches the third. Kiroshima flys over her shoulder. A hoof smashes into his face, again and again. A fist is thrown into the horse girls gut. As she Staggers back Kiroshima has time to rise.

The girl raises her fist bravely. The two fighters share a vicious smile. Hoves and fists, fists and hoves.

A choke hold, a slip between the legs, an ass kicked, a retaliatory tackle. A horns head to the gut. A grab of the horns. Tsunotori slams into the ground. Kiroshima kneels on her back, legs thankfully softened.

After aggressive flailing and a twist Kiroshima has to brace for Tsunotori shrugs "ya got me"

Kiroshima helps Tsunotori to her feet. Only for her to stumble. Somewhere in the fighting her hoof cracked. Kiroshima helps her to a stretcher.

The fight of Tetsutetsu and Kamakiri is no less destructive. Sparks fly as the perfect shield and the ultimate sward clash. Groves gouge into the ground as Tetsutetsu slowly pushes his opponent out of the ring. The entire time the two are laughing. Surprising everyone yet no one the two high five as soon as Kamiri's feet leave the ring.

Shiozaki and Aoyoma almost have a fight. He does after all get off one blast before she wraps him in vines and points him skyward.

Aoyoma will never admit this to anyone but his future lovers but being tied up like that left him a little flustered.

Chapter 36: how a bout that

Chapter Text

Midoriya Izuku stares down his opponent. Tetsutetsu Tetsutetsu, quirk Steel. Turning his body into a sort of bio steel of unknown composition. Tougher then Kiroshima's quirk but with less mobility. Increases physical strength by a margin of 250%

Tetsutetsu charges. Midoriya stomp kicks into his knee. Just as he anticipated instead of hurting Tetsutetsu, Tetsutetsu becomes a jumping off point, gaining distance.

"Quite running" Tetsutetsu yells as he throws a left hook. Time slows down, it's not bakugou, it's not. But it is Bakugous opener. Midoriya Izuku grabs his opponents arm and pivots. Tetsutetsu hits the ground hard.

Midoriya's boot slams down, pain sooting through him. Once, twice, thrice. He dances back as Tetsutetsu throws a punch.

Standing Tetsutetsu begins to approach slowly, cautiously. Izuku slides back. Tetsu speeds up. Izuku speed up. Tetsu runs.

Like a bull fighter from Spain Midoriya spins and glides.

A particularly loud "YEAH" can be heard from the stands.

Tetsutetsu is panting now. Dropping his quirk he throws a right hook. Midoriya ducks as Tetsutetsu quirk reactivates. While low Midoriya gos for a leg sweep. Tetsutetsu slams into the ground.

One kick, two kick. A sweep of Tetsutetsu's arm. Midoriya falls. Throwing his weight back his rolls onto his feet.

"Ha" Tetsutetsu laughs "you're slippery bro"

"T-thanks" midoriya stutters out from ginga

Tetsutetsu goes for a kick, hitting nothing but air. Then he throws another punch. The iron boy flips through the air.

"Midoriya wins!" Shouts out Present Mic

Tetsu's head shoots up. He is unfortunately clearly out of bounds. "That was a good bout bro"


"We should do it again sometime"


The two exchange bows.

Chapter 37: Friendly Competition

Chapter Text

Ochako glares down her opponent. Monoma Neito the blowhard of 1-B. He glares back horns atop his head and small engine blocks for calves.

With the speed of a Vespa he charges. Heavy legs throwing out a powerful kick. If it connects it will wreck her day. If it connects.

Uraraka catches the blow, Monoma begins to pivot from the point of contact swinging around her. Surprisingly his calves suddenly shrink. A disembodied hand grabbing her face.

The two float there briefly. Monoma smirks as the horns detatch from his head. One pushing him towards the ground as the other pushes her out of bounds.

Briefly Monoma lurches as Uraraka with drawls her quirk. Urakara levers herself of the horn if nothing else to give her more air time and push herself over the arena. It was a good plan if Monoma hadn't hit the ground and focused on the use of his flying horns.

Uraraka hits the ground gently.

Monoma walks over clapping slowly "you know floating was pretty fun. Good job by the way, I actually had to think"

"Yeah yeah laugh it up"

Monoma extends his hand. Uraraka turns and walks away.

Shoji's next round is fast.

"Sorry bro" he says before throwing a struggling Kiroshima out of bounds. "Good throw bro" Kiroshima says crestfallen.

Shiozaki's vines are a force to be reckoned with, yet so is dark shadow. Ripping and tearing with sharp talons and beak she cackles dragging Tokoyami along for the ride. Yet for all the might each girl brins to bear the grain of rice that tips the scale is Tomoyami. For once the bird head gives into the madness using his own beak to wrend vines asunder. Panting, sore and a little embarrassed Tokoyami stands as dark shadow hefts Shiozaki with her freshly cut hair into the air. Dark Shadow bellows like Tarzan while gently lifting Their opponent up and down. Shiozaki starts laughing while struggling to gasp out a surrender.

"That was fun" Dark Shadow says. "Let's do it again, Fumikage can we do it again?"

"You'll have to ask her."

"Yes, just not today" Shiozaki answers between giggles.

Chapter 38: what you've all been waiting for

Chapter Text

Midoriya stares down his friend. Monoma has an almost apologetic look.

"Well ol' friend. Sorry for beating you"

"I'm not" Izuku's brain goes warm and hazy.

"Walk out of bounds for me"
Yeah Izuku can do that. He's a good friend. He can do that.

"I really am sorry. I need to save my energy for the final round." Monoma says sweetly, walking with him. "Stop a second." Stopping sounds like a great idea. He wants nothing more then to stop "you did great through, really showed the world how amazing you are. Take another step."

Izuku does.

Monoma grimises"now ol friend. I'm terribly afraid that you'll be mad so before you snap out of this go head over to your mom ok" Monoma begins shaking his hand.

Yeah, yeah that's an amazing idea. Limply izuku let's go of Monoma before turning and walking away.


Midoriya really appreciates his friend. Trying to hype him up like that. He's a great friend. Midoriya's thoughts are sluggish as we walks away composed. He is a great friend.

Soon Midoriya's thoughts become more complicated and mixed. The boy hugs his mother and sobs.

Shoji stares down his two opponents. Tokoyami and Dark Shadow. Yep, no two ways about it.

Shoji charges. Tokoyami plants his feet as Dark Shadow surges. Two combatant lock.

Dark Shadow twists and writhes trying to throw Shoji too the ground. She gets close but never succeeds. Shoji has plenty of extra arms to muscle himself upright. Two of his arms lock around Shadows head, another two catch her hands.

"This isn't fair!" Whines dark shadow. "I don't get to rip into you."

"Thanks for not" grunts out Shoji as he slowly gains ground.

"Come on let us win please"

"No. Don't worry you to got plenty of exposure in you last" another grunt as Dark Shadow surges "FIGHT!"

Tokoyami and Dark Shadow loose.

Shoji and Monoma stares each other down. Monoma has a peach fuzz of blond fur covering his body.

"You made Midoriya cry."

Monoma looks pained "a necessary evil." Shoji doesnt respond "right. I don't blame you there." Monoma's hands up past his wrist turn to scales, as his body grow 3 fold. His arms contorting, stretching beyond there normal proportions. "Have at you!"

Shoji rarely if ever fight someone his size, let alone twice that. Soon both realize six arms and a body one is familiar with is better then two arms and one your not. Monoma out of a surprising necessity fights free of Shoji turns and runs. The man is surprisingly fast, especially when angry.

Monoma shrinks and rolls. His scale arms point towards his opponent. They pelt like paper cuts and bebes. First a trickle and then a storm as Shoji runs. Some even hitting him from behind. Twin impact figures Shoji.

Suddenly Monoma throws an upper cut furry body growing and contorting yet again. Shoji flies back. He feels a tooth lose in his mouth. Shoji swallows it, trusting a new one to grow back soon.

"BRING IT ON" he charges.

Monoma's body ripples as it's size and shape ossolate. Every punch quirk enhanced, every dodge aided by a shrinking body. Every punch felt twice from twin impact. Even in an open arena Monoma fights like a cornered animal. Sheer feral energy against a wall of muscle and vendeta.

This stalemate can't last forever. Monoma will run out of time. He has no choice but to borrow a plan from Uraraka. Throw your enemies. Arms like a vice Monoma strains his borrowed quirk being pushed to its limits. Throwing his body back Monoma begins a suplex. Shoji flies through the air, phantom impacts blitzing his body.

Yep Shoji thinks this is going to hurt. Monoma's hand shoots out. Shoji hovers over the ground as Monoma's body arcs into a bridge. Shoji slips out of Monoma's hands and hits the ground. He is just inside the ring. Monoma's hand is just outside. As his body shrinks he collapses.

Shoji sighs "yeah he got me!"


Monoma lies on he ground in a heap

"You ok" Shoji asks concerned.

"Full body cramp" Monoma groans out.

Shoji picks him up "thanks for not suplexing me into concrete"

"Ha I'm no thug"

Chapter 39: awards and nostalgia


Tw: delusional man baby

Set two weeks after the events of the last arc

Chapter Text

Bakugou Katsuki sits in front of the small, cheap and sh*tty TV his dorm room supplies. He can't believe a few villains took away the joy of a live showing from him. But at least it's still televised and they can cut out the boring parts.

At first Katsuki doesn't believe what he is seeing. He wants to cry, he wants to laugh, he wants to scream. USELESS f*ckin Useless is the highest scorer on the entrance exam. Bunch of diversity quota bull crap. They probably let him win to make him feel better. Useless will never be a hero. He can't even give a speech without stuttering.

f*ck God damn it. That should be him, it would have been him if Useless, his slu*t of a mom and that brain dead bunny bitch had just stayed out of it.

Katsuki briefly images himself there. On the stage, crushing the competition. The first even starts. Katsuki blinks. Someone won the first event. The unstable boy scoffs stupid teleporting quirk no good in actual combat.

If katsuki was there the only real challenge would be Endeavors kid. Trust fund baby probably trained from birth. As two giant robots slowly tilt Katsuki smiles. They wouldn't show a students death but he can dream. Again the teen scoffs as someone wastes time trying to save Useless' WORTHLESS life.

Bakugou laughs as Useless jumps across a stone pillars. The f*cker can't even take a swan dive right it would be sad if it wasn't so funny.

"Yes" Katsuki cheers as Useless slams into a stone pillar. "No" he wails as a frog freak pulls him up.

Katsuki gets hyped at the minefield he wants to see Useless explode. He smiles at the memories. Then he screams at the TV as Useless piggybacks off others work. "You useless piece of sh*t do your own work!"

