Author: | Subject: Broken City Championship Wrestling (the revival) | ||
mastermind Posts 1134 Mood: No Mood. |
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Broken City Championship Wrestling (the revival)![]() On Christmas Day in 1902 - Dan McLeod defeated Tom Jenkins (via blood poisoning in the right leg) to reclaim the Wrestling Championship of the world. The same holy grail that Gotch & Hackenschmidt would battle for years later. McLeods victory occurred in Worcester and secured Massachusetts as apioneer state in pro wrestling. On Christmas Day 2012 an unprecedented media deal promised to restore the luster and grandeur of pro wrestling to MA- and in the full circle of time since then (Quantum Leap-style) - a new fantasy wrestling organization has arisen to stake claim to that lofty title:BROKEN CITY CHAMPIONSHIP WRESTLING. Founded in part by Paul Bowser (past), Sheldon Goldberg (present) and MSD (future) - BCCW is the premier provingground for fantasy wrestling in the Northeast. What was old is new again as BCCW brings history to life!! ** BROKEN CITY CHAMPIONSHIP WRESTLING ** ** BCCW has 6 recognized championships: ** ** BCCW produces a 2-hour block of programming on the ESPN channel. Commercials come in top-heavy loads throughout the 135 mins or so (with overrun)because matches continue uninterrupted. There are strictly enforced TV time limits of 15 minutes. ** ** Post match protocol calls for the bout winner to be granted a 3-minute interview piece with in-ring correspondent MSD (like Joe Rogan in the UFC,or Larry Nelson on AWA ESPN classic reruns). ** ** William Muldoon is on-screen commissioner. All matches sanctioned by the National Wrestling Alliance. ** Now... Broadcasting to you LIVE from Historic Boston Garden!! ** THIS IS BCCW!! ** ** RINGSIDE COMMENTARY TEAM ** Welcome viewers - introduce the show - "where fantasy wrestling history comes alive" - summarize the championship scenes and discuss the "nocommercial interruption" bylaws. Solie & Striker finish by running down tonight's exciting card - including a BCCW Middleweight Tourney - anda Television title defense!! Stay tuned!! ** CUT TO RING ** __________________________________________________________________________ "Territory Wars Unification fallout" BCCW Heavyweight (formerly �XPW Remixed Boston�) champion SHEAMUS 2012 opens the show with a power-packed promo. He hypes the scene, touts his beltand �fighting champion� ideals and puts over BCCW as the premier proving ground in fantasy wrestling. Then he turns his sight to the Territory Warschampionship, and the controversial events of �XPW Remixed Grand Conjunction� & �NWA Chi-Town Rumble� that changed the fantasy wrestling landscapeforever. Sheamus goes from drawing big cheers to loud boos as he discusses the treachery of new Territory Wars champion Lou Thesz (the Northeastcrowd is 100% of the �Thesz = ultimate heel� mindset). Sheamus spins a �Fantasy Wrestling through Time� yarn about the 1st (and only time) he tangledwith Lou Thesz for the championship before (see XPW Remixed presents �Baptized in Blood II�) - and declares his intention to cash in a championshiprematch! Sheamus dares Lou Thesz come to Boston and put his title up against him!! Crowd roars at the thought! Suddenly - we get the interruptionof a familiar theme song� Enter The exiled miscreant of fantasy wrestling swaggers into Boston Garden with an uncontained arrogance and dripping with cocky machismo. He runs Sheamusand the voraciously-booing audience through his own version of a �Fantasy Wrestling through Time� tale - the one where he beat Sheamus for the XPWRemixed Boston championship! Sheamus entire lineage and title claim is propaganda! An evil agenda between Bowser & Sheamus that Dean Ambrose is hereto expose!! Before things can get too heated we get the entrance of BCCW President Paul Bowser! Paul Bowser With a cool head he takes Dean Ambrose ridiculous claims head on and promises resolution - with a championship match TONIGHT. Dean Ambrose vs.Sheamus for the BCCW HW championship!! CROWD GOES BALLISTIC! But that�s not all - Paul Bowser ups the ante by announcing there WILL BE A TERRITORYWARS CHAMPIONSHIP MATCH on January 28th @ �NEW YEARS EVOLUTION�!!.. and tonight�s championship match will determine the #1 Contender for theTerritory Wars world championship!! Oh my! Sheamus � vs. Dean Ambrose for the BCCW HW championship� with the winner receiving a Territory Wars title match @ �New Years Evolution�!! BCCW is starting with a bang!! STAY TUNED!! ** CUT TO COMMERCIAL ** __________________________________________________________________________ TED ARCIDI vs. TITUS O�NEIL ** Heavyweight Match ** versus Heavyweight grunt-fest to start. Titus O�Neil and his PtP fantasy wresting counterparts (XPW Original KAOS & WCW diva GG) are full of new-ageswagger, color and pizzazz. The massive Ted Arcidi (billed from Boston to maximize his hometown pop) is a record-holding strong man considered to bethe greatest bench presser of all time. Match is short, sweet and more on the �entertainment�-side (masking the in-ring stiffness and deficiencies ofboth men). Ted Arcidi gets to show off his strength moves (including holding Titus AND catching Kaos coming off the top rope to squeeze them bothtogether in his kingkong bear hug!) and wins with a bench-press power slam made extra-impressive by Titus� size. Ted Arcidi has his hand raised invictory and in the few moments he has on the mic post-match puts over his �Boss of the Bench Press� nickname. Winner: TED ARCIDI ** CUT ** __________________________________________________________________________ ** BACKSTAGE INTERLUDE ** �Dead Poets Society� skit - with FabKangs & Genius teaming together to conquer the BCCW 6-Man ranks and Damien Sandow touting his inclusion in theBCCW MW tourney (his match against Colt Cabana is next BCCW TV Episode) ** CUT TO RING ** In-ring entrance of the �Broken City Hooliganz� crew (fronted by �Boston Bad Boy� Tony Rumble). Fresh of his world-conquering tour of the AWA,Rumble has returned home to be recognized as a savior (booo!) His hometown crew consists of Mondo Kleen (aka �Damien Demento�) the Pitbulls andprized centerpiece Chase Del Monte (Territory Wars DEBUT). Rumble & Del Monte (the loud-mouth, smart aleck, humorous heel to balance out the growlingintensity of Kleen & Pitbulls) antagonize the crowd further before we get our inevitable interruption� Enter BCCW 6-Man Tag Team champions� TRULY BAD INTENTIONS ** BCCW 6-Man Tag Team titles ** TRULY BAD INTENTIONS � vs. Commentators put over the 6-Man concept unique to BCCW and how the tag-team is pro wrestling�s first �gimmick match�. Chase Del Monte & Tony Rumblekeep the fans engaged at ringside while power moves are exchanged in the ring (Ciampa - the smallest of the 6 - wrestles 50 lbs heavier anyway). TBIshow their devastation and prove who really runs the East Coast tag team scene. Post match (similar to his antics at XPW Remixed �GrandConjunction�), Tommaso Ciampa pisses away all the goodwill earned in the match by shitting on the local Boston-area fans. He claims they�re notworthy to witness this greatness - and that TBI doesn�t belong to Boston it belongs to the world! All hail to their mysterious sensei! It is uponthat advice Tommaso Ciampa declares his entry into the BCCW MW Tourney - effective next BCCW TV Episode! Stay tuned! Winners (and STILL BCCW 6-Man Tag Team champions): TRULY BAD INTENTIONS ** CUT ** ** BACKSTAGE INTERLUDE ** Clubhouse skit of the biker gang ACES & EIGHTS having a meeting. They are fronted by D-VON DUDLEY who assumes the primary speaking role. They aregoing to make an impact in BCCW and begin by choosing their first target (throws dart at an off-screen dartboard)... after it lands the group ofmasked men all break out in evil laughter... ** CUT ** __________________________________________________________________________ ** BCCW Middlweight Championship Tourney ** [color=orange]A new weight class-specific championship unique to BCCW. Similar to the classic IC title it is seen as the "workmans championship"- but by no means is it considered secondary. Real world fighters like Jon Jones, Anderson Silva and BCCW-contracted GSP prove that weightisn't a measure of your dopeness, live gate potential or championship greatness. BCCW is instituting a special invite-only 8 man tourneyfeaturing the greatest Middleweights in fantasy wrestling history - winner becomes the 1st BCCW MW champion @ "NEW YEARS EVOLUTION"!! ** CUT TO RING ** ROB VAN DAM (2006) versus ALBERTO DEL RIO (2011) Hype package and tale of the tape for both men. Segment also starts the tradition of a new BCCW feature - the "Fantasy Wrestling Through History"video time capsule (attention is paid to a previous championship match between RVD & ADR - a US title match @ WCW Starrcade 2011 (LBoggs) that was wonby ADR with a top-rope arm breaker). Million-dollar entrance for ADR, complete with Ricardo introductions that cover ADR�s reigns as XPW RemixedWorld and TV champion. RVD enters last to arguably the loudest pop of the night. His 4:20 shtick is massively-over in Medical MarijuanaMassachusetts. Intense match between the two to rival Steamboat/Savage WMIII or Miz/Kofi Kingston from WWE Main Event, complete with numerous nearfalls. Things seem to be lining up at the end for a similar finish to Starrcade - with RVD being caught on the top rope by ADR for an arm breaker� but RVD manages to kick ADR off the top rope at the last moment, sending him crashing to the mat - where he finishes the Mexican aristocrat off withhis 5-star frogsplash. �RVD!!� chants abound. Winner: RVD 4:20 During the customary post-match promo, RVD is distracted by Ricardo Rodriguez and attacked from behind by ADR - who snaps a cross armbar on him!! Refs have a tough time prying ADR off, and he winds up leaving RVD a tangled, twisted mess on the canvas. Play ADR�s music instead and we�reout� ** CUT ** __________________________________________________________________________ GORGEOUS GEORGE (w/ Gentleman Tornado) Miz TV entrance (full wresting gear) and he cuts a pre-match promo (alluding to his friendly past with Human Tornado and disgusted by his new role inservitude). Enter the King of Ratings and �Human Orchid� (with his new, friendly �Gentleman Tornado� valet) GORGEOUS GEORGE! We get the whole pomp &circumstance of his entrance (including red carpet roll-out, white glove inspection of the ring ropes and a spray of �Chanel #10� from GentlemanTornado). Shades of Roddy Piper trying to liberate Virgil from the Million Dollar Man, but Gentleman Tornado proves he�s ready to stay. In what*appeared* to be slightly reluctant fashion, Human Tornado looked like he was gonna spray Gorgeous George in the eyes with disinfectant - only to hitand blind Miz instead. Neckbreaker from George seals the deal. Get his robe, play his music and listen to the man regale you with tales of hisgreatness and how he will come to dominate the BCCW MW Tourney! Winner: GORGEOUS GEORGE ** CUT ** The tournament to crown BCCW's 1st Middleweight champion continues next BCCW TV Episode: John Morrison vs Tommaso Ciampa STAY TUNED!! ** CUT ** __________________________________________________________________________ ** BACKSTAGE INTERLUDE ** BCCW VP Sheldon Goldberg meets backstage with Sheamus. Sheldon is nervous about any shenanigans Ambrose may pull in the main event tonight, butSheamus is confident he can handle himself. None the less, Shelden Goldberg is employing the use of a very special "Ringside Enforcer" fortonight's main event match... Introducing STEVE "CRUSHER" CASEY Irish sports legend and Hall of Famer! The two Irish soldiers Casey & Sheamus come eye to eye for the first time with the crowd exploding with cheers in the background. It is tense andneither man blinks, until Sheamus breaks out in a light smirk and says "put 'er dare pal" (extends handshake). We then realize they are olddrinking buddies who promise to toast one tonight for fallen comrade Danno O'Mahoney (RIP) ** CUT TO RING ** �Flyest in all the Land� BLKJeez � promo putting himself over and officially introducing the BCCW Flyweight championship (�fly� in this case meaning extra-ill, beyondreproach). His corporate thug bragging (complete with white man�s suit & tie get up) draws the public ire of longtime associate turned rival RUCKUS(who gets the crowd pleasing, Black-n-Mild smoking entrance). Ruckus rebuts BLKJeez on the; mic, only to be interrupted by Paul London & BrianKendrick! Paul London speaks for himself, and says they weren�t the only two there when Flyweight �Best of the Best� history was written (see XPWRemixed presents �Grand Conjunction�) - he was too! Everybody is in the ring now and things are getting tense, when suddenly� Enter CROWN JEWELS (Debut!!) Glam-train gets the vainglorious entrance and incredulous reaction from the other grapplers. Introducing Mr Fabulous Tony Ulysses, �Adorable� AdrianAdonis & Elia Markopoulos! There are humorous, sassy retorts by all 6 men culminating in a special 6-man tag team challenge for BCCW on FX (debut!):Ruckus, Paul London & Brian Kendrick versus Crown Jewels! Winner gets a Flyweight Championship match! (if Crown Jewels win = Elia gets shot� ifRuckus/London/Kendrick win, whoever earns the final decision gets the shot - leading to all kinds of conspiratorial speculation as to whether the goodguys will be able to co-exist as a team with this provision). Tune in to the debut Episode of BCCW on FX to find out! Ruckus, Paul London & Brian Kendrick vs. Crown Jewels! ** BCCW on FX ** ** CUT ** __________________________________________________________________________ �Mega Brawl Spectacular� On January 28th BCCW will hold it's 1st PPV extravaganza: "NEW YEARS EVOLUTION"!! At the event we will be hosting a 20-man Invitational"Mega Brawl" battle royal for the right to crown a new #1 contender! No weight limits! No rules! No guarantees! Some of the confirmedparticipants include: Headhunterz (w/ Tamina) and returning to Boston: ** Only @ "NEW YEARS EVOLUTION"!! ** Stay tuned!! ** CUT ** __________________________________________________________________________ ** BCCW Television Title ** MARK HENRY � w/ Buddy Rogers w/ Heavily-hyped rematch helps exhibit the �bringing history to life� byline of BCCW. Former fantasy wrestling stablemates joined in potent ional butripped apart by jealousy. This is their rematch from �XPW Remixed presents Grand Conjunction�. Matt Morgan (2012) enters literally wearing a pieceof history (the actual robe Hulk Hogan wore at Shea Stadium when he battled Andre the Giant) - Mark Henry (2011) enters with the nefarious �NatureBoy� Buddy Rogers by his side (his crooked referee decision at �Grand Conjunction� helped Henry retain the TV title). Stiff, brutal affair that putsover Mark Henry�s �Worlds Strongest Man� claims with some impressive power moves on the giant Matt Morgan. Buddy Rogers uses only his mouth as adistraction, but it�s enough to get Morgan to take his eye of the ball for one moment (grabbing Rogers by his collar and attempting to hoist him intothe ring). Mark Henry blindsides him, and winds up using a sick running power slam that puts Morgan THROUGH one of the ringside fan barricades! Brief (edited) �HOLY S***� chant breaks out. Mark Henry reenters the ring, and Buddy Rogers helps keep Morgan down long enough to register acount-out victory for his man. Mark Henry retains his TV title via count-out (boos from the disappointed audience). Post match, Rogers & Henry onlyget a few words out before another skirmish with Morgan erupts. This time, both Henry & Rogers double-team Matt Morgan and make sure he doesn�t getup - �Nature Boy� Buddy Rogers leaves him hanging in a ringpost Figure-4 until the �Blueprints� leg actually snaps! Winner (and STILL BCCW TV champion): MARK HENRY Mark Henry & Buddy Rogers put Matt Morgan on the "Injured Reserve" list with a brutal postmatch beating. ** CUT ** __________________________________________________________________________ �Undisputed Woman�s Wrestling Champion of the World� Big-time wrestling hype package/highlight reel illustrating Mildred Burke�s rise to the top of the Territory Wars mountain. BCCW Commissioner WilliamMuldoon makes his on-screen debut to proudly introduce the champion. The Undisputed Woman�s wrestling champion of the world Mildred Burke gets a fewmoments in-ring (classy casual-wear) to soak in the adulation and thank her sponsors, training partners (including Rowdy Ronda Rousey) and fans. Butall the glad-handing and female empowerment love-fest comes to a screeching halt with the interruption of� SABLE 1999 (w/ Annie Social)!! Catty, sassy, bitchy retort from Sable (who flaunts a warped, �Cruel Intentions�/Beautiful People/Lay-Cool vibe with partner Annie Social). Sablethinks *SHE* deserves a chance to reclaim the title that rightfully belongs to her - the Woman�s championship! But that brazen challenge onlyconjures even more fantasy wrestling trouble on the horizon� Enter Cheers arise for the Diva of the Decade, as she goes head-to-head on the mic with her fantasy wrestling counterparts. Trish sells her case so hardand with a groundswell of fan support, that Commissioner Muldoon has no choice but to step in to quell the commotion and make a ruling: ** #1 Contenders Match ** Sable (1998) versus Trish Stratus (2006) Only on BCCW on FX I All three woman (w/ Social & Muldoon in the background) go face to face (and chest to chest) in the ring as the commentators cover this development! Oh my, BCCW hosts the female fantasy wrestling match of the decade! Tune in to the debut episode of BCCW on FX! ** CUT TO COMMERCIAL ** __________________________________________________________________________ ** BCCW Heavyweight Championship ** ** Territory Wars #1 Contender Match ** SHEAMUS (2012) � versus DEAN AMBROSE (2014) Another BCCW-specific �Fantasy Wrestling Through History� video time capsule - this one encapsulating the once-raging war between Sheamus & Ambrosethat was always left still smoldering. It was Dean Ambrose and his crooked Black Army connections that stripped Sheamus of his title, disgraced hisheritage and banished him from XPW Remixed. It was that XPW Remixed Boston title that fractured into this BCCW HW championship. After theunscrupulous �screwing� of Sheamus, he and Paul Bowser refused to recognize the title change and left the Territory with the belt. They used thatBoston title claim and lineage to help create the foundation of the new BCCW. But now, with Paul Bowser staking claim to the XPW Remixed videolibrary - history is written by the winner. Dean Ambrose is not officially recognized as an ex-champion, and aims to right this discrepancy tonight. Special ringside enforcer Steve �Crusher� Casey enters first to huge hometown pop. He stays on the outside and monitors the fight from afar. Bigtime wrestling main event match between the two timeline rivals Sheamus & Ambrose. They flaunt an aggressive style you will see highlighting WWE Raw& Smackdown! Events in the future. Special enforcer Steve "Crusher" Casey Sheamus has the advantage so Ambrose slinks away� until he resorts to vicious chicanery to gain the upper hand. In the end we get a ref bump,necessitating the intervention of ringside enforcer CRUSHER CASEY. He stops Dean Ambrose from using a steel chair in desperation, and draws the�James Dean of Death Match wrestling� eternal ire. Ambrose begins arguing vehemently with Steve Casey, even pushing and poking him in the chest. Casey teases some good old boxing hand skills, but stays gentleman enough not to engage. But he DOES turn around to prevent Sheamus from rushing inand gaining an unfair advantage as well (showing his parity). Casey is backing Sheamus up into a neutral corner, when Ambrose decides to strike frombehind! He picks up the steel chair weapon and advances on Casey, fully intent on SMASHING him from behind! But Sheamus spots him - shoves Casey outof harms way - and catches Ambrose in a �White Noise� Emerald fusion! To growing fan aplomb, Sheamus pounds his chest and sets up his finisher. Ambrose staggers to his feet and gets SPIKED with a running brogue kick! Steve Casey goes in to count the pinfall himself! 1!.. 2!.. 3!! Sheamuspins Ambrose! Crowd explodes! Both old time Boston legends embrace in the ring and Casey shows deference by holding the BCCW HW champion�s arm aloftin victory! Winner: SHEAMUS Postmatch - the union of Sheamus & Casey draws huge cheers from the predominantly Irish-catholic crowd! They're posing and slapping handswith the fans, when darkness falls over the building... emerging slowly from the entrance ramp - suit, coat & smile - is STRANGLER LEWIS!! Theformer XPW Remixed President - now Territory Wars champion manager - is slowly applauding Sheamus victory with an all-knowing smirk upon his face. Commentators hype the occasion - wonder aloud about the Stranglers appearence - and sign us off with a reminder to tune into BCCW on FX I!! Fade outon the cross-arena staredown between Strangler & Sheamus... Sheamus will get a Territory Wars championship match @ "NEW YEARS EVOLUTION"!! But Strangler Lewis is never far behind... what nefarious schemes have he cooked up this time!?!? Stay tuned to find out!! ** FADE OUT ** ORDER of SEGMENTS 1) History & Intro __________________________________________________________________________ ** Territory Wars Championship match!! ** ** 20 Man Catchweight Battle Royal for a Title Shot! ** ** BCCW Middleweight championship FINALS ** BROKEN CITY CHAMPIONSHIP WRESTLING is back... | |||
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mastermind Posts 1134 Mood: No Mood. |
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BCCW Fight Night on FX I![]() ** BROKEN CITY CHAMPIONSHIP WRESTLING ** ** BCCW has 6 recognized championships: ** ** BCCW produces a 70-minute block of programming on the FX channel (with commercial ads for NWA Worldwide FX on Fridays). Commercials come intop-heavy loads throughout because matches continue uninterrupted. There are strictly enforced TV time limits of 15 minutes. BCCW "Fight Night onFX" is obviously inspired by UFC events of the same name, but also shares similarities with WWE Main Event (in that one particular "main event"match is hyped throughout the show). Tonight it is the #1 contender match between Sable & Trish Stratus. ** ** Post match protocol calls for the bout winner to be granted a 3-minute interview piece with in-ring correspondent MSD (like Joe Rogan in the UFC,or Larry Nelson on AWA ESPN classic reruns). ** ** William Muldoon is on-screen commissioner. All matches sanctioned by the National Wrestling Alliance. ** Now... Broadcasting to you from Historic Boston Garden!! ** THIS IS BCCW!! ** ** RINGSIDE COMMENTARY TEAM ** Striker & Solie speak on the BCCW Flyweight, Middlweight (uncrowned) and undisputed woman's wrestling championship that are all set to bestaples of this exciting one-hour show. We rundown the line-up of what we're going to see tonight, including some important Territory Warsdebut, a 5-team Scramble match & a Flyweight #1 Contender bout! Stay tuned!! ** CUT TO RING ** __________________________________________________________________________ CROWN JEWELS vs. BCCW Flyweight champion BLKJEEZ is in the building, assuming guest commentary duties alongside Solie & Striker. He is arrogant, ignorant andstraight-up jealous of the all the critical acclaim these men are getting on the back of his work. The Crown Jewels (Mr Fabulous & Elia Markoupolusmaking their Territory Wars debut) alongside �Adorable� (or sometimes they call him �Playboy�) Adrian Adonis are the hottest new heel act in BCCW. Parts Billy & Chuck mixed with Christopher St Connection (but not as blatant) with overtones of Adrian Street � the Crown Jewels are instantlydeplorable. Their opponents for the night (Paul London, Ruckus & Brian Kendrick) have no problem garnering the cheers against them. But they do haveissues coexisting after time. Match stipulation states whoever gains the decision for his team becomes Flyweight #1 contender � and whenever the goodguys have things in hand � they wind up sabotaging each other. Ruckus will pull London off a pin. Or Kendrick and Ruckus argue a move instead offinishing the match. Until the bad guys eventually take back over, with Elia being the workhorse of the team (and taking all the punishment). In theend � a combination of moves upon Elia results in all 3 of his opponents landing upon him in pinfall position! The ref shrugs his shoulders and makesthe count! 1!.. 2!.. 3!! The Crown Jewels have been defeated! But who pinned Elia?? Neither the ref, the ring announcer or the 3 wrestlers in thering can agree on the outcome. Fans are subtly encouraged to cheer for who they think should have won (ala Hart/Luger or Cena/Batista Royal Rumblematches). Paul London seems the obvious choice. But once again, Flyweight champion BLKJEEZ is so offended by the �THIS IS AWESOME!� chants thatbroke out that he winds up trying to blindside the good guys with his title belt! But they see him coming, and one-by-one Ruckus, London & Kendrickexecute a series of moves before combining to eject BLKJEEZ from the ring for good! The one thing they CAN agree on! Winners: PAUL LONDON, RUCKUS & SPANKY __________________________________________________________________________ DICK SHIKAT versus �DUKE of DORCHESTER� (debut) ** Catchweight Bout ** versus Introducing �The Combination� - a lethal new force in BCCW featuring Prohibition-era shooter Dick Shikat - Mafiosa Sicilian Tony Altomare -and localarea Boston talent �The Enforcer� Axl Keegan (aka �Max Bauer�). The German Dick Shikat takes point man and speaks briefly to the booing audience fromin the ring. �The Combination� shouts out the names of affiliates like Owney Madden, Frankie Carbo & Eddie Quinn (alluding to the Dino Bravo thing). So �The Combination� appears to be mobbed up - and because of that fear factor they can�t get no competition. Therefore Dick Shikat is throwing out acatch weight open challenge to anybody in the back - with his �Mega Brawl� entry up for incentive! Turns out the only man brave (or �foolish�) enoughto accept Dick Shikat�s challenge (even with the �Mega Brawl� slot open) is local hometown scrub/hero Pete Doherty. The �Duke of Dorchester� is to MAwhat classic Brooklyn Brawler was to his borough (an unabashed sentimental favorite). Unfortunately Doherty doesn�t last long against the stiflingscientific skills of Shikat (most of which draws loud �boos� and �boring!