The 70+ Best Quotes, Lines & Sayings from Arcane on Netflix (2024)

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While Netflix’s animated series Arcane is based on the video game League of Legends, you don’t need to be familiar with the game to enjoy the story.

Of course, many League of Legends fans have loved all the backstory and lore to make their own play-throughs richer, while also getting insight into why their favorite characters are the way they are.

But Arcane is such a beautifully illustrated series, filled with important ideas and memorable characters, that anyone who enjoys good storytelling will love it. There’s plenty of action, some romance and lots of focus on the importance of family; both chosen and genetic.

If you haven’t watched Arcane yet, you should! Perhaps these Arcane quotes will intrigue you enough to try. And for those who have seen (and loved it) we hope you’ll also enjoy reliving the best of Arcane on Netflix right here.


Most Iconic Arcane Quotes

These are the most instantly quotable, classic and iconic Arcane quotes, that would definitely make good slogans (or merch), if they haven’t already!


Vander: A bit of advice. Don’t threaten the guy who pours the drinks.” Arcane, Season One, Episode 1: “Welcome to the Playground”

Vi: We’ve all had bad days. But we learn, and we stick together.” Arcane, Season One, Episode 1: “Welcome to the Playground”

Silco: There’s a monster inside all of us.” Arcane, Season One, Episode 2: “Some Mysteries Are Better Left Unsolved”

Mel: I recognize that any worthwhile venture involves risk.” Arcane, Season One, Episode 3: “The Base Violence Necessary for Change”

Silco: What is truth, but a survivor’s story?” Arcane, Season One, Episode 5: “Everybody Wants To Be My Enemy”

Ambessa Medarda: I would set the world ablaze to protect our family.” Arcane, Season One, Episode 9: “The Monster You Created”

Viktor: We lost ourselves. Lost our dream. In the pursuit of great, we failed to do good.” Arcane, Season One, Episode 9: “The Monster You Created”

Best Funny Arcane Quotes

While Arcane is quite dark and sad in many parts, there are still moments of lightness or laughter. These are the best funny Arcane Netflix quotes.


Vi: I’m going. Are you with me or not?
Claggor: Vander’s going to kill us.
Vi: Yeah, only if we screw up. So don’t screw up.” Arcane, Season One, Episode 1: “Welcome to the Playground”

Vander: What the hell were you thinking?
Vi: That we could handle a real job.
Vander: A real job?
Vi: We got our own tip, planned a route, nobody even saw…
Vander: You blew up a building.” Arcane, Season One, Episode 1: “Welcome to the Playground”

Caitlyn: Since when did you concern yourself with the Council’s opinion?
Jayce: Since I… became a Councilor.
Caitlyn: [laughs] You’re serious. When? Why? Have they discovered how to govern with grease and a spanner?” Arcane, Season One, Episode 4: “Happy Progress Day!”

Jayce: Are you sure this is safe?
Viktor: Of course not.” Arcane, Season One, Episode 5: “Everybody Wants To Be My Enemy”

Vi: You’re an all-right shot.
Caitlyn: I’m an excellent shot.
Vi: You gonna help me out, cupcake?
Caitlyn: Stop calling me that. My name is Caitlyn.
Vi: But you’re so sweet. Like a cupcake.
Caitlyn: Shut up.” Arcane, Season One, Episode 5: “Everybody Wants To Be My Enemy”

Sevika: The sister. She’s back.
Silco: From the dead?” Arcane, Season One, Episode 5: “Everybody Wants To Be My Enemy”

Marcus: Let’s talk outside.
Silco: Can’t you see we’re playing?” Arcane, Season One, Episode 6: “When These Walls Come Tumbling Down”

Vi: [to a person wearing a mask] You shy? Or just ugly?” Arcane, Season One, Episode 7: “The Boy Savior”