Then Katsuki laughs again a dumb looking grape haired kid just beat him for sixth. If Useless got sixth how pathetic must that school be. It really has gone down hill since All-Mights day. Katsuki is glad he isn't going there. I mean that sh*tty teleporter just refused to keep going. Which let's some sh*tty ass extra into he competition.

During the cavalry battle Katsuki's laugh turned into a scream of inarticulate rage as Useless pathetic team cheats Todoroki out the running.

Some ass hole in the next dorm over is loudly slamming on the wall.

"SHUT THE f*ck UP IM WATCHING SOMETHING!" yells Katsuki as the cavelrt battle winds up.

"No what the f*ck are you doing, he's right there." Katsuki pleeds as the battle field is split in two. Katsuki actually tears up as that bird brain carries the team. Useless must have cheated to get in if someone powerful enough to cover half the arena in spikes is in gen-ed.

Katsuki smiles as the year two then three opening competitions give him a break from a world gone mad. Strong quirks putting the weak in there place. As the world should be.

But then Useless comes back. His first opponent is even more pathetic then him. If he got his ass handed to him by a quirkless by Useless he should just kill himself then and there.

Some of the next few fights were actually pretty cool. The queen of gravity sounded like his kind of woman.
Of course Useless as always has to come back and ruin his day. Dancing around some tinman. It's bad enough that Useless gets them to throw the match but he has to humiliate them too? This is what happens when you don't put them in there place.

Supringly Katsuki is actually happy to see Useless in the next fight. No doubt monkey see monkey do told Useless that he wasn't going to throw the match so the coward surrendered then and there. Then the copy cat follows him mocking him the entire time.

The rest of the fights are bad ass. As far as Katsuki is concerned they earned second third and fourth place. Katsuki of course placing himself in first. Still the fact that they were degraded by being forced to share a podium with Useless made Katsuki see red.

Then the blonde opens his mouth.

"I'm sure some people watching at home think the sports festival shouldn't end like this." Damn straight thinks Katsuki. "That one or all of use shouldnt be up here" hell yeah "that doesn't change the fact that we won." He says holding up his metal.

What? That! f*cking bastard. Katsuki recognizes a call out when he sees one. He starts packing a bag. He's going to hunt down and put Useless and that blonde f*ck in there place, permanently

Chapter 40: reality with a steel chair


Time for pain

Chapter Text

Midoriya Izuku felt like he was high. Like he could do anything. He wasn't useless. He quirkless Midoriya Izuku shared third place at UA's sports festival. He was dreaming. Izuku pinches himself. He isn't dreaming? He isn't dreaming! He felt faint. Izuku teaters a little when he reaches the ground. Monoma grabs him.

"Are you alright ol' friend?"

Izuku smiles eyes teary "it fe-feels like a dream"

Monoma smiles content "yeah. We really did it."

Shoji claps them both on the shoulders "heck yeah we did"

Monoma sighs "I could use an ice bath, or maybe a sauna"

"Both sound amazing right now" Shoji agrees as the three walk to the locker room. "Shame that the rest of campus is closed today."

As the locker room doors part a torrent of applause can be heard. Shoji takes a bow as Monoma leaps onto a bench. "HA bow before my enate superiority"
The applause turns to laughs and a few sarcastic bows. For once even Monoma is laughing along at his own expense.

"Man" Tetsutetsu says "I could use an ice bath"

"The showers have cold water." Says sero.

Several classmates, in various stages of undress head to the showers. Izuku wants to join but he's just not ready for that with his back the way it is.

Izuku walks out with a few of his classmates. He smiles. Reaching exiting the changing area the group reaches a co ed meeting area. Yet more applause is heard, why more there's a table of snacks and drinks. Pizzas, delicious pizzas everywhere. His mouth waters. In the corner sits a sleeping Eraserhead.

"Hello Midoriya" iida loudly whispers. "Mr. Aizawa says the pizza party is for all of us but only if he can sleep through our noise." A hand to his chin "although I suspect he is merely pretending."

Looking around, excluding those in the shower, todoroki, Komori and Mineta just about the entire heroic student body is here. All that exercise makes you hungry. Izuku decides to see if he can shove more then one slice of pizza into his mouth at once.
This quickly turned into a competition that Yaomomo and Shoji dominate. At three slices each. It's actually kind of terrifying.

Tetsutetsu Uraraka and Kiroshima invent a game called the floating pizza race. Who ever gets to there slice of pizza first wins. Then just when the day can't get any better out come root beer floats. It's the best float he has ever tasted.

"This is amazing" Yaomomo moans.

Then a beeping. Mr. Aizawa stands. "That's the school day. Take your floats and go."

"Aww" Kaminari actually says disappointed.

"Don't leave your families waiting"

"Oh sh*t my parents" Uraraka run from the room, taking two whole pizza boxes with her. Monoma liking the idea immediately grabs three and sprints.

"Monoma Uraraka" shouts the teacher half heartedly as his voice is drowned in laughter.

As one big group, sans Uraraka and Monoma the classmates leave.

Izuku here's rapid foot falls. Oh no.

A lanky white haired bunny girl slams into him. Huh thinks midoriya numbly that's not the Usigayami he expected.

"We're so proud of you!" Mizuki yells shaking him in a hug.

"Miss Usigayami?" Asks Shiozaki confused.

"Usig...? HOLY sh*t!" Shouts Ashido the gossip hound "that's Miruko's sister"

"HOLY sh*t!" Ashido continues having read of the Aldera trials in a tabloid "You're THAT Midoriya!"

Midoriya's world shatters. Mizuki drops him. "I..erm" she stutters as Izuku starts crying.

"f*cksh*tsh*tf*ck" Ashido swears as everyone looks at her and Izuku "I am so sorry"

"What do you mean by that Midoriya?" Asks Kendo.

"Don't" Shoji says where Monoma and he neel comforting their friend.

Kendo raises her hands in surrender.

"what Midoriya?" Asks someone

"That's enough" shouts Iida "such baseless accusations are unbecoming of heroes."

"I didn't accuse him of anything" shouts Ashido defensively

"Seriously what Midoriya?!"

"Rumi!" Shouts Mizuki. Thunderous foot falls. Pro hero Miruko slides into view. Briefly she calms then registers that Izuku is on the ground hyperventilating.

"HOLY sh*t ITS MIRUKO!" Ashido calls hysteria in her voice.

Iida and Yaomomo gasp in surprising. He IS that Midoriya.

Pro hero Miruko grabs her son and sister and rockets into the air. Yelling can be heard behind them.

Chapter 41


Tw suicidal ideation
It's brief

Chapter Text

Midoriya Izuku spent the weekend in his bed room. Wrapped in an All-Might blanket from his closet. His extended family had left soon after the incident as no one wanted to celebrate.

A knock on the door. His mother pokes her head in. "Do you need to stay home today or will you be going to school? Its it's ok if you don't. I checked with your teacher."

"Th-thanks m-mom." Izuku didn't know what to do.

The beatings, being useless, the fear, the insults, he couldn't go back to that. Maybe he could just...make it not his problem anymore. No nonono izuku is ok he will be ok.

Another knock. "Hey you any me to walk you to school?"

"I'm scared"

"I know bunny I know." She sits on the bed next to him. "What ever happens we will deal. WHAT EVER HAPPENS"

Izuku shivering with fear believes her. "c-c-can I go to school tomorrow?"

"Ok, but I'm holding you to that."

In no time at all or perhaps an eternity it's tomorrow. Hesitantly cowardly Izuku gets out of bed. He can't bring himself to eat. So he showers then walks to school. No use delaying the inevitable.

Like a man walking to his own execution he trudges. He sees a group waiting by the entrance. He recognizes them. His friends wave or nod there heads, not wanting to startle there friend with noise.

"H-hi" izuku says

"We will stand with you" Hagakure says "I mean bothins going to happen but if it does we will stand with you." The group, even Komori agrees.

"Th-thanks you" midoriya stutters out while bowing. He appreciates this so much. With any luck today will only be the least bad worst day of his life.

As they walk to class Midoriya feels eyes on him. He's going to die he's going to die. The classroom door opens. He freezes. Then bows deeply. "I-i-i-im s-sorry"

"Midoriya bro" says Uraraka softly. A chair squeaks on the floor. Midoriya sees a tuft of pink hair. He looks up slightly. Ashido is on her hands and knees bowing. Then she stands up and sits back down.

Everything is quite as Shoji and Hagakure escort him to his desk.


The silence is broken, Kaminari speaks "so like you're actually quirkless?"

"The hell dude" Ashido responds.

"What I just want to know. How embarrassedi should feel" Kaminari's sentence dies off "I mean impressed. You did awesome at the sports festival."

"Super manly" Tetsutetsu shouts. "The manliest" Kiroshima agrees "totally manly" Uraraka adds the brain rot having reached her.

The door opens, iida Tenya walks in. He bows deeply "I would like to apologize for implying accusing someone of quirklessness is shameful" he then leaves in a hurry.

Slowly gears turn in Izuku's head "you're...not m-mad?"

"Mostly just impressed and embarrassed" admits Dark Shadow. Ashido glares "what he had us thinking he had a quirk despite never even saying he had one."

The room goes quite.

"Dude." Says Sero in awe. "he never said he had a quirk."

"So" Ojiro starts hesitantly "you don't...have a pain management quirk?"


"Oh my God I am so sorry"


Ojiro looks pained "dude I broke your nose"

"Oh no a-actually Monoma broke it."

Ojiro looks faint "y-you hit the ground with an already broken nose." He groans "I think I'm going to be sick"

Yaomomo hurriedly hands over a created barf bag. As Ojiro leans down breathing slowly.

Mr. Aizawa walks in. "Welcome back Midoriya. Yet again I will remind everyone about UAs anti discrimination policy."

Midoriya Izuku nearly faints twice from how bafflingly normal the day is after that. He does get a few dirty and hateful looks from the student body and even a classmate or two but he also gets a few pitying looks and even some smiles. This is the best worst day of his life.

As the group of friends eats lunch at there normal table and while Izuku enjoys the second pudding cup Lunch Rush snuck him Yaoyorozu Momo walks up and bows. Midoriya stares as he barely chokes on pudding.

"I would like to apologize"

"F-f-for what?"

"I realize I have some unquestioned worlds view that you have disproved." Then the girl continues "if possible I'd like to talk to you."

"W-w-w-ell S-shoji can t-tell you m-more about i-i-internalized bias and s-stuff"

Several emotions flash past Yaoyorozu's pretty face. Confusion, revolsion, shame, acceptance. Her feet pivot as she returns to a bow. "your assistance would be appreciated."

