Summer tiiime and the shows are popping up everywhere, there’s fests, there’s punk, there’s noise, there’s metal, we are so spoiled. Without fail these past few months I can be up until midnight putting together this list and there’ll always be another show to add.
Luckily Toronto has recently been blessed with its own askapunk calendar that is quickly gaining traction and does a great job of centralizing show listings. I seem to get a kick out of staying up too late making my dorky little spreadsheet about it though SO, let me know what I’ve missed, enjoy, I hope you find something that tickles your earbuds and lights up your summer a bit, below :
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Week of Monday July 1 - Sunday July 7
Wed July 3
TO - The Nausea, Flat Grey, Echthros, Part.Parasite - See-Scape / $15 notaflof / notdeadyet
Thurs July 4
TO - Tomb Mold, Horrendous, Gutvoid - Lee's Palace / 8pm / $27 / notdeadyet / adv tix via
Hamilton - Sistra, The Nausea, Flatgrey, Echthros, Hell Matrix - Vertagogo / 7pm / $15 pwyc/ fuckyoutoo
Thurs July 4 - Sun July 7
Ottawa - Sitting On the Outside FEST - Poison Ruin, Belgrado, The Hell, Hormone, Cell Deth +++ / The Rainbow /
Fri July 5
TO - The Body + Dis Fig (performing Cel Genesis), Intensive Care - Velvet Underground /8pm / $28 / notdeadyet / adv tix via
Hamilton - Ultra Deluxe, This Place is Actually the Worst, Treehouse of Horror, flowersfightforsunshine - Vertagogo / 7pm / $12adv / $15
Ottawa - Acid Moth, Overcrook, Congregation of Savagery, Altar of the Fuzz - House of Targ / 9pm / $15 / strange valley/black throne / adv tix
Sat July 6
TO - Ultra Deluxe, This Place is Actually the Worst, Modern Day Love Story - The Arcade /7pm / $15 notaflof / newfriendsdiy / adv tix
Belgrado, Slash Need, Theo Vandenhoff - Expo 1978 / 7:30pm / $24 / notdeadyet /adv tix via
Sun July 7
TO - School Damage, No Sunshine Collective, Lime Ricky - Dead Dog Records / 2pm / no cover / cartridge heart
Week of Monday July 8 - Sunday July 14
Thurs July 11
TO- The Havoc, Random Killing, The Hacked, The World Famous Tallboys, Balm Squad, Spades GT - The Cave/ 7pm / $10/$25 / ryotpunx / adv tix
Niagara Falls - Black Absinthe, Twin Banshee, Crimson Asphalt, Red Envy - Camp Cataract / 7pm / $10/$15 / railbird / adv tix
Fri July 12
TO - Ammo, The Scepter, Tower Hill, Profligator - Baby G / 8pm / $15
Black Absinthe, Twin Banshee, Sun Below, Don't Tell Sarah - Bovine / 9pm / $12/$15 / fuzzedandbuzzed / adv tix
Slug, Moore Ave, Alert the Audience, Streets to Ourselves - Dock Ellis No No Room / 9pm / $15 / cartridge heart
Kittie, Vile Creature, Dear Evangeline - History
Hamilton - The Havoc, Random Killing, Balm Squad, Gag Order, Vestigio, The World Famous Tallboys - Vertagogo / 7pm / $25 / ryotpunx / adv tix
Brampton - July 12 & 13 - R4A FEST -
Sat July 13
TO - Crocus, Gutmachine, Uugghh - The Flat Top / 3pm / $15 pwyc
Resthaven, Camaro, Force of Will, Abraxas Reflux - Dock Ellis / 7pm / $15
Hamilton - Ethereal Tomb, Freezerburn, Blood Wraith, Purity Culture, Expel - Vertagogo / 6pm / $20
Orangeville - 027 - Rotary Skatepark
Sun July 14
TO - 027 - Small World Music Center
Ottawa - Zorn
St. Cath - Freezerburn, Over It, Blood Wraith - Archives Spirits & Wine / 5pm / $15/pwyc / mount vile
Week of Monday July 15 - Sunday July 21
Mon July 15
TO - Zorn, Siyahkal, Holofernes Head, Workers Comp - See-Scape / 8pm / $15 pwyc / bee
Ominous Anonymous, Yound, TVA, Small Man Big Mouth - Junction Underground / 8pm / $10