Ekko: I didn’t know if I could trust you.
Vi: So… so you just come out swinging?
Ekko: Gee, I wonder who I learned that from?
Vi: Ah, well, you shoulda learned more.You still punch like a little boy.
Ekko: And you still block with your face.
Vi: I remember when you wouldn’t stand up to me. [removes handcuffs and hugs him] I missed you, little man.
Ekko: How long have you had those off?
Vi: How long have you been whining?” Arcane, Season One, Episode 7: “The Boy Savior”

Finn: You know, when I ask my mates what Silco’s up to, your name’s first out of their mouths. ‘Sevika’s out in the harbor,’ or ‘Sevika paid the knuckleheads a visit.’ You’re a scary lady.” Arcane, Season One, Episode 8: “Oil and Water”

Ekko: You’d be surprised what you can pull off when your life depends on it.” Arcane, Season One, Episode 9: “The Monster You Created”

Best Arcane Quotes About Love and Hate

Love and hate are often described as two sides of the same coin, so we’re combining Arcane quotes about the two into this one section. Many of the best Arcane quotes about love don’t actually say the word, but you know what is being implied anyway. Romantic love is also not the most important love portrayed in the series, with family love being just as strong.


Silco: Oh I hated you for what you’ve done. But as time passed, so did my hate. And I was left with an understanding. The only way to defeat a superior enemy is to stop at nothing. To become what they fear. I hated you, but you kept my respect.” Arcane, Season One, Episode 3: “The Base Violence Necessary for Change”

Vi: You’re all I have left. I can’t lose you.” Arcane, Season One, Episode 3: “The Base Violence Necessary for Change”

Jayce: Nothing feels impossible when I’m with you.” Arcane, Season One, Episode 6: “When These Walls Come Tumbling Down”

Vi: The only thing that kept me going was the thought of getting back to you.” Arcane, Season One, Episode 9: “The Monster You Created”

Jinx: Are we still sisters?
Vi: Nothing is ever going to change that.” Arcane, Season One, Episode 9: “The Monster You Created”

Silco: I never would have given you to them. Not for anything. Don’t cry. You’re perfect.” Arcane, Season One, Episode 9: “The Monster You Created”

Jinx: I thought maybe you could love me like you used to. Even though I’m… different. But you changed too. So… Here’s to the new us.” Arcane, Season One, Episode 9: “The Monster You Created”

Best Inspiring and Wise Arcane Quotes

Many of the characters in Arcane get some great inspirational lines, while others display their wisdom in the course of the events. These are our favorite inspiring and wise Arcane lines.


Vi: Mylo’s wrong, Powder. You’re stronger than you think. And one day… This city’s gonna respect us.” Arcane, Season One, Episode 1: “Welcome to the Playground”

Viktor: When you’re going to change the world, don’t ask for permission.” Arcane, Season One, Episode 2: “Some Mysteries Are Better Left Unsolved”

Vander: Nobody wins in war.” Arcane, Season One, Episode 2: “Some Mysteries Are Better Left Unsolved”

Jayce: I know it sounds impossible, but when have we ever let that stop us?” Arcane, Season One, Episode 3: “The Base Violence Necessary for Change”

Jayce: ‘Stanwick Padidly’? Huh, I don’t know much about him.
Heimerdinger: Everything he built either exploded, melted, or toppled over. And yet, here he stands. Stanwich set his personal ambitions aside and focused on something far more important. Our future. He realized nothing he could accomplish could compare to the contributions of his students.” Arcane, Season One, Episode 4: “Happy Progress Day!”