Shoji scoots over. "Have a seat" briefly the heiress hesitates before sitting down. "Oh just a moment" she requests while digging into a pocket. A small notepad and pencil appear. "You may begin."

Shoji furrows his brow. "People have a lot of unconscious assumptions that they don't question because nothing prompts them too and most people they know reinforces that bais through action."

"I am familiar with the concept but had not realized I was affected."

Shoji nods his head. "That's why they are unconscious baises. Everyone has them. I was very surprised by Rin using Muai Thai and not a Chinese martial art. But as civilized people it's our duty to find and unlearn a these though patterns that prevent people from being treated as individuals"

"I see"

The two continue to talk through the end of lunch.

Chapter 42: life is magic

Chapter Text

"So Kinoko" Hagakure purs out. "How was your date?"

Komori looks up from her burger as Mineta blushes and looks away "Really good" she squeaks out.

Monoma slyly extends a knuckle, to which mineta reciprocates.

"That's really nice" Hagakure says chipperly. Midoriya wishes he had the courage to ask her out.

Hagakure's clothes shift towards Midoriya "say Midoriya, I never got an answer for my question earlier" she fidgets with her drink, looking down.

Midoriya pauses, his brain is struggling. "you...still want to go out? With Me?"

"Yes" she says softly.

"I-i-id I mean, w-what would we even?" He swallows "yes" the answer comes before he could think, before his fears could reach him.

Hagakure pumps her fist. "Heck yeah!"

Yaomomo and Shoji look up from where they are talking. Komori extends a hand for a high five. A meaty smack can be heard.

Midoriya is starting to feel dizzy again. He leans down. "Wow dude are you alright?" Asks Mineta.

"Yeah just, just light headed."

Hagakure hums "hey Midoriya can you introduce me to your old classmates I want with them"

"I'd want in on that action" Monoma proclaims

"Two for me" Shoji adds interrupting his conversation "also congratulations you two" Yaoyorozu and Shoji return to talking.

"I can hold them down" adds Mineta

"You know plenty of mushrooms are poisonous" adds Komori nonchalantly. "Oh I just remembered. Hagakure ladies night Friday. You and me."

"I'd love too. Although it would be a little late in the day. Sato and I are still in remedial classes." She turns to Midoriya "we could have a lunch date saturday and go for a run to work up and appetite."

"T-that sounds good" Midoriya says weakly from his resting spot.

"Say hi to the conscripts for me" Monoma says earning a questioning looks "what shinou is cute."

"A bit of an ass though" midoriya informs

"Oh how so?"

"He er... Called Tsu a toad."

"Ugh never mind Hagakure, I deserve better."

"Yeah you do" shouts Mineta earning a meaty high five.

What Present Mic calls the catch up class is another two hours of work after school. Sato being forced to exercise and condition without the crutch that is his sugar powered mind numbing quirk.

Hagakure had been running drills over water with the help of Cementoss or power loader.

Arima Tomiko having an endurance quirk is forced to focus on combat with the help of ectoplasm or Snipe.

Chikuchi Togeike has been given a crash course on reflexes and improvising. Which mostly means being periodically terrorists by Present Mic or any other teacher. Chikuchi had quickly taken to keeping an extra couple water bottles in her pockets.

Mr Aizawa seemed to favor both Shinsou and Kaminari who was here by choice. He wanted tips for his whip. Something that Midnight sensei was more then willing to help out with. She would often steal Kaminari from Eraserhead to train the boy.

Eventually mercifully it was Friday. Hagakure had a busy week and would have a busy week until the work study weekend, she would be busy catching up on homework and going on a date but tonight was going to be all about socializing.

Hagakure kicks open Komori's door.

"Kinoko San!"

"Tooru San!"

Komori's room is more spacious then her own and more minimalist. It is however full of plant life. Including obviously mushrooms.

Tooru hugs her friend. "So what's first?"

"Face masks and a movie"

Hagakure smiles, she always has the good stuff. it makes her feel refreshed and her face so soft. Even if it's a bit hit or miss getting it on right. The process usually leaves her a giggling mess.

"Ok girl, girl, girl" Tooru says as she puts on the face mask onto Kinoko "deets, how did the date go?"

"It was good" she squeaks out

"I demand gossip"

"I plead the fifth"



"Stop moving it's going to get in your eyes"

Kinoko obediently freezes.

"Your lucky your likable we don't even live in America but I'm a good friend"

Kinoko snickers. "say Tooru have you ever heard of Psilocybe subcaerulipes"

Tooru snickers "no?"

Kinoko has a sly smile "commonly known as hikageshibiretake."

"Hikage... Are you growing!" The rest of the sentence is cut of my Kinokos hand smushing into Toorus face mask.

"" kinoko gives her a seriously look "do you want to try some?"

"W-what am I in for if I do"

"I haven't actually tried it yet but the Internet says it depends on the dosage, very relaxed even euphoric on the low side and you know philosophical truths and hallucinations on the high end, but you might feel a little anxious as you come down."

Tooru thinks "maybe next time."

Kinoko shrugs "alright if we aren't on drugs we should watch a different movie." She places the case of 'Everything Everywhere all at once' back on the shelf. "Have you ever seen the worst movie ever made?" Kinoko asks holding up a dubbed version to Tommy Wiseau's the room.

"I have not."

"Oh this is going to be good" kinoko put the movie into her player.

"You mean bad right?"

Kinoko starts snickering. The snickering keeps going as the opening credits proudly display Tommy Wiseau's name 4 or 5 times. Soon Hagakure joins in.

"I can't I can't" she pants out laughing as the characters on screen play football in an alley in full tuxedos.

"You know I've seen it in English" Komori says as the credits roll "the voice actors did a great job capturing Tommy's inflection."

"I did naut hit her I did naut"

"Oh hi mark"

Sleep overs with Kinoko are always fun for Tooru the only sticking point being that Kinoko cuddles in her sleep while Tooru herself tosses and turns constantly. Komori is even the proud owner of two body pillows.

"Back back fowl demon" Tooru says to a sleepy kinoko as she leans in, pillow bravely shoved between them. Kinoko shifts back pillow locked in her arms. "Nfun" she grumbles out.

The next morning is dedicated to homework and personal grooming. Hagakure had thankfully already picked out an outfit, much to Kinoko's dismay.

"How do I look?" Hagakure asks nervously from inside a slightly baggy dark purple track suit. It's not the best look but when your options are all loose work out wear it's as good as she can get. Not for the first time Hagakure wished she could wear yoga pants.

"Like a million yen" kinoko says energetically and almost entirely believably

"Alright alright wish me luck"

"Break a leg"

Chapter 43

Chapter Text

The first thing Midoriya Izuku did when he got home was hyper-ventilate. Leaning against a wall in the entrance way he struggles to get his breathing under control.

His mother walks in on him.

"I-izuku baby? Are you alright? Breath with me" his mother coaches him through the panic. "Now tell me what's wrong."

"I-i, um I have a date"

His mother sniffles, then She cries. Hugging her son feircly she wales "I'm so happy for you. Tell me all about it."

"W-well H-hakagure asked M-me out and I said yes?"

His mother is smiling then her face drops. Shaking her head sh straightens. "What do you have planned?"

"T-tomorrow we are going for a run and the lunch."

"How lovely. Come on let's head inside."

"I can't believe my baby boy has a date. First you get to live your dream and then a date"

"Y-yeah sometimes I feel like I'm dreaming."

Inko smiles and laughs "I know the feeling. We should cook together. Rumi's been so busy and I haven't been able to cook you anything." Ever since Inko developed Narcolepsy she hasn't felt safe cooking alone. "that sounds amazing mom."

Later as the evening turns to twilight and the katsudon had been eaten, saving some for Rumi, the pro hero comes home.

"Hello loved ones. You would not believe the day I had. All-Might and I went on a raid together and get this" she continues to talk as she peals out of her costume. The sound of fabric and be heard as she goes from costume to underwear to home clothes. "He asked me for advice in teaching. If you had told me that 5 years ago that THE number one hero woul ask me for advice mentoring I would have laughed in your face"

Rumi walks into the dining room with a smile and a black eye. "do I smell Katsudon? Is there a special occasion?"

Inko smiles the lack eye only slightly souring her mood "izuku has a date tomorrow"

"Eh" Rumi's had darts between the Inko and izuku "congratulations you're a catch kid."

"T-thank you"

"I'm sorry I have to ask" Rumi says "are you ok, youre not being forced into it?"

"N-no? Why?"

"No reason you just...I mean..."

"You did hyper-ventilate when you got home" Inko says in an attempt to bale her lover out.

Izuku feels a little offended even if he understands a little "everything is just going right and I-i like her"

"Hell yeah bunny" Rumi yell before sitting down "so who's the lucky lady?"


"Oh, she has a big crush on you." Inko nods her head in agreement. Rumi co*cks her had then snickers "can't wait to see how Tamao reacts"

Inko giggles "I'm sure she will be insufferable" O'clocks daughter really loves being right.

"Y-yeah" Izuku stutters out nerves slowly returning "I need to get to homework. I h-have a busy day tomorrow"

Chapter 44: date

Chapter Text

Midoriya Izuku felt scared. Could you blame him, could you really blame him?

"Oriya" a voice in the crowd of the train station "MIDORIYA!" The empty sleeve of a purple track suit waves to him. On her head a ball cap.

"H-hi Hagakure" Midoriya stutters out. "You l-look nice" in truth Midoriya thinks she was too covered up for the rapidly approaching summer.

"Thanks you too" Izuku is wearing a new pair of shorts and a plain white t-shirt.

"L-lets go" Izuku says, it's more of a suggestion really. He leads Hagakure out of the train station, despite her taking this tran to school every day.

"O-oh Kay s-so" Izuku stutters as a girl stares at him. "Let's start w-with some stretches."

The two stretch. Hagakure relishing the brief moments where her out fit and quirk cooperate enough for Midoriya to get a peak at her figure.

"R-right l-lets start" his voice cracks

"It's ok Midoriya relax...I'm not going to bite you" then on impulse she adds "unless you ask"

Midoriya blushes "r-right" a cough "let's start with som high intensity interval training." He picks his water bottle off the ground. "We'll start with a light jog and slow walk and then we can work our way up"

As the two move Hagakure learns two things. Number one Izuku has a lot of stamina number two she does not.

"How" gasp "are" gasp "you" a heavy pant "human?"

"I-i guess Ive been at it longer" The boy says not even a little out of breath. "We can just walk for a bit" he offers as he slows

Hagakure stops panting.