� chants from the crowd) and submits to a crossface chickenwing. Winner (by submission): DICK SHIKAT The Combination" �The Combination� gets to straighten their ties and put over their vaguely-Mafiaso gimmick, before setting up Pete Doherty for their coup de�grace� �the kiss of death�. Tony Altomare & Axl Keegan erect a chair in the ring and rest the �Duke of Dorchester�s� head on the seat in kneeling position. Then Dick Shikat advances upon him with a second steel chair, intent on crushing Doherty�s skull like a walnut. But before they can - NECRO BUTCHERrun-in! The Xtreme madman (and fellow Mega Brawl contestant) goes hardcore on �The Combination� with steel chair shots, chops and insane head butts -driving them all from the ring! Necro Butcher pounds his own head with the chair and stomps around the ring, driving the crowd into a frenzy! Anirate Shikat (shouting profanities in his German accent) and crew are forced to flee and regroup! BCCW presents �Mega Brawl� Only @ �NEW YEARS EVOLUTION�!! *** CUT *** __________________________________________________________________________ HEATH SLATER (w/ 3MB) vs. WEEDMAN ** Middleweight Triple Threat Match ** versus versus Davis in the ring. 3MB get their rawked-out entrance, only to be outshined by Weedman's rap-related, marijuana-infused walkout. Exciting 3-wayhigh on personality and comedic combinations. In the end Weedman blows a puff of smoke in Davis face (like Muta's blinding mist) only to haveSlater steal upon him from behind and deliver his finisher for the pin. Slater covers everybodys favorite pot dealer for the victory beforeinstigating his countdown beatdown with his bandmates Jinder Mahal & JC Ice Baby. Winner: HEATH SLATER ** CUT ** __________________________________________________________________________ �Introducing� Introductory vignette on the newest sensation to grip the Territory Wars universe - GUS SONNENBERG. A former NWA champion, this athletic thoroughbredcame from the rough-and-tumble world of the NFL (yes, football) and even won an NFL championship (1938 - Providence Steamrollers). George Clooney�Leatherheads�-style. He�s coming to the BCCW Flyweight division to reinvent his career and make his Territory Wars fantasy wrestling DEBUT!! Nextweek on �BCCW Fight Night on FX�!! ** CUT ** __________________________________________________________________________ MCMG vs. GENME vs. USO�s vs. CRYME TYME 2.0 vs� ** Tag Team Scramble Match ** A mash-up of Wargames and Gauntlet matches - two teams start with a new one joining the fray every 3 minutes. Uso's & GenME start, butUso's are still selling injuries and job to the cocky GenME duo in under 3 mins. That gives the young bucks a few moments to antagonize thecrowd further and get them ready for the Detroit-sized POP the MCMG receive when they enter #3! Cryme Tyme #4! All 3 teams are going at it TornadoTag-style, when the 4th and final entrants arrive... THE ELIMINATORS!! Big-time wrestling hometown pop for the pair of Saturn & Kronus as theygo right to work - Beantown ass-whooping time. GenME eliminate MCMG after some chicanery, but the young buck pretty boys fall victim to the bigger,badder Eliminators and soon GenME is eliminated as well. That leaves the Eliminators and Cryme Tyme to write a wild tag-team brawl (reminscent of theold ECW Eliminators vs Gangstaz matches of yore). CT2.0 had been performing a "Total Elimination"-like move as their finisher dejour, but findthemselves on the wrong end of the real thing tonight. Brooklyn doesn't get too much love in Red Sox country, and JTG is put down for thecount. Eliminators win in their BCCW debut!! Winners: ELIMINATORS ** CUT ** __________________________________________________________________________ SABLE (1999) versus TRISH STRATUS (2006) �Fantasy Wrestling through History� video time capsule to start - including the series of bouts Sable & Trish Stratus had in XPW Remixed. In theraunchy, Xtreme, hyper-sexualized world of XPW Remixed, Sable and her Playboy-spread won that feud decisively. But here, the natural baby face TrishStratus shines on the BCCW stage. She out battles Sable so much, that her �L Word�-like partner Annie Social is forced to intervene! With Sable &Social trying to double-team Trish, we finally get the run-in of hometown favorite ALEXXIS NEVAEH! There are some that would come to expect a swerve,but instead Alexxis goes right after Social and staves her off - allowing her mentor Trish Stratus (who beat Alexxis one-on-one at XPW Remixed GrandConjunction) to springboard bulldog Sable for the pin!! Trish is the new #1 contender! Winner: TRISH STRATUS Post match, Alexxis & Trish rejoice and regroup - only to be blindsided by a mystery woman! It is the dark-haired, International vixen AKSANA(2012)! Together - Aksana, Sable & Annie Social stomp down the baby face duo� until the crowd-roaring run in save of BCCW Woman�s champion MILDREDBURKE! She cleans house, and with the help of a recovered Trish & Alexxis disposes of the bad girls for good! Sable, Social & Aksana are sentscattering to lick their wounds� but not before Sable grabs a housemic and lays down a 6-woman tag team challenge NEXT WEEK on Fight Night! Burke,Trish & Alexxis agree! It�s on!!! Mildred Burke �, Trish Stratus & Alexxis Nevaeh ** Next BCCW Fight Night on FX!! ** Stay tuned!! ** FADE OUT ** __________________________________________________________________________ | |||
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mastermind Posts 1134 Mood: No Mood. |
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BCCW TV Episode #2![]() ** BROKEN CITY CHAMPIONSHIP WRESTLING ** ** BCCW has 6 recognized championships: ** ** BCCW produces a 2-hour block of programming on the ESPN channel. Commercials come in top-heavy loads throughout the 135 mins or so (with overrun)because matches continue uninterrupted. There are strictly enforced TV time limits of 15 minutes. ** ** Post match protocol calls for the bout winner to be granted a 3-minute interview piece with in-ring correspondent MSD (like Joe Rogan in the UFC,or Larry Nelson on AWA ESPN classic reruns). ** ** William Muldoon is on-screen commissioner. All matches sanctioned by the National Wrestling Alliance. ** Now... Broadcasting to you LIVE from Campanelli Stadium in BROCKTON MA!![/color] ** THIS IS BCCW!! ** ** RINGSIDE COMMENTARY TEAM ** LIVE from Campanelli Stadium in Brockton, home of the Brockton Rox baseball team and site of live MMA events and concerts! Tonight it plays hostto BCCW and it's legendary assortment of fantasy wrestling talent! TONIGHT - the Tournament to crown the 1st ever BCCW Middlweight championcontinues... epic-level Boston-area strongman Ted Arcidi attempts a WORLD RECORD PRESS... and 5-Star MIZ TV has a very special guest - you'vegot to see it to believe! Let's get right to the action!! ** CUT TO RING ** __________________________________________________________________________ ** MIZ TV ** Miz opens up the show, hypes up viewers, and summarizes our next guests nefarious achievements (including swindling companies out of millions andstealing the Territory Wars world championship) - introducing STRANGLER LEWIS! featuring STRANGLER LEWIS!! Miz & Lewis have a little t�te-�-t�te, each outdoing the other with equal amounts smarmy aplomb. Miz questions him about the ending to XPW GrandConjunction and NWA�s Chi-Town Rumble, when Lewis� guy Lou Thesz plowed through John Cena & Dusty Rhodes on consecutive nights to claim the 1stundisputed Territory Wars WORLD title. But before Strangler Lewis can get too in depth and applaud himself further, we are interrupted by a familiartheme song� Enter DEAN AMBROSE The walkout of Dean Ambrose is captured in all its paranoid intensity, as the �James Dean of Death Match Wrestling� crashes the set. He has sometaunts for Miz before zeroing in on Strangler Lewis. Dean Ambrose has some chilling subliminals for the Strangler (alluding to their past workingrelationship gone awry), but surprisingly - he isn�t here to confront Strangler - he�s here seeking forgiveness! Crowd boos and even Miz rolls hiseyes at Dean Ambrose public pitch to rejoin Strangler�s side. Ed Lewis is receptive to the ego boosting, as Ambrose uses a similar speech as Gyp inBoardwalk Empire when he convinced Joe Masseria to let him move against Nucky Thompson & Arnold Rothstein (�people call you Ed Lewis the don� butwhen I�m done they will call you �King�)� Miz cuts them off and before Strangler can retort, we get our final interuption� SHEAMUS & CRUSHER CASEY!! Sheamus (primary speaking role) and Crusher drop baby face gems on Strangler - about his illegal rackets and ultimately - the entire dissolution ofXPW Remixed! Strangler Lewis destroyed his own federation! But Strangler Lewis only laughs in retort - he�s privy to some insider information, andknows for a fact Paul Bowser has bitten off more than he can chew in the talent accusation department� Strangler Lewis begins to explain his crypticcomments further with his own version of a �Fantasy Wrestling Through History� tale - starting at XPW Remixed presents (Another) Halloween in Hell� the night Rob Black made his triumphant return to fantasy wrestling and announced his prized free agent signing. A trio of men so unholy - so Xtreme- so vile and devastating - they will alter the course of Territory Wars future forever. These contracts were part of the XPW Remixed fire sale� andNEXT WEEK� but before Strangler Lewis can divulge anymore information we get our final interruption: BCCW President PAUL BOWSER Mr Bowser acknowledge what Lewis speaks is true, and that no amount of legal wrangling can forestall the debut of this mysterious fantasy wrestling3-pack much longer� but for tonight - this is BCCW and Strangler Lewis is just an unwanted guest! Therefore he makes the following decree - Sheamus& Crusher Casey team up TONIGHT - against Dean Ambrose & Strangler Lewis! If the Strangler refuses competition he is forbidden from attending anyBCCW events in the future! But Strangler Lewis just breaks out in a smile at the challenge. He loves challenges. Lewis leans over to Ambrose andtells him �you�ll have my answer tonight� (RE: Ambrose pleas to rejoin the Stranglers good graces)� Sheamus & Crusher Casey vs. Dean Ambrose & Strangler Lewis!! ** TONIGHT ** Stay tuned!! ** CUT ** __________________________________________________________________________ MCMG vs. GENME vs. CRYME TYME Shelley/Sabin win in exciting & dynamic fashion. All 3 teams part of some very creative exchanges. But MCMG in their TNA-prime are the clear topdogs tonight. Winners: MOTOR CITY MACHINE GUNS (But their post match promo only lasts as long as it takes for the deadly Tamina Snuka to distract them - and lead her HEADHUNTERZ to the ring fora feeding frenzy! The 400lb + twins crush MCMG with HUGE top-rope moonsaults - before stacking Shelly & Sabin atop a table. Tamina puts them throughit with a Superfly splash. Commentators put over the combined prowess of Tamina and savagery of the Headhunterz as a very potent team) ** CUT ** __________________________________________________________________________ ** BCCW Middleweight championship tourney ** TOMMASO CIAMPA versus JOHN MORRISON versus John Morrison is a huge fan favorite tonight, and wows the viewing audience with an array of dazzling maneuvers. But Tommaso Ciampa is the rock solidring presence; anchoring the middle. After a scintillating exchange to close, Ciampa pulls himself out of a Starship pain attempt (crotching Morrisonon the ropes in return) before countering in an elevated �Project Ciampa� backstabber for the pin (he had been focusing his attack on JMo�s lower backmost of the match). Tommaso Ciampa doesn�t speak much post match (just flaunts his 6-man tag team championship belt) and has more vague mentions ofhis mysterious East Coast sensei that has guided him this far� Tommaso Ciampa = 1st BCCW MW champion!! Winner: TOMMASO CIAMPA ** CUT ** __________________________________________________________________________ ** BCCW Middleweight championship tourney ** DAMIEN SANDOW (w/ Wild Red Berry) versus COLT CABANA w/ Energetic and humorous (in some parts) affair by these former XPW Remixed rivals. Sandow actually *WINS* the match after some Wild Red Berrychicanery... but before he can take his final bow, BCCW Commissioner WILLIAM MULDOON makes his appearence tonight! Muldoon uses video replay toexpose Berry & Sandow�s cheating and restart the match (big cheers!) Sandow & Berry were so caught up complaining about their injustice, that Cabanamanaged to smash the �Intellectual Savior of the Masses� right into his manager (knocking Berry off the apron into the steel guard rail) - and twistSandow up in his Billy Goat�s Curse reverse Boston Crab! Sandow taps out! Crowd explodes! Sandow & Berry go to file a grievance right away! Cabanagets a few moments post match to put over his everyman persona and remind the BCCW fans that dreams do come true! Colt Cabana = 1st BCCW MWchampion!! Winner (official): COLT CABANA __________________________________________________________________________ BCCW presents� �MEGA BRAWL� @ New Years Evolution On January 28th BCCW will hold it's 1st PPV extravaganza: "NEW YEARS EVOLUTION"!! At the event we will be hosting a 20-manInvitational "Mega Brawl" battle royal for the right to crown a new #1 contender! No weight limits! No rules! No guarantees! Some of theconfirmed participants include: Headhunterz (w/ Tamina) and returning to Boston: Cut to brief backstage promos from the following new additions: TITUS O'NEIL ("The Prime Time Playaz have only begun to shine!") "DANGEROUS" DANNY DAVIS ("Bowser & Muldoon ruined my referee career... now I'll ruin their booking!!") and HEATH SLATER!! (3MB, baybeee!!!) ** Only @ NEW YEARS EVOLUTION!! ** Stay tuned!! ** CUT ** __________________________________________________________________________ CHASE DEL MONTE (w/ Tony Rumble) vs. SAMI CALLIHAN ** Mega Brawl Qualifier ** w/ versus Chase Del Monte making his in-ring Territory Wars debut. Sami Callihan has returned from deaths door (aka �a match with Strangler Lewis�) an evenMORE twisted and disturbed individual. He takes all those aggressions out on poor Chase Del Monte tonight. Even Tony Rumble gets double-nogginknocked by Callihan in the battle. Chase is the loudmouth, over-exaggerated comedic heel foil the fans can�t wait to see defiled (including Samismashing his sunglasses and mocking his mannerisms). Sami Callihan has things well in hand - when suddenly, an unknown assailant in the crowd areaCRACKS a beer bottle over his head! Chase Del Monte manages to drag his sorry butt back into the ring at the referees count of 9.5! Sami Callihan iscounted out! Chase & Tony Rumble are elated with their victory, but flee as the next chapter unfolds (forsaking their 3 minute mic time)� Winner: CHASE DEL MONTE The mystery assailant from the crowd is joined by a half dozen other similarly dressed hooligans. They look like masked bikers or HellsAngels/Sons of Anarchy rejects. The refs and BCCW officials can�t stop them, as the bell tolls frantically in the background. The band of menmercilessly beat down Callihan and drag him into the ring, where he is held down and threatened by their leader� the man unmasks to reveal D-VONDUDLEY!! ACES & EIGHTS!! Callihan was the target - D-Von is kind of enough to tell him it�s �nothing personal� - before proceeding to smash Sami into pieces with a hammer! Aces & Eights ship Sami Callihan home on a stretcher and send a louder message than any 3-minute promo ever could have� ** CUT ** __________________________________________________________________________ ** BACKSTAGE INTERLUDE ** The dainty little Sammi Lane happens upon a dour Human Tornado in the backstage area (preparing for his masters arrival). She tries to merrilycheer him up with some encouraging words - but Tornado lashes out instead. He verbally pimp-slaps the hoe like Dolph Ziggler did to AJ on RAW 2012. Except this time it's the worst kind of harsh pimp talk that leaves Sammi aghast and the censors fingers busy (Kat Williams type shit). Then wehear Tornado's master call for him off camera, and he unapologetically leaves Sammi behind to answer.. pimps up hoez down indeed. ** CUT TO RING ** ALBERTO DEL RIO versus ROB VAN DAM ** Mega Brawl Qualifier ** RVD beat ADR on BCCW TV Episode #1 to advance in the MW title tourney - only to fall victim to an ADR post-match attack and armbreaker. Addinggasoline to this match is the "Mega Brawl Qualifer" stipulation (basically a 20-man MitB battle royal), and in an RVD pre-match promo he said heplans on winning the MW title *AND Mega Brawl match @ New Years Evolution and becoming champion in TWO weight classes!) Tonight RVD is game, evendespite his sore arm (a constant focus of ADR) and comes very close to winning on numerous occasions. But the fix is in at the end when RicardoRodriguez AND a strategic run-in from Gentlman Tornado (valet to Gorgeous George Wagner) results in an ADR armbreaker submission! Human Tornadoisn't as joyous as Ricardo is in ADR's victory, but he did his solemn duty nonetheless... postmatch ADR brushes over Gentleman Tornadoscontribution and promises to reign supreme in the Mega Brawl at "New Years Evolution". Winner (by submission): ALBERTO DEL RIO ** CUT ** ** BACKSTAGE INTERLUDE ** Later on ADR & Gorgeous George Wagner are spotted lounging together in their private VIP dressing rooms (with Ricardo & Gentleman Tornado tendingto their every whim). Now we understand the agreement to have Gentleman Tornado interfere in ADR�s match - because George�s opponent next week in thecontinuing MW tourney will be RVD! He wants to make sure Rob Van Dam doesn�t even make it to the arena! Gentleman Tornado & Ricardo Rodriguez gettwin-scolded to end the segment on a humorous note, although Tornado doesn�t look as enthusiastic as Ricardo to be over-lorded. ** CUT ** __________________________________________________________________________ VOODOO MURDERS versus ELIMINATORS ** 6-Man Tag Team Match ** Voodoo Murders are the menacing Far East monster villians, and play their role very well. But tonight is a showcase for the local Eliminators! Conceived as an updated version of the Steiner Bros line of tag team Terminators, Kronus & Saturn achieved the highest glory in the bloodsoaked ranksof ECW Original. Now they are staking a claim to the BCCW 6-Man tag team titles with the debut of their new partner... LOW-KI! Classic ROH SeasonOne Low-Ki, this guy is the closest thing to a real-life ninja (in the immortal words of Kofi Kingston). His size "deficiency" is helped masked inpart by his sizable partners Kronus & Saturn and all 3 men are striking machines (and the Voodoo Murders are just the guys to take those brutal,stiff, unrestrained beatings). Powerful and exciting victory for the new look Eliminators, as the commentators tout their potential. Post matchpromo features Low-Ki assume primary speaking role and putting over their mission to prove themselves in the BCCW 6-Man ranks. Winners: ELIMINATORS ** CUT ** __________________________________________________________________________ �World�s Strongest Man� In what is hyped-up to be an attention-grabbing �WORLD RECORD-BREAKING achievement� - Ted Arcidi (the �World�s Strongest Man�) will be attemptingto break the World Bench Press record LIVE ON BCCW TV! Segment is hosted by backstage correspondent MSD: Enter TED ARCIDI (1985)!! MSD: How did you become interested in weight training? TED ARCIDI: It�s your typical answer: I wanted the strength gains for Football and Ice Hockey. Not too much for Football, but mainly for IceHockey - that was my big thing in High School, in which I made all-league. I needed the bodyweight, the supplementary weight, the strength to competeat a good level for High School sports. It took off from there. I just got addicted to weight training and I made some great gains. My physiqueimproved dramatically. MSD: Now you are recognized by the APF and the UPF as the WORLD RECORD holder in the BENCH PRESS in the 275 lb. class at 650 lbs� and tonight inthe �Super Heavies: you�re attempting an astounding 705 lbs!! Lets discuss some of the tremendous gains you have made in this powerlift� TED ARCIDI: O.K. I have been interested in the competitive aspects of powerlifting since mid 1980 and up to the present time. I have madegains of 100 lbs. a year on the BENCH PRESS alone!!! Then, I went down to 80lbs a year, then I had a few points where I only made 50 to 60 lb. gainsa year. I have this year (late 1984 and early 1985) where I made a 45 lb. gain in the Bench Press. So those are some pretty good gains I have madeduring my training. MSD: To date, what is your best maximum single attempt in the Squat and Deadlift? TED ARCIDI: In the gym, I�ve done 750 lbs in the Squat and in fact, walked out of the rack with over 800 lbs., but I cut it a little high. Inthe Deadlift, I have done about 730 lbs. MSD: Let�s go back to the subject of bodyweight for a minute, and the weight-specific title divisions of BCCW. What bodyweight class do youperform the best in, taking into consideration such necessary factors as appropriate strength levels and existing energy? TED ARCIDI: I�d have to say it�s the SUPER HEAVYWEIGHT CLASS and the 275 lb. class. But mostly super heavyweight, because those added poundsin your shoulder girdle (where you can�t afford to have those added pounds in the shoulder girdle in the 275�s), definitely add leverage to your BenchPress. There�s no two ways about it. I�m built for the 275�s and SUPER HEAVY anyway. I started out 220 and I was in a growing phase and that�s abig mistake a lot of lifters make when they decide what class they want to be in. They choose to rule and they sell themselves too short at whichweight class they�re best competitive. Your body has to fully mature to around age 23 or 24 before you can actually have a set weight class tocompete in for the rest of your life. I went from 200 to 242 to 275. Then, I find myself lifting the most weight in the Super Heavy Weight class. MSD: Do you feel that drugs, and I am talking about steroids, are necessary for promoting exceptional strength gains for a powerlifter? TED ARCIDI: I feel they�re necessary for gaining strength. Especially at a world class level because everyone else is taking them. I�vetried a few, but if they work as well as people have said they work, then I thought I�d be seeing more people benching 700 lbs. I�m the only one inthe 700 lb club right now. I think a lot of it is not the steroids. It�s NUTRITION and REST and a good LIFTING CYCLE and a POSITIVE ATTITUDE and agood, well planned �rep� by �rep� LIFTING CYCLE. ABSOLUTELY!!!! [youtube][/youtube] After much hype, pomp and flattery - Ted Arcidi goes through his routine - MSD narrates the event - and with a huge lift Ted Arcidi breaks theworld record! Boston-area fans CHEER the achievement! MSD: What was going through your mind just moments before and during your monumental effort and SUCCESS with 705 lb. Bench Press? TED ARCIDI: It just happened that I was on so much that I knew I had that little extra reserve in me. I took advantage of it. The crowdhelped me out a lot (big cheer arises). It must have been menthal telepathy when I told everyone that I was going for 700 lbs. after that 678went up. I went out to the crowd and said, �What do you want? Seven hundred, right!!, 700!!� The crowed new the 700 lb. barrier had never beenofficially broken, so they went right on my side. They said, �yeah, yeah, yeah, 700, 700!!� You could hear that crowd of 2000 chant �700, 700,700�... I cracked that last ammonia capsule and I went for a massive 705 lb. Bench Press. I began lowering the weight down. I was shaking a little. My arms were shaking, but the weight was still going down level, that�s what the judges were concerned about. On the way up (it was a ponderousrep), I swear I could hear the whole world ending. I could only see a focal point of light. It was like it was getting darker on the sides of me. It was like the earth was starting to get darker to me. I couldn�t see the spotters anymore, like from the sides of my eyes. The crowd was stillyelling, but they were getting a little distant in their own voices. I couldn�t hear them too well. I barely heard the guy say �PRESS�. It reallyfelt like I would�ve woke up out of a dream. I thought I was going to wake up in heaven, like maybe the bar crushed me or something. It felt likethe end of the world. I�ve heard of mental telepathy, but let me tell you, the crowd must have levitated that bar with their minds because I knowthat while I was in condition to do 705 lbs. anywhere in the world at that given minute, I would not have been able to do it quite as vigorously as Idid!! But somebody else is not so happy... and we get an interruption: Enter BCCW Television champion MARK HENRY (2011)!! He has his superstar agent "Nature Boy" Buddy Rogers with him and they are *NOT* happy. Mark goes hard on the mic, even snatching it out ofMSD's hand and shoving him to the mat. This is classic Mark Henry bully-mode with the weight of his real-world 2011 World heavyweight title tosupport him. Alongside Buddy Rogers, who is the Tony Atlas-to-Henrys WWECW title reign (just replace "mindless braying" with "calculated cigarsmoking"). Mark Henry comes dangerously close to smashing up the entire set and starting a fight with Arcidi, when BCCW VP Sheldon Goldberg isforced to interject. BCCW VP Sheldon Goldberg Henry & Rogers bully the BCCW VP (who is very clearly intimidated) but Ted Arcidi steps in to protect him. The crux of Henry & Rogers argument isthat Mark Henry as BCCW TV champ should have top billing - and they accuse Sheldon Goldberg of using political pawns who couldn't lace up the"World's Strongest Man"s jockstrap! (referring to Arcidi with a cackle, Rogers alluded to him being released from WWF in the first placebecause they didn't want his gimmick to overlap with the returning Ken Patera)... Ego, pride and reputation on the line between all 3 men. Sheldon Goldberg still has the book though, and makes it official: Next week on BCCW TV, Mark Henry � in a strongman contest against Ted Arcidi! Winner earns the true title of �World�s Strongest Man�! Stare down to close as commentators recap! Mark Henry � vs. Ted Arcidi ** Next BCCW TV Episode!! ** ** CUT ** __________________________________________________________________________ NATALYA NEIDHART versus MOTHER-in-LAW versus Leftover from last segment, host & MC MSD was accosted by Mother-in-Law Combat Toyoda who attempted to bully him into submission (again). Whenfinally Natalya Neidhart came to the rescue. Stiff, Japanese-style womans brawl the likes of which you don't typically see in the States. Commentators have time to put over the championship graphics of next BCCW Fight Night on FX II - when the team of Mildred Burke/Trish Stratus/Alexxistake on Sable/Social/Aksana. Mother-in-Law misses and top rope senton and Nattie nearly takes her head off with a spinning lariat for 3. PostmatchNatalya cozies up to interviewer MSD - only to have him reluctantly break it down for her publically. "Look, I can deal with the crazy father thing. I even dealt with the farting. But this thing with the Great Khali (WWE 2013) is just too much!" MSD didn't want to do it here, but he hasto break up with her! She SLAPS him to the canvas (and locks in the Sharpshooter for a few painful moments) before storming off!! Oh MSD, you filthycur! Winner: NATALYA NEIDHART ** CUT ** __________________________________________________________________________ ** Main Event ** SHEAMUS & CRUSHER CASEY vs. STRANGLER LEWIS & DEAN AMBROSE Sheamus & Crusher Casey cut an intimidating sight - twin Irish wrecking machines. Ambrose is the proverbial fantasy wrestling �snake in the grass�,and Strangler Lewis enters last to big-time wrestling hype. Dean Ambrose does the bulk of the work, bumping like a madman to the combined might ofSheamus & Crusher. They clear the ring on multiple occasions and send the forces of evil regrouping. But Sheamus plays the proverbial �babyface-in-peril� when Strangler Lewis takes control of the bout. He grinds the BCCW HW champion out as commentators cover Lewis� �policeman� role forTerritory Wars champion Lou Thesz (aka �the bone-breaking protector�). On commentary, Solie & Striker also speak of this mysterious 3-pack of fantasywrestling talent that came aboard in the XPW Remixed purchase. A trio so dastardly, vile and dangerous even Strangler Lewis had reservations ofputting them on TV. It turns out after much recourse, BCCW is legally bound to honor the commitments of those original contracts (something tells mean ousted Strangler Lewis had alot more to do with this iron-clad contract situation than he's letting on). Not afraid to take a cheap shot ortwo, Ambrose & Strangler retain control until the inevitable �hot tag� to Crusher Casey. The man from the �toughest family on the planet� has DeanAmbrose pinned after an Axe-crusher lariat - but Lewis distracts the referee. In the end, Strangler Lewis uses wit and intelligence to ignite Sheamusraging Irish temper (he yelled at Sheamus that his �pasty-white ass� doesn�t even deserve a Territory Wars title match - using inflammatory racialverbiage like Big Show did Sheamus post-WWE TLC 2012) - to draw him away from combat. Allowing a crafty Dean Ambrose to utilize Lewis own hand-heldsteel chain to BLAST Crusher Casey in the head with an illegal blow! 1!.. 