Vi: If you really want people to talk to you, you have to let them think you have what they want.” Arcane, Season One, Episode 5: “Everybody Wants To Be My Enemy”

Mel: We can’t change what fate has in store for us, but we don’t have to face it alone.” Arcane, Season One, Episode 6: “When These Walls Come Tumbling Down”

Silco: Everyone makes mistakes, right? What’s important is that we don’t repeat them.” Arcane, Season One, Episode 6: “When These Walls Come Tumbling Down”

Viktor: There is always a choice.” Arcane, Season One, Episode 7: “The Boy Savior”

Ambessa Medarda: He fancies himself a fox among the wolves. But mark me, child, if you want to last in this world, you must learn to be both the fox and the wolf.” Arcane, Season One, Episode 8: “Oil and Water”

Mel: War is a failure of statecraft.” Arcane, Season One, Episode 8: “Oil and Water”

Ekko: It’s not enough to give people what they need to survive, you have to give them what they need to live.” Arcane, Season One, Episode 9: “The Monster You Created”

Best Arcane Quotes About Power and Strength

Strength and power are both important themes in Arcane, as many characters are struggling to gain one or both. These are the best quotes illustrating these ideas about fighting to become stronger.


Silco: You’d die for the cause, but you won’t fight for one.” Arcane, Season One, Episode 1: “Welcome to the Playground

Heimerdinger: Time. I’ve seen this power in the wrong hands. It corrupts, consumes, lays waste to civilizations.” Arcane, Season One, Episode 2: “Some Mysteries Are Better Left Unsolved”

Vi: You know, Powder, what makes you different makes you strong. Always remember that, okay?” Arcane, Season One, Episode 2: “Some Mysteries Are Better Left Unsolved”

Silco: I’d like to let you in on a very important secret I learned when I was about your age, boy. You see, power, real power doesn’t come to those who were born strongest or fastest or smartest. No. It comes to those who will do anything to achieve it.” Arcane, Season One, Episode 2: “Some Mysteries Are Better Left Unsolved”

Silco: Betrayal, that pain that feels like it’ll eat you from the inside out, can either break you or forge you into something greater.” Arcane, Season One, Episode 5: “Everybody Wants To Be My Enemy”

Silco: You’re strong now. Just like you were always meant to be.” Arcane, Season One, Episode 5: “Everybody Wants To Be My Enemy”

Silco: We came from a world where there was never enough to go around. That is why we fight.” Arcane, Season One, Episode 7: “The Boy Savior”

Ambessa Medarda: A wolf has no mercy.” Arcane, Season One, Episode 8: “Oil and Water”

Best Arcane Quotes About Science and Progress

Harnessing magic through science and the pursuit of progress (along with how far it should go) are also very important main themes in Arcane, as it’s the power of the Hex crystals that push forward much of the storyline. Here are the best quotes from Arcane about science and progress, whether the speaker is for or against.


Jayce: I believe I’ve discovered something incredible. A way to harness magic through science.” Arcane, Season One, Episode 2: “Some Mysteries Are Better Left Unsolved”

Heimerdinger: The Arcane is dangerous, Jayce. A force of nature. Science cannot control it.” Arcane, Season One, Episode 2: “Some Mysteries Are Better Left Unsolved”

Heimerdinger: All my life, I’ve pursued the mysteries of science, only to discover some are better left unsolved.” Arcane, Season One, Episode 2: “Some Mysteries Are Better Left Unsolved”

Jayce: Surely, we, the pioneers of science, can use it for good. We’re the champions of discovery. Why fear it when we can master it?” Arcane, Season One, Episode 2: “Some Mysteries Are Better Left Unsolved”

Heimerdinger: No great science should ever put lives in danger.” Arcane, Season One, Episode 2: “Some Mysteries Are Better Left Unsolved”

Heimerdinger: If dangerous ideas didn’t excite the imagination, we would never wander astray.” Arcane, Season One, Episode 2: “Some Mysteries Are Better Left Unsolved”

Heimerdinger: If you were a scientist, you’d know you can’t make a prototype without breaking a few wrenches.” Arcane, Season One, Episode 2: “Some Mysteries Are Better Left Unsolved”

Viktor: Scientists seek discoveries. Ways to make the world a better place.” Arcane, Season One, Episode 3: “The Base Violence Necessary for Change”

Jayce: We are the City of Progress. And our future is bright.” Arcane, Season One, Episode 4: “Happy Progress Day!”