VR Sex, Oil Giant, Paint by Numbers - Baby G / 7pm / $20 / notdeadyet adv tix via
Cute, Next Week’s Washing - Burdock / 7:30pm / $15 / agave
Thurs July 18
TO - Durex, Human Form, Oxalis - Low Bar / 8pm / $10 pwyc / bee
Oshawa - Black Absinthe, Twin Banshee, God Helmet - The Atria / 9:30pm / $10
Fri July 19
TO - Mizmor, Amarok, A Flock Named Murder, Where the Light Fades / Garrison / 7pm / $35 / inertia / adv tix via ticketweb
Gulfer, Growing Fins, The Neverminds, Heavy Sweater - Monarch Tavern / 7pm / $22 / newfriendsdiy / adv tix
027, Aftershock Overdrive, Gubble, Attention Span - The Bunker
Ottawa - Outre-Tombe, Skelethal, Serpent Corpse, Barrow Wight - House of Targ / 9pm / $18 / adv tix
St. Cath - Absorb, Loversteeth, Seeth, Kawthra - The Warehouse / 8pm / $20 / KPJ
Newmarket - Constrain, Abraxas Reflux, Pot of Greed, Vile Decree - The Spot / 7pm / $15
Brampton - Wildside, Street Hassle, 100% Pure, BFD, Lice - Greenbriar Rec Centre / 7pm / $15 all ages / flowercityhardcore
Sat July 20
TO - Outre-Tombe, Skelethal, Coprolith - Baby G / 8pm / $20 / cowardpatrol / adv tix via
Black Matter Device, Rong, Constrain - Dock Ellis / 7pm / newfriendsdiy / adv tix
Dear Evangeline, Purity Culture, Wedge, Cease, Mace - Toronto Style / 6pm / $15adv / adv tix
Hamilton - Absorb, Loversteeth, Greber, Seeth, Kawthra - Doors Pub / 8pm / $15adv/$20
Kitchener - 027, Aftershock Overdrive, Vile Decree, Hounskull, Gourmet - The Golden Apple
Dichotomi, Electrokat, Fern Sully - The Yeti / 8pm / $10adv $15 door / bash / adv tix
Cornwall - Black Absinthe, Twin Banshee, Don’t Tell Sarah, Ragers of Hell - La Maison Tavern / 8:30pm / $10
Sun July 21
TO - Snooper, Luge, Susans - Garrison / 7pm / $23 / notdeadyet / adv tix via
Rust, Cross Check, 2 the Bone, Terminator - See-Scape / 3pm / $10 before first band / $15pwyc after
Newmarket - 027, Aftershock Overdrive, Mac, Culture War, Resthaven - The Spot
Week of Monday July 22 - Sunday July 28
Mon July 22
TO - Soul Glo, Upchuck - Velvet Underground / 7pm / $34 / notdeadyet / adv tix via
Wed July 24
TO - Granpa Abela, Brian Ruryk, Gorgina - See-Scape / 8pm / $15 / burndownthecapital / adv tix
Thurs July 25
TO - Palm Sander, Bends - Ted’s Collision / pwyc / cork on the ocean
Fri July 26
TO - July 26 & 27 - GRIND THE ENEMY FEST - Ratpiss, Epaulet, Vestigio, Human Form, +++ / See-Scape / 7pm / $25 each/$40 wknd pass
Feeling Figures, Into the Light, The Crime Family - Toronto Style / $15 notaflof / notdeadyet
Hell is Other People, Nepenthe, Drofnosura, Ignominy - Hard Luck / $15 / bonecrusher / adv tix
Brantford - Kid, Feral + Terry Green + Basque - Brandi's
London - 027, Aftershock Overdrive, Sewn, Solsic, Glitches - Dogpit / 8pm / $5/$10
Sat July 27
TO - Locrian, Thisquietarmy - Baby G / 8pm / $25 / transmit / adv tix via
Lawn Girl, Chasing Laika, Videostar, Eternal Requiem - The Arcade / 7:30pm / $15 pwyc
Guelph - Nepenthe, Drofnosura, Ischemic, Willow Switch - Tabu/The Underground / 8pm / $15adv/$20
Niagara Falls - 027, Aftershock Overdrive, Ivy Gardens, Bynder - Camp Cataract
Sun July 28
TO - Niles, Sundowner, Spirit Desire, WCD - See-Scape / 7pm / $15
Guelph - 027, Aftershock Overdrive, Gout, Pretty Face, Consuming Misery - Silence
Monday July 29 - Wednesday July 31
Tues July 30
Ottawa - Kid, Feral + Terry Green + Basque + Keylls - House of Targ / 8pm / $15 / adv tix
Wed July 31
Hamilton - Kid, Feral + Terry Green + Basque - Casbah
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