2!.. 3! Lewis & Ambrose use cold calculation & criminal intuition toovercome fiery determination! Further video replay is inconclusive - only speculative. Therefore (reluctantly) the decision will stand. Winners: STRANGLER LEWIS & DEAN AMBROSE Postmatch, Strangler Lewis uses his allotted mic time to run down the BCCW organization and all its adoring fans. Dean Ambrose co-signs thosesentiments and claims the great Lou Thesz will prove how much of a fraud champion Sheamus is @ �New Years Evolution�!! Meanwhile Ambrose himselfcontinues to seek retribution against Crusher Casey for costing him the BCCW HW title (and Territory Wars championship match - see BCCW TV Episode#1). Sheamus tries to bull-rush the ring, but BCCW officials and a dazed Steve Casey keep him at bay. So Strangler Lewis taunts them all, especiallythe BCCW brass (Bowser/S. Goldberg/Muldoon) by promising HELL will be unleashed upon BCCW next week when the AXIS of EVIL debuts!! This must be thetrio of vile fantasy wrestling free agents Bowser has under contract! One last taste of darkness from the proverbial grave of XPW founder Rob Black! Mwahahahahaha!!! Who is this so-called "Axis of Evil"?? How will they lay seige to BCCW? And will Strangler Lewis make sure Sheamus never makes it to his Territory Wars championship match @ "NEW YEARS EVOLUTION"?? Stay tuned to BCCW TV to find out!! ** FADE OUT ** __________________________________________________________________________ ** Territory Wars Championship match!! ** ** 20 Man Catchweight Battle Royal for a Title Shot! ** ** BCCW Middleweight championship FINALS ** ** BCCW Woman's Championship ** and more!! __________________________________________________________________________ Summary of Segments: 1) Intro and show summary __________________________________________________________________________ CREDITS: TED ARCIDI: �Ted Arcidi the boss of the bench press� (1985) By Dennis B. Weis �The Yukon Hercules� ( | |||
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mastermind Posts 1134 Mood: No Mood. |
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BCCW Fight Night on FX II![]() ** BROKEN CITY CHAMPIONSHIP WRESTLING ** ** BCCW has 6 recognized championships: ** ** BCCW produces a 70-minute block of programming on the FX channel (with commercial ads for NWA Worldwide FX on Fridays). Commercials come intop-heavy loads throughout because matches continue uninterrupted. There are strictly enforced TV time limits of 15 minutes. BCCW "Fight Night onFX" is obviously inspired by UFC events of the same name, but also shares similarities with WWE Main Event (in that one particular "main event"match is hyped throughout the show). Tonight it is BCCW Womans champion Mildred Burke teaming up with Trish Stratus & Lexxus to combat the BeautifulPeople union of Sable, Annie Social & Aksana . ** ** Post match protocol calls for the bout winner to be granted a 3-minute interview piece with in-ring correspondent MSD (like Joe Rogan in the UFC,or Larry Nelson on AWA ESPN classic reruns). ** ** William Muldoon is on-screen commissioner. All matches sanctioned by the National Wrestling Alliance. ** Now... Broadcasting to you from Campanelli Stadium in BROCKTON MA: ** THIS IS BCCW!! ** ** RINGSIDE COMMENTARY TEAM ** Commentators welcome viewers to the show and rundown the events of BCCW TV Episode #2 (Ambrose & Strangler Lewis beat Sheamus/Crusher - with EdLewis promising the arrival of a so-called "Axis of Evil" next week). Tonight - the BCCW Flyweight #1 contender controversy is aired out - GusSonnenberg makes his debut - and the BCCW Womans champion is in action with a huge 6-Diva inter-generational main event match! Stay tuned!! ** CUT TO RING ** __________________________________________________________________________ LOW-KI (w/ Eliminators) vs. KAOS (w/ PtP) ** Flyweight Match ** versus w/ Low-Ki kicks Kaos colorful ass in 20 different shades. This is Low-Ki (2003) stepping out onto the solo stage in BCCW, while cementing his�Eliminator� affiliation. Kaos is a worthy and capable foe, offering up a competitive match. But the surge of momentum behind Low-Ki (and his tidalwave kick) ends the match definitely in his favor. See �Low-Ki vs. Jody Fleisch� from ROH Night of Champions 2003 for more inspiration. Post match abrief skirmish is teased between Eliminators (Kronus & Saturn) and the Prime Time Playaz (Titus & Kaos) - and ends quickly with PtP beingunceremoniously ejected from the ring. In his post match interview with MSD (Saturn & Kronus looming ominously behind them) Low-Ki declares his codeof honor and vow to become BCCW champion alongside his Eliminator training partners. ** CUT ** ** BACKSTAGE INTERLUDE ** TNA 2012-ish backstage segment, with Commissioner William Muldoon meeting with Paul London, Ruckus & Brian Kendrick in his office RE: the flyweight #1Contender situation. Finally, BLKJeez � is last to arrive and arrogant and egotistical to boot. But Commissioner Muldoon doesn�t hesitate to remindBLKJeez that the Flyweight champion may have had a lot of stroke with the previous regime - but here in BCCW competition (and not political wrangling)rules supreme. Therefore - William Muldoon has instituted a series of �Beat the Clock� challenges tonight for Ruckus/London/Kendrick - and the manwith the fastest ring victory (10 minute time limit) will earn the BCCW Flyweight title shot @ �New Years Evolution�! Their opponents for tonight� will be BLKJEEZ! What!?! The champ is outraged about being forced to work 3 matches in the same night! The crowd cheers in the background! And thegood guys gleefully embark upon a game of �rock/paper/scissors� to determine who goes first, 2nd and 3rd! Gauntlet �Beat the Clock� challenge for theBCCW Flyweight #1 Contendership� TONIGHT! ** CUT ** __________________________________________________________________________ MOTHER-in-LAW & TAMINA (w/ Headhunterz) The savage twins (Tamina & Combat) ruin Wendi Richters BCCW debut with their victory. Nattie & Wendi look good (in action too), but the ominouspresence of the Headhunterz at ringside is enough to sway evil momentum against them. See Alundra Blayze and crew lose to unheralded foreigner AjaKong at Survivor Series 1995 for inspiration. Commentators also hype the 1st appearence of the "Axis of Evil" (a superpower team combined by XPWfounder Rob Black before being banished from fantasy wrestling). They are slated to make their debut on the next Episode of BCCW TV! Stay tuned! Combat powerbomb followed by Tamina splash for the finish. Post match, Tamina promises all kinds of doom and gloom upon BCCW from her crew of fantasywrestling savages... Winners: TAMINA & MOTHER-in-LAW ** CUT ** __________________________________________________________________________ ELIA MARKOUPOLUS vs. GUS SONNENBERG (debut!!) ** Flyweight Match ** w/ versus Enter �Crown Jewels� (manager and mouthpiece Mr Fabulous Tony Ulysses feat. �Playboy� Adrian Adonis & Elia �the Statement� Markoupolus. Theiruncomfortable type of suggestive chivalry serves as fodder tonight for the debut of heavily-hyped BCCW superstar GUS SONNENBERG. All his pro footballand local area-connections are highlighted on commentary and Gus sends a definitive and powerful opening statement with his victory tonight. Hecrushes Elia with the �Providence Steamroller� (a combination �Pounce� (Monty Brown) / �Spear� (Goldberg) that�s highly impressive in its ferocity andvelocity) to finish. Think CM Punk debuting in ECW against Justin Credible in 2006. Post match Gus is grateful to be here and eager to prove himselfbefore the Territory Wars universe! Crowd cheers! Winner: GUS SONNENBERG ** CUT ** ** BCCW Middleweight Tourney continues next week ** Tommaso Ciampa vs Colt Cabana ** STAY TUNED to BCCW TV Episode #3!! ** ** CUT ** __________________________________________________________________________ 3MB versus BROKEN CITY HOOLIGANZ ** 6-Man Tag Team match ** Showcase match for the BCCW 6-man tag team ranks, with the wild-and-wooly, rough-around-the-edges Hooliganz crew tangling with the ostentatious 3MBtrio. Tony Rumble is such an infuriating force at ringside that he always retains heat for his team, no matter the outcome. Here - the Pitbulls &Mondo Kleen have their way with 3MB most of the match (tossing JC Ice Baby in particular around with reckless abandon) but in the end, a miscue withTony Rumble and his Boston Bruins helmet leads to Pitbull #2 getting whacked with the weapon and pinned by JC Ice Baby (think Nastys vs. HartFoundation WM7). 3MB get to rawk out post match, play a little air guitar (�air sitar� in Mahals case) while Heath Slater toots their own tag teamhorn! 3MB, baybeee!! Winners: 3MB ** CUT ** ** World's Strongest Man Challenge ** Mark Henry and Ted Arcidi go head-to-head in a series of strongman challenges on the next Episode of BCCW TV! Stay tuned!! (normally we throw ads infor NWA TV on Friday nights as well... BUT... haven't seen an NWA TV Episode yet this year!! ** CUT ** __________________________________________________________________________ ** �Beat the Clock� challenge ** [color=red]BLKJEEZ � versus BRIAN �SPANKY� KENDRICK versus Spanky beats BLKJeez at 8:53 with sliced bread #2 after a competitive match (albeit marred by BLKJeez stalling in the beginning). BLKJEEZ � versus PAUL LONDON (2003) versus Paul London beats BLKJeez at 7:12 with a spectacular shooting star press. BLKJEEZ � versus RUCKUS versus Match declared a "draw" at 7:13 when Ruckus failed to beat the clock (even though he had BLKJeez in pinning position before he literally draggedhimself by the ring skirt out of the ring and held onto the ringpost like an orangutan! WINNER: PAUL LONDON Postmatch, London cuts a passionate promo and promises to unseat BLKJeez as the BCCW Flyweight champion. He gets the crowd in his favor, BLKJeezslinks away backstage, and Kendrick & Ruckus rejoin London in the ring to celebrate and shake his hand. ** BCCW Flyweight Championship Match ** BLKJEEZ � versus Paul London BCCW Fight Night on FX III!! NEXT WEEK!! ** Stay tuned!! ** ** CUT ** __________________________________________________________________________ MILDRED BURKE, TRISH STRATUS & ALEXXIS NEVAEH Another BCCW-exclusive �showcase� match featuring the hottest woman�s action in the Territory Wars (with consistency!) The baby face trio of Burke �,Trish & Lexxus get to show off their stuff (with Aksansa mostly playing the foil on the other side) and the commentators get plenty of time to shillthe big �Burke � vs. Stratus� womans championship match @ �New Years Evolution�. Tension mounts between Burke & Trish, with Alexxis having tointercede a few times to quell the commotion. But on one of the last exchanges, things get extra testy between Mildred & Trish - and Alexxis takesher eyes off the bad girls just long enough for them to cheat with the old �bait and switch� routine - turning Lexxus around into an unseen Sable bombfor the pin! Burke & Trish disintegrate as a unit while the sexy trio of Sable, Annie Social & Aksana soak up the boos of their victory! The postmatch interview segment gives Sable a chance to put herself over as the Queen Bee of their little clique and remind Mildred Burke who the *REAL*dominant diva is! Winners: SABLE/SOCIAL/AKSANA ** FADE OUT ** __________________________________________________________________________ | |||
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BCCW TV Episode #3 ("Axis of Evil")![]() ** BROKEN CITY CHAMPIONSHIP WRESTLING ** ** BCCW has 6 recognized championships: ** ** BCCW produces a 2-hour block of programming on the ESPN channel. Commercials come in top-heavy loads throughout the 135 mins or so (with overrun)because matches continue uninterrupted. There are strictly enforced TV time limits of 15 minutes. ** ** Post match protocol calls for the bout winner to be granted a 3-minute interview piece with in-ring correspondent MSD (like Joe Rogan in the UFC,or Larry Nelson on AWA ESPN classic reruns). ** ** William Muldoon is on-screen commissioner. All matches sanctioned by the National Wrestling Alliance. ** Now... Broadcasting to you LIVE from the Dunkin Donuts Center in Providence Rhode Island: ** THIS IS BCCW!! ** ** RINGSIDE COMMENTARY TEAM ** Video intro, pyro and welcome to the show. Solie & Striker warmly greet viewers and divulge tonight�s festivities: World�s Strongest Mancompetition between Ted Arcidi (1985) & BCCW TV Champion Mark Henry (2011)� BCCW Middleweight title tourney continues� in breaking news, DeanAmbrose has been *SUSPENDED* by BCCW for detrimental conduct... and the unholy �Axis of Evil� is scheduled to make its debut tonight. Speaking ofwhich� ** CUT TO RING ** __________________________________________________________________________ ** An Unholy Trio from the bowels of Fantasy Wrestling HELL ** Segment starts with a video propaganda piece produced with the intent of specifying the new �unified vision� of �The Axis� (�of Evil� seemingly addedafter the fact by prejudicial & racist Americans). Introducing to the Territory Wars: HANS SCHMIDT COLONEL DEBEERS LUDVIG BORGA �The Axis of Evil!!� They fall into position in the ring with military precision (shades of a WWF-era Truth Commission) with Hans Schmidt giving the heil salute. Individually they paint a wretched and indignant picture of American society (think �Idiocracy�) and touch on the deep-rooted racial prejudices withinthe Boston & New England area (infamous incidents of note). By the time we get to South African Col DeBeers political manifesto on border intoleranceand illegal aliens there�s no choice but to cut right then and there (with Solie whispering a curt apology about �live TV�)� xxxxxxxxxxxxx When we return from commercial, chaos has broken out in the Dunkin Donuts Center. During break their rant continued - and the segment got so heated,BCCW HW champion Sheamus and local-area legend Crusher Casey tried crashing the set. It resulted in the sea of officials and BCCW security you seebefore you now, holding the two warring factions back. BCCW President Paul Bowser (in a worried, consternated tone) is trying to talk Sheamus out offighting the Axis outnumbered - but the BCCW HW champion wants none of that. With the fans support, Sheamus wants a fight right now!! So thePresident is forced to make a decree� for TONIGHT! Axis of Evil versus Sheamus, Crusher & mystery partner of their choosing! The Axis of Evil wants action - they got it! Tonight they clash with the World champion-caliber team of Sheamus/Crusher Casey� with a mysteryman to be revealed! All part of an evil conspiracy to overthrow BCCW from the top down, with Sheamus & Bowser playing unwitting pawns?? Or does theBCCW HW champ have a surprise in store after all?? STAY TUNED!! ** CUT TO COMMERCIAL ** __________________________________________________________________________ MOTOR CITY MACHINE GUNS vs. HEADHUNTERZ (w/ Tamina) Revenge match from BCCW TV Episode #2 (MCMG victorious in a Tag Team triple threat match - only to be assaulted post match by Tamina and herHeadhunterz). Exciting action-based encounter with the rotund Headhunterz hanging with MCMG on a cruiserweight level (thus making their sizedifferential even more pronounced). In the end, MCMG expert chemistry seems to be taking its toll on the HHz (Tamina is even accidentally knocked offthe apron) and victory seems imminent. Until a surprise run-in shifts the match momentum - allowing a Headhunterz switcheroo and tidal splash finish! Headhunterz (breathless and nearly-beaten) come back for the victory, thanks to recent NWA defector� MIKE AWESOME (!?!?) Winners: HEADHUNTERZ (Postmatch, most of the �speaking� is done by Mike Awesome - when he launches Sabin & Shelley OVER the top ropes through ringside tables with hisAwesome Bomb! - and proceeds to briefly declare war upon BCCW 6-Man Tag Team ranks with his new team! Awesome's time in the NWA (Tazz13) andreal-world runs through FMW & IWA Japan are all summarized on commentary as BCCW prepares for another powerful addition to the 6-Man tag teamranks�) ** CUT ** ** BACKSTAGE INTERLUDE ** Sheamus & Crusher Casey gearing up for main event action tonight, conferring with a nervous BCCW VP Sheldon Goldberg. He is concerned about theirhandicap challenge, but Sheamus assures him things are well in hand. Sheamus just got off the horn with a VIP Fantasy Wrestling superstar who'sjust *DYING* to get his hands on the Axis of Evil. And if there's something left over, maybe a piece of the Strangler too... just then - the"Shaman of Sexy" JOHN MORRISON strolls onto the scene. He has some respectable words for the BCCW HW champion Sheamus and Crusher Casey, evenoffering his services as their partner tonight if things fall through with their mystery partner. The good guys leave with a united front that popsthe fans and reassures Sheldon Goldberg. Main event tonight! Stay tuned!! ** CUT TO RING ** __________________________________________________________________________ AXL KEEGAN vs. GUNNER vs. LORD TENSAI ** Heavyweight Triple Threat match ** vs. NXT versus TNA versus WWE. That's the subtext of this Heavyweight slugfest. Keegan an Indy veteran graduating to NXT status... Phil Shatter toGunner in TNA (and his violent turn in XPW Remixed) and Giant Bernard returning from abroad as the beast called "Lord Tensai". Future potentialexplodes. But there's also an air of uncertainty and failure lingering about. Gunner pretty much vanished from TNA programming, Tensai becamea joke and Axl Keegan *DOES* have Tony Altomare (WWWF jobber to the stars circa 1960s) with him at ringside... nonetheless, the action is stiff andcredible. When for reasons unknown - Tommaso Ciampa appears at ringside. Nary a word is spoken and commentators speculate his motivation. UntilGunner has Tensai hoisted up over his shoulders in F5 position - then Ciampa strikes. He jumps on the apron long enough to pull Tensai's footdown. The momentum swings - Tensai uses a burst of green MIST in Gunners face - and hits his finisher for the pinfall. Post match, Tommaso Ciampastill says nothing... just slinking away backstage, eyes locked on Tensai. Lord Tensai looks intense, and nearly knocks MSD and his mic to the matwhen he approaches with questions. Lord Tensai accepts his victory and stomps backstage. Winner: TENSAI ** CUT ** ** BACKSTAGE INTERLUDE ** 911, this is an emergency. Quick cut backstage, where cameras happen upon the tail-end of a vicious assault. The Axis of Evil has literally stormed the locker room and laidout John Morrison! By the time Sheamus, Crusher Casey and others rush to the scene - it's too late. The Axis of Evil has fled, leaving anunconcious John Morrison to be wheeled out on a stretcher... the fiery Irish tempers of Crusher & Sheamus have only been enflamed further! Theystorm off looking for those Commie bastards RIGHT NOW!! ** CUT TO COMMERCIAL ** __________________________________________________________________________ ** MIZ TV ** MIZ TV episode, with the Miz still playing that weird tweener-role of his in 2012/2013 WWE. He�s popular with the fans but still has his abrasive andcondescending personality (along with smarmy clich�-driven rants) to go either way. Tonight - with great fanfare - he welcomes to BCCW the FantasyWrestling legend� feat� FRENCH ANGEL MAURICE TILLET!! Angel is accompanied by his valet Sammi Lane (2010) and gets a very warm welcome from the much more modern-day, liberal Rhode Island society. MIZplays to him with a sarcastic, smart-aleck nonchalance - but a feisty Sammi Lane doesn�t let her man French Angel take any public shorts. He�s aformer undefeated World champion, Boston area legend, and XPW Remixed survivor. The jokes come flying when Miz questions the veracity of her claimsthat �French Angel can be the face of fantasy wrestling� (�the face of Shrek?�, Miz asks with a snicker). Things actually get a little testy betweenAngel & Miz, when suddenly - we get an interruption�. The triumphant strands of �Pomp & circumstance� - the light, lasers and golden confetti - red carpet rollout, valet with Chanel #10 - ladies &gentleman �The Human Orchid�� GORGEOUS GEORGE WAGNER (w/ Gentleman Tornado) Miz & French Angel may not agree on how to pronounce �Louis Vuitton� or what to drink after the show - but they can both agree that Gorgeous George isan annoying, pompous, showboating ass! �The Human Orchid� sticks his nose up in disdain at Miz (who Gorgeous George beat for the Television titleonce upon time) and French Angel - sniffing that *HE*, Gorgeous George, are indeed the true *FACE* of fantasy wrestling! The dispute brings SammiLane into the equation - but she is rudely, harshly and unceremoniously PIMPED SLAPPED by Gentleman Tornado! Quite literally! He removed his whiteglove (like one might do to declare a duel), before SMACKING the diminutive Sammi Lane to the mat! Uproar! That move would get BCCW kicked off thewrestlingclassics message board. A huge skirmish erupts with event security and officials collapsing on the ring! Miz & Angel arguing! Angel tryingto get at Gentleman Tornado! Gorgeous George trying to keep his hands clean (and everybody else�s filthy ones off him!) Sammi Lane rubbing her facein shock and pain! Mass confusion, commentator apologies and cut to commercial! Gentleman Tornado with a not-so-gentlemanly pimp slap to the face of Sammi Lane! ** CUT TO COMMERCIAL ** __________________________________________________________________________ ** BCCW Middleweight Title Tourney ** RVD 4:20 versus GORGEOUS GEORGE (w/ Gentleman Tornado) We return from break with Gorgeous George in the ring, freshly patted-down by the ref. BCCW Middleweight tourney graphics are shown - GentlemanTornados absence is explained (removed after striking a woman) - and RVD 4:20 finally gets his big entrance. More "Fantasy Wrestling throughHistory" hype on these two - as their battles over the XPW Remixed TV title supercede them (Gorgeous George was dethroned by RVD, and ultimately hadhis head shaved in a losing stipulation). RVD is on the verge of victory, when Ricardo Rodriguez runs in for the interference, staving off suredefeat! But RVD winds up with a few potatoes and soon Ricardo is out of the equation entirely. At the end of another exchange, RVD is poised todeliver his 5-star finisher - when Georges valet Gentleman Tornado reappears from the crowd area! But HIS run-in attemt is deftly thwarted by afreshly-returned (and angry) Sammi Lane! She LOW-BLOWS Human Tornado from behind to a big crowd pop! But unbelievably, he no-sells the attempt andturns around to confront her... only to eat a monster spear from her man French Angel! Boom Gentleman Tornado goes down! Gorgeous George is the onedistracted! He winds up prone on the mat once more, where RVD finally crushes him with a 5-star frog splash for the pin! Winner: RVD 4:20 Post match fracas breaks out... French Angel, Sammi Lane & RVD versus Gorgeous George, Gentleman Tornado and now Alberto Del Rio as well! (hisrivalry with RVD is referenced) Somehow in the bedlam, MIZ reappears on the scene to take advantage of a distracted French Angel - and one-up himwith a Skull Crushing Finale from behind! Miz lays out Angel just because he can, and because he's still sore about being shown up on his ownshow (see earlier)! In all the chaos & confusion, we get the arrival of BCCW Commissioner William Muldoon with another big decree: French Angel vs MIZ vs Goreous George ** Winner will HOST the "New Years Evolution" PPV spectacular!! ** On the next Episode of BCCW TV!! Oh my! All 3 camps are still being pulled apart as we cut to commercial break. STAY TUNED!!