Jayce: My father put hammers in the hands of the people, and they built this magnificent city. Imagine the wonders they could create if we put magic in their hands.” Arcane, Season One, Episode 5: “Everybody Wants To Be My Enemy”

Jayce: Humans don’t live for centuries. We can’t wait for progress. We need a leadership focused on the future, not the past.” Arcane, Season One, Episode 6: “When These Walls Come Tumbling Down”

Singed: Love and legacy are the sacrifices we make for progress.” Arcane, Season One, Episode 7: “The Boy Savior”

Jayce: We’re no strangers to failure. What makes this the City of Progress is that we keep trying until we get it right.” Arcane, Season One, Episode 8: “Oil and Water”

Saddest Arcane Quotes

As we’ve mentioned, Arcane is quite sad in some parts, so you may need to keep the tissues handy! These are the saddest lines from Arcane where we felt a tear almost escaping…


Vi: When did you get so comfortable living in someone else’s shadow?” Arcane, Season One, Episode 1: “Welcome to the Playground”

Vander: When people look up to you, you don’t get to be selfish. You say run, they run. You say swim, they dive in. You say light a fire, they show up with oil. But whatever happens, it’s on you.” Arcane, Season One, Episode 1: “Welcome to the Playground”

Vander: You’ve got a good heart. Don’t ever lose it. No matter how the world tries to break you. Protect the family.” Arcane, Season One, Episode 2: “Some Mysteries Are Better Left Unsolved”

Singed: Loneliness is often the byproduct of a gifted mind.” Arcane, Season One, Episode 6: “When These Walls Come Tumbling Down”

Heimerdinger: It’s a sad truth that those who shine brightest often burn fastest.” Arcane, Season One, Episode 6: “When These Walls Come Tumbling Down”

Silco: I am your family. Everyone else betrays us.” Arcane, Season One, Episode 7: “The Boy Savior”

Caitlyn: This city needs healing. More than I ever realized.” Arcane, Season One, Episode 7: “The Boy Savior”

Singed: Sometimes death is a mercy.” Arcane, Season One, Episode 8: “Oil and Water”

Caitlyn:We’ll make a new plan. We have to try.
Vi:We tried. Okay? it wasn’t enough. Topside and bottom. Oil and water. That’s all there is.
Caitlyn:What about us?
Vi:Oil and water. Wasn’t meant to be.” Arcane, Season One, Episode 8: “Oil and Water”

Silco: Is there anything so undoing as a daughter?” Arcane, Season One, Episode 9: “The Monster You Created”

Vi: You’ve always been a part of this. You just never had to look it in the eye. One dead kid? There’s hundreds more where he came from, thanks to Silco and thanks to people like you who stuck their heads in the dirt.” Arcane, Season One, Episode 9: “The Monster You Created”

Best Jinx Quotes From Arcane

The character of Jinx is a fan favorite from League of Legends, so many players have been excited to learn more about her origins in Arcane. Here are the best quotes by or about Jinx that best portray her backstory and character.


Powder: Why did you leave me?
Vi: Because you’re a jinx!” Arcane, Season One, Episode 3: “The Base Violence Necessary for Change”

“Sisters, right? You can’t live with ’em, can’t stuff ’em back in the ol’ babymaker.” Arcane, Season One, Episode 4: “Happy Progress Day!”

“Sevika? That ogre couldn’t clean a dust bunny with a blowtorch.” Arcane, Season One, Episode 4: “Happy Progress Day!”

“[in a baby voice from gadgets inside a burning tent] Help. In here. Please help me. Help. It’s so hot, please. I’m trapped. I’m a helpless little girl and I’ve set the building on fire. By accident. Totally by accident. Also, I brought this dynamite. Goodbye.” Arcane, Season One, Episode 4: “Happy Progress Day!”