"You should probably keep walking to cool off"

"Bite me."

Izuku blushes then hesitantly says "m-maybe later"

Hagakure is so glad Izuku can't see her blush.

"I'm sorry was that too forward!"

Hagakure laughs then chokes on air. Gives a thumbs up to a concerned Midoriya. Then Finally speaks.

"I never kiss on a first date, so don't tempt me"

Midoriya smiles nervously. "Are you ready to start again"

"Sure one sec. UUUHHGGGHHHH WHY." Then she takes off her shirt and ties it around her waist. chipperly she adds "ok let's go"

Midoriya stands frozen blushing. Hagakure looks down. Yep still invisible. She smiles to herself then begins to run.

Later, eventually, mercifully Midoriya the apperent sad*st turns there run into just a walk. The two holding hands as they do so.

"You run like this every day"

Midoriya blushes and looks embarrassed

Hagakure slumps "you went easy on me didn't you"

Midoriya nods his head.

"Alright just for that you owe me lunch" she says pulling her shirt back on walking towards a random restaurant. Looking at the menu she cringes. As far as street side noodle places go this is expensive. "L-lets go somewhere else."

"W-we don't have to R-rumi gave me money"

"It must be nice to be rich."

"I'm not..." A look of realization, his mouth flaps "am I rich?"

Hagakure nods her head, ball cap bobbing


As the two sit down and eat Hagakure between large bite of food says "this place is great"

"It's pretty good I agree"

"Even if I hadn't just ran like a marathon this would be amazing"

"M-may I try some? Imeantoudonthavetothatwouldbelikeaninderectk...." Midoriya goes quite.

"Sure" she pushes her bowl forward then grabs his food.

"Wow" Midoriya says "this is great"

Hagakure hums "way better then this but it's good. Want to swap?"

"N-no it's your food." The bowls swap back.

Hagakure laces her fingers through Midoriya's free hand. He looks so cute when he blushes.

Hagakure sighs "this has been a lot of fun. I wish I could stay more but I've been getting behind on homework."

"C-can I walk you back?"


The two walk hand in hand to the train.

"Hey Midoriya?" Hagakure says as the train pulls in.


She pecks his cheek. "Looks like I do kiss on a first date. Then embarrassed Hagakure ducks into her train. Midoriya stands there frozen.

"Wait Deku?"

Chapter 45: some surprises are good

Chapter Text

Midoriya stares at Amaya wide eyed and scared. Bakugous long fingered lackey one of Izuku's tormentors

Amaya Yoshiyuki looks pained "f*cksh*tf*ck. Midoriya, Midoriya. Midoriya." He sighs "sh*t, sorry. Of all the ways I pictured this happening. Randomly in a train station" Amaya extends a hand Izuku flinches. Midoriya is like a dear in headlights.

Amaya bows "look I...I'm in therapy now and I wanted to apologize" he rubs the back of his head.


"For everything I guess" he shrugs looking away, a train pulls out of the station. "f*ck, that was my train"

"L-lets sit down?" Izuku is kicking himself for saying that.

The two former classmates sit as far away as one bench allows.

"So..." Amaya starts "do you live around here?"


"You don't have to answer that I have no right to know" Amaya brushes his long hair out of his face. "I've been doing volunteer work, quirk discrimination stuff...I have a new friend group now...good, about you?"

Midoriya makes an eep sound. "L-lifes been good. School is g-good"

"Good, got yourself a girlfriend?"

Midoriya panics.

"Hope she makes you happy." A deep breath "this is getting weird. Sorry again" then Amaya Yoshiyuki
Gets up and walks away.

Chapter 46: grand revolutions


(See the end of the chapter for notes.)

Chapter Text

Around Japan Millions of people tune in their TVs, streaming services and even radios for one amazing event, UAs sports festival. This year was going to be something special, although many watching wouldn't realize just why it was special. At least not at first.

During the opening ceremony three hundred eighty one immediately realized what was special. The Aldera punching bag walks onto a stage.

"Son of a bitch" shouts Amaya Yoshiyuki startling his friend as they sit around the TV. "That's De eh eh Midoriya"

"That quirkless kid you used to bully?"

"Man" Amaya says wistfully "look at him."

"Bet you feel stupid now"

"Like a god damn idiot" Amaya laughs

The boy is introduced as Midoriya Izuku the highest scorer on UAs heroic exam. The utterance of that name scratches at the memories of hundreds of thousands of people. Hadn't they heard that name somewhere before.

"Yes!" Shreaks out one of Amaya's friends "quirkless represent" she flips everyone off for good measure.

"I mean that can't be safe right?" Asks another hesitantly.

"Trust me" Amaya insists "if he could survive Aldera he can survive this." As if to prove his point Midoriya Izuku darts narrowly between robots.

"Hey is your friend single" asks the quirkless girl.

"I think he just started dating someone." Amaya reveals.

As Midoriya Izuku leaps across towering rock platforms Amaya's friend speaks again "do you think he's poly"

"Or bisexual?" Asks another friend.

"sh*t man if anyone deserves a harem"

"Can we stop thirsting please!?"

"Seventh place baby" Suko shouts while dancing. "Yesyesyesyes"

"Everybody shut up!" Shouts Amaya as the next event is explained. The quite is short lived. Because Midoriya Izuku just knocked Endeavor's kid out of the running.

"Damn he kicks like that and you bullied him?"

"If he did that to me I'd have left him alone"

"He couldn't kick like that yet" says Amaya "not that it makes it better"

"Don't worry we're just giving you a hard time" Suko informs

"I'll give you a hard time"

"Only if I give you one first." Suko fires back

"Get pegged get pegged" the rauncky teens chant.

millions across the country are googling Midoriya Izuku. Then what they find is posted, texted, and even tweeted about.

Soon Suko begins screaming and shaking Amaya "still in the running"

"there's no way he lasts during the fighting right like one on one" says Mizuno

"f*ck you we win" Suko retorts

"At this point I'd say he's capable of anything" Amaya admits.

Then the teens lose it as Midoriya Izuku starts dancing. Amaya winces at that last kick. That guy must be an unfathomably large tool for the punching bag of Aldera to style on him like that.

The group quiets to a more reasonable level as the other fights are broadcast.

Surprisingly Midoriya's next victory doesn't spur Suko to new auditory heights she simply sits there open mouth as a man made of steel is flipped out of bounds.

"I think I want his babies"

The teens laugh.

"Amaya you know him right?"

"I think I still have a restraining order," Amaya had only avoided legal trouble because their last interaction was provably happenstance. That and Midoriya being an understanding guy

For the next seventeen minutes quirklessness is the most googled topic in Japan.

"No, no no" Suko begs at the TV as Midoriya walks out of bounds. "Damn you" she screams at the blond.

The moment his foot hits the ground dozens of articles are being written.

Rumi is an early bird. It's part of her nature. But some people get up too early. Case and point, as she nurses her tea and opens the houses blinds she sees a news crew and some tabloid photographers setting up. With a sigh Rumi goes outside.

"Get the heck out of my yard"

"We have a right to be here" says the camera man.

"The hell you do! This is my property." She says standing uncomfortably close to the camera man.

"No" the camera man says resolutly as his reporter backs off trying and failing to pull him with them.

Rumi smiles viciously yet goes back inside. Moments later the door is kicked open. Miruko, zip ties in hand, charges the foolish camera man feet still planted on her grass.

The camera goes flying up up up

The man hits the ground. Photographers taking pictures as he is zip tied.

Down down down.

Miruko stands heavy video camera falling into her hands. Placing it on the ground she pulls out her phone.

"Miruko here, can I get a wagon?"

"Starting early today?"

"Some jerk camera man forgot about tress passing laws on my own front yard."

Dispatch laughs "it's on its way."

To say that Monoma was having a bad morning is an understatement. All Monoma wants out of life is he, and his friends, to be recognized for their greatness. So the fact that most of his congratulations are from people complimenting him for putting "that boy" in his place enrages Monoma to his core. Not to mention some dare to give him dirty looks even in his UA uniform. He's looking forward to getting to school where his ol friends either have a quick witted barb or sincere gesture of appreciation for him.

Midoriya Izuku runs to school every day, but this is his first time being chased. Thankfully even with a backpack he can still put run even the paparazzi easily. However he can't out run the ones waiting for him at the school gate. Wading through they hurl questions at him.

"Are you really quirkless?"

"Why do you want to risk your life?"

"Should someone like you really be a hero student?"

"Any words of advice for the quirkless?"

Thankfully the boy is under no obligation to answer. "Excuse me, pardon me" The boy unclenches once he gets through UAs gate.

It's not that Sato doesn't like Midoriya, he is smart nice and an impressive dancer, but that doesn't make him a hero. You need power to be a hero and Midoriya doesn't have that.

Truth be told Sato thinks midoriya would be useless as a hero. Frankly he should drop out to make room for someone better, more suited for the job. Still Sato doesn't want to be a jerk about it, so he tries to be nice.

Midoriya Izuku reaches the classroom. It was earlier then when he usually arrives so not many people were here. Yaomomo, jirou and Kiroshima were the only ones in class so far.

Yaomomo and Jirou wave and nod respectively from where sit sharing earbuds.

"Hey Brodoriya" Kiroshima greets.

"Morning Kiroshima how have you been?"

Kiroshima looks startled at the question. "It's been good. How about you?"

"W-well there are paparazzi outside my house. But other then that great"

Kiroshima nods "I saw some at the front gate they didn't give you trouble did they?"

"No they let me walk through."

"Cool, hey bro I was wondering can you help me get stronger?"

"What do you have in mind"

"Well Tetsubro is stronger and tougher then I am but you tossed him around like a sack of flour."

Midoriya smiles "I'd love to teach you some flips and take downs."

"Thanks bro!"

While the two talk other students trickle in, including Monoma.

"I have had a bad Morning ol friend" he complains as he walks up. "People keep on giving me, ME, dirty looks for beating you" while Monoma talks he redoes Izuku's mess of a tie. "As if you wouldn't have done the same"

"I was going to kick that smug look off your face."

"Excuse you proud not smug."

Midoriya laughs, as Monoma finishes straightening Izuku's coat. Midoriya returning the gesture picks a stray bit of lint of Monoma's shoulder and brushes off some dust.

"Bro!" Kiroshima shouts from next to them as his friend walks in.

"Bro!" Shouts back Uraraka before giving Monoma a dirty look, which he returns in force.

"Well ol' chum I best be heading out." As Monoma walks out Hagakure slips in. She walks over to Midoriya and hugs him. After a brief moment of surprise Izuku hugs back.

Kaminari wolf whistles causing the two to shoot away from each other.