** CUT TO COMMERCIAL ** __________________________________________________________________________ ** BCCW Middleweight Title Tourney ** TOMMASO CIAMPA vs. COLT CABANA versus Prior, a brief backstage segment aired of Tommaso Ciampa in discussion with 6-Man tag team championship partners Ryback & Machine Gun. Lord Tensainow stands alongside them as well. Ryback in particular is arguing loudly with Ciampa, telling him "we need to jump on them NOW, before they evenget the chance!" But TCiampa keeps disagreeing with what he says. Backstage correspondent MSD wants to question them about the new alliance, but isblown off when Alexxis Nevaeh storms by them all. Alexxis and TCiampa share a brief moment (they were former fantasy wrestling stablemates before heturned heel) and she leaves even angrier than before. Good quality TV match between the two, won cleanly by Tommaso Ciampa. His postmatch interviewonce again brushes aside the Tensai union or any discussion of his mysterious "sensei". Only that he will reign supreme as 6-man tag team championand 1st ever BCCW MW champion. There is a 6-man #1 contender match later tonight and TCiampa doesn't care who wins - because Truly BadIntentions will eat them all. Feed me more. Winner: TOMMASO CIAMPA ** CUT ** ** PAID PROMOTIONAL APPEARENCE ** Strangler Lewis appears in a very special video-taped announcement. He champions the Axis of Evil's right to free speech, and confirms theirhistoric debut tonight. On behalf of the NWA Board of Directors, Strangler Lewis has sought an injunction preventing any kind of backstage assault tobe perpetuated by Sheamus or Crusher upon Mr Schmidt, Mr DeBeers or Mr Borga tonight before their match. For if there is even a hint of pre-matchphysicality, Sheamus will *LOSE* his Territory Wars championship match against Lou Thesz @ "New Years Evolution"! Strangler Lewis chuckles ascameras pull back to reveal he's within the Dunkin Donuts center after all, with the Axis of Evil standing close-by. They are holding theCeltic cross Sheamus wears around his neck upon his ceremonial entrance (stolen from him earlier in the night). With some harsh words of racist evilthey spit upon it before destroying the Icon in plain sight and daring Sheamus to get his revenge! Strangler Lewis is left chuckling in thebackground to sign us out... ** CUT ** __________________________________________________________________________ �Hear Me Roar� Backstage segment that serves a few purposes - puts over the tension shared between Alexxis and Trish Stratus (with Alexxis taking extra heat with herpinfall loss on BCCW Fight Night II - which she blames on Trish) - the cocky, seductive manipulation of Queen Bee Sable - who leads her stable on arampage of sharp wit and incisive insults - enflames the rivalry between Mildred Burke � & Trish Stratus (with a major focus on their upcoming titlematch @ �New Years Evolution�) - and hypes up the next BCCW Fight Night on FX III show! On that night - Team Captain Mildred Burke will lead Trish &Alexxis into battle against Sable, Annie Social & Aksana� in an elimination tag team match! All the pride is on the line! Sable and crew leave insmiles - Burke, Trish & Alexxis nearly come to blows between themselves. This is gonna get catty! Stay Tuned!! Sable/Annie Social/Aksana vs. Mildred Burke �/Trish Stratus/Alexxis Nevaeh Elimination Tag Team Match BCCW Fight Night on FX III!! Stay tuned!! ** CUT TO COMMERCIAL ** ** Territory Wars World Champion news ** World Champion LOU THESZ will be in the building next week, on his way to "New Years Evolution"!! Stay tuned!! ** CUT ** __________________________________________________________________________ ** BCCW 6-Man tag title #1 Contenders match ** CROWN JEWELS vs. VOODOO MURDERS vs. 3MB vs Crown Jewels enter first and get to do their whole poofy shtick. The Voodoo Murders are their big menacing foils, but even they fall prey to theCrown Jewels hilarious idiocy (at one point Jun Kasai seems willing to accept one of Adonis� feminine advances on him with a creepy smile, only tohave Adonis see that, freak out and change his mind!) The Voodoo Murders actually have things well in hand, but get tricked into a count-out at theend (which the Crown Jewels celebrate like a Wrestlemania main event). Voodoo Murders become enraged and start a post match attack - only to have theEliminators make the crowd-pleasing entrance! Low-Ki/Kronus/Saturn stiff the hell out of the Vmz (driving them from ringside) before turning their attention to the Crown Jewels. They decapitateElia with a Total Elimination in short order. Then the Voodoo Murders run in AGAIN - this time getting the jump on the Eliminators for good. By thetime referees and officials gets the Japanese madmen (and Big Daddy Voodoo) finally get them away from ringside, the damage is done to theEliminators. That just leaves the air-guitar playing 3MB trio (last entry) to pick up the scraps. But unbelievably, Low-Ki kicks out of HeathSlaters pin attempt and we�ve got ourselves a match! 3MB in control until the inevitable fan-propelled comeback of the Eliminators. Wham bam thankyou ma�am. Incredible series of synchronized finishers punctuated by a Warriorz Way double-footstomp off the top rope to JC Ice Baby�s head by Low-Kiends the match definitively! Crowd explodes with the final pinfall! We have our BCCW 6-Man #1 contenders!! Post match Kaval on the stick, and hehas some foreboding words for Truly Bad Intentions!! Meanwhile, backstage cameras catch Ryback tearing up their own locker room in a rage - screaming"I TOLD YOU WE SHOULD HAVE GOT THEM BEFORE THEY GOT TO US! I TOLD YOU! ARRRRR!!!" Destroy destroy destrooooooooy!!! Winners: ELIMINATORS ** CUT ** __________________________________________________________________________ BCCW presents� �MEGA BRAWL� @ New Years Evolution On January 28th BCCW will hold it's 1st PPV extravaganza: "NEW YEARS EVOLUTION"!! At the event we will be hosting a 20-manInvitational "Mega Brawl" battle royal for the right to crown a new #1 contender! No weight limits! No rules! No guarantees! Winner chooses thechampionship! Some of the confirmed participants include: Headhunterz (w/ Tamina) and returning to Boston: Cut to brief backstage promos from the following new additions: D-VON DUDLEY (Aces & 8's Leader lets BCCW know it's business never personal in his quest for a title shot of hischoosing!) MIKE AWESOME (Now with the Headhunterz AND Mike Awesome behind her, Tamina states her case to be the dominant diva of BCCW...) and CHASE DEL MONTE (The arrogant Territory Wars newcomer (w/ manager Tony Rumble) has some brash words on behalf of his Broken City Hooliganzcrew) ** Only @ NEW YEARS EVOLUTION!! ** Stay tuned!! ** CUT ** __________________________________________________________________________ �Worlds Strongest Man Challenge� MSD hypes and MC�s the segment with a neutral tone. Competition sketch similar to the Ultimate Warrior/Rude or HHH/Steiner posedowns of yore-compounded by old Ken Patera/Dino Bravo/Iron Sheik-type strongman feats. Some of the sets included: Keg Toss over 20ft Bar Ted Arcidi is the local superhero - Mark Henry (w/ Buddy Rogers) the brooding bully champion. Rogers downplays every Arcidi accomplishment, whileexplaining away any Mark Henry shortcoming (�the bar was slippery!� to �he (Arcidi) didn�t fully lock his elbows!�) - anything the OG Nature Boy couldsay to infuriate the fans further. Finally the head-to-head action commences (in this case consisting of an epic-level ARM WRESTLING MATCH!!!) - andjust as Mark Henry seems to be losing his edge� they ambush Arcidi instead! BOOM! The table gets overturned, and big stiff Ted Arcidi gets laid outon the mat and stomped to wine. Chaos unfolds, climaxing with a World�s Strongest Slam through the table. It gets so hostile, BCCW VP SheldonGoldberg has no choice but to intervene. Things get harsh between Mark Henry and Goldberg (with Henry & Rogers claiming bias) but BCCW VP SheldonGoldberg sticks to his guns. He orders a TV title defense next week - Mark Henry � versus Ted Arcidi!! The fans pop. Buddy Rogers has a conniption. Mark Henry grabs Sheldon Goldberg by his coat lapels with the sickest intent� but thankfully Ted Arcidi has risen from the rubble of the table tomake the save! He body checks Henry and clotheslines him right over the top rope to great fan acclaim! Ted Arcidi (still selling damage but ampednonetheless) poses for the cheers while Mark Henry & Buddy Rogers slowly make their exit. ** BCCW TV Title match ** Mark Henry 2011 � w/ Buddy Rogers vs. Ted Arcidi (1985) Next week on BCCW TV!! Stay tuned!! ** CUT ** __________________________________________________________________________ ** Main Event ** AXIS of EVIL vs. SHEAMUS, CRUSHER CASEY &�? versus Strangler Lewis enters first to open the segment. He is on guest commentary - obstensibly to promote the upcoming appearence of World champion LouThesz next week, but he's really here to gloat about his "moral" victory over Bowser & crew and irritate the good guys from ringside. Sheamus& Casey outnumbered to start - but they don't even care. They charge the ring during intros and we're off. Hellacious bout that stormsall over the arena and into the stands, all before the first bell. Sheamus & Crusher get their Irish revenge, until finally the numbers game provesto be too much and the bad guys take over. Crowd intensity is nucleaur and all 3 bad guys get a chance to put over their shtick in quick, succinctportions. When the good guys get it back in gear, Ed Lewis is right there to stir their emotions. He gets Crusher Casey so riled up with hisringside comments, the Irishman lunges over the announce table and pulls Lewis out of his seat by the coat lapels! Bad move, as suddenly a *fan*breaches security and tackles Casey from the rear - it is DEAN AMBROSE in classic WWE 2013 "Shield" style! He lays a white, orange & green asswhooping on Crusher Casey - finishing his attack by hurling the popular Irish man face first into the steel ring post! CRACK! Casey is busted openand unconcious! Everything is breaking down into chaos, with the ref not seeing the fatal blow by Ambrose. Sheamus is on the verge of sure defeat,when suddenly... Epic level fantasy wrestling reaction. Slowed by Providence RI traffic enroute to the arena, but arriving fashionably late - muthaphuckkin JOHNCENA!! Dean Ambrose flees the building! Strangler Lewis eyes flare with anger (and fear?) The Axis of Evil are surprised, but remain resolute. ButCena is way too much energy. He goes to work furiously with a steel chair, taking out months of pent up aggression upon the Axis! Crowd is goingcrazy! Bell is tolling madly but one by one Cena takes them out! Steel chair whack to Borga! Brogue Kick from Sheamus to Col Debeers! FUAA fromCena to Hans Schmidt! The good guys clear the ring with the crowd rocking behind them! The bad guys begin to retreat as Cena grabs a house mic. The"finish" is a DQ win for the Axis (ironically), but that's insignificant. The big news is Cena's surprise return... Winners (by DQ): AXIS OF EVIL He lights into Strangler Lewis and World champion Lou Thesz for their unholy union, touching on all the crooked events leading up to the GrandConjunction/Chi Town Rumble screwjob. Sheamus felt the sting of their conspiracies before, as has Crusher Casey (bleeding like a stuck pig from theAmbrose ringpost shot) - and John Cena is here to make sure the Territory Wars world championship match @ "New Years Evolution" goes off without ahitch.. therefore he is hereby CHALLENGING STRANGLER LEWIS to an Xtreme Rulez Grudge Match at the PPV!! The crowd ROARS! Strangler Lewis isindignant! But with his pride, ego (and comeback win streak) on trial before the mass of rapid New England fans, Strangler Lewis has no choice but torelent! He accepts Cena's challenge! It's on at the PPV!! John Cena vs Strangler Lewis Only @ "New Years Evolution"!!! Stay tuned!! ** FADE OUT ** __________________________________________________________________________ ** Territory Wars Championship match!! ** ** 20 Man Catchweight Battle Royal for a Title Shot! ** ** BCCW Middleweight championship FINALS ** ** BCCW Woman's Championship ** The Miz (2011) vs French Angel (1942) vs Gorgeous George (1955) ** BCCW 6-Man Tag Team championship ** John Cena vs Strangler Lewis and more!! __________________________________________________________________________ SUMMARY OF SEGMENTS: 1) "Unholy Trio" debut - Main Event set BROKEN CITY CHAMPIONSHIP WRESTLING is back... | |||
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BCCW Fight Night on FX III![]() ** BROKEN CITY CHAMPIONSHIP WRESTLING ** ** BCCW has 6 recognized championships: ** ** BCCW produces a 70-minute block of programming on the FX channel (with commercial ads for NWA Worldwide FX on Fridays). Commercials come intop-heavy loads throughout because matches continue uninterrupted. There are strictly enforced TV time limits of 15 minutes. BCCW "Fight Nighton FX" is obviously inspired by UFC events of the same name, but also shares similarities with WWE Main Event (in that one particular "mainevent" match is hyped throughout the show). Tonight it is BCCW Womans champion Mildred Burke teaming up with Trish Stratus & Lexxus to combatthe Beautiful People union of Sable, Annie Social & Aksana in a special ELIMINATION RULES match!! ** ** Post match protocol calls for the bout winner to be granted a 3-minute interview piece with in-ring correspondent MSD (like Joe Rogan in the UFC,or Larry Nelson on AWA ESPN classic reruns). ** ** William Muldoon is on-screen commissioner. All matches sanctioned by the National Wrestling Alliance. ** Now... Broadcasting to you from the Dunkin Donuts Center in PROVIDENCE RHODE ISLAND: ** THIS IS BCCW!![/color] ** ** RINGSIDE COMMENTARY TEAM ** Welcome to the show and hype for the 1st BCCW PPV coming up January 28th - "New Years Evolution". Tonight, a "Loser Leaves Town" match... a TagTeam Superstars Match... and some of the best Flyweight & Womans action in the Territory Wars! There *is* also a BCCW Flyweight championship matchscheduled tonight between champion BLKJeez and challenger Paul London, but as we're just getting word of... "card is subject to change..." ** CUT BACKSTAGE ** __________________________________________________________________________ ** Commissioners Office Intro ** Commissioner William Muldoon in his office discussing the scheduled BCCW Flyweight title match tonight. BLKJeez is on crutches with a white lawyerby his side. Commissioner Muldoon is informing Paul London the championship match is OFF. Champion BLKJeez has suffered an injury (a result -BLKJeez says - of the "Beat the Clock" challenge he was assigned). Paul London is disappointed, as are his friends and competitors Brian Kendrick &Ruckus. BLKJeez talks trash but is untouchable (at least for 30 days). But for tonight, Muldoon has flipped the script and assigned a NEW match totake it's place. London... versus... Kendrick... versus Ruckus... for the BCCW (Interim) Featherweight title! He won't let one of thehottest new championships in the Territory Wars gather dust! It carries on tonight! BLKJeez is outraged! The other 3 high-five! We WILL have atitle match tonight after all!! All 3 men combine to remind BLKJeez that their show-stealing performances will obscure him for good- preying on hisjealousy and inferiority complex... ** CUT TO RING ** TAMINA versus WENDI RICHTER ** Woman�s Match ** Competitive match ends with a Tamina superfly splash. Postmatch, the daughter of Snuka has Mike Awesome & Headhunterz behind her as they declare openwar upon BCCW. Winner: TAMINA ** CUT ** ** MEGA BRAWL HYPE ** __________________________________________________________________________ GUS SONNENBERG vs. NICK JACKSON ** Flyweight Bout ** versus Another exciting video package for Gus Sonnenberg, the newest Flyweight sensation in the Territory Wars. It focuses on his leatherhead-like runthrough pro football and stellar wrestling record. His successful debut tour continues tonight against one-half of Generation Me. The arrogant (yetincredibly acrobatic) Nick and his brother Matt (the dark-haired one) are the capable foils, who resort to clandestine double-team moves - but findthemselves on the wrong end of a Sonnenberg run to end things. His �Providence Steamroller� finisher (part �Pounce� / Gore) folds Nick in half for 3. GSon soaks up the victory applause while GenME slinks backstage - foiled, but not deflated. Winner: GUS SONNENBERG ** CUT ** ** Lou Thesz � versus Sheamus video recap package ** __________________________________________________________________________ DAMIEN SANDOW (w/ Wild Red Berry) vs. COLT CABANA w/ Cabana' last match before leaving the company so the result wasn't in question. But the exciting way these two longtime fantasy wrestlingfoes got there was half the fun. Cabana wound up snagging Berry in his Billy Goat's Curse finisher - only to have Sandow attack him when hewasn't looking. Post match, Sandow & Berry use alot of big words and look upon the BCCW audience with genuine disdain as they graciously sweepCabana back into the gutter he crawled from. Winner: DAMIEN SANDOW ** CUT ** ** John Cena returns and challenges Strangler Lewis video recap - complete with exclusive PROMO from John Cena full of fiery passion. He'scoming to "New Years Evolution" to END the Strangler's reign of terror!! ** __________________________________________________________________________ ALBERTO DEL RIO & GORGEOUS GEORGE RVD & Angel are incredibly over with the crowd. They have things in hand, until the interference of Ricardo & Gentleman Tornado turn things around(Sammi Lane even tries coming after Tornado at one crowd-pleasing point) - resulting in all 3 ring seconds being ejected. Back down to the 4 in-ringparticipants, RVD & Angel once again take over on tandem offense - and have things well in hand - until jealousy & disdain continues to rear its uglyhead. TOMMASO CIAMPA shows up at ringside to engage his BCCW MW Finals opponent RVD 4:20 in a stone-faced staredown. But the distraction onlyallowed the MIZ to jump French Angel from behind and plant him with a kickstart DDT onto a steel chair! Just as quickly, Miz slides out of the ringand Gorgeous George swoops in for the pin! ADR & the Human Orchid are victorious! (and is that a slight smirk finally breaking across the face ofTommaso Ciampa?) Winners: ADR & GORGEOUS GEORGE Post match, a donnybrook erupts when RVD goes after Ciampa. They brawl into the crowd area, while Gorgeous George & Miz stomp down Angel. ButGorgeous George makes the mistake of genuflecting before MIZ - only to have him sucker-punch George with a Skull-Crushing Finale!! Miz reminds himthere are NO friends going into their Triple Threat match @ "New Years Evolution"! Meanwhile, cameras catch up to ADR backstage who has some briefbut chilling words about his inclusion in the Mega Brawl @ "NYE". Stay tuned! ** CUT ** __________________________________________________________________________ ** BCCW FLYWEIGHT (Interim) Championship ** RUCKUS vs. PAUL LONDON vs. BRIAN KENDRICK ** Flyweight Triple Threat ** vs. vs. All 3 men battle to a thrilling draw with the crowd chanting for each of them at seperate points. Paul London is on fire with the crowd though, andBLKJeez - who had hobbled out to assume guest commentary position (so as to not be overlooked) - explodes with jealousy. He proves the "injury" wasa ruse to begin with when he storms the ring, using the crutch (and finally a steel chair) as weapons to disable all 3 flyweight opponents! BLKJeezgoes violently ballistic, trying to seriously put the hurt on Paul London until Commissioner Muldoon arrives to have security physically secure theBCCW Flyweight champion. With his cover blown, BLKJeez is subject to judicial officiation. Therefore Commissioner Muldoon is making a FATAL 4-WAYLADDER MATCH for the BCCW Flyweight title @ "New Years Evolution"! Fans love it! BLKJeez goes HAM and has to be physically removed by police! Huge decree by Commissioner Muldoon! ** Fatal 4-Way Ladder Match for the Flyweight Title!! ** Only at "New Years Evolution"!! ** CUT ** __________________________________________________________________________ MILDRED BURKE / TRISH STRATUS / ALEXXIS NEVAEH ** ORDER of ELIMINATION ** 1) AKSANA: Mildred Burke armbar 2) ANNIE SOCIAL: Trish Stratus springboard bulldog 3) ALEXXIS NEVAEH: Sablebomb after blind tag on Trish that caused a minor argument. 4) SABLE: Mildred Burke crossface + Trish Stratus sharpshooter at the same time!! Winners (and sole survivors): BURKE & STRATUS Post match, Mildred Burke & Trish Stratus have the inevitable showdown and face-off over the championship belt, as commentators hype their upcomingtitle match @ �NYE�. Fans salivate at the thought, tension climax between the competitors (after the post match shared promo between the two gets alittle testy), Alexxis Nevaeh lurks somewhere in the background with hatred & jealousy in her heart, and the �Cruel Intentions� clique ofSable/Social/Aksana powder out into the distance. Leaving only Mildred & Trish to go face to face, with Burke raising her BCCW Woman�s championshipbelt between them. �New Years Evolution� right around the corner!! STAY TUNED!! ** FADE OUT ** __________________________________________________________________________ ** STAY TUNED ** BCCW TV Episode #4 (the Lost Episode) Preempted BCCW programming never before seen: Summary of Segments: 1) Intro & show summary 2) Axis of Evil promo = 3) Tamina (w/ Headhunterz & Mike Awesome) promo goes awry after they take credit for injuring the Motor City Machine Guns (see BCCW TV Episode #3) -and Ruckus/London/Kendrick take umbrage (they will compete in a Ladder Match for the BCCW Flyweight title @ the PPV)� brawl pops off� BLKJeez jumpshis Flyweight opponents� 3MB (Slater/Mahal/JC Ice Baby) get involved� then Prime Time Playaz (Titus & Kaos)� and finally the WILD SAMOANS (Afa &Sika) DEBUT!! Wild frenzied brawl between everybody to hype the upcoming �Mega Brawl� event @ �New Years Evolution�! Oh my cut to commercial!! 4) Necro Butcher def. Axl Keegan (HW match) 5) Lou Thesz � returns to New England - Sheamus - Strangler Lewis - John Cena - Ambrose tries sneak attack but gets BUSTED OPEN by a chair-wieldingSteve �Crusher� Casey� Main Event set tonight 6) Crown Jewels def. Voodoo Murders by count-out after Adonis is stripped to a thong outside the ring and Taru & Kasai take turns taunting, teasingand slapping the baby-oiled up fat man to hilarious crowd reaction - only to lose track of time. Elia managed to roll into the ring at the lastminute and save the victory for his team. But post match, Mr Fabulous & Adonis desert Elia to the Voodoo Murders - who finish him with a TriplePowerbomb to gain further crowd approval. 7) Cena/Sheamus confer / 8) RVD/Tommaso Ciampa dueling promos to hype BCCW MW title match @ PPV� Ciampa has TBI & Tensai with him, and promises their mystery �sensei� will beat the PPV� things get testy until ELIMINATORS (+ Low-Ki make run-in and save). MW Title match & Tag Team defense @ �New Years Evolution� 9) FRENCH ANGEL (w/ Sammi Lane) def. Gorgeous George vs. MIZ to become Host of the �New Years Evolution� PPV (akin to Dick Clark classic, RyanSeacrest, Nick Cannon etc�) 10) Mark Henry � def. Ted Arcidi (TV Title Match) Sheldon Goldberg promises mystery opponent for Mark Henry @ �New Years Evolution� 11) Cena/Sheamus/Casey def. Lewis/Thesz/Ambrose (stitched up covered w/ dry blood) BROKEN CITY CHAMPIONSHIP WRESTLING is back... | |||
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BCCW presents "New Years EVOLUTION"The entire PPV can be found HERE in living color:;=display&thread;=11986 peace, MSD Join the amazing world of Mash-Up Wrestling!BROKEN CITY CHAMPIONSHIP WRESTLING is back... | |||
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mastermind Posts 1134 Mood: No Mood. |