Silco: Jinx!
Jinx: That’s me!
Silco: Half a dozen enforcers, dead! Enforcers! Dead!
Jinx: [smiling] Yeah…
Silco: A building blown to pieces!
Jinx: Oh, yeah. [giggles]
Silco: Do you have any idea what you’ve done?
Jinx: Actually, I do. [hands him an arcane gemstone]. Happy Progress Day! [lets off fireworks]” Arcane, Season One, Episode 4: “Happy Progress Day!”

Silco: I almost drowned in these waters.
Jinx: You told me a million times.
Silco: Vander wasn’t the man you thought he was.
Jinx: Right, he was like a brother to you, and he turned his back and blah, blah, blah. Did I miss anything?” Arcane, Season One, Episode 5: “Everybody Wants To Be My Enemy”

Jinx: Chuck!
Thieram: [startles and drops what he’s holding] Thieram. Uh… my name’s Thieram.
Jinx: Nice try, Chuck. What’s all the hubbub?
Thieram: Uh. Boss wants us to grab someone up.
Jinx: Someone? Anyone? Who are you grabbing?
Thieram: Some girls. I mean, I mean not… I’m not grabbing girls. Oh, other than the… those ones… I guess.
Jinx: Focus. Who are they? Why wasn’t I invited to the party?
Thieram: Uh, I don’t know. They… they got in a fight with Sevika. They did a number on her.
Jinx: Oh really? Which number?” Arcane, Season One, Episode 6: “When These Walls Come Tumbling Down”

“Ten outta ten, toots!” Arcane, Season One, Episode 6: “When These Walls Come Tumbling Down”

“Are you real?” Arcane, Season One, Episode 6: “When These Walls Come Tumbling Down”

Jinx: This is a trick! You’re playing me! Shut up! I’m in no mood.
Caitlyn: We didn’t say anything.
Jinx: I wasn’t talking to you!” Arcane, Season One, Episode 6: “When These Walls Come Tumbling Down”

“Stop calling me that. It’s Jinx now. Powder fell down a well.” Arcane, Season One, Episode 6: “When These Walls Come Tumbling Down”

“You’re a class act, sister. Sister. Thought I missed her. Bet you wouldn’t miss her.” Arcane, Season One, Episode 6: “When These Walls Come Tumbling Down”

Silco: Where have you been, Jinx?
Jinx: Oh, you know. Here, there, chasing down dead ends. And guess what? They’re not all dead.” Arcane, Season One, Episode 7: “The Boy Savior”

“Oh, look who it is! The Boy Savior!” Arcane, Season One, Episode 7: “The Boy Savior”

“[to Vi] Wanna know a secret? Silco thinks he made Jinx, with all his rants and his hard-won lessons. “Excise your doubts, Jinx. Be what they fear, Jinx.” Like everything was the same as when Vander left him. But he didn’t make Jinx. You did.” Arcane, Season One, Episode 9: “The Monster You Created”

“[to Vi] You never left. I always heard you. Shadows in the streets, prickles on the back of my neck. Your voice, pushing me, picking me up when all the colors were black. You’re the reason I’m still alive.” Arcane, Season One, Episode 9: “The Monster You Created”

“[about Silco] He took everything from us. Right here, he stabbed Vander in the back, just like he planned to do with me. All the time saying you abandoned me when he knew the truth. Liar.” Arcane, Season One, Episode 9: “The Monster You Created”

Jinx: [brings out a covered platter and places it on the table] I paid your girlfriend a visit this morning.
Vi: What did you do?
Jinx: I made her a snack.
Vi: Huh? [Jinx slowly lifts the lid] No!
Jinx: Sheesh. [revealing a cupcake] I’m not that crazy.” Arcane, Season One, Episode 9: “The Monster You Created”

Did We Miss Any of Your Favorite Arcane Quotes?

Let us know in the comments below!


The 70+ Best Quotes, Lines & Sayings from Arcane on Netflix (2024)
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