Finally Mr. Aizawa walks in "alright class when I say your name come up and take your folder. We are picking work studies this week."

In contrast with kendo's meter high stack of paper Izuku only has four offers.

Miruko, someone named Manman, Slide-and-Go, and, izuku gasps in surprise Sir Nighteye. All-Mights only sidekick was interested in him? Him!

"You don't have to make your decisions right now" Mr. Aizawa clarifies I will be here after school this week to help with decision making"

While his teacher talks izuku makes his decision

Sir Nighteye



"Oh" Aizawa adds "and don't pick Manman"

"But sir" Sato says "I only have Manman"

"Don't worry those with only Manman offers will be helped"

"Who is Manman anyway?" Asks Hagakure

A long sigh "the lowest ranked hero in the country."

Yaomomo raises her hand "how come his applications are still accepted"

"Those kinds of politics are covered in third year. Now changing the topic. Finals are coming up at the end of the month"

Shinsou hears there's a quirkless in 1-A. Frankly it sickens him. Nepotism through and through. it even explain Todokori's performance in the cavelry battle. If a quirkless can get in on the number 11 heroes word then how incompetent is Todoroki to need the number two heroes word and not even become the "number one entrance scorer". This just proves that no one wants to see a villain quirk succeed.

Yonamine had been jittery all morning. Some one quirkless in the hero course. Someone quirkless like him. Yonamine cant believe that really is THE Midoriya Izuku. He hopes he hasn't committed to an engineer yet. Well now's his chance to find out.

Yonamine is nervous on the approach. Midoriya sits at the same table as the first and second place winner of the sports festival. Not to mention the Yaoyorozu and the daughter of Yonamine's favorite musician. Was he jealous of course. Did he want in absolutely.

"Excuse me, Midoriya" Yonamine says

The boy turns his head. "Yes"

"Hi I'm Yonamine Takao I'd like to be your support engineer." He lifts up his leg "as you can see I have plenty of experience making custom shoes and I'm sure Komori san can speak of the quality of my work."

"His gear worked pretty well" Komori says almost neutrally. This causes Yonamine to flinch internally.

"I-i'm sorry I'm not in the m-market for one right now" Midoriya stutters out nervously "i-i'll keep you in mind."

"Fair enough" Yonamine says hiding his disappointment "just don't pick Hatsume, her gear is always slap dash and liable to explode if powered. if you want reliability and precision Yonamine is yo man. Haha" a nervous laugh "have a good one" Yonamine turns and power walks away.

At the Midoriya house hold, during dinner, the subject of work studies comes up.

"I have an offer from the Night eye agency" midoriya brags.

Rumi pales "do not pick him" her voice is raised a little frantic.

"B-but it's all mights side kick"

"Er and a massive jerk, this is probably some sick pay back for poaching Centipeder. He is very petty"


"You know I love and support you right?"

"Dear?" Inko tries to interrupt.



"Do NOT pick Nighteye."

"W-well who should I p-pick then."

Rumi looks thoughtful "I hear good things about Slide-and-Go but I've never met him. I know nothing about Manman but I think he could be a good second choice."

"Can't I just go with you" Izuku says weakly

"I've already helped you a lot so I'm not sure what else I could teach you. Plus you should network. My Agency has a reputation for poaching talent so we aren't what you need even if we are what you want."

Izuku looks down disappointed. The three slip into an awkward pained silence.

"If you don't pick me or Night eye I'll see about badgering All Might into visiting here. It's been a while since we last had a cook out"

"You'd do that" Izuku tears up

"I'd do anything for you two"

All-Might was nervous. Passing the torch is scary and statistically ends in his death. Not to mention after Kendo fought Nomu there is no way All for One hasn't figured out who has the quirk.

There's a knock at his small UA office. Toshi sighs, stretches and takes a deep breath. He balloons into All-Might.

Opening the door he sees Miruko.

"How many I help you"

"Your coming over to my place."

"I'm sorry?"

"You need a vacation and I'm having a grill out in my back yard."

Toshinori thinks.

"im not going to take a no for an answer."

He shakes his head. Miruko turns away mumbling something under her breath.

Later that day All-Might receives a text from Kendo.

I've been invited to a barbecue at the Midoriya's it would mean a lot of you could come.

Toshi smiles, that underhanded snake.


I am unreasonably proud of the get pegged line

Chapter 47: a Mighty Burger

Chapter Text

Not for the first time in his life Toshinori is thankful for his constitution. Even after a hard day's work, if he's slow if he's careful he can look like All-Might for a while longer.

The house is lovely. A rich green with blue trim. All Might knocks on the front door above a sigh that says 'no solicitors'

The clacking of a gate can be heard.

"So you actually showed up" snarks Miruko

"Only for a little while I'm afraid."

Rumi waves her hand. "Couldn't be helped" she is wearing simple jeans and a baggy T-shirt. "Now come on." The two walk along the drive way and through a gate. In the back is a grill, with a grizzled old man. Near him in a lawn chair is a woman snoring gently. A punching bag is hung up along a tree. the Midoriya boy and Kendo are taking turns hitting it as the other braces. Well they were he is now rapidly approaching.

"Wow All-Might" he says "All-Might is in my house."

Toshi let's out a booming All-Might laugh "most aren't excited about a teacher coming over."

"That's because your the cool teacher" Kendo adds.

Another booming laugh. Triggering a cough. Kendo and Miruko or rather Rumi darts up to him. All-Might waves them off. "I swallowed some spit" he lies.

"We'll have a seat" the grilling man calls "burgers are almost done"

"Thank you..."

"Oguro we worked together once or twice"

"Oh O'clock, good to see you landed on your feet. But that's a no on the burger. I'm on a special diet" All-Might can feel perceptive eyes on him.

"Don't just stand there" Rumi orders "have a seat" she practically manhandles him into a lawn chair.

"All-Might sir" Midoriya boy asks, as Kendo walks up to the grill "can I ask you some questions?"

"Of course"

The boy pulls out a note book and pen. "During the great fight of 57 you had arrived in across you had crossed from Honshu to Hokkaido in 3.7 seconds triggering at least one sonic boom. You had passed into the rang of scientific bouy which measured your speed at less then you would need to cross the distance in that time. How?"

All Might thinks back. "I kicked off the water"

The boy smiles, "I thought so."

Kendo sits down next to them happily munching on a burger.

"I have traced your career from UA to America back to Japan but there is a period of 18 months that I can't find any record of."

"My you have done research. I'm afraid that's classified"

Another note.

All-Might stomach is starting to burn. "If you want we can talk more at school but I'm afraid I must be going" the kid looks like Christmas is cancelled.

"I understand" he says crestfallen.

"Feel free to all to me Monday. And see you in class" he calls out as he jumps away.

Kendo looks over to Midoriya. "So...can you teach me that dancing thing?"

Chapter 48: work studies

Chapter Text

Tenya Iida's attempt to work under Manual has been vetoed, however his attempt to work under Manman had not. He just has to wait for an operation to slip to the next city over. A fifteen minute walk.

Late in the evening Hagakure Tooru mills around the gates of UA. Next to her Shinsou, she hasn't heard a single nice thing about him.

Kiroshima, Tetsutetsu and Uraraka all accept intern offers with the Front Line agency, specializing in high risk rescuing. They are all so hyped.

Yaoyorozu Momo passed an adorable cat cafe before entering the agency.

Kendo misses the Nighteye agency her first loop around the block. The building is so unassuming she thought she was in the wrong place.

Chapter 49: 9 to 5

Chapter Text

Kendo strides into the lobby surprisingly confidently for someone who thought she was lost a moment ago. The differences in air pressure russles her orange hair.

"Hi I'm here for my work study" she says with a smile.

One of the secretary stands, smiles and bows. "right this way please."

Kendo begins to whistle as she swings her costume case.

"Hello?" Someone calls kendo turns. A blonde boy is smiling at her. "You must be Kendo"


"Great I'm Togato your senpai. Sir wants to see you right away."

"So do you work here" Kendo asks as the two walk up stairs "yep, I'm an intern from UA actually."

Kendo snaps her fingers "pants guy"

"Yep, I'm never going to live that down" Togato says with a chipper voice.

"We've all done embarrassing things don't worry about it"

"Ha hahahaaa. I don't. like Sir says a bad experience is often a funny story after the fact."

Kendo's smile grows wider "I like that"

"Welp this is you stop" Togato says in front of a set of imposing double doors.

"Thanks and nice meeting you" Kendo says before taking a deep breath and opening the doors.

All-Might, All-Might everywhere. On the walls, on the desk, even a cardboard cut out in the corner. A stern looking green haired man with a matching green suit glares.

"Correct me if your wrong. But youre All-Mights protoge?"

"Yes" she says with a forced smile. This is a really creepy room to have of someone you personally know.

"And correct me if I'm wrong but you have a quirk entirely like All-Mights"

"Well not entirely like, I do grow bigger but other then that it's the SAME exact quirk yes"

Sir Nighteye purses his lips. "Good, you have two minutes to impress me."

"I'm sorry?"

"You accepted a work study with my agency not me so prove to me that you have what it takes."

"I'm not sure what you would want from me" Kendo admits "I have a good handle on my quirk and All-Might trusts me"

"All-Might is many things. A master of HIS quirk and a great hero but he is not the best judge of character." He glances to the clock "One minute thirty seconds"

"Yes I'm starting to see that he isn't"

"Oh your not going to defend him?"

Kendo thinks crossing her arms humming as she tapping her chin. Then she uncrosses her arms.

"Well? One minute"

Kendo just stares.

"Aren't you going to do anything?"

Kendo looks to the clock and waits thirty seconds.
"I just did"

"I beg your pardon?"

"It's not your quirk, it's not All-Mights quirk, it's my quirk. I have nothing to prove to you."

Nighteye stands and walks towards her staring intently. Kendo smirks back.

"Alright then" Sir Nighteye says "let me show you around and what I do in the average day."

Yaoyorozu Momo looks at the building. The sigh said th Luna Agency but this couldn't possibly be the place. It was so small. Ridiculously small for the number 11 hero in the country.

A woman with an eye patch opens the door. "Are you coming inside or what?"

"Is this Miruko's agency?"

"That's what the sigh says. Your Yaoyorozu right?"

"Yes" Momo says as she walks inside.

"Have a seat he will be right down."

"I'm sorry he?"

The door behind her chimes. The secretary raises an eyebrow.

A thunderous roar. Momo ducks as a crutch swings at her. Turning around she sees a graying, burly man with a single crutch, one hand holding a heavy metal knuckle duster.

He takes another swing. Momo ducks and dodges.