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BCCW TV Episode #5 (Sheamus vs Schmidt)![]() ** BROKEN CITY CHAMPIONSHIP WRESTLING ** ** BCCW has 6 recognized championships: ** ** BCCW produces a 2-hour block of programming on the ESPN channel. Commercials come in top-heavy loads throughout the 135 mins or so (with overrun)because matches continue uninterrupted. There are strictly enforced TV time limits of 15 minutes. ** ** Post match protocol calls for the bout winner to be granted a 3-minute interview piece with in-ring correspondent MSD (like Joe Rogan in the UFC,or Larry Nelson on AWA ESPN classic reruns). ** ** William Muldoon is on-screen commissioner. All matches sanctioned by the National Wrestling Alliance. ** Now... Broadcasting to you LIVE from Manchester New Hampshire: ** THIS IS BCCW!! ** ** RINGSIDE COMMENTARY TEAM ** Show-opening montage of highlights from the recently-concluded �NEW YEARS EVOLUTION� PPV. Thesz retained the WORLD title under dubiouscircumstances � John Cena was undeniably victorious � two titles changed hands � two champions retained � and a new BCCW MW champion was crowned! Tonight, the aftermath of NYE. Tonight, the Axis of Evil has been enlisted in 3 solo matches � the last specifically requested by the BCCW HWchampion himself! Sheamus � has challenged the German Hans Schmidt to a fight! Plus � the Wild Samoans are in action! And Mega Brawl winner MILMASCARAS (1975) will announce which championship he will pursue! Stay tuned!! ** CUT TO RING ** __________________________________________________________________________ "Who Runs This Town" [color=lightblue]Cena theme song to open show� big pop and warm welcome. Rousing opening promo from Cena keeping it in the �hustle, loyalty,respect� vein while covering the recent �NYE� developments� John Cena BEAT Strangler Lewis in their Grudge Match and now he�s calling the TerritoryWorld champion OUT! John Cena wants Lou Thesz once and for all! Big pop! But instead of the champion, we get� KILLER KOWALSKI & camp![color=lightblue] With the BCCW MW champion Tommaso Ciampa, and BCCW 6-Man champions TBI behind him (including �Giant Bernard� in place of �Lord Tensai� � thetransformation came during an update on Camp Killer Kowalksi�s youtube channel) � Kowalski cuts a cocky, intimidating sight. He has the gall toconfront Cena over who *REALLY* runs the streets round here� things get testy (with Cena even kissing and removing his dog tags before seeminglyready to battle all 5 men by himself!) � before we get our final interruption: BCCW President Paul Bowser! He has some Presidential words for Kowalski and crew � giving credit where it�s due, but refusing to kowtow to any employee no matter how much�bigger than the game� they perceive to be. BCCW is the eternal, hallowed ground of Fantasy Wrestling and nobody is bigger than this stage. To provehis point, Bowser initiates a patented 6-man tag team challenge � Truly Bad Intentions (w/ Killer Kowalski) versus� John Cena� w/ CRUSHER CASEY & ROB VAN DAM!! And that�s coming up NEXT!! Stay tuned!! ** CUT TO COMMERCIAL ** __________________________________________________________________________ CENA, CASEY & RVD versus TRULY BAD INTENTIONS � w/ Killer Kowalski ** 6 Man Tag Team Attraction (Non-Title) ** Returning from commercial break, both teams squared off and ready to compete. Attention is paid as to how BCCW MW champion (and co-Tag Team champion)Tommaso Ciampa was able to abscond from this match in favor of Giant Bernard (the former �Tensai�). The sensei Killer Kowalski has quickly amassed atower of championship power in his own right, and we all have a fear as to what his ultimate goal will be (BCCW HW champion). That�s why their risemust be halted tonight - by the combined baby face super-powers of Cena/Crusher/RVD. Incredible opening contest that could have closed any wrestlingevent in the country. But we�re just getting warmed up. Especially when Ciampa & Kowalski get tossed from ringside in an angry tizzy by the referee. RVD 420�s xtreme athleticism helps overcome the might of his opponents� Crusher Casey shows off his new ruthless aggressiveness (even with astill-fresh bandage on his head that started leaking through halfway thru the match) by matching size and strength with Ryback� while Cena puts theexclamation point on their assault by FUAA�ing Machine Gun Karl Anderson back to the musket powder-era. 1!.. 2!.. 3! The united face of BCCW standstall by vanquishing another rising army! Winners: JOHN CENA, CRUSHER CASEY & RVD420 With the entire arena rocking with Captain Cena and the BCCW storm troopers, a clear shot across the bow has been sent towards Territory Warschampion Lou Thesz and his camp. But they�re not the only Dark Power on the rise in BCCW� before the celebration can become too rousing, we getanother interruption� The Axis of Evil!! __________________________________________________________________________ "Enter THE AXIS" It sounds like the beginning of a bad joke, but these gentleman and their fiery rhetoric are no laughing matter. The German, the Fin & the SouthAfrican appear on the giant Video Tron with words for BCCW and the fans. DeBeers is the figure-head speaker tonight, and he pitches the trilogy ofmatches the Axis is signed up for tonight (culminating in the big Sheamus vs. Hans Schmidt main-event). They plan to send a message both individuallyand collectively, that soft American politics have no place in the rugged, free-for-all frontier of Fantasy Wrestling. Cena, Crusher, RVD, Mascars,Sheamus - and anybody else who drapes themselves in red, white & blue tyranny, behold! The Axis of Evil declares WAR on BCCW! ** CUT TO COMMERCIAL ** COLONEL DEBEERS vs RUCKUS ** Catchweight Bout ** vs Match is a case study in socio-politics through crowd participation alone. Contrast Col DeBeers heavily guarded entrance (with fans looming violentlyat him, and trash raining down) - to the raucous celebration instigated by Ruckus entrance. The same people throwing batteries at DeBeer areembracing Ruckus, nodding their heat to the beat of his entrance music with a sea of white, brown & black hands reaching for the communal�Black-N-Mild� he smokes on the way to the ring. We get the big ring announcer intros for both men, and Col DeBeers is outraged to hear Ruckus billedas the �Jake the Snake of getting baked� and �AJ Styles of Black-n-Milds� amongst other things. This is a catch-weight bout, as DeBeers clearly hasthe size and weight advantage (as he twirls his handlebar mustache constantly in a nefarious, war-criminal mastermind kind of way). Yet� in a torriddisplay of hatred and disrespect, Col DeBeers REFUSES to participate in the match! He won�t even debase himself and filthy his hands on that man! DeBeers is refusing to compete tonight! He even grabs the mic and starts sayingsomething about Black History month (uh oh), when thankfully the mic is cut. So DeBeers starts storming out. But as *soon* as an angry Ruckus turnshis back for one moment to argue with the ref, DeBeers charges the ring and attacks Ruckus from behind! The bell never even rang and DeBeers justkicks the ever-loving crap out of the fan favorite - culminating in a vicious Curb Stomp (steel chair assisted) that takes Ruckus OUT. Messagedelivered. Col DeBeers dusts his hands off like one might after taking the trash, and cheerily makes his way back to Axis headquarters - twirling hismustache the entire way. Fans are booing more voraciously than perhaps you�ve ever heard� Winner: NONE (no finish) ** CUT ** ** BACKSTAGE INTERLUDES ** ** Sheamus arrives in the building - still pissed off. "No comment" for cameras RE: his match against Schmidt tonight. ** ** words from Hans Schmidt himself, declaring his contractual stipulations have deemed his match tonight to be a BCCW HW title match! That'swhy Sheamus appeared so angry! ** ** Cameras catch "Nature Boy" Buddy Rogers laid out in the locker room, with paramedics and Mark Henry looming over him. He was the victimof some kind of "attack" - and Mark Henry is enraged. He goes storming off to find the culprit, who he knows to be BCCW TV championGoldberg!! ** ** Killer Kowalski barking at his crew RE: the earlier loss, and pinning most of the responsibility on Ryback (who stews silently). ** ** CUT ** __________________________________________________________________________ BACK BAY MONOLOGUE Cameras pull away to reveal Ambrose location to be "Crusher Casey's" - the popular Back Bay tavern (owned by - you guess it - Steve"Crusher" Casey, Ireland's Greatest Athlete). He punctuates his statement with a violent smashing and ransacking of theestablishment, claiming he will "draw last blood" as well (in reference to Ambrose's victory over Crusher in a First Blood match @"NYE" ![]() ** CUT ** __________________________________________________________________________ THICKER THAN GOLD... Mil Mascaras entrance� in-ring interview with MSD� thanks the fans in Spanglish� revs up the crowd (along with his pyro/confetti/laser entrancethat is amongst the best in fantasy wrestling today)� and prepares to announce his championship intention, when� ALBERTO DEL RIO Del Rio is mad� Mega Brawl loss/XPW remixed victory = impromptu respect challenge right NOW! Mexican Death match rules (aka �Last ManStanding�) ** CUT TO COMMERCIAL ** ALBERTO DEL RIO versus MIL MASCARAS ** Mexican Death Match ** Another awesome example of pure fantasy wrestling� a match that can (and has) headlined countless Fantasy draft sheets and could main event anyarena in the country is but the main-course appetizer here in BCCW. With a limitless roster of fantasy potential, there is absolutely no reasonwhatsoever to include nameless, faceless jabroni jobbers in any capacity. Every match has the potential to steal the show no matter where it�sscheduled. Here the impromptu machismo and emotional family drama before the match propels it to instant classic status. Stipulation matches arefought under 20 minute time limits (with championships contested in 25). The ADR/Mascaras feud from XPW Remixed is referenced, as Mascaras was forcedto leave that Territory in shame as a result. Here � the fans propel PWI�s Most Popular Wrestler (1975) to untold heights. The match is emotional,gritty and hard-fought � with ADR showing more of a determination than ever before. He even waives Ricardo Rodriguez *OFF* at one point in the match,when Ricardo runs-in with masking tape! ADR wants to finish Mascaras by himself and the honorable way. Highlight of the match comes off a sickseries of reversals on the floor � leading to Mascaras propelling himself up to the top rope and launching himself into perfect cross body form. Hesails from the top rope to the arena floor, hitting ADR in perfect standing formation and driving *BOTH* of them through the announce table in adramatic and climatic explosion! FAN POP! �THIS IS AWESOME� chant. Ref has counted to 8.5 when Mascaras finally removes himself from the wreckage� by performing a picture-perfect kip up. He is on his feet and encouraging the fans to finish the count (in Spanish of course)� �nueve� diez!!!� Winner: MIL MASCARAS Postmatch interview with MSD... Mascaras will challenge BCCW MW champion TOMASSO CIAMPA! meanwhile, ADR is helped to the back by Ricardo andparamedics, but takes time to stare down his uncle hard from the entrance ramp... a mix of disappointment, awe... and respect? ** BCCW MW championship ** Tommaso Ciampa � vs Mil Mascaras Next week on BCCW TV!! STAY TUNED!! ** CUT ** __________________________________________________________________________ The Real Sons of Anarchy [color=lightblue]�Earlier Tonight� video replay of Buddy Rogers laid out in the locker room, apparently the victim of a brutal attack. Mark Henry isirate and has taken to the ring to call out the man responsible for that assault� new BCCW TV champion GOLDBERG!! The two fantasy wrestling behemoths have the chill-inducing face off � each trying to out-intimidate the other. Mark Henry barks at Goldberg on themic, calling him out for a fight� something the BCCW TV champion is glad to oblige! But before the two warriors can clash, a familiar tune blaststhrough the arena sound system� D-VON DUDLEY leads his biker gang soldiers through the crowds until they surround the ring� Mark Henry and Goldberg are forced togetherback-to-back as Aces & 8s advances� 8-on-2 assault commences � and while Goldberg & Henry show off a few super strongman feats (hurling people aboutin impossible manners) � eventually they get swallowed alive. Both men stomped into the mat and pulverized. Goldberg handcuffed to the ropes and hit with a club. Mark Henry has his ankle Pillmanized with a steel chair by D-Von. Finally - with a greatflourish Buddy Rogers appears on the entrance ramp (Armani suit, alligator shoes, diamond pinky ring and fat Cuban cigar and in perfect health) toclaim responsibility for the attack. It was all a set-up, Mark Henry has grown weak and Buddy Rogers needs to move on. That�s why he snaps Henry�sleg (with a ringpost Figure-4 � just like he did Matt Morgan) and announces he has sought a TV Title rematch in Mark�s place! Aces & 8s did their joblike street mercenaries. Buddy Rogers raises their hands in victory. Goldberg & Mark Henry are wheeled out of BCCW arena� ** CUT ** __________________________________________________________________________ LUDVIG BORGA versus TED ARCIDI ** Heavyweight bout ** versus Borga 1993 big and strong� Arcidi 1986 bigger and stronger� So Borga is forced to get gritty and uses dirty boxing and wrestling to ground Arcidi,before finishing him with a rear-naked choke in under 4 mins (which was long enough by some accounts). But don�t worry loyal patriots, Ludvig Borgawill get his in a few years at the hands of Captain America Randy Couture in a UFC cage. But for tonight � the Axis once again sends a message � andwe�re left with Ludvig Borga waiving the Finland flag high above for all the world to see� Winner: LUDVIG BORGA ** CUT ** __________________________________________________________________________ ELIMINATORZ vs CRYME TYME 3.0 ** 6-Man Tag Team match ** vs Heavy, heavy night of action so far - which is why this candy corn weed break is so necessary. The brand-new look PRIME TIME PLAYAZ start the segmentand assume guest commentary positions. TITUS + Kaos + the debuting (in BCCW) DARREN YOUNG (+ WCW GG) = the newest BCCW 6-man sensation. In action,Eliminators are pure pop and crunch, working in enough crisp strikes to run a neighborhood bowling league. Cryme Tyme 3.0 are comedic entertainmentgold (think "Half Baked" meets "Car Wash" versus Crooklyn) but in the end, Ki-Crusher followed by Total Elimination snuffs out theWeedman like a roach. Postmatch, Low-Ki addresses the listeners (and tag team champions TBI) by claiming their hard fought loss at "NYE"only made the Eliminatorz stronger and more determined. Prime Time Playaz beg to differ! To be continued!! Winners: ELIMINATORS But the new-look, 6-man speciality PRIME TIME PLAYAZ aren't far behind! Eliminatorz?? AIN'T NOBODY GOT TIME FOR THAT!! ** CUT ** __________________________________________________________________________ BEST IN THE WORLD ** CUT ** ** BACKSTAGE INTERLUDE ** John Cena is focusing on seeking a title match against Lou Thesz, when he happens upon ex-tag team partner ALEXXIS NEVEAH (now a pissed-off, bitterheel). Cena tries having a heart-to-heart with her, but she only wants to mention how close she noticed Cena and Trish Stratus to be (he insiststhey�re just friends). It�s unclear whether Cena�s words reach Alexxis or not, but she promises to think about them. Cena exits and cameras lingeron Alexxis� face to end the segment. A touch of remorse? ** CUT ** __________________________________________________________________________ HEADHUNTERZ vs WILD SAMOANS ** Tag Team bout ** versus Huge fan pleasing slobberknocker. Two crazy teams of savages going straight up � headbutt for headbutt � big splash for big splash. Wild Samoans arein control most of the match, and even get a piece of Mike Awesome at ringside (double headbutt). But Tamina proves to be the difference maker �clutching Sika�s ankle on an apron suplex attempt (allowing Headhunter B to crash 400lbs down on him) � and clinging onto it with all her might as theref counts Sika down. 1!.. 2!.. 3! The Headhunterz have won, but only because their ranks are ready-made for BCCW 6-man combat! The Wild Samoanswind up chasing Tamina backstage in horror to retain their fan-pleasing aura and give the bad guys some comeuppance. Winners: HEADHUNTERZ Tamina & Mike Awesome are the difference-makers tonight. ** CUT ** __________________________________________________________________________ ** BCCW Heavyweight Championship ** SHEAMUS � (2012) versus HANS SCHMIDT (1954) Big time wrestling main event shine for this match. Schmidt is billed as �The Teuton Terror� and enters with the war helmet that comes into playlater. Sheamus gets a heroes reception and can barely wait out the ring announcer introductions, his Irish blood is boiling so bad. Commentatorscover the controversy at �NYE� when Axis of Evil �allegedly� attacked Sheamus under cover of dark, leading to a loss in his World title match. Whatis not disputable however was the appearance of Hans Schmidt at the end of the PPV and his brawl with Sheamus (before being ejected from thebuilding). He was fined for the assault, but Sheamus begged BCCW management not to suspend Schmidt. Because Sheamus wants to mete out some Irishjustice tonight. Big, tough slobberknocker of a match between the two heavyweights � a thrilling bar fight that spills out into the audiences laplike a broken beer bottle. Battle resumes in the ring, but Schmidt manages to take advantage of Sheamus already-weakened leg and knee (a casualty ofhis feud with Lou Thesz �) for an extended heel beatdown segment. �German Cross� backbreaker (to mock Sheamus further). Swinging neckbreaker. Kneebar. Yet the BCCW HW champion Sheamus never quits. Eventually Sheamus makes the fiery comeback � overtakes the German fascist (his suddenly failingcardio becoming an issue here) � runs through his series of finishing moves � before spiking Schmidt with a Brogue Kick in the center of the ring! 1!.. 2!.. 3!! Sheamus retains! Winner (and STILL BCCW HW champion): SHEAMUS (2012) But the bad guys immediately get their heat back with an unsanctioned 3-on-1, WWE Shield-style beatdown. Sheamus is about to be piledrived bySchmidt on his own BCCW HW title... when JOHN CENA makes the run-in and save! Now it's 3-on-2 but the Axis STILL lay waste to Cena & Sheamus. Finally, there's nobody left to make the save and the Axis is finally escorted out of the building by police. The crowd is booing... theheroes are stirring... when none other than DEAN AMBROSE appears from the crowd to finish the attack on BCCW HW champion Sheamus! He drivesthe champion through a pane of glass (resting on two steel chairs) in an unprecedented spot! Dean Ambrose stands tall (and alone) over the wreckage,where he slowly raises the BCCW HW title to the sky over his head! Oh my what will happen next in BCCW!? Stay tuned! Dean Ambrose is out for blood... ** FADE OUT ** __________________________________________________________________________ SUMMARY of SEGMENTS: 1) Cena - Kowalksi - Bowser... 6-man tag match set (segue) Join the amazing world of Mash-Up Wrestling! BROKEN CITY CHAMPIONSHIP WRESTLING is back... | |||
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mastermind Posts 1134 Mood: No Mood. |
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BCCW Fight Night on FX ("Blackout!")![]() ** BROKEN CITY CHAMPIONSHIP WRESTLING ** ** BCCW has 6 recognized championships: ** ** BCCW produces a 70-minute block of programming on the FX channel (with commercial ads for NWA Worldwide FX on Fridays). Commercials come intop-heavy loads throughout because matches continue uninterrupted. There are strictly enforced TV time limits of 15 minutes. BCCW "Fight Nighton FX" is obviously inspired by UFC events of the same name, but also shares similarities with WWE Main Event (in that one particular "mainevent" match is hyped throughout the show). Tonight it is former Flyweight champion BLKJeez taking on Brian Kendrick!! ** ** Post match protocol calls for the bout winner to be granted a 3-minute interview piece with in-ring correspondent MSD (like Joe Rogan in the UFC,or Larry Nelson on AWA ESPN classic reruns). ** ** William Muldoon is on-screen commissioner. All matches sanctioned by the National Wrestling Alliance. ** Now... Broadcasting to you from Manchester, New Hampshire: ** THIS IS BCCW!! ** ** RINGSIDE COMMENTARY TEAM ** Blackout! In TV industry vernacular, it is the non-airing of television or radio programming in a certain media market. It is particularlyprevalent in the broadcasting of sports events, although other television or radio programs may be blacked out as well. During Superbowl XLVII ablackout suspended the game for over half an hour. The electricty generated by BCCW at "New Years Evolution" resulted in a very controversial"blackout" (following the parallel "real world" occurence of something very similiar - see WWE Royal Rumble 2013) that allowed WORLD champion LouThesz to retain his title. In pro wrestling, "BLACKOUT!" can mean something else entirely... a night of debuts! Tonight! Former Flyweightchampion BLKJeez in action, and new champion Paul London speaks! The BCCW 6-Man tag team ranks grow more formative, woman's champion MildredBurke is in the house, and witness the debut of Damien Sandow & Wild Red Berry's newest talk-show "Epiphania"! All that and more, staytuned! ** CUT TO RING ** __________________________________________________________________________ 3MB vs USO's ** 6-Man Tag Team match ** Hip opening segment starting with a 3MB �concert� that never actually materializes (because of the audience reaction) � only to morph into animpromptu dance-off between a boatload of funky Samoans. The tribal siva tau war-cry of the Uso brothers emanated first, giving rise to theirtriumphant BCCW return (taken out originally by the Headhunterz)� but then the beat suddenly switched to a funky (familiar) flute instrumental� declaring they are ready for BCCW 6-man war.. Enter RIKISHI!! Big pop� huge reaction.. interaction with 3MB (to the tune of the aforementioned dance-off) and BOOM. Instant Uso�s 6-Man tag team offense. Theyrun a train of 3 charging rear splashes, the last one culminating in a crowd-pleasing (but author-sickening) �stink face� (to Heath Slater of course). Stereo top rope splashes from Jimmy & Jey (to Jinder & JC) end the match with a flourish. Cue the lights and funky beat once more. Don the shades,cool fedoras and kick-step for me one time. Uso Bros & Rikishi. BCCW 6-Man Tag Team action. Peace. Winners: USO�s ** CUT ** __________________________________________________________________________ GUS SONNENBERG vs CHASE DEL MONTE (w/ Tony Rumble) ** Flyweight Match ** versus w/ BCCW-exclusive Flyweight action; a division wrought with many meanings. In the combat world, it represents the bantamweight, lower weight classes. Aplace where war is fast and strenuous � where you have to be strong *and* quick to survive. A place where guys like Jose Aldo, Showtime Pettis,Mitsuyo Maeda & Ben Henderson carved out their place in the �P4P� argument (Pound-for-pound greatest fighters of all time). In the street swagparlance of rap-life �Fly� is to be the freshest-laced cat on the scene. Finally, �fly� as a euphemism for X-Games daredevil-may-care Xtreme action. Compared to �X-Divisions�, �Cruiserweight wrestlers� or �Juniors� � BCCW Flyweight athletes are amongst the best in the world. Case in point tonight,Gus Sonneberg � who schools the comedic heel Chase Del Monte while commentators recap the events of the BCCW Flyweight title Ladder Match @ NYE (PaulLondon 2003 = New Champ). Also, BLKJeez vs Brian Kendrick in a continuation of that feud tonight. Chase & �Boston Bad Boy� Tony Rumble keeps thecrowd involved with lots of interaction, while Sonnenberg�s rough-and-tumble Leatherheads-style keeps them chanting his name. In the end GSon forcesa Chase Del Monte charge head-first into his own manager Tony Rumble, knocking him off the apron � and BOOM! �Providence Steam-Roller� fromSonnenberg (part GORE! / part POUNCE!) seals the deal. Winner: GUS SONNENBERG Post match Gus only gets out a few words of appreciation out, before it looks like there may be an altercation between him and the Broken CityHooliganz Crew (Damien Demento has come out beside Rumble & Del Monte). Sonnenberg waves them on! He�s not afraid of a fight! But thankfullyCommissioner William Muldoon arrives on the scene to warn Rumble and his crew, and keep the proceedings moving. The judicial ruling is as follows:next BCCW Fight Night � 8-Man Tag Team match� Broken City Hooliganz (one of which *MUST* include Tony Rumble himself) versus Gus Sonnenberg� who has7 days to ascertain 3 tag team partners of his own. Terms are agreed upon and we�ve got ourselves a follow-up match next week! Stay tuned!! Commissioner Muldoon with a judicial ruling. ** CUT ** ** BACKSTAGE PROMO ** An angry Trish Stratus speaks on the betrayal she suffered at NYE by the hands of her former partner Alexxis Nevaeh. Trish Stratus seeks revenge andwon't stop until the BCCW Woman's championship is around her waist. ** CUT ** __________________________________________________________________________ "EPIPHANIA" Starts with brief backstage altercation between Woman�s champion Mildred Burke � & Tamina. The daughter of Superfly Snuka is viciously cocky, andwith her pack of wild savages (Headhunterz & Mike Awesome) she feels she has the advantage - telling Burke to watch her back. But to her surprise,Mildred Burke alludes to have some �wild boyz� of her own� Cut to ring where the set for �EPIPHANIA� (latin for �Epiphany�) is waiting. Our hostsare the linguistically-endowed duo of Damien Sandow & Wild Red Berry. The set is like a classic intellectual study; faux fireplace, comfortableseating and a fanciful bookshelf adds to the d�cor. Sandow & Berry open with some witty and sarcastic banter, and hype the battle for the Woman�schampionship as being one of �grace, class & beauty versus brute savagery & degradation�. Of course Sandow & Berry, as sophisticated scholars wouldnever let filthy, uneducated common swine on their show (everybody assumes they�re speaking of Tamina, Headhunterz, Awesome) but of course in heelishfashion the �pig� they�re referring to is Mildred Burke. Sandow & Berry are grateful to play host to the Polynesian Princess TAMINA. She enters with her crew in tow, as comentators speculate this may also be a ploy on Sandow/Berry�s behalf to curry favor with the rising Headhunterztrio and avoid confrontation with their BCCW 6-Man Tag Team of FabKangs & Genius - who, by the way, have been on a successful Dark Match tour of NWAcountry as they tweak their act together). Tamina is a woman of few words, but she makes her intentions very clear. She�s calling Mildred Burke OUT! Tamina wants to challenge for the Woman�schampionship of the World! Sure enough, her bold declarations draw the theme song of our champion - and a proud Mildred Burke strides out onto theentrance ramp - holding her belt high above and smirking confidently. She did not come alone. Enter training partner ROWDY RONDA ROUSEY (UFC157 coming soon!!) And the returning MOTOR CITY MACHINE GUNS!! (put on the shelf by the Headhunterz) Now - with their respective camps surrounding them, egging them on and itching for action, Burke & Tamina go nose to nose just long enough for Burketo ACCEPT her challenge for a title shot! Tamina shoves her - Burke smiles before BLASTING her with a forearm shiver - and we�re off to the races! Suddenly the entire ring devolves into a wild fracas, with Damien Sandow in the middle desperately trying to keep everybody away from his pricelessset pieces (�not my ming vase!� �that desk is mahogany!�) One by people start getting ejected - Tamina tumbles out, Headhunterz are tossed by Sabin &Shelly (and then pursued by the WILD SAMOANS - who brawl with the Headhunterz all the way backstage!), Awesome goes through the chairs and out thering� until finally only Damien Sandow is left stranded alone in the ring - with MCMG, Rousey & Burke staring him down! He tries begging off, andMCMG frighten him with an elaborate synchronized routine that leaves him covering his eyes and cowering in fear� only to reveal it as a dramaticset-up. They pull the ropes open to reveal an unseen behemoth rushing into combat on their behalf� Introducing to BCCW (by way of Detroit Rock City) RHINO!! (debut) OMFG that�s the last ECW champion and Fantasy wrestling free-agent RHINO! He STREAKS into the ring with a mighty GORE! GORE! GORE! That puts DamienSandow *RIGHT THROUGH* the bookshelf! Sandow�s body folds in half as the wreckage collapses in on him in a hellacious spot! The crowd is goingcrazy! MCMG are now custom-designed for BCCW 6-Man competition! Motor City Machine Guns??? These guys just added a mfn CANNON! Finally,Commissioner William Muldoon arrives on the scene to issue his decree� Next Fight Night - Headhunterz versus Wild Samoans! Next BCCW TV - Motor CityMachine Guns vs. Fabulous Kangaroos! Winners move one step closer to a BCCW 6-Man title shot!! Oh my a badass set of matches to look forward to! Headhunterz vs. Wild Samoans! Fabulous Kangaroos vs. Motor City Machine Guns (** all contested under 6-Man rules **) ** PLUS ** ** BCCW Woman�s championship ** Mildred Burke � vs. Tamina!! STAY TUNED!! ** CUT ** __________________________________________________________________________ FRENCH ANGEL vs GORGEOUS GEORGE vs MIZ ** Middlweight Triple Threat match ** [color=lightblue]Recap of the whole Angel/Miz/George arc (including �the return� the �segment� and the �slap�) and finally the �match� on BCCW TVEpisode #4. George & Miz also had an altercation in the Mega Brawl @ NYE. French Angel (in the new-school, liberal world of post-2000 New England)is the clear-cut �babyface�� Gorgeous George w/ his tethered man-servant Gentleman Tornado is the definitive heel� while Miz (2013) straddles thatweird fence between them. All of their actions however, have the same very-clearly defined goal in mind: BCCW championship. Tonight, the onus of theconfrontation seems to take place between Angel�s beautiful valet Sammi Lane � and George�s increasingly bitter and violent (especially towards women)Gentleman Tornado. The interactions are so torrid, that it serves as a distraction to both Angel & George at time. Ultimately allowing Miz to sneakin a flash SCF on old fantasy wrestling rival Gorgeous George for the pin (final comeuppance over the man that beat Miz for the old XPW TV title)� post match Miz is vindicated with his glory � but absolutely *OUTRAGED* when his mandatory interview segment is cut short by a wild Angel/GorgeousGeorge/Gentleman Tornado brawl that spills backstage and steals the show right from under the Miz! Winner: MIZ ** CUT ** __________________________________________________________________________ BLKJEEZ vs. BRIAN KENDRICK ** Flyweight Bout ** versus Both men get brief pre-match words backstage to set the stage for their battle. Epic Indy-level see-saw-fest that has to be seen to be believed. Infantasy wrestling terms, it is classic ROH vs CZW in a match that never happened during their promotional wars. It is contemporary TNA vs TNAmatch-up, with Brian and Rashad Cameron both appearing there (even if only once or twice, in BLKJeez case). Same with WWE, where Kendrick carved outa place as one of the longest �reigning tag team champions in history (with current BCCW FW champion Paul London)� while BLKJeez once appeared in ananonymous Ryback squash match. It�s still all good. Here, BLKJeez is allowed to get down to his gritty, profane (sexually-harrassing) heelish worst� driving the crowd into a lather acting as the perfect foil for Brian Kendrick�s high-flying assault. Lenient with the rules, the ref even allows asteel chair to come into play (once in the hands of Kendrick) and they perform a few leaps and dives off that, before Kendrick�s lust for a highlightreel move (Striker thinks it�s because of London�s show-stealing dive @ NYE) causes him to crash and burn. BLKJeez takes advantage, wears him downquickly and finishes with a tornado DDT (onto the chair). Post-match, BLKJeez is still pissed � and forsakes his mic time for 3 mins of damn-nearmurderlizing Brian Kendrick, including a BLKJeez-flying double foot stomp to Kendrick�s ankle (encased in the steel chair). By the time security canpry him off, and BCCW FW champion Paul London (in street clothes) makes the run in � the damage is done. BLKJeez holds the steel chair aloft invictory upon the entrance ramp and soaks in the crowd boos with a satisfied smirk upon his face. But as we�ve already seen from the world of BCCW,there will most certainly be legal repercussions for BLKJeez has done� Winner: BLKJEEZ ** CUT ** __________________________________________________________________________ Flyest in all the Land BCCW Flyweight champion Paul London takes center stage for a congratulatory promo. He thanks the world as highlights of his daredevil victory at NYEroll on. He cuts an intense promo that finishes with him sitting atop a ladder in the center of the ring and holding his championship belt aloft forthe universe to see (declaring himself the "fighting champion of fantasy wrestling"). Just then... BLACKOUT! The arena lights plunge intodarkness! When they spark back to life, this man is standing in the ring... SABU The Homicidal, Genocidal, Suicidal madman is in BCCW! Paul London (still astride the ladder) is shocked to see him! The crowd pops! Sabu pointsto the sky (where London) is and issues the silent challenge! Sabu is the OG of Xtreme and he wants a Flyweight title shot! Commissioner WilliamMuldoon appears for an informal fan poll on the prospect of seeing this match (the fans ROAR their approval) so be it! Title match next FightNight!! ** BCCW Flyweight Championship Match ** Paul London � versus Sabu!! ** NEXT WEEK! Stay tuned!! ** ** FADE OUT ** __________________________________________________________________________ BROKEN CITY CHAMPIONSHIP WRESTLING is back... | |||
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BCCW TV Episode #6 (Cena vs Kowalski) Killer Kowalski and his camp of roughnecks cut an intimidating promo about money, power, respect. Tag Team #1 contender revealed, MW Title defenseand "Boston Street Fight" tonight!! His theme for Cena is "embrace the hate" (kind of like Kane 2012) as he can't even get cheered in hishometown! Kowalski runs this town! ** CUT TO ARENA ** ** BROKEN CITY CHAMPIONSHIP WRESTLING ** ** BCCW has 6 recognized championships: ** ** BCCW produces a 2-hour block of programming on the ESPN channel. Commercials come in top-heavy loads throughout the 135 mins or so (with overrun)because matches continue uninterrupted. There are strictly enforced TV time limits of 15 minutes. ** ** Post match protocol calls for the bout winner to be granted a 3-minute interview piece with in-ring correspondent MSD (like Joe Rogan in the UFC,or Larry Nelson on AWA ESPN classic reruns). ** ** William Muldoon is on-screen commissioner. All matches sanctioned by the National Wrestling Alliance. ** Now... Broadcasting to you LIVE from Fall River MA : ** THIS IS BCCW!! ** ** RINGSIDE COMMENTARY TEAM ** Welcome to the show! It�s BLIZZARD season in BCCW, with snowfall blanketing the North East and blackouts galore! Fantasy Wrestling continues togrow daily, with new constellations appearing in the distance. But one star truth remains: BCCW is the premier proving ground in all of fantasywrestling. Tonight � that lofty standard is upheld with a very special prelude to Valentines episode! TONIGHT! Hometown hero John Cena tangles withhometown legend Killer Kowalksi in a �Boston Street Fight� to determine the real *KING* of the streets. We also crown a Valentines Day Queen in avery-special lingerie battle royal� the tradition of Valentines Day-themed mixed tag team action continues with French Angel & his beautiful valetSammi Lane taking on Gorgeous George & Gentleman Tornado� Tommaso Ciampa � defends his BCCW MW title against #1 contender Mil Mascaras (1975).. andWORLD champion LOU THESZ will be in the house! All TONIGHT! Stay tuned!! Oh my wait a moment, we're getting a breaking news report from theReal World... BCCW presents: MY BLOODY VALENTINE III The PPV! Coming end of February! ** CUT TO RING ** __________________________________________________________________________ The Devil You Do Know Show opens with Dean Ambrose sauntering to the ring for a promo. Fantasy warfare is a paradox when it keeps crossing over into real life. That�s when the lines get blurred and you forget what�s truth and what�snot. Truth: Dean Ambrose is the bloodstone centerpiece of a fantasy wrestling revolution. Truth: Dean Ambrose beat BCCW HW champion Sheamus for theXPW Remixed Boston championship only to be censored by politics! Truth: Dean Ambrose is not just the voice, but the sword & shield of the voiceless. Tonight, Dean Ambrose makes a confession: DEAN AMBROSE: I just know there's something dark in me and I hide it. I certainly don't talk about it, but it's there always,this Dark Passenger. And when he's driving, I feel alive, half sick with the thrill of complete wrongness. I don't fight him, Idon't want to. He's all I've got. Nothing else could love me, not even... especially not me. Or is that just a lie the DarkPassenger tells me? It's like the mask is slipping and things that never mattered before are suddenly starting to matter. It scares the hellout of me� and it should scare the hell out of you too� He knows the cops are coming and he�ll tell you why. Dean Ambrose plays the **Breaking News** footage that�s everywhere by now� three armed menrobbed Steve Casey�s bar early this morning, severally injuring the Crusher and killing one of his customers� this is an exceptionally tragicsituation, and remnants of a sick, sick, depraved-gone-mad-world we all inhabit. Worst part, it�s a true story. It�s a low blow when Ambrosementions it (think Punk/Heyman: fake heart attack), and it segues into his original point this evening: Sheamus is a Lie. Everything about him, thepeople he says he loves, friends he says he respects, title he says he earned is a giant fa�ade. Fake. Sheamus *LOST* to World champion Lou Thesz @NYE - he�s been humbled; professionally-castrated. Because of Sheamus and his failures, the BCCW title means nothing. Dean Ambrose is doing Sheamusa favor by putting him out of his misery, overtaking the BCCW HW title and raising it to an untold level of glory & prestige. Because Dean Ambrose isthe TRUTH. Before Dean Ambrose can continue his shoot rant any further, BCCW President Paul Bowser (along with local area policemen and uniformed FBI agents)appear and hustle to ringside. Dean Ambrose just waits with a smug grin, confident the Feds got nothing on him (his own malicious damage case withthe same bar is another matter entirely). Finally - BCCW HW champion SHEAMUS has appeared alongside Paul Bowser as the scene recedes! Sheamus � still carries upon him the marks and bandages of the previous assault he suffered at the hands of Dean Ambrose (in an unprecedented glassspot) - and his Irish temper is flaring. This whole scene is reminiscent of the time Big Show jumped William Regal at a pub in England - except thistime it was Casey's bar and the results fatal. A touch of XPW Remixed. Sheamus is clamoring for justice, but finds himself completely impotent(legally not being able to reach Ambrose). Which Dean masterfully exploits into a psychological advantage and preys upon Sheamus with a "dare"challenge he is beholden to answer... Exit Dean Ambrose (with police escort)... Enter HANS SCHMIDT __________________________________________________________________________ SHEAMUS vs HANS SCHMIDT ** Heavyweight Match ** The insignia is vague, the uniform slightly off color. There are no *overt* references (no swastikas, no goose-stepping like JBL) but make no doubtabout it. Hans Schmidt is the message board Nazi. He censors independent thought, won�t hesitate to delete opinions contrary to his and has noqualms exterminating you if you dare take a stand against him and his fascist ways. Tonight, the taunts and challenges of Dean Ambrose still ringingin his ears, Sheamus had no choice but to accept Hans Schmidt �impromptu� challenge - fresh wounds (and Paul Bowser�s reluctance) be damned. Anotherbarn-burner opening match that plays out a bit like the Pat Patterson/Sgt Slaughter MSG bloodbath of yore. This time it is Sheamus who comes upbleeding off a spiked helmet shot, and the rest of the match is the Pale Swordsman dying slowly at the hands and heels of Hans Schmidt. Commentatorscover the eerie coincidences in Dean Ambrose trashing of Casey�s bar, the Sheamus glass assault and Crusher�s being robbed by a 3-man team (likeSchmidt�s own Axis of Evil). Hans Schmidt grinds Sheamus into dust - survives one last desperation rally from the BCCW HW champion - before puttinghim out of his bloody misery with a piledriver on his own championship belt. 1.. 2.. 3. The air deflates from the arena, as Hans Schmidt isannounced the victor. Amidst a sea of plastic cups and paper wads, Hans Schmidt raises the BCCW HW belt over his head - still stained with Sheamusblood. Hans Schmidt just pinned the BCCW HW champion! He even lingers for a bit post match to unleash an incendiary promo (harkening back to theworst of XPW Remixed and portraying the fallen Rob Black as some kind of political prisoner. He starts saying some real derogatory things aboutimmigration before being cut off. Winner: HANS SCHMIDT ** CUT ** ** BACKSTAGE INTERLUDE ** JOHN CENA is arriving tonight (CHEER!) He�s pulling up in the parking lot, when none other than ALEXXIS NEVAEH comes urgently running to meet him. She seems remorseful and conflicted, and confides in John that his words to her last week on BCCW TV resonated with her. What just happened toSheamus, alongside the horrible breaking news report of Casey's bar has pushed her over the edge. Alexxis fears that she�s been bullied intomaking questionable decisions and tells Cena that her mentor Killer Kowalski has something �wicked� planned for him this evening during their BostonStreet Fight. She tearfully warns Cena to reconsider taking the match (he won�t) before hugging him and telling him �be careful�. Alexxis is leavingthe building under Cena�s advice and isn�t coming back until the threat of Killer Kowalksi has been exterminated tonight. John Cena vs KillerKowalksi! Boston Street Fight! TONIGHT! ** CUT ** __________________________________________________________________________ ** Valentines Queen Battle Royal ** A new Valentines tradition; the BCCW Valentines King & Queen (similiar to prom king & queen). This comes to be in a brief backstage vignette in whichBCCW VP Sheldon Goldberg is swept off his feet and smitten by the newly-arrived Womans Div Secretary EVE TORRES GRACIE (BCCW debut!!) The "King &Queen" is definitely a popularity contest when it's announced that WORLD champion Lou Thesz has been crowned King for the night and will bearriving later to receive his honor (and take in tonights main event match). Meanwhile, the "Queen" role will be contested for tonight in a10-woman battle royal... Order of Elimination: AKSANA: Mildred Burke & Trish Stratus team up right off the bat. MOTHER IN LAW: Natalya Neidhart/Wendi Richter double clothesline. BRITTANY BROWN: Impressive Fantasy Wrestling debut for the local area talent, and her historic run as the 1st (and only) woman to hold 3different championships at the same time is referenced - before she is dumped by Mildred Burke. NATALYA NEIDHART: Ejected by Tamina. Winner: TRISH STRATUS ** CUT ** [size=]The Champ Is Here Cameras catch a limo pulling up in the parking lot� enter WORLD champion Lou Thesz and his manager Strangler Lewis. Backstage correspondent MSDrushes onto the scene for some brief words. Apparently, one of the conditions of Thesz appearance tonight would be his coronation as Valentine King. They�ve come to watch the Kowalski/Cena match in person, and Strangler Lewis hints at some kind of alliance they share with regional factions. LouThesz � is the best in the world, and he�s on the only show that matters! BCCW TV! Stay tuned!! ** CUT TO COMMERCIAL ** __________________________________________________________________________ CRYME TYME 3.0 versus THE COMBINATION ** 6-Man Tag Team match ** vs The Combination is a gathering of Prohibition-era tough guys (and their modern-day counterparts). A gang that as an independent group, has existedprior to formation of the National Crime Syndicate. While the group's original name is "The Combination," certain fantasy wrestling mediamembers have come up with a different name for them: "Murder Inc". Today it is Dick Shikat, Tony Altomare & Axl Keegan - and they take orders onlyfrom their off-screen leader the "Lord High Executioner". The Combination is responsible for nearly 800 fantasy wrestling hits that were extremelybrutal (like their attack on Necro Butcher - see BCCW TV Episode #4). Many of those hits went unsolved for several years, but the Combination is nowstepping up to claim responsibility. Their foils tonight are the forever-jovial and entertaining trio of Cryme Tyme 3.0 (co-starring the lovablechain-smoking pot dealer Weedman). After a revitalized fantasy wrestling run, the Brooklyn Nets-themed Cryme Tyme never seemed to catch on with theNew England-area fanbase - even with the addition of medical marijuana favorite Weedman. Tonight is their swan song. Dick Shikat winds up squeezing submission out of JTG with his modified crossface chickenwing. Post match the Combination goes Downtown Harlem on Cryme Tyme 3.0 - tying up ShadGaspard in the ropes and forcing him to watch them smash JTG's arm in between the steel ring steps, and then take out Weedman with the samesteel chair assault to the head that has become a Combination trademark. It is interesting for Striker to note on commentary, that the Combinationhave thus far been the only group in BCCW *NOT* to be fined, suspended (or worse) for their postmatch actions (something every rulebreaker must dealwith when crossing the BCCW law). Winners: COMBINATION ** CUT ** ** BACKSTAGE INTERLUDE ** Cameras pan to a disturbance up the hall, where the Axis of Evil are being thrown out of the building by security (while complaining loudly ofpolitical conspiracy and American bias the entire time). Hans Schmidt lingers just long enough to recap his victory over Sheamus earlier and saysomething ominous about further terrorist attacks to occur� ** CUT ** __________________________________________________________________________ FRENCH ANGEL & SAMMI LANE ** Valentines Mixed-Tag Team Match ** It is a Valentines tradition to host a very special inter-gender tag team match, and in anticipation of the next big BCCW PPV (My Bloody ValentineIII) we get this fantasy wrestling mash-up. The feud between these two parties has heated up, with Gentleman Tornado even putting his hands upon thevalet Sammi Lane (with his masters urging - and to French Angel�s eternal rage). This match was specifically requested (with the stipulation beingthe winning team gets a �Valentines Wish� from the losers), but plays out more like a handicap match than anything. Gorgeous George makes his valetGentleman Tornado do most of the work, and French Angel batters the pimp-in-servitude around the ring. Even Sammi Lane has a chance to get a fewshots in on her tormentor Gentleman Tornado. But in the end (after Angel has just run a clinic on Gorgeous George) - Gentleman Tornado gets the blindtag - and winds up super kicking Sammi Lane�s head off for the pin! HOLY S***! Big time boos for that, and French Angel has to literally carry SammiLane backstage like a small child. With their post match mic time, Gorgeous George makes his �Valentines Wish� a very special �valet match� next BCCWTV Episode! Gentleman Tornado� versus Sammi Lane one-on-one! The villains snicker and sneer dastardly� the crowd boos their disapproval� and thecommentators react with indignation over the antics of Gorgeous George and Gentleman Tornado� Winners: GORGEOUS GEORGE & GENTLEMAN TORNADO ** CUT ** __________________________________________________________________________ FABULOUS KANGAROOS vs. MOTOR CITY MACHINE GUNS ** 6-Man Tag Team Mach ** BCCW 6-Man tag team action is money. Others have tried it - none could make it work like this. Established teams with a symmetrical fantasywrestling counterpart. Case in point - the Fabulous Kangaroos. Long time fantasy wrestling mainstays, paired with the Genius Lanny Poffo under WildRed Berry's tutelage. Poffos stirring poem to start serenades their shared greatness. Their opponents meanwhile have the foundation of DetroitRock City to lean upon. The dazzling MCMG paired with RHINO. Exciting match (with both teams and their XPW Remixed title histories well documented)that finishes with a thunderous GORE! GORE! GORE! to the Genius Lanny Poffo. 1!.. 2!.. 3!! The BCCW 6-Man ranks just got rocked! Post match, Shelly& Sabin touch on their desire to gain vengeance on the Headhunterz (with their new partner) while Rhino roars briefly into the mic to close(he's calling out the tag team champs TBI next!) Winners: MOTOR CITY MACHINE GUNS ** CUT ** ** BACKSTAGE INTERLUDE ** World champion Lou Thesz and Strangler Lewis are in their private viewing box enjoying the show, and receiving the luxury perks of being chosen"Valentine King" for the day. But their pleasent reverie is interupted by BCCW President Paul Bowser! With the icy cold will of mob boss vs mobboss, he alludes to Strangler being able to pull some strings with the New England Athletic commissions, but reminds them both they're still on*HIS* show tonight - guests or not. Both parties leave each other with ominous parting words as we continue our show... Stay tuned!! ** CUT TO COMMERCIAL ** __________________________________________________________________________ A Fantasy Wrestling Rematch for the Eons Killer Kowalski leads his troops to the ring. Truly Bad Intentions are the BCCW 6-Man Tag Team champions (Ryback, Karl Anderson & Tommaso Ciampa -who still rocks the tag strap & BCCW MW belt... even though he defers all tag team defenses to stablemate Giant Bernard now). In the ring they meetBCCW VP Sheldon Goldberg (alongside Commissioner Muldoon for back-up) who is going to announce the official #1 contenders to the tag team titles. Butbefore he can, of course Killer bogarts the mic and unleashes all kinds of wild threats - promising to take down the chosen one John Cena tonight -and dismissing whoever Sheldon Goldberg is going to announce. But the BCCW VP has a pretty good track record of surprise title contenders (seeGoldberg @ NYE)... and tonight is no different... Introducing to BCCW... The #1 contenders... (and former champions before being swindled by TBI - see XPW Remixed presents Grand Conjunction)... THE ROAD WARRIORS (Hawk & Animal)!! Fans go crazy! Bad guys go ballistic! Road Warriors rumble to the ring and address Kowalski & his camp face to face! No fear! Snack on danger,dine on death! Killer Kowalski says these are the 6-man tag titles, and the LOD is one man short. The Commissioner confirms that any tag team titlematch must take place under the BCCW 6-man rules. But LOD assure the world they have a mystery partner to tackle TBI head-on @ the "MBVIII"PPV!! ** BCCW 6-Man Tag Team titles ** Truly Bad Intentions � versus Legion of Doom!! Only @ "My Bloody Valentine III" Stay tuned!! ** CUT ** __________________________________________________________________________ ROB VAN DAM vs. ALBERTO DEL RIO vs. WILD RED BERRY ** Middlweight #1 Contender Match ** Main eventers and multi-time fantasy wrestling title holders RVD4:20 and ADR clash once more with championship glory on the line. In pre-match promosthis was settled, with ADR looking for another reason to tangle with his uncle Mil Mascaras one more time as well (he projects Mascaras to become thenext BCCW MW champion). In an entertaining segue, manager Wild Red Berry was brought into action in place of Damien Sandow (who was �injured� as aresult of the GORE! GORE! GORE! He suffered at the hands of Rhino - see BCCW Fight on FX �Blackout!�). In action, RVD & ADR bring the flash andsizzle - with the more-the-capable-hand Berry providing the sportz-entertainment fulcrum in the middle. A few interactions between ADR and DamienSandow (at ringside in a neck brace) give Del Rio a subtle baby face rub. In the end, match breakdown concludes with Del Rio going after Sandow atringside (saving his ring announcer Ricardo Rodriguez in the process) - and RVD maneuvering Wild Red Berry into a 5-star frog splash for the finish! Winner: ROB VAN DAM ** CUT ** ** BACKSTAGE INTERLUDE ** Using social media, Sheamus (getting stitched up at the hospital) cuts a serial-killer promo himself, promising Dean Ambrose will feel his Hell whenthey face off next week on BCCW TV! ** CUT TO COMMERCIAL ** __________________________________________________________________________ GOLDBERG � versus ACES & 8�s ** Handicap Match ** versus Segment starts with "Nature Boy" Buddy Rogers taking to the ring for a promo. Both Matt Morgan & Mark Henry were like old warhorses who had to betaken out to pasture. Now Rogers has a bull in his sights, which is why he hedged his bets by hiring Aces & 8s to perform a hit on BCCW TV ChampionGoldberg. That draws the dramatic strains of Goldberg's music - and cue his ominous walkout. Before he can get all the way down the aisle, 3Aces & 8s members have materialized to stand beside Rogers in the ring. Group leader D-Von Dudley addresses Goldberg on the mic as well, leading tothe following handicap match. Glorified squash, with Goldberg running through the repackaged Tomko and Territory Wars debuting Brian Fury (local NECWveteran) with a vicious fury. He spears Tomko out of his boots and gives D-Von & Rogers (at ringside) the thumbs up right before pulverizing BrianFury with his jackhammer finish. Now Goldberg has the one mic for a very succinct closing statement: (points at D-Von) YOU'RE NEXT!! Winner: GOLDBERG This just in: Goldberg will defend the TV title next week against D-Von Dudley! Stay tuned!! **CUT TO COMMERCIAL ** __________________________________________________________________________ ** BCCW Middleweight championship match ** TOMMASO CIAMPA (2015) � vs. MIL MASCARAS (1975) w/ versus Big time wrestling/MMA main event entrances for both men � with premium importance being placed on the BCCW MW belt. Killer Kowalksi looms inCiampa�s corner � a dark harbinger of things to come. Match is hardcore 70s lucha meets ROH strong-style and has fans chanting everything from �VIVAMASCARAS!� to �THIS IS AWESOME!� Mascaras misses a dramatic dive and impales himself on a ringside guardrail. His weakened rib areas plays into therest of the match, with Killer himself even grabbing a ringside stomach claw when the ref wasn�t looking! Mil Mascaras still fights back with a heavycontingent of Latino fans cheering him on. But Ciampa is able to roll through on a Mascaras body press attempt � hook the tights, drape his footaround the ropes � and capitalize on Mil�s injured ribs to nearly steal it! 1!.. 