"Well?!" The man yells "what are you going to do?"

Finally in a panic Yaomomo creates a metal rod. The fight is brief and one sided. Panting heavily the man rests a leg on Yaoyorozu's back.

"You froze up" he says "you forgot about the civilian and you forgot about your quirk." He gets off her "I'm Oguro I'll be teaching you while your here." He holds out his hand. Yaoyorozu takes it.

"Before I'm done with you, you'll be thinking on your feet. Come on" Mr. Oguro leads Momo to the back room. A large, relative to the building, open training area. In the corner on a folding lawn chair is some sort of newt man. "What is the capital of the United States?"

"Washington DC" Momo answers unsure of where this is going.

"Which states was the land originally a part of?"

Momo thinks, that is until Oguro punches her in the back of the head. Momo staggers and turns. Oguro is throwing another punch.

"Trick question" the other man continues "whats 14 times 7?"

"Well" Oguro shouts still throwing punches "answer him"


"Make something" the man demands as Momo ducks a crutch. A matushca doll pops out of her arm.

"Something useful!" Momo is starting to panic. Oguro stops panting slightly "You're too far in your own head. When you don't know what to do you freeze or worse panic. Now" he says chambering his fists "we're going to do this until you can dodge without thinking. Or you pass out"

Hagakure Tooru glaces at Shinsou. "Shinsou right? We haven't had much time to talk."

"Maybe if you had made it into the second round of the sports festival. We would have talked more"

"Wow, what's your problem?"

Shinsou sneers opens his mouth Mr. Aizawa speaks "you're outside" Both students jerk "at dusk and didn't notice me walk up to you" the teacher starts entering the gate code. "Your outfits are inside, Shinsou we'll have to use a gym uniform"

All three walk into UA. They walk without talking until they reach the changing rooms. "Gym A" Mr. Aizawa says before walking away.

Inside the woman changing room Hagakure pulls out her costume. A dark grey breathable body suit with minimalist padding. Thin almost sock like shoes inside a bigger visible pair. She has the same setup for gloves. As she walks out Shinsou double takes.

"Are you...naked?"

"Yep" she lies "now hurry up I'm getting cold" she lies again.

Mr. Aizawa waits in the center of the gym a coil of cloth in each hand.

Uraraka Tetsutetsu and Kiroshima are going to get picked up in a taxi outside of a gas station. The three of them were sitting on Uraraka's costume case as they waited. Kiroshima and Tetsutetsu had bought snacks and made a game out of stealing each other's food. Uraraka was winning. She has fast hands.

Their Taxi pulls up

The Front Line agency is a large brutalist building with beautiful colorful murals painted over it.

"Manly" Kiroshima and Tetsutetsu say in sink.

"Loving the feminine energy" Uraraka says back.

The two boys look at her, then look at each other, then the building, they tilt their heads.

"The murals" Kiroshima shouts

"Bro of course the murals" Tetsutetsu compliments

Uraraka starts laughing.

"Howdy" a hero calls as she walks outside. "y'all the interns?"

"Yep" Uraraka says with a salute "here for he work study"

"Excellent" she calls "Here at the Front Line Agency we specialize in rescuing those caught in the storms eye. Let me show you around."

Chapter 50: Deika City

Chapter Text

Dieka City is a bustling city deep in the mountains. Surrounded by farm land and forests.

Something Itches at the back of Midoriya Izuku's mind as he steps off the train. He can't identify it but it sets him on edge. Sitting down on a bench he waits, costume case and back pack in lap, eyes scanning the crowd.

He was supposed to be here at 8AM on the dot. By 8:20 a large man in a purple and green costume slides along the ground up to him.

"Midoriya Izuku?"

"Yes sir"

"Great come with me" the man then darts off. By the time Izuku is running, back pack hastily thrown over his shoulder, slide and go is leaping off the stairs and grinding along the railing.

Midoriya leaps after him taking four steps at a time. With his back pack, and heavy costume case he can't risk a roll. As he runs Slide-and-Go gets further and further away. Logically he has to be heading to his agency. Izuku k ows where that is. The boy stops running, he takes his back pack off, holding it in one hand and his case in the other he turns down an alley. Kicking off a wall Izuku leaps a fence and manages a clumsy roll. Running a long the side walk izuku hollars.

"Pardon me, excuse me"

Izuku darts across the road as soon as he can find a cooperating traffic light. There's a bridge over water ahead. Midoriya leaps. He hits the concrete slope of the river bank Ideally he would have cleared it but he's weighed down. Running a long the rivers edge Izuku sees his target. Panting he jogw up the stairs and rounds the corner. In front of him is Slide-and-Go looking at his watch.

"Over here sir" Slide-and-Go looks up then double takes.

"Where did you come from?"

"I t-took a short cut."

"Don't stutter and follow me." Slide-and-Go leads him into his building. "Well throw your things into a crash room for the time being." As the two walk people stare some even glare. Izuku shrinks into himself.

The crash room is nice, really nice. A small air plant hangs from the ceiling and there is a narrow slit like window.

"Change into your costume" Slide-and-Go calls through the door.

"Yes sir"

Slide-and-Go frowns when he sees the costume "i-is there a p-problem sir"

"Nothing. It's just a little simple isn't it?"

"I-its m-meant to mimic Miruko"

"Fine fine" he waves his hand dismissively. "Let me show you a patrol"

Slide-and-Go hardly leaves a moment to breath. Either the two of them are darting around barely slow enough for Izuku to keep up or they are working. Two robberies, one domestic disturbance, a lost child, and a run away shopping cart. Every one of them thanked Slide-and-Go and not a one said anything to Midoriya.

At some point they loop back to the agency. Once inside izuku is lead to a desk. "Let's see how well you do paperwork" Slide-and-Go says chipperly. Tossing him a stack of papers. He then walks away.

Izuku looks down at his papers. Incident reports. The first thing Izuku does is fill out the event descriptions in pencil. Then he looks up how to fill these out, after a few minutes. Next he corrects the wording on the paper work. After that he fills out all the information he knows how to fill out, dates, hero names, agency code, ect. At some point Slide-and-Go returns. "your not stumped are you?" Izuku flips a page into his completed pile. "No sir almost done"

Slide-and-Go picks up a sheet of paper. "I can't read this, redo it neatly this time."

"Yes sir" Izuku says "w-where are the blank report sheets?"

"Er, first drawer on the right."

Without another word Izuku begins painstakingly transcribing his work.

Day two of Izuku's work study is somehow more packed then the first. Three public disturbances, izuku got spit on, two villain fights. One of which izuku got involved in. There was a pedestrian and falling rubble. Midoriya didn't expect to be thanked but he didn't expect the lecture either.

"You keep on acting like you have a quirk to bail you out you don't" his mentor scolds. Izuku didn't understand was he supposed to let the person get hurt. The lecture thankfully gets interrupted by the sound of a roaring motor and squealing tires. A speeding car flying towards and a group of pedestrians. Slide-and-Go surges forward. scoops up the two men each I turn carrying a identical green skinned three eyed child. One of the children how ever starts squirming in a panic and slips out. Time slows down. Midoriya Izuku runs. He feels the side mirror clip him causing him to spin. Izuku holds the child tight as he slams into the ground.

Izuku groans as the child struggles off of him. The three adults, hero included, stare at him in confusion. "Stay here" Slide-and-Go commands before darting after the car.

The two men hug the girls as Izuku staggers to his feet and reaches the curb.

"I-thank you" one says as the other rocks the girls.

"J-jusy doing my job" izuku manages to say chipperly.

"So, your a quirkless hero?"

Izuku smiles "yes sir"

"Huh" the man has a strange unreadable look on his face.

"Can you stand" Slide-and-Go asks having suddenly returned.

"Ye-es sir" izuku stands his side burning, but it's not the first time hes had to ignore pain.

"Great..." Slide-and-Go looks confused, which in turn confuses izuku "is everything alright sir?"

"Yes yes. Let's rest a while take an early lunch." Slide-and-Go suggests. Before picking him up and gliding around the block to a small burger place.

Across the street from where they eat a window cleaner telescopes his legs to reach higher windows.

"A lot of people use there quirks here"

"City ordinance makes it easier to get a license. Is that a problem for you?" The hero asks accusitorily.

"N-no it's really cool. I always thought that quirk laws are pointlessly restrictive."

Slide-and-Go looks taken aback "really now?"

"I mean it would be like asking me not to run"

"Yes exactly, quirks are a part of you." Slide-and-Go pauses "what's it like? Not having a quirk?"

Izuku thinks "I don't know I have nothing to compare it too"

Slide-and-Go hums thoughtfully. "I'd assume it feels like not being able to use your quirk."

"What's it like not being able to use your quirk"

Slide-and-Go thinks a moment "like not being able to run I suppose."

"Why do you want to be a hero?" He suddenly asks

"W-w-well who d-doesnt want to be like A-All-Might."

"Power eh"

"W-when I was y-young n-now I want to make people feel safe."

The two fall into a silence. The burgers are finished. As Midoriya stands someone bumps his side not every gently either.

"Midoriya why don't you head back to the office."

"I can still work"

"Theres more to hero work then this."

"O-okay sir"

"Great, wait for me to get back in your crash room. You did just get hit by a car and I have a few things to take care of"

Chapter 51: return


(See the end of the chapter for notes.)

Chapter Text

Bakugou katsuki didn't have to hunt for Useless, the world was doing it for him. It was deliciously ironic that the sh*tty stalker was getting stalked. The fact that Useless ended up in Deika, his city, his turf, was icing on the cake.

Then as if the universe itself was validating the righteousness of his actions Useless gets hit by a goddamn car and gets sent home by that loser hero.

Bakugou snickers before laying the bait. "help" he calls in a high pitched voice. He hears foot falls. Useless darts down the dead end alley. Katsuki stands and smiles as Izuku curls into himself.

Midoriya Izuku was going to die. He knows this. His death stands at the end of the alley. Hands popping.


"I'm going to kill you" he says quietly, confidently. Izuku fiddles with his alert bracelet. Rumi won't get her in time. Words echo in his head

Useless useless useless

Mom can I still be a hero, I'm so sorry

You keep acting like you have a quirk to bale you out you don't.

Midoriya Izuku pulls out the one piece of support equipment he has. The second hand grabbing hook O'clock gave him.

No kid what can you do?

Bakugou katsuki quirk nitroglycerin. His palms sweat an explosive substance that is activated my Bakugous ability to super head his hands.

Izuku's shoulders ache.

After a explosion it still takes him time to sweat. Only his right palm is currently exploding.

Bakugou always opens with a left hook.

Izuku has an injured side. The shock waves are going to hurt.

Midoriya Izuku shifts towards the left side of the alley and begins to dance.

Bakugou charges left fist swinging. Midoriya Izuku ducks the fist.


Shock wave rattles his side. Midoriya buris his hard shoe into Bakugous stomach.

Katsuki angles his right arm as he gasps


Izuku slams into a trash can.

"You think youre better then me" bakugou says like it's a fact of the universe. His fist comes down. Pain explodes onto Midoriya's face.

He doesn't hit as hard as O'clock. Midoriya Izuku hits back. Bakugou staggers eyes watering. Arms grab him. He slams into the ground. Both palms point upward.


A crack of a skull against brick.

Blinking the tears from his eyes bakugu staggers to his feet.

Useless wasn't cowering. "You Useless f*ck" katsuki throws a left hook. His fist slams into the wall "ah Bastard"

Something tangles around his legs and pulls taunt. Bakugou hits the ground again for the second time today.

Midoriya Izuku jumps into the air. His boot landing squarely on top of Bakugous left palm.

"Ahhh" a howl of rage a howl of pain. Reflexively bakugou detonates both palms.


Izuku goes flying as bakugou buckles clutching his hand in pain.

A foot slams into his stomach. Then onto his arm. He hears a snapping sound.

"f*cker, you f*cker ill kill you useless, I'll end your miserable life." All Bakugou katsuki has left to hurt with is words. Midoriya Izuku stops listening.


Did I rework bakugous quirk? Absolutely
Should Bakugous canon quirk be able to do everything it does? Absolutely not.

So if anything I'm the one obaying the base premise of the quirk

Chapter 52: maybe this wasn't such a good idea


Tw torture

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

After the attempted murder Slide-and-Go send Midoriya home early. There was only a day left and he needed time to think.

It has been Tokoname Tatsuyuki mission to demoralize the null and show him the futility of his dream. Yet the boy kept on rising to the occasion. He kept up with him at speed some pros would struggle with. He taught himself how to fill out paper work with astounding speed. he even risked his life twice. The boy has to have a meta power. Yet he spent his life being bullied for a lack of one.

Could Slide-and-Go be wrong? He grew up hearing that nulls were a bunch of dinosaurs clinging to power and shackling meta powers for there own self interest. Yet the boy at last claims to be against meta restrictions. Yet the boy risked his life to save a heteromorph child.

It just doesn't make sense. Perhapse the boy is the exception. Slide-and-Go hope so, he had hunted his fair share of turn coats in his day.

Bakugou katsuki didn't wake up in a prison cell. He woke up somewhere worse, strapped down in a gurney wearing nothing but a muzzle. He tried to activate his quirk, nothing happens. his hands feel cold and his body feels hollowed out.

"Oh dear" a vaguely familiar voice say. "This won't do at all." A shadow looms covering the harsh overhead lighting. The muzzle is removed.

"Where the f*ck" a sharp blinding pain on his jaw.

"I'm sorry I don't have any soap to scrub out your mouth with." Bakugou feels his jaw knit back together.

"Who are you" bakugous eyes are adjusting.

"Why Kacchan don't you recognize me" says a man more scar then face. Two blank skin flaps where his eyes should be.

"Don't f*ck" the pain again and a sudden oppressive fear. "What did I say about your language."

"Now then I've given you all you need to figure this out. Think Kacchan think. The future number one needs a brain."


"Yes good very good"

"Why am I hear?"

A long slow terrifying laugh "it looks like your brain won't be much of a loss after all." A hand covers his eyes. Something burns, he feels clammy and overly stuffed, his ear ring.

"What what did you do?" Bakugous voice cracks

"Extra sweat, sticky sweat and nitroglycerin. Now show me this quirk you're so proud of."

"Like hell" the jaw pain again, something stabs into him. Bakugous quirk doesn't just detonate, it ignites. Fire racing up his arms. Bakugou screams in pain.

"Fascinating" Mr. Midoriya says with child like glee.

Suddenly bakugous body feels hollow again, even as it's stitched back together.

"Let's try something else shall we" bakugou feels like his body is fit to burst his head hurts.

Bakugou regains concioussness "please, please stop"

"What's that" Mr. Midoriya raises a hand to his ear "now if how you treat my son is any indication you think that means 'dont stop I can take more'" he smiles "let's try this"

The painfully familiar sensation of something getting stuffed into him. "Alright then detonate" the adult commands. Bakugou doesn't want to get stabbed again. Flames envelope his body, his body stitching itself back together as he screams. He screams until his voice breaks.


And that should be about as dark as the story gets

Chapter 53: Mr. Confidence

Chapter Text

Midoriya Izuku wakes up in bed to a whole new world. Getting out of bed he almost loses balance he feels so light. Confidently he stretches for the morning before striding to breakfast.

Down stairs he sees his mom's sitting at the table back to him.


Both jump "oh Izuku" Inko calls "how how are you today?"

"I feel great"


"Yes it's... like what Rumi says, my worst thing happened"

Rumi looks up face pivoting from gobsmacked to joy. "Hell yeah bunny"

Izuku smiles as he goes to sit down. A simple breakfast is layed out. Between of her own food Rumi asks "so what are you going to do today?"

"I don't know" the boy responds. Today was supposed to be the last day of his work study. All his friends should still be at there own. Izuku snaps his fingers "Tooru has been working in the afternoon. I could visit her"

"Oh-okay" Inko stutters out. "izuku I'm so proud of you"

The boy smiles. "Thanks mom"

Tooru groans awake to her phone ringing. "Mhello? Zuku?"

"Hi Tooru" Izuku says warmly. "Are you free this morning"

"Why?" Tooru asks waking up a little "aren't you in Deika?"

Izuku hesitates. "Look out your window"

"Mm ok" tooru peeks out of her blinds squinting at the morning sun. Outside at street level stands a familiar frame and a mop of dark green hair. "wait...are you outside?"

"Yes" the figure waves.

"I'll be right down." Hurriedly Tooru throws clothes on them gargles mouthwash and snags an apple. Next the girl turns around and heads back to her room for deodorant. Then she runs to the door.

Outside at the main entrance he stands, bright smile on his face.

"Izuku how are you here?" Tooru asks again.

"Well, um, let's sit down first." There is a park bench near by.

Izuku takes a deep breath, "my work study went really well, I saved someone's life" he shares happily "but then..."


"I'm ha trying to figure out how best to say this...ok you know how my back is like that?"

Tooru clenches her fists "yes"

"I broke both his arms" izuku says surprisingly happily. "he tried to, he's in jail now and I broke both his arms"

It takes a moment to process. "you kicked his ass? That's awesome." The two hug, no one is sure who started it. "Wait but why aren't you still at your agency?"

"Mr Slide-and-Go told me to take time off after bakugou..." The nervousness kicks back in with each word "tried to kill me"

"HE TRIED TO KILL YOU, wait you broke both his arms" Tooru's a torrent of emotions, even the bench she is sitting on us getting hazy "you broke both his arms and sent him to jail"

Izuku smiles at the empty space that is currently his girlfriend.

Tooru hugs him fiercely, breathing him in. "Your alive, you beat him"

"I won" he says softly.

Tooru pushs away. "Tell me about him."

"Picture an angry four year old. Then put him into a teenagers body"

Tooru sputters and laughs.

"Then give him a hand grenade and very breakable wrists" Izuku laughs to himself then squeezes Tooru's hand "im glad I'm alive."

As Tooru speaks softly she leans towards izuku "I'm glad your alive too"

Izuku leans closer to the sound of her voice to say something. Their lips brush. Briefly they both freeze then they lean in.

It's awkward at first. Neither knows what they are doing and Izuku forgets the breath through his noise until the air from Hakagure tickles him. His lips are soft and her face is warm. Briefly they lean in harder. Before Izuku remembers that they are in public.

Izuku looks a her wide eyed and breathing heavy. Tooru is much the same.

"Hee" she giggles

"Ha" he laughs.

Suddenly the fact that that was their first kiss is the funniest thing in the world. They lean into each other laughing.

Chapter 54: iida


Pulled a George Lucas and edited in pot lol

Chapter Text

"I'll kill you for what you did to my brother" iida screams. He can't move all he has is his voice and his rage.

"Your brother was a fraud, weak, yet stronger then you, more conviction" The mad man states voice drowning in a cool fury. "Some hero you are" Stain stabs into a man slumped to the side. "you didn't even try to save him"

a pro hero Iida was to angry to register dies before his eyes. It's a shocking moment of revelation he was looking right at him and he didn't see. He hadn't noticed, hadn't cared that there was someone was here in danger. "Look around you hero, a city burns and all you care about is revenge." Stain takes a step towards him.

"I could say the same about you" someone says from the edge of the alley.

"Oh a hero, no a vigilante" iida can't move his head to see the man. "Run along little vigilante go save the day somewhere else."

"You know" the man says suddenly cold, no seething in fury "I've always hated smug looking bastards like you"

The two clash, only one survives.

"So iida, how was your work study" Tokage asks him in there class room.

"Huh, oh it was...entirely ordinary" Iida's drifting thoughts return to that alley and the parting vigilantes words.

"Don't forget this moment, you're only alive because Ingenium means something to the community. He gives screw ups a chance. Consider the favor returned. Make something of that legacy"

Chapter 55: the return

Chapter Text

"Good morning" izuku says to the class as he walks in.

"Izuku" calls Tooru as she gets up to hug him. She is twirled giggling all the way.

"Someone's in a good mood" comments Komori

"Yeah. How was your work studies?"

"It was alright" Mineta admits "I mostly learned how to make coffee and do paperwork"

"I was in a commercial" Komori brags "I even got payed for it"

While the group talks Shoji walks up.

"Ugh" Tooru grumbles "some people have all the luck. Although I did learn ow to use a capture scarf."

"How am I the lucky one? How about you Shoji?"

"It was alright" he shrugs "I helped plan a community out reach thing but it's happening right now"

Izuku pats his shoulder.

"How about you man" Shoji asks

"I saved a life" Midoriya brags "and I broke both arms of my childhood bully"

"Nice" "heck yeah" cheer Shoji and Mineta

"Like unprovoked or" asks Komori

"Oh he tried to kill me"

The group looks at him shocked.

"I b-broke both his arms and put him in jail"

Shoji starts laughing "dang man living the dream." He holds out his knuckles "respect"

As the two bump knuckles Mineta speaks "you two are a little messed up aren't you?" Then he hugs them both. Tooru flops onto them pulling Komori along for the ride. Eventually Izuku starts fighting his way out, breaking up the structure as he does so.