2!.. kickout! Mil Mascaras mounts an amazing, no-selling, supermexcomeback when all the sudden� chaos ensues. Winner: NONE (no finish) From the crowd � 3 black-cloaked SWAT members (think: WWE Shield) storm the barricade and attack! It is the Axis of Evil � Hans Schmidt, ColonelDeBeers & Ludvig Borga! They are unleashing a gangland-style beatdown on Mil Mascaras! Tommaso Ciampa & Kowalksi are smart enough to powder out anddisappear from the scene, as the ring bell tolls furiously. None the less � the Axis goes �American History X� on Mil�s ass, setting him up for atriple powerbomb� when who should appear for the run-in and save?!?!... ALBERTO DEL RIO!! Wielding a steel pipe in his hands, ADR unleashes a furious sneak attack on the 3 bandits � violently driving them away! Crowd explodes intocheers! Axis begin their retreat; smug in their beatdown on Mascaras � but shocked and outraged by ADR�s interjection. Del Rio eventually shakeshands and bows his head to Mil Mascaras, while helping trainers and physicians get his injured uncle backstage. Full-fledged face turn into theMexican hero ADR is portrayed as on WWE TV 2013. ** CUT ** __________________________________________________________________________ ** Main Event ** KILLER KOWALKSI versus JOHN CENA ** Heavyweight Match ** versus Sick match. Great, hard-nosed main event. Classic XPW Remixed-styled "brawl through the fans" ringside mayhem. Both Cena & Kowalski'sentire fantasy wrestling arcs are recapped on commentary, with attention being paid specifically to Kowalski's brain-washing tactics (RE:Alexxis) and his stubborn belief that Ryback was the sole reason for the TBI loss on BCCW TV Episode #5 (Killer treats the former Skip Sheffield likethe whipping dog of his camp). Kowalksi is stiff, mean and brutal - bashing, stomping, kicking and *biting* Cena all over the ring. Meanwhile Cena is on a path of vengeance ever since being unseated by World champion Lou Thesz. His successes and failures in XPW Remixed (and NWA)are thoroughly examined, as he withstands a ferocious beating from Kowalski. Killer's coaching strategy is plainly apparent, as he too targetsthe rib area of Cena (with a brutal steel chair assault) in order to weaken the FUAA and strengthen his own Stomach Claw attempts. In the end,Kowalski actually mounts a power-heel comeback (to small - but loud - pockets of CHEERS) and Cena winds up trapped in the ring ropes! He's tiedhelplessly in place as Kowalski advances with what appears to be a sick unprotected chair shot... when ALEXXIS NEVAEH runs in for the save! Sheunties Cena, freeing him from the ropes (to loud, high-pitched cheers and shrieks from the woman and children fans) and the two of them standside-by-side against Kowalski!! Killer feints as if he will swing the chair - Alexxis flinches - Cena brushes her behind him to protect her... andshe STRIKES WITH A LOWBLOW! Commentators have a conniption as the set-up becomes apparent. John Cena - hobbled over by a low blow - is easy pickingsfor a climatic chair shot from Kowalski! He collapses on Cena with his deadly Stomach Claw! Cena is out, and ref counts him down! 1!! 2!! 3!! KILLER KOWALSKI BEATS JOHN CENA! Winner: KILLER KOWALSKI Alexxis Nevaeh cements her decision to remain allied with the deadliest fantasy wrestling camp on the East Coast. Killer Kowalski hoots and hollers about his deceptive victory, while Alexxis remains stone-faced and evil... staring down at Cena'sunconcious body. The Mickey & Mallory of BCCW then snap into action, about to do something diabolical to Cena - when TRISH STRATUS runs in for thereal save! She tackles Alexxis and a catfight breaks out, buying Cena enough time to recover (slightly). With the cheers of the fans driving themon, Cena & Trish combine to eject Kowalski & Alexxis for good before embracing in the ring. Alexxis is irate with jealousy. POST MATCH BREAKDOWN: Cena & Trish turn right around into the smiling faces of Lou Thesz & Strangler Lewis - ready to formally accept the honor of "Valentines King &Queen". Stratus & Cena however, look disgusted. Announcers reiterate Trish was spotted entering the champs locker room earlier, and indeedthat's the first thing Strangler Lewis mentions when he has the house mic in his hand. It turns out, Trish Stratus was seeking some kind ofarrangement with the champ... and even Cena seems put off by the suggestion. And indeed she was! Trish doesn't deny it! She was forced to seek permission from a higher sports authority in order to get her coveted match against Alexxis Nevaeh! Alexxis has been duckingand dodging Trish ever since turning on her at New Years Evolution, and Trish wants revenge! Alexxis & Kowalski fly into a rage at ringside - clearlyupset that their tenous alliance with Thesz was compromised! But the swerve comes when Trish reveals she was actually on her way to ask Cena to beher Valentine King, NOT Thesz! Strangler Lewis tries to put his hand on Trish's wrist, only to be punched in the face by Cena! Cena & Theszbegin to tangle as the crowd cheers and security intervenes! Finally BCCW President breaks up the ruckus with some good news (just sanctioned by theNWA New England Athletic board) EVERYBODY gets their chance for satisfaction! At MBVIII, the proud tradition of a Valentines intergender tag team match continues... John Cena & Trish Stratus will team up to face WORLD champion Lou Thesz & Alexxis Nevaeh! Winning team to receive world title shots! (with Theszreserving the right to ban Cena from all future World title shots should Thesz & Alexxis win)!! Strangler Lewis (still holding his jaw) is all like"you can't do this!!", but Paul Bowser reminds him this is HIS show! BCCW rules!! Fade out on Cena/Trish facing off with Thesz/Alexxis ascommentators hype the PPV, and entice viewers to stay tuned next week on BCCW TV!! ** FADE OUT ** __________________________________________________________________________ BCCW presents... MY BLOODY VALENTINE III Lou Thesz & Alexxis Nevaeh vs John Cena & Trish Stratus ** BCCW 6-Man Tag Team titles ** __________________________________________________________________________ CREDITS: Dean Ambrose excerpt: Dexter (showtime) episode "An Inconvenient Lie" (2007) BROKEN CITY CHAMPIONSHIP WRESTLING is back... | |||
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BCCW Fight Night on FX (Valentines Day Massacre)![]() ** BROKEN CITY CHAMPIONSHIP WRESTLING ** ** BCCW has 6 recognized championships: ** ** BCCW produces a 70-minute block of programming on the FX channel (with commercial ads for NWA Worldwide FX on Fridays). Commercials come intop-heavy loads throughout because matches continue uninterrupted. There are strictly enforced TV time limits of 15 minutes. BCCW "Fight Nighton FX" is obviously inspired by UFC events of the same name, but also shares similarities with WWE Main Event (in that one particular "mainevent" match is hyped throughout the show). Tonight it is Mildred Burke defending her Womans championship against Tamina, and the Headhunterztaking on the Wild Samoans (with their mystery partner) in an Xtreme Rules, BCCW 6-Man Tag Team match!! ** ** Post match protocol calls for the bout winner to be granted a 3-minute interview piece with in-ring correspondent MSD (like Joe Rogan in the UFC,or Larry Nelson on AWA ESPN classic reruns). ** ** William Muldoon is on-screen commissioner. All matches sanctioned by the National Wrestling Alliance. ** Now... Broadcasting to you from Fall River, MA: ** THIS IS BCCW!! ** ** RINGSIDE COMMENTARY TEAM ** Fantasy wrestling fans are in great anticipation following the recent developments on BCCW TV. On Episode #6 (Cena vs Kowalski) - the face of BCCWJohn Cena *lost* his Boston Street Fight against Killer, only to be immediately rewarded with a title shot opportunity against WORLD champion LouThesz. Many are calling foul on BCCW and match-making politics, including camp Kowalski. But none the less, Strangler Lewis (manager of WORLDchampion Lou Thesz) has released a statement accepting the challenge of Cena & Stratus and promising to tarnish "the face of BCCW" for good! Themarch to MBVIII continues tonight with a special "Valentines Day Massacre" card. TONIGHT - Gus Sonnenberg will reveal his 3 mystery partners in amatch against the Broken City Hooliganz gang... who will the Wild Samoans bring as a partner against the Headhunterz trio? Featherweight contenderBLKJeez has been *suspended* for the night due to his actions last week (chair attack on Brian Kendrick), MIZ TV, 6-Man Tag team action andWoman's champion Mildred Burke defends her title against Tamina in tonight's main event!! STAY TUNED! ** CUT TO RING ** __________________________________________________________________________ PAUL LONDON � versus SABU ** Flyweight Bout ** versus Show starts with a bang, as BCCW Flyweight champion Paul London cuts a passionate promo calling Sabu OUT. The Homicidal, Suicidal, Genocidal madmananswers the call and before you know it, we�re off! Surreal, daredevil match made even crazier by the sheer spontaneity of the whole thing. Insanespot fest that showcases each man trying to up the other, and the crowd propelling them both to new heights. First London unfolds his ladder to greatcrowd acclaim - only to have Sabu answer the �we want tables!� chant a little later with his own weapon of choice! Shooting star press from theLondon off the ladder. Springboard leg drop from Sabu through the table. But it�s all just an appetizer - a sneak peek of greater things to come. Because with both men down and the crowd chanting their names - none other than the �banned from the building� BLKJEEZ slides through the crowd areawith his trusty chair! With a fiery passion, he unleashes chair-violence upon both Paul London and Sabu - rendering the *match* an immediate nocontest. Winner: NONE (no finish) BLKJeez shows a disturbing jealousy over anybody being proclaimed better than him, and takes out this insecurity on London & Sabu - leaving thembattered and unmoving. He's only stopped by security, and even then he bogarts a mic before they can totally remove him. BLKJeez cuts aprofanity laced tirade that must be bleeped out (the crux of it being racial politics, Paul Bowser being the bad guy, and BLKJeez claiming friendswith "people high up" ) Commentators remind you of BLKJeez previous association with the Strangler Lewis administration the resulted in his run asthe 1st BCCW Flyweight champion. Meanwhile London & Sabu are helped to their feet and backstage, receiving standing ovations from the fans as theygo... ** CUT ** ** VIGNETTE ** Humorous backstage interlude featuring the Crown Jewels (Mr Fabulous, Elia Markopoulos & Playboy Adrian Adonis) wanting their BCCW TV Episode #4 (LostEpisode) count-out victory over the Voodoo Murderz STRIKEN FROM THE RECORD! The Crown Jewels have been in predatorily *FEAR* ever since that victory,because (as we learn) the Voodoo Murderz have been stalking them and demanding repayment for the *favor* they performed! (and is that a box ofchocolates and roses in the VMz hands??) The Crown Jewels freak out when the Voodoo Murders find them, and leer menacingly into their locker room! AAAAIIIEEEE! Crown Jewels take off like co-eds caught in a panty raid, while the Voodoo Murders (Taru & Jun Kasai, in this case) give gleeful chaselike a pair of weird Japanese ultra-violent perverts!! To be continued!! ** CUT TO COMMERCIAL ** __________________________________________________________________________ GUS SONNENBERG and� USO�s w/ RIKISHI!! ** 6-Man Tag Team Match ** versus Boston Bad Boy Tony Rumble and troops out first for an incendiary promo. He is joined in his heckling of the fans by the loudmouth braggart Chase DelMonte. They are answered by Gus Sonnenberg, who reveals his mystery partners to growing anticipation� THE new-look USO�s (feat. Rikishi)! Str8t tobusiness tonight, as the Funky Samoan Hit Squad runs a clinic on Rumble & Chase - with only the rough-and-rugged Pitbulls (of XPW Remixed acclaim) tomatch them. So when GSon and Rikishi are able to get them temporarily out of the picture with a launching tope body press, it opens up the door forthe Uso�s to crush Chase Del Monte with stereo flying splashes in the ring. In quick succession, BOOM! �Providence Steamroller� (part POUNCE! PartGORE!) from GSon to Tony Rumble ends the match for the good guys. *FINALLY* they get a chance to boogie, as GSon gracefully bows out (slapping handswith fans on the way back to the locker room) - leaving the ring, and stage, to the Uso�s. Cue celebratory dance-off to end segment. Winners: GUS SONNENBERG & USO�s ** CUT ** ** TV CLIP ** Highlight video reel package of Dean Ambrose vs Sheamus story arc (Ambrose trying to push Sheamus toward suicidal despair with all his failures as"champion" ) that promotes their big upcoming match on BCCW TV Episode #7. Stay tuned!! __________________________________________________________________________ MIZ TV MIZ performs a PPV rundown of the upcoming My Bloody Valentine III PPV (with a focus on the Valentines Intergender Tag Team match betweenCena/Stratus vs. Thesz/Nevaeh). Miz is about to tell us about the time *HE* performed in one of these matches at MBVII - when he�s interrupted byWILD RED BERRY & DAMIEN SANDOW! They engage Miz in a bout of witty repartee; claiming their own show �Epiphania� is much better than MIZ TV. But Miz kindly reminds them they onlyhad one episode and it was crashed by the Motor City Machine Guns and the debuting Rhino! Chitter-chatter is just a prelude to the eventualchallenge, and as the ring set is cleared - and Miz removes his suit coat (Sandow, his ring robe) in anticipation of locking up - the heels cleverlyreveal that Sandow is *NOT* his chosen opponent for the night� it�s Wild Red Berry himself. ** SEGUE ** MIZ vs. WILD RED BERRY ** Middleweight Match ** Miz is fiery and intense tonight, seemingly swinging his pendulum more into �baby face� alignment. Meanwhile, Berry & Sandow remain diabolical andrakish as usual - overcoming Miz� offensive volley - and securing the victory with a dastardly double-team unseen by the referee. �Gilligan Twist�from Wild Red Berry (in this world, it�s a modified version of the old Rings of Saturn submission - see Perry Saturn WCW) squeezes a tap out from themouth that roared. Postmatch, Berry & Sandow use their mic time to tout the greatness of their Dead Poets Society, reiterate Damien Sandow�sheavyweight title goal and announce Wild Red Berry is officially licensed as a manager *AND* an active competitor, and Berry has BCCW MW titleambitions! Winner (by submission): WILD RED BERRY. ** CUT TO COMMERCIAL ** __________________________________________________________________________ PRIME TIME PLAYAZ vs. ELIMINATORS ** 6 Man Tag Team Match ** w/ PTP bring the flash & sizzle - the Eliminators bring stiff realism. Everybody gets over, and the PtP retain their colorful edge even in defeat. Ki-Krusher into Total Elimination on Rockstar Kaos (previously of XPW Remixed fame) ends the match emphatically. But the PtP shtick and charisma onlycontinues to grow. Meanwhile, Saturn & Kronus speak briefly this time about the loss @ NYE and coming back stronger - and Low Ki wraps up theirpostmatch promo with some stern words for the rest of the BCCW 6-Man division as they work their way back up to a title shot (getting over theupcoming TBI vs LOD PPV battle as well). Winners: ELIMINATORS ** CUT ** ** BACKSTAGE VIGNETTE ** Voodoo Murders are still giving comedic chase to the Crown Jewels throughout the backstage area (giving new meaning to "St Valentines DayMassacre" ). They scramble through the womens dressing room, catching Annie Social & Aksana in a state of undress. Jun Kasai gives pause tohungrily stare them up and down (seemingly sizing them up) - only to grab the skimpy Valentines Day lingerie they hold in their hands! Kasai is goingto force the Crown Jewels to wear it! The chase continues!! ** CUT TO COMMERCIAL ** __________________________________________________________________________ ** Co-Main Event ** WILD SAMOANS vs. HEADHUNTERZ ** 6- Man Tag Team Match ** vs. On the opposite end of the spectrum from the last match - we get this slobber knocker. Showing the wildly diverse aspects of BCCW 6-Man tag teamaction. Here, the Headhunterz & Mike Awesome engage in a thrilling XPW Remixed-styled fracas all over the ringside area and beyond with theiropponents Wild Samoans - who revealed UMAGA as their savage-in-crime in a pre-match war ritual! Chairs, guardrails, ring steps and posts� you nameit. ECW Hardcore, XPW Remixed ultra-violence, classic Memphis, CZW, FMW - whatever you want to call it. Just know the fans are chanting �BCCW! BCCW!� as it happens. Headhunterz go through tables at ringside, while Awesome follows prey to a series of concussive charges from the Samoans &Umaga. The debuting Samoan Bulldozer also takes the time to scare Tamina right off the apron, before blasting Mike Awesome with a Samoan spike forthe pin (all 3 Samoans pig pile on Awesome for the count)! Headhunterz slink off in defeat, while proclaiming this war far from finished. MeanwhileUmaga makes his BCCW debut an emphatic one with this victory tonight. Winners: WILD SAMOANS ** CUT ** __________________________________________________________________________ ** Woman�s Championship ** MILDRED BURKE � versus TAMINA Now Tamina is forced into battle alone. On the eve of her biggest BCCW match to date, she is stressed, anxious and without any back-up (her boysHeadhunterz & Mike Awesome being driven off in defeat). Meanwhile Mildred Burke is the quintessential queen of cool, carrying herself with a powerfulgrace and dignity that is hard to befoul (despite the greatest efforts of XPW Remixed). Str8t sportsmanship, with the two woman putting on a tensemat-clinic, different from the other action you�ve seen tonight. Lots of athletic submission attempts and shoot hold counters by Burke, with Taminaoffering up some impressive strength displays to counter (Burke is smaller than the muscular daughter of Superfly). Tamina takes over on poweroffense, only to miss her Superfly splash in dramatic fashion - and wind up caught in an airtight Mildred Burke arm-bar! Tamina has no choice but totap or snap! She taps out! Winner by submission (and STILL BCCW Womans champion): MILDRED BURKE Burke is in the middle of her show-closing victory promo (also shouting out training partner Ronda Rousey and her UFC title defense coming soon), whenwe are all interrupted by the panicked run-in of the CROWN JEWELS! They are literally chased all the way to the ring by the Voodoo Murders (AdrianAdonis looks slathered in baby oil with an apple crammed in his mouth and his hands half-tied behind like his back like he just escaped)! In fear,the Crown Jewels slide in and out of the ring - leading the Voodoo Murders (Jun Kasai & Taru) to come face to face with Mildred Burke� where theystop and gaze her up and down with lascivious intent. But the Womans champion doesn�t back down OR settle for disrespect� she SLAPS the gogglesright off of Jun Kasai�s face! Oh my, that turns the switch in the Voodoo Murders and they begin to advance menacingly upon Mildred Burke� Until the Motor City Machine Guns Alex Shelley & Chris Sabin run in for the save! With the crowd going crazy, MCMG rock the Voodoo Murders withsynchronized tag moves - leaving the Japanese tandem stunned and dazzled! But when the MCMG don�t see it coming, BIG DADDY VOODOO (the 3rd member ofVoodoo Murders) lumbers to ringside and clobbers them both! The former �Viscera� uses big-man offense on the Flyweight-size wrestlers to regain theirheat� Until RHINO runs in to complete the 3-on-3 brawl! He hits a sick GORE! GORE! GORE! On Big Daddy V and everything is going crazy! BCCW 6-ManTag team madness! Voodoo Murderz are finally ejected from the ring, and MCMG celebrate with Burke! Then the Crown Jewels try sneaking into the ringto offer their hands to MCMG. But the Guns survey the crowd reaction (�GET EM!� ) before deciding to slam the Crown Jewels instead! Burke with anarmbar on Mr Fabulous! Double dropkicks for Adonis! GORE! GORE! GORE! To Elia that folds him up like an accordion! Oh my, we�re out of time forthe week! Happy Valentines Day from BCCW! STAY TUNED!! ** FADE OUT ** __________________________________________________________________________ BROKEN CITY CHAMPIONSHIP WRESTLING is back... | |||
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mastermind Posts 1134 Mood: No Mood. |
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BCCW TV Episode #7 (Run This Town)![]() ** BROKEN CITY CHAMPIONSHIP WRESTLING ** ** BCCW has 6 recognized championships: ** ** BCCW produces a 2-hour block of programming on the ESPN channel. Commercials come in top-heavy loads throughout the 135 mins or so (with overrun)because matches continue uninterrupted. There are strictly enforced TV time limits of 15 minutes. ** ** Post match protocol calls for the bout winner to be granted a 3-minute interview piece with in-ring correspondent MSD (like Joe Rogan in the UFC,or Larry Nelson on AWA ESPN classic reruns). ** ** William Muldoon is on-screen commissioner. All matches sanctioned by the National Wrestling Alliance. ** Now... Broadcasting to you LIVE from Fall River MA : ** THIS IS BCCW!! ** ** RINGSIDE COMMENTARY TEAM ** BCCW presents: MY BLOODY VALENTINE III The PPV! Coming soon ** CUT TO RING ** __________________________________________________________________________ Run This Town KILLER KOWALSKI: A long time ago I took a vow to protect this thing of ours! I pledged allegiance to the craft! I earned the nicknameKILLER when I took off Yukon Eric�s ear in Canada and *laughed about it*!! Now we got a guy calling himself the face of fantasy wrestling - in my ownbackyard! And that man is John Cena! [I](big baritone boos mixed with high-pitched shrieks & squeals) John Cenaaaa! Last week I beat you in aBoston Street Fight, but I didn�t get a chance to rub your face in the pavement long enough! That�s why we signed up ALEXXIS NEVAEH to team withWORLD champion Lou Thesz @ MBVIII� to finish what Killer Kowalski started! These men right here� (gestures to BCCW MW champion Tommaso Ciampa &BCCW 6-Man Tag Team champion Truly Bad Intentionz) These CHAMPIONS right here are the present and FUTURE of Fantasy Wrestling! And everybodyknows fantasy wrestling was born in the Northeast! I�ve come to BCCW to take back this thing of ours!! John Cena, I should be the #1 contender!! Not you! When I put the Killer Kowalski super-claw on you last week, I felt it sink into your body like butter! And I found something I knew allalong� you�ve got no heart! You�ve got no guts! And at �MBVIII�, Alexxis Nevaeh & the WORLD champion Lou Thesz are gonna rearrange the �face offantasy wrestling�� permanently! Cue Entrance Theme for John Cena - greeted by an initial audience POP that tapers off into loud, sustained boos) JOHN CENA: I guess this is the part of the show where I�m supposed to come out here and give a retort. With all the new script writersrunning around backstage nowadays, I�m sure it wouldn�t be too hard to get cue cards! Maybe a few bullet points I should address, or a PPV that needsshilling like Curt. Better yet, maybe I�ll throw a few high-caliber lyrical shots at you courtesy of the Dr. of Thuganomics. But Killer, I�m notgonna do any of that. Because there are a few others cats here with just as big a bone to pick with you and your old school �territorial guidelines�than even me. Yes you beat me last week in a Boston Street Fight� but it took a lowdown, double-crossing, two-faced skank-a-potamus to get the jobdone for you! (crowd cheers, Alexxis Nevaeh is outraged) Alexxis, sweetie - trust you�re gonna be seeing a whole lot more of this in the buildto MBVIII - and I�m gonna let my good friend Trish Stratus whip yo azz in class� but in the meantime boys, zay ello to my lil freeindz!� TBI & Killer Kowalski prowl the ring without fear� until LOD dismount from their motorcycles and unsheathe large wooden 2x4s from off the back! Armed with weaponry, LOD advance into the ring upon their cowering opponents (minus Ryback, who never flinched). Killer Kowalski is trying to callthem off on the mic, telling LOD they aren�t even *legally* #1 contenders yet (they�re one man short). Violence is certain, when suddenly - the RoadWarriors music starts blasting again. And out marches� HEIDENREICH!! Half Bushwacker/Half Road Warrior/with an Edgar Allen Poe soul - Heidenreich takes up sides with LOD and wants to be their 3rd partner! He evenstarts a fracas by hauling off and slugging Machine Gun Anderson in the FACE! A wild free for all begins erupting, with Hawk & Animal quickly takingcontrol with a succession of 2x4 whacks - until TBI are ejected (it took 2 whacks each and double 2x4 clothesline to take out Ryback). In the end, itis just LOD & Heidenreich and again he appeals to them (and the fans - not that receptive) to be their 3rd partner. LOD survey the crowd reaction (orlack thereof), look at each, shrug� and destroy Heidenreich!! Bing Bang BOOM - Doomsday Device to Heidenreich with TBI looking on sends an explosivemessage - LOD has a 3rd mystery partner to be revealed @ MBVIII that will send planets colliding!!! ** CUT ** __________________________________________________________________________ ** BACKSTAGE INTERLUDE ** Killer Kowalski (alongside Alexxis & Tommaso Ciampa) have bum rushed the offices of BCCW President Paul Bowser to demand vindication for the LODassault. Ban them! Bar them! Burn them! But Mr Bowser politely reminds Killer & co. that they have unresolved issues themselves - namely a BCCW MWtitle defense. Now Mil Mascaras is unable to take his rematch (as a result of the Axis attack - see BCCW TV Episode #6: Cena vs. Kowalksi) - but haspersonally sponsored a suitable replacement instead. Oh yeah, and Killer Kowalski is *BANNED* from ringside! That match is NEXT!! ** CUT TO COMMERCIAL ** ALBERTO DEL RIO vs. TOMMASO CIAMPA � ** Middleweight Match ** ADR (minus RR & car entrance) completes his face turn tonight with an exciting battle against the game (but psychotically unhinged by anger) TommasoCiampa. ADR uses an array of Lucha Libre maneuvers you don�t recall him using in his heel run before, as commentators cover his fantasy wrestlingreconciliation with uncle Mil Mascaras. Tommaso Ciampa nearly has the victory a few times, but ADR is just too stubborn. Eventually fan momentumpropels him to an energetic comeback, and Del Rio winds up trapping Ciampa in his cross arm breaker! TAPOUT! Winner (by submission): ALBERTO DEL RIO Del Rio has little time to soak in his victory, when we get a video interuption on the Titan Tron wall... it is SCHMIDT, DEBEERS & BORGA... theAxis of Evil! In a frightening, Homeland-esque vignette they reveal a tortured and battered RICARDO RODRIGUEZ at their disposal - while taunting DelRio & family with tasteless remarks! They summarily *finish the execution* of Rodriguez in plain sight, nearly bring ADR to tears and forcing him torush from the ring in panic... staticky-cut away and abrupt announcer sign-off. The Axis of Evil destroy Ricardo Rodriguez!! ** CUT TO COMMERCIAL ** __________________________________________________________________________ ** BCCW TV Title ** GOLDBERG � versus D-VON DUDLEY versus Video recap of the Buddy Rogers/Aces & 8s connection - and attacks upon Goldberg. D-Von Dudley rolls to the ring with his intimidating biker gangback-up - while Goldberg answers with his chill-inducing walk-out, surrounded by security and blazing pyro. Match is wildly intense (for the brieftime it lasts). Goldberg blasts D-Von at will, wit the Xtreme veteran withstanding a hellacious beating in the process. At one point the shellackingis so thorough, D-Von is forced to retreat into the arms of A&8 members Tomko & Brian Fury at ringside in a desperate bid to regroup. But Goldbergbullrushes the entire party at ringside, putting the largest masked man (anonymous 4th member) *THROUGH* the ringside barricade! Big pop from thecrowd, as Goldberg shakes it off and picks up the masked mans discarded baseball bat! Goldberg now has a weapon in his hands and goes medieval on theremaining A&8s members.