Walking over to Yaoyorozu Izuku speaks "I hear you interned at Miruko's agency."

Momo looks up from her friend group. " was, well an intense experience"

"Oguro sensei?"

She slumps "Oguro sensei"

The door opens "five..." Shouts Mr. Aizawa. The class is envelopes in commotion.

Chapter 56: support

Chapter Text

Midoriya Izuku is a ma on a mission. He knows he will never get a quirk and he can't live his life off of hopes and dreams that one will bail him out. Which is why he finds himself in the support department. Ahead of him is Uraraka. They are walking in the same direction but not together. As Uraraka reaches the door


Izuku flinches. A pink haired girl is launched into his classmate.

"HI" the pink haired girl says "Do you need gear, I make the best"

Uraraka is a lost in a stuttering blush. "Y-yes"

"Great let's make a baby"

Uraraka squeaks.

"She means support gear" someone calls inside.

"Do either of you need help?" Izuku asks

"What?" The support girl asks "no I can make my own" she then stands up dragging Uraraka with her.

Midoriya Izuku walks inside. "Hello is Yonamine Takao here"

"In the back, hogging the good 3-d printer."

Midoriya takes a step. Somebody yell "safety glasses" a pair of bulky plastic glasses fly onto his face.

"That's cool" Midoriya compliments "is it your quirk"

"What else would it be" the guy asks shortly. The comment rolls of Izuku's back like water. He turns and heads to the back.

"Excuse me?"

Yonamine looks up from his laptop. "Midoriya?"

"I-is the offer still available for support gear?"

"Of course...well don't expect anything by finals"

"That's fine" Izuku says he's planning more long term.

"Great what do you have in mind?"

Izuku pulls out a note book and smiles.

Chapter 57: finals


(See the end of the chapter for notes.)

Chapter Text

At long last the end of the first semester draws to a close. One last challenge on last battle. The finals. A lot is riding on this. Their grades, their pride and the ability to go to summer camp.

Midoriya Izuku sits counter to Sato.

"We should plan after Nedzus out of hearing range."

"I concur" Nedzu adds "that would be a smart decision"

Sato smiles "don't worry buddy I can handle this."

The bus pulls up. Inside a gated wall is a concrete industrial jungle. Several wrecking balls hang from cranes scattered about.

Oh Izuku thinks it's going to be one of those days.

"Alright students" Nedzus says merrily "I'll give you ten minutes to plan" he then scampers into arena.

"Sato could you toss me in the air real quick?"

"What you'll get hurt."

"Ok" izuku says before charging the wall, using his arm then leg he levers himself up. Balancing on top he peers out. He can only see a maze of concrete and metal pipes. "we will need to get high first to scout the area."

"Wow careful Midoriya"

Izuku jumps back down "dont worry" he says

"I am going to worry. look I know your plenty capable on your own way, but know, more of a supportive figure "

Izuku sighs "Sato, coming up with a plan is support."

"The plan is I smash our way through and you stick close." Sato shoves sugar cubes into his mouth. Which will effectively end planning as his mind numbing quirk kicks in

"Sato I see three wrecking balls just down the main road"

"Well stay around the edges"

"I'm going to scout ahead to find a safe path"

"I'll just make a path"

The buzzer sounds. Izuku sakes three steps in throws his grapple line and says to Sato "just up and back"

"No!" Sato yells running towards him. The quirkless boy zips into the air. Fanagaling the controls he manages to zigzag up to the top of an industrial structure. Izuku counts 8 cranes. Looking around the arena and estimating the length and swing arc izuku sees, or thinks he sees, several patches of safety. Notably he currently isn't in one of those patches. Quickly Izuku rappels down.

"Are you crazy?" Sato yells "you could have gotten hurt?"

"Ok Sato I get it you want to do the heavy lifting. You'll get" what ever else izuku was going to say is cut off by a multi tone ball of steel smashing into the sidewalk down the road.

"Sato, Sato the sewers!" izuku yells


Izuku runs up to a manhole cover. Sato following simply plunges his fist through the steel. The wrenching ball rises. Midoriya Izuku jumps.

The water is shin high, comfortably cool and crystal clear.

The moment Sato enters the sewer he wretches "it stinks"

"They probably pump some chemicals into the air or water." Izuku speculates as Sato pinches his nose. Above them a thunderous boom rains dust and grit down on them.

"L-lets keep moving" Izuku begins to move quickly through the water.

"Hold on" Sato hooks his hand around Midoriya forcing himself into the lead. "Got to keep you safe" his voice chipper and nasally through his pinched closed nose.

Izuku dabs his hand int the water and sniffs. It smells like nothing. the water seems drinkable although Izuku isn't comfortable trying it. Which is a shame because he can't weaponize it against Nedzu.

"We need to go north east for about three blocks."

"Which way?"

"Forward and to the left, let's hurry before Nedzus floods the tunnels or something."

"And this leads to Nedzu?"

"I figure he has to much of a home field advantage. We should go for escaping."

Sato stops "What I can take him"

"Can you take a crain?"

"I could, I have enough sugar" then Sato adds "what's he going to do think me"

The sound of rushing water. "Hurry" Izuku yells as the water quickly rises. The current quickly overwhelms them, sweeping them along.

It's dark. Midoriya tumbles as he tries to escape. A strong hand grabs him. Izuku hacks and coughs as Sato pulls him up a ladder.

"Aren't you glad I'm here little buddy"

"Thanks Sato" Midoriya says. "What do you see up there?"

The sound of metal on stone, a slit of light.

"Pipes, concrete, ditch, road.

"Let me have a look"

"Nah man I see plenty"

Midoriya starts to think would it be better to stick too denser built up areas or find the nearest straight shot. On one hand we would be slowed down but Nedzus ability to track them may be limited, or in the very least he would be less willing to go crazy with the wrecking ball. If we stick to the roads we are wide open but we should be able to cover more ground and are more likely to spot traps...but what is Nedzu likely to do. Nedzus quirk high spec beyond human intelligence, back ground, favors a trial by fire teaching style. That probably means he spared no expense in setting up traps. So there isn't an easy path.

"What are you mumbling?" Sato asks

"Oh s- I was just thinking of our next move. I think we should go back into the sewers."

"What that's cra-"

"Nedzu's already played his hand and between my grapple line and your strength we could hope scotch around from hand hold to hand hold."

"Sounds dangerous"

"So is facing a wrecking ball in what is clearly a booby trapped city."

"I don't know man"


"Yeah buddy?"

"If I get hit by a wrecking ball I'll die"

"I can keep you safe."

"That's a gamble, we at least know what to expect down here"

"Mmmmhhhh" Midoriya can practically hear the gears turning. "Yeah ok. Let me sugar up a little first."

Midoriya makes sure the line is secure on his belt and hooked around the ladder then he jumps into he water. The current slams his body into the side of the tunnel.

"Ok come down" Midoriya pulls the cord in making it easier for Sato to grab him. The two move in a strange parady of a rappel down the raging water.

After some initial challenges the trip briefly pleasent. The rushing water had swept away the terrible smell, but the water was still cold.

"W-we n-ne-ed t-t-to get out of t-this" Midoriya chatters out.

"R-r-right." With a mighty heave Sato pulls the two up the next manhole ladder. This time Midoriya ends up the ladder first.

Pushing it slightly open he takes in his surroundings. Some sort of fake oil refinery to his left and a shipping bay to his right. Far down the road is the exit. Far down the road is a crain swinging. With a thunderous boom a grain silo collapses into the street. Then to add insult to injury a series of cars drive up forming a defensive line.

Nedzu wouldn't hit them with cars...would he?

"What do you see little guy?"

Midoriya grits his teeth "Sato I get it, I'm quirkless but I'm not incapable"

"Of course not" Sato says slightly confused.

"We need to be on the same page here alright?"


"There are two ways we can beat Nedzu, one is getting through the gate. Are you with me?"

"I'm not stupid"

"I n-never said you are." Izuku takes several calming breaths "Nedzu has put some rubble in the way, you can smash through it. If you can get to it."

"Makes sense"

"Great ok, Sato what am I physically best at?"

"Uuuhhhh running?"

"Yes. So I can get us to the gate and you can get us through the gate"

"Sounds like a plan"

"Great follow me"

Izuku explodes out of sewer. Manhole cover in hand he banks left, slowing enough for Sato to keep up. A storm of tearing steel and pipes crumpling. A multi ton chuck of steel slams down far to close for comfort. The manhole cover makes a rudimentary shield doing the work Satos quirk does for him. As the crain rises Izuku ducks low sliding under it.

"Don't hesitate!" Izuku yells as he vaults over a concrete trench.

A meaty thud

"Wait" Sato yells leveraging himself up. Midoriya runs back to help him.


Ka-thoom! Ahead of them a maze of pipes turns into an impossible wall.

Sato yells in furry. He rips and wrends. Tunneling through industrial steel.

Ahead of them the sound of destruction.

"SATO, SATO the road, THE ROAD!"


"We need to save time"

"I got this" Sato says confidently

"Sato why can I do well?"

Sato blinks "run?"

"Yes, so come on"

"Yeah ok"

The two run as the world collapses around them. Darting between the road and Industrial ruins. Miraculously they get about a block away before things go pear shaped. The doors of the line of cars pop open. Tennis balls and bolas fly. Sato goes down first.

Thinking quickly Midoriya props up is shield and frantically unties his ally.

"Sato, grab rubble and throw, I'll protect you."

Between the manhole cover, midoriyas pain tolerance for his battered fingers,Satos Herculean strength and he abundance of ammo the two silence there opponents.

"Hurry" Midoriya yells, charging forward. Behind him Sato is shoveling the last of his sugar cubes into his mouth.

"AAAAHHHHH" Sato screams definitely smashing through cars and collapsed concrete.

Battered, soaked, sore, and gittery the two make it. As they stand there panting Sato snickers, it's infectious.

"Nicely done" Nedzu says behind them. The two jump back. "I hadn't expected you two to risk the sewers."

"Th-thanks you sir"

"Yeah thank"

Nedzu stares at them, eyes boring into them. "Although you cut it a little close, I look forward to seeing how you do next semester."

A bus pulls up, as well as a smaller vehicle. Nedzu scampers to it.

"Enjoy summer you too"


That's the end of bright eyed and bushy tailed.

The next story is "two in the bush"

Bright Eyed and Bushy Tailed - tardigradetheking - 僕のヒーローアカデミア | Boku no Hero Academia (2024)
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Name: Prof. An Powlowski

Birthday: 1992-09-29

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Introduction: My name is Prof. An Powlowski, I am a charming, helpful, attractive, good, graceful, thoughtful, vast person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.