[/color] Winner (by DQ): D-VON DUDLEY Goldberg ignores the tolling bell to dish out baseball-punishment to Tomko & Fury, while D-Von begs off! Before Goldberg can take him out too,�Nature Boy� Buddy Rogers appears on the entrance ramp to draw everybody�s attention. He sarcastically congratulates Goldberg for having the brain ofa Cro-Magnon man and losing his match tonight. That�s how Buddy Rogers was able to use his #1 Fantasy Wrestling sports agent stroke to sign a TitleRematch for MBVIII� Goldberg � vs. D-Von Dudley� but this time, it�s gonna be an Aces & 8s Lumberjack match! Goldberg snaps! He chases D-Von Dudleyright over the ringside barricade, before charging after Buddy Rogers on the ramp! Cameras tail Goldberg as he chases a terrified Nature Boy rightthrough the backstage area, where Rogers finally escapes into a waiting limousine! But before they can pull out of the parking lot completely,Goldberg smashes the back window with his bat! ROAR! ** BCCW TV Title ** Only @ MBVIII!! Stay tuned! ** CUT TO COMMERCIAL ** ** BACKSTAGE INTERLUDE ** Inside Comissioner William Muldoon�s office, where he and RVD had lightly been joking about RVD being stripped of the XPW Remixed TV title forsmoking pot - but have turned somber in light of the recent Axis vid (figuratively dismembering Ricardo Rodriguez). Alberto Del Rio rushes into theoffice, full of raging vengeance. There is the slight issue of RVD being #1 contender to the MW belt� and ADR just beating the MW champion� thatCommissioner Muldoon quickly rectifies with an administrative decision: Tommaso Ciampa � will defend his BCCW MW belt against RVD AND ADR in a TripleThreat match @ MBVIII! RVD is cool with that, and ADR is gracious as well. But Del Rio's not through� he promises to call out the Axis ofEvil for their actions TONIGHT! Will he do it alone??? ** CUT TO COMMERCIAL ** __________________________________________________________________________ SAMMI LANE versus HUMAN TORNADO versus The misogyny of Gentleman Tornado & Gorgeous George has risen to new and disturbing heights, with this special �Valentines Wish Match�. French Angel(hobbled by an ankle injury suffered in his match last week) begs Sammi Lane not to go, but she is contractually bound. She stands her ground againstthe mocking, sexist and degrading assault by the �Gentleman Pimp� Tornado - but he whips and slaps her around the ring at will (including a verydisrespectful version of his jive soul bro kickstep while she�s helpless in the corner). He won�t go for the pin though, and actually decides to takeher *OUT* instead. He places her head on a steel chair he set up in the ring, and prepares to jump off the top rope with a double foot stomp� butSammi Lane folds the chair up at the last moment - CROTCHING Tornado on the hard metal edge! That actually turns the tide of the battle, as suddenly- Sammi Lane comes blazing back with a steel-chair assisted offense (including surfboarding the chair into Tornado�s FACE) and nearly steals thevictory! But of course, when Gentleman Tornado stops playing games it�s over - BOOM! Superkick to Sammi�s face nearly takes her head off! Winner: GENTLEMAN TORNADO __________________________________________________________________________ THE CHAMP IS HERE Thesz & Strangler Lewis take to the ring like CM Punk & Paul Heyman (circa 2012) - with Lewis proudly brandishing the WORLD championship over hishead. This is Lou's moment to speak - and the entire world needs to hear what he says. Part original verbiage/ part MSD himself (due topopular demand) = all mash-up. LOU THESZ: First, let me say, this is not the beginning� it was only a dress rehearsal. Regardless of what we call it, it is the end ofanother year. A year that has brought an astounding change in professional wrestling. Even in the days when the "threes" occurred - deaths ofwrestlers would come in threes as planes crashed, cars crashed or other tragedies took their toll (commentators touch on the attack at CrusherCasey�s bar). While it was devastating, it was the lack of compassion that affected me the most. Many fans were heartbroken and saddened by thetragedy, but I don't know of anyone who left their seat in the arena or turned off their TV at home. (Thesz goes on to explain how JOHN CENA (his opponent @ MBVIII) exemplifies is everything this is *WRONG* with fantasy wrestling today) LOU THESZ: You may not believe this, but I don't remember what professional wrestling was like at the beginning of the century, but Ican claim the middle. When I first became interested in wrestling, at 8 years of age, it was a different world, and my generation changed itsomewhat. While I like to remember only the part that makes me proud, even the early years were not without the performers. Wrestlers like Ed Lewisare the part of professional wrestling I have chosen to recall. I will not rehash my disappointment any further. At MBVIII, we will hit whatI�ve been told it is the coldest place on Earth� but we will try to warm it with some good wrestling. Eureka! I�m back! Yelled the mad scribe, freshly returned after a 5-day delirium. With a script I wrote specially for this occasion. I promiseyou�ll love it because it comes straight from the heart. LOU THESZ (as penned by MSD): There�s certain criteria that must be filled to replace a man of my caliber. Now that I�ve risen tothe top, alongside my trusted lieutenant with whom I share my deepest thoughts, troubles, concerns and IMs - I have been assured my spot in TerritoryWars. 1st Unified WORLD champion in history (claiming an unparalleled championship lineage that absorbed some of the biggest titles in this game). Some willingly (Polland ROH) - some not (chachins AWA) Longest reigning champion in this world. My resume of defeated foes reads like a who�s who offantasy wrestling. Multiple award winner, including BEST WRESTLER IN THE WORLD. I brought down the gates of Hell (XPW Remixed) and built a citybehind it (the new NWA). There is nobody alive on Gods green earth that has written the history I have. Nor will there be anymore to come. Thisbrings us back to MBVIII. And John Cena. John! John, John, John. You don�t mind if I call you John, do you? It�s not like you deserve to be called �Mister Cena�. What with yourgallivanting about, throwing tantrums at the slightest provocation, riding around here like you�re the knight in shining white armor. Like you weresomehow the guy that *invented* fantasy wrestling. You didn�t do, that John. I did. Do you know what other social circles use the word �john� incasual parlance? Prostitution rings. That�s what you are, �John�. A sucker. You can speak of your codes, of your rules, of your �hustle, loyalty,respect� crap. But it�s all an illusion, John. This. This is greatness. When I ascended to my position as WORLD champion, I accepted all that camewith it. I know the target I now bear is one of my own making - and I accept that. I *embrace* that. I knew there would be those hoping to throwrocks at the throne. I just never thought they would come straight from the top, from a man I once respected so much. We were once Tag Team champions of the world together. The yin and yang, the law & the chaos, the tradition & the rebellion. There was an uneasy,tenuous alliance - despite a few flare-ups along the way. I respected your opinion, even if I didn�t agree with it and was grateful for the space yougave me to blaze my own trail. But now, those trails have come to a permanent crossroads. What happened at the Grand Conjunction, John� you made medo it. With your incessant politicking, your rampant attempts at favoritism - pandering to an audience that doesn�t even respect you.. (small- but vocal - chant of �CENA SUCKS!� begins to arise) .. You made me do it. I knew the path ahead could only be forged by solidification,and that is why I chose to partner with the only other man in the Territory Wars who embodies the same kind of history, legacy and tradition that Ido. So now, as you attempt to chop the head off the only man to bring *life* to this static world of mediocrity - I have assured my legacy willcontinue. No matter what you do, John. No matter who you bring with you to the dance - be it biased, crooked officials or airhead magazine models -you cannot kill me. You cannot stop what has already begun. Soon, you too will be just a blip on the Territory Wars screen - Gone. Forgotten. AndI�m going to be the man to make that happen. At MBVIII, John - our paths will cross again. This time for the last time. For when Alexxis & I defeatyou and Trish Stratus, it will be the final nail in the coffin of your championship chase. Understand this, John� I RUN THIS TOWN.** CUT ** __________________________________________________________________________ VOODOO MURDERS versus MOTOR CITY MACHINE GUNS ** 6-Man Tag Team Match ** Another great match showing off BCCW�s exciting 6-Man Tag Team action. The Voodoo Murders have become more �Americanized� since their stay in XPWRemixed, thus their turn to more Western pleasures & delights (see BCCW Fight Night on FX: St Valentines Day Massacre). Here they clash with lightingin a bottle (plus thunderbolt in the middle) Motor City Machine Guns, who dazzle, daze (and in Rhino�s case - �run� ) the VMz. Huge GORE! GORE! GORE! from the man beast to the 500 lb+ Big Daddy Voodoo (aka Viscera) helps MCMG to another impressive victory. Winners: MOTOR CITY MACHINE GUNS Post match, MCMG reiterate their claim to 6-Man Tag Team greatness and look forwarding to testing themselves against the TBI/LOD winner afterMBVIII� but they also have some unfinished business with the Headhunterz - and call them OUT! The Warrior Princess TAMINA SNUKA answers from theentrance ramp� But she is just a harbinger of sneak attacks to come! Through the crowd area, the massive twins Headhunterz attack alongside their IWA P.I.C."Gladiator" Mike Awesome! They finish with a twin set of moonsaults to Rhino, and Gladiator launching Chris Sabin OVER the top rope through a tablewith an Awesome bomb! Tamina closes on the mic by standing over the fallen bodies of MCMG, and reminding them who the HHz are (former XPW Remixed &AWA Tag Team champions - and Mike Awesome holds a win over WORLD champion Lou Thesz to his credit alongside a dominating run with the ECW belt). Tamina wants the HHz to give Alex Shelley a double moonsault squash... when Woman's champion MILDRED BURKE makes the desperate run in! She takes down Tamina, but is peeled off by the Headhunterz and *FORCED TO WATCH* (restrained by giant Mike Awesome) as the twins crush Alex Shelley. Then they too hold Mildred Burke in place for a crushing DOUBLE AVALANCHE that nearly swallows the womans champ! Big time outrage from Solie &Striker (still smarting from the earlier Tornado/Sammi Lane abomination). Mildred Burke is laid out on the mat where Tamina scales the rope... tiltsher head as she stares down upon her prey... and unleashes a Superfly splash! Tamina & the Headhunterz raise their arms aloft in victory!! Enter BCCW Womans Div PRESIDENT (wow, quick elevation): EVE TORRES GRACIE! In her sizzling office administrator-style (full of mock glee and fake friendliness) she makes the following official decree for MBVIII: Headhunterz & Tamina versus MCMG & Mildred Burke. ** If Tamina's team wins she becomes the NEW Woman's champion!! ** Only @ MBVIII! Stay tuned!! ** CUT ** __________________________________________________________________________ AXIS of EVIL versus the ALLIED POWERS ADR takes to the ring with a steel pipe - calling out the Axis of Evil by name (and using all kinds of Hispanic slur words against them to raise theirire). Sure enough - the 3 black-uniformed militants appear (to HUGE boos) and slowly surround the ring. They advance upon the ring apron, jawingwith ADR (still swinging his pipe) the entire time. Just when things start looking really dire for Del Rio... BLACKOUT! The arena lights go out for a few moments, and when they return - the Axis is in the ring... but Del Rio has slid safely to the arena floor. Hesmirks and *winks* towards the Axis - and CRUSHER CASEY's theme song starts blasting through the arena soundsystem! Look! There is the legend Crusher Casey himself, coming down through the fans with vengeance etched upon his features! But he's not alone! Look around the arena, through the aisle-ways BCCW superstars are appearing (pulling the same "come through the crowd" tactics as the Axis hadpreviously)!! ROB VAN DAM! BCCW HW champion SHEAMUS! And returning to BCCW after Axis-imposed injury - JOHN MORRISON!! The heroes surround the ring, and suddenly the Axis find themselves boxed in! They're trapped, and it's too late! Everybody charges thering and mayhem ensues! Schmidt, DeBeers and Borga get their combined asses kicked until their forced into a tatical retreat. As they slink off backthrough the crowd, defeated men, Commissioner Muldoon appears on the scene to fire the final shot: at MBVIII there will be a 6-Man EliminationMatch... Axis of Evil versus CRUSHER CASEY... JOHN MORRISON... and MIL MASCARAS (the Allied Powers)!!! ** CUT TO COMMERCIAL ** __________________________________________________________________________ ** Main Event ** SHEAMUS � versus DEAN AMBROSE Raw emotion bleeds over into physical intensity. This match is the climax of our entire night. Both men are on another level of insanity (eitherself-willed in the case of Ambrose, or driven there like Sheamus). Match is absolutely brutal, with Sheamus unleashing a ferocious ass-kicking thelikes of which you've never seen from him. The sick part is, you realize Ambrose seems to be *liking* it - and trying to drive Sheamus evenfurther into violent madness. The massacre becomes a power up, with Dean Ambrose taking advantage of Sheamus' mental unstability to stake outhis own swath of match offense. The two hated opponents go back and forth, locked in mortal combat, until Dean Ambrose does the ultimate anddesecrates the Irish flag. But it's more than just that, cuz you know he means everything from "fuck Danno O'Mahoney" to "fuck CrusherCasey" to "fuck YOU personally" - until Sheamus just can't take it anymore. He snaps, and deletes Ambrose from existence. He pulverizesDean into a bloody pulp (as he smiles and taunts Sheamus to continue) until the referee is forced to call the bell. It takes about 2 dozen refs,officials and security guards to pry Sheamus off Dean Ambrose... who closes like the classic Mick Foley HitC shot of him leering through the ropes,bloody - pulverized... and smiling. Winner (by DQ): DEAN AMBROSE It gets so bad, BCCW President Paul Bowser himself is forced to intercede. In a dramatic, and emotional climax - he is forced to make a permenantdecision: At MBVIII, Sheamus will defend the BCCW HW title against Dean Ambrose... HELL IN A CELL!! ** FADE OUT ** __________________________________________________________________________ BCCW presents... MY BLOODY VALENTINE III Lou Thesz & Alexxis Nevaeh vs John Cena & Trish Stratus ** BCCW 6-Man Tag Team titles ** ** BCCW HW title ** The Axis of Evil vs. Allied Powers (Crusher, Mascaras & JMo) ** BCCW Womans championship ** ** BCCW MW title ** ** Television title ** __________________________________________________________________________ CREDITS: LOU THESZ: Wrestlingclassics "Lou Thesz Plans for the Millennium" editorial BROKEN CITY CHAMPIONSHIP WRESTLING is back... | |||
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BCCW Fight Night on FX ("Eliminated")![]() ** BROKEN CITY CHAMPIONSHIP WRESTLING ** ** BCCW has 6 recognized championships: ** ** BCCW produces a 70-minute block of programming on the FX channel (with commercial ads for NWA Worldwide FX on Fridays). Commercials come intop-heavy loads throughout because matches continue uninterrupted. There are strictly enforced TV time limits of 15 minutes. BCCW "Fight Night onFX" is obviously inspired by UFC events of the same name, but also shares similarities with WWE Main Event (in that one particular "main event" matchis hyped throughout the show). Tonight it is the Uso's taking on the Combination in BCCW 6-Man Tag Team action!!! ** ** Post match protocol calls for the bout winner to be granted a 3-minute interview piece with in-ring correspondent MSD (like Joe Rogan in the UFC,or Larry Nelson on AWA ESPN classic reruns). ** ** William Muldoon is on-screen commissioner. All matches sanctioned by the National Wrestling Alliance. ** Now... Broadcasting to you from Fall River, MA: ** THIS IS BCCW!! ** ** RINGSIDE COMMENTARY TEAM ** ** CUT TO RING ** __________________________________________________________________________ KAOS vs. LOW-KI vs. SABU ** Flyweight Triple Threat ** versus versus Sabu pins Kaos after Arabian Face Buster (Low-Ki caught up in ringside brawl with Titus O�Neil & Darren Young that spilled backstage). WINNER: SABU Post match, Sabu is celebrating when once again the evil jealous, player-hating BLKJEEZ makes his steel chair run-in. But this time - he�sintercepted by BCCW Flyweight champion PAUL LONDON! London & Sabu team up (including London unsheathing a ladder and hitting a shooting star press onBLKJeez through a table). BLKJeez is left laying, but that just allows time for Sabu & Paul London to come face-2-face in a tense, crowd pleasingshowdown. Commissioner Muldoon hurries onto the scene and quells emotions before making his official decree: ** BCCW Flyweight Championship ** Paul London � vs. BLKJeez vs. Sabu Only @ MBVIII! Stay tuned!! ** CUT TO COMMERCIAL ** ** BACKSTAGE INTERLUDE ** Cameras catch up with a raging Low-Ki backstage, and MSD solicits a quick comment from the Flyweight legend. ** CUT TO RING ** __________________________________________________________________________ WILD SAMOANS vs. CROWN JEWELS ** BCCW 6-Man Tag Team Match ** Wild Samoans tear through the Jewels like a chainsaw in a pillow fight. BCCW 6-Man Tag Team division beware. Winners: WILD SAMOANS __________________________________________________________________________ 16 Bars of Death John Cena answers Thesz' poignant shoot on BCCW TV Episode #7 (Run This Town) JOHN CENA (as penned by MSD): You try to put me out of business, so in my eyes you�re the enemy. You call yourself the champ but you won�t give me a shot. These cats don�t even know what goes on behind the scenes. You say you make the rules, well Lou I call your bluff. You wanna bury my name - send Cenation into mourning If you�re a fantasy wrestling god who never takes the day off - I�ll probably get fined, and warned again but what the heck. John Cena & Trish Stratus vs. Lou Thesz & Alexxis Nevaeh @ MBVIII!!! ** CUT TO COMMERCIAL ** __________________________________________________________________________ GUS SONNENBERG (FW) vs. HEATH SLATER (MW) vs. GUNNER (HW) ** Catchweight 3-Way Dance ** versus versus Winner: GUS SONNENBERG __________________________________________________________________________ Queen B**** Trish Stratus addresses former friend turned enemy Alexxis Nevaeh: At the end of her backstage promo bit with MSD, none other than Alexxis Nevaeh herself shows up! The two have a tense, but brief stand-off beforethe fists start flying! MSD gets out of the dodge, when suddenly a large barrel-chested figure lunges onto the scene... it is Strangler Lewis, andhe grabs Trish from behind and *LOCKS HER IN THE DRAGON SLEEPER!!!* Oh my!! Alexxis kicks and slaps the other refs and officials away long enoughfor Strangler to put Trish OUT! He finally releases the hold and runs away (alongside Alexxis) as Cena charges onto the scene! He urgently calls forparamedics as we cut to commercial!! ** CUT ** __________________________________________________________________________ USO�s versus THE COMBINATION ** BCCW 6-Man Tag Team Match ** versus Winners: USO's __________________________________________________________________________ [Edited on 2-25-2013 by mastermind] Join the amazing world of Mash-Up Wrestling!BROKEN CITY CHAMPIONSHIP WRESTLING is back... | |||
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NEW LINKS FOR MARCHBCCW presents... MY BLOODY VALENTINE III (ppv);=display&thread;=976 BCCW TV Episode #8 (Open Invitation) BCCW Fight Night on FX VIII (Welcome to Crakron) BCCW TV Episode #9 (Tribe Of Xtreme Is Created) BCCW Fight Night on FX (BCCW vs CZW) BCCW TV Episode #10 (BCCW vs ECW) BROKEN CITY CHAMPIONSHIP WRESTLING is back... | |||
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BCCW Fight Night Ten (go home show before PPV) THE PPV IS HERE!! Fallout Festival (Night #1) Fallout Festival (Night #2) [Edited on 4-20-2013 by mastermind] Join the amazing world of Mash-Up Wrestling!BROKEN CITY CHAMPIONSHIP WRESTLING is back... | |||
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BCCW TV Episode #11 (Purple City) First stop in Houston as BCCW takes over Texas in preparation for Night of Champions III BCCW Fight Night XI (Event Horizon) BCCW TV Episode #12 (Remember the Alamo) BCCW presents "Happy 4:20" (NSFW) EDIT to add EDIT to add peace and keep reading, MSD [Edited on 4-29-2013 by mastermind] Join the amazing world of Mash-Up Wrestling!BROKEN CITY CHAMPIONSHIP WRESTLING is back... | |||
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NEW GAME Join the amazing world of Mash-Up Wrestling!BROKEN CITY CHAMPIONSHIP WRESTLING is back... | |||
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May LinksBCCW TV Episode #14 (Mash Up Wrestling) BCCW Fight Night XIV (We Belong) BCCW TV Episode #15 (Warning Shots) Fight Night 15 (St. Elmo's Fire) BCCW TV Episode #16 (Must See Destruction) Fight Night XVI (The Next Episode) [Edited on 6-7-2013 by mastermind] Join the amazing world of Mash-Up Wrestling!BROKEN CITY CHAMPIONSHIP WRESTLING is back... | |||
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Return to the Scene of the Crime ** WORLD championship ** ** BCCW MW championship ** ** BCCW HW championship ** ** BCCW 6-Man Tag Team titles ** Mark Henry (2013) vs Crusher Casey ** BCCW Television championship ** Rob Van Dam vs John Morrison vs Kofi Kingston ** BCCW Flyweight championship ** RYBACK vs RHINO ** Woman's Championship Unification Bout ** BROKEN CITY CHAMPIONSHIP WRESTLING is back... | |||
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June Links (Definition of a Supercard Tour)NEW LINKS FOR JUNE The march towards Bedlam in Boston 3 (aka "BiB3") begins! This is the SUPERSHOW TO END ALL SUPERSHOWS in the fantasy wrestling universe! Check itout! BCCW TV Episode #17 (Definition of a Supercard) BCCW Fight Night XVII (We Are Wrestling) BCCW TV Episode #18 (Celebrating 50 Years) ALSO!!! MSD is counting down the TOP 50 MOMENTS IN FANTASY WRESTLING HISTORY! #1 choice to be revealed at the BiB3 supershow! In the meantime, check out thelatest releases and marvel at how arrogant and facetious one man can be. peace, MSD BCCW TV Episode #19 (City of Champions 2) BCCW Fight Night (Happy 4th of July) [Edited on 7-9-2013 by mastermind] Join the amazing world of Mash-Up Wrestling!BROKEN CITY CHAMPIONSHIP WRESTLING is back... | |||
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BCCW presents "Bedlam in Boston 3"[center]Mash-Up Wrestling & BCCW proudly presents... THE PPV SUPER-CARD OF THIS GENERATION. ** WORLD CHAMPIONSHIP ** Dusty Rhodes (1985) versus Strangler Lewis (1935) Mildred Burke & Marie Menounos versus Eve Torres & Sable!! ** BCCW HW championship ** Trish Stratus (2006) vs Alexxis Nevaeh (2013) ** BCCW 6-Man Tag Team Titles ** ** Best of 7 Series (Match #7) ** Insiders vs Mil Mascaras/Texas Tornado/Mystery Partner ** BCCW Television title ** Bruno Sammartino (1975) vs Mark Henry (2013) ** BCCW Flyweight championship ** T.O.X.I.C. vs ADR/KVE & Team 4:20 __________________________________________________________________________ CLICK HERE!! [/center] Join the amazing world of Mash-Up Wrestling!BROKEN CITY CHAMPIONSHIP WRESTLING is back... | |||
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mastermind Posts 1134 Mood: No Mood. |
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July links (FEEL THE HEAT!!)Summer continues to heat up with an unprecedented cross-over appearance... the undisputed WORLD Championship of fantasy wrestling will be defended @WWE Summerslam!! Meanwhile, BCCW pours gasoline on the fire with "HEATWAVE"... an all-star PPV-quality event that will be *AIRED LIVE & FREE on Network TV!!!* Enjoy the shows! BCCW TV Episode #20 (The ONE World Champ Iz Here) BCCW Fight Night (Revolution Cocktail) BCCW TV Episode #21 (Dear Summer...) BCCW Fight Night (Temperature's Rising) [Edited on 8-8-2013 by mastermind] Join the amazing world of Mash-Up Wrestling!BROKEN CITY CHAMPIONSHIP WRESTLING is back... | |||
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HEATWAVE ** WORLD CHAMPIONSHIP ** ** BCCW HW Championship ** ** BCCW Television Title ** Sheamus (2012) vs Big John Studd (1984) ** Woman's Championship ** ** BCCW 6-Man Tag Team titles ** Bully Ray (2013) vs Bruno Sammartino (1975) ** BCCW Middleweight Championship ** ** BCCW Flyweight Title ** NOW AIRING LIVE!! peace, MSD Join the amazing world of Mash-Up Wrestling!BROKEN CITY CHAMPIONSHIP WRESTLING is back... | |||
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Links for SeptemberBCCW is on the precipice of civil war with the WWE and all hell is breaking loose. Meanwhile, we gear up for the very special 3-hour edition of BCCWTV Episode #24 (Slaughtahouse Stampede 3)!! Check out all the explosive results! BCCW TV Episode #22 (Crown... Holy Grail) BCCW Fight Night (F***WithMeYouKnowIGotIt) BCCW TV Episode #23 (Fall Rush!!!) BROKEN CITY CHAMPIONSHIP WRESTLING is back... | |||
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Article information
Author: Rev. Leonie Wyman
Last Updated:
Views: 5663
Rating: 4.9 / 5 (59 voted)
Reviews: 90% of readers found this page helpful
Author information
Name: Rev. Leonie Wyman
Birthday: 1993-07-01
Address: Suite 763 6272 Lang Bypass, New Xochitlport, VT 72704-3308
Phone: +22014484519944
Job: Banking Officer
Hobby: Sailing, Gaming, Basketball, Calligraphy, Mycology, Astronomy, Juggling
Introduction: My name is Rev. Leonie Wyman, I am a colorful, tasty, splendid, fair, witty, gorgeous, splendid person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.