Guide to Using Twitter Analytics Tools 2024 - Blaze - Marketing Analytics (2024)

If you're tweeting regularly yet not seeing the engagement you hoped for, don't worry, you're not alone!

You may have explored numerous blogs, attended webinars on mastering Twitter marketing, or subscribed to newsletters for the latest insights. While these are helpful, your most valuable data source is often right there in your Twitter analytics.

Many marketers overlook Twitter analytics, assuming it's unnecessary. But this powerful tool is your gateway to understanding your audience and refining your social media strategy. The key to growing your Twitter presence lies in your analytics, and we're here to show you why.

In this guide, you'll discover the most critical Twitter metrics to monitor, why they matter, and five tools to help you save time and boost your growth. We'll also show you how to navigate Twitter Analytics effectively.

Are you curious about how your tweets are performing, whether they reach your audience at the right time, or whether you're sharing content that resonates? Then this guide is for you. We'll uncover the hidden insights within Twitter Analytics, giving you a clear view of how your audience responds to your tweets, what posts they prefer, and when they're most active.

Whether sharing personal thoughts, building your brand, or aiming to become the next big thing, this guide will equip you with the knowledge you need.

Let's get started!

What is X (formerly Twitter) Analytics?

X (formerly Twitter) Analytics is a robust set of metrics the platform offers to help you assess your account's performance. Available for free to all users, including personal profiles, professional accounts, and X Premium subscribers, this tool enables you to monitor essential metrics such as follower count, engagement, impressions, retweets, and more.

Businesses and individuals can refine their social media strategy by tapping into this data. The insights you gain from analytics allow you to optimize your content strategy and tailor campaigns with precision, ensuring better results and more followers.

Originally launched in 2014, the analytics dashboard reveals tweet performance and audience behaviors, empowering you to track key metrics like impressions, mentions, profile visits, and follower growth. With these insights, you can uncover the times your audience is most active and the types of tweets they enjoy most.

Twitter Analytics transforms your understanding of your audience, offering comprehensive data that helps you measure your success on the platform and fine-tune your strategy for maximum growth.

Why Monitoring X Analytics Matters?

To create effective strategies and boost results, analyzing the data provided by X (formerly Twitter) Analytics is essential. Here’s why:

  1. Understand Your Audience's Preferences: While demographic data is no longer available, you can still dive into key metrics like engagement rates, mentions, and shares to uncover content that resonates with your followers. Do they prefer videos over plain text tweets? Does humor catch their attention better than serious tones? Identifying patterns in your best-performing tweets will help you refine your content strategy.
  2. Identify Optimal Posting Times: Timing is crucial in the fast-paced world of social media. Your tweets have a limited lifespan, so it's vital to discover when your audience is most active. Use analytics to determine the best times to post, ensuring your content reaches your followers when they're online and most engaged.
  3. Track Long-Term Performance: Twitter Analytics lets you monitor individual tweet performance while providing a broader view of how your account is growing over time. This enables you to audit and identify high-impact periods that correlate with specific strategies, campaigns, or content types. You can then refine your future campaigns to replicate this success.

Accessing and Navigating Twitter Analytics on Desktop

To access X Analytics (formerly Twitter), log into your account and click on the "More…" menu before selecting "Analytics." Alternatively, you can go directly to the dashboard by visiting

Once you're in, you'll find the dashboard organized into four key sections:

  • Home: Your monthly performance report card overviews your activity, highlighting your top-performing posts, leading influencers, and key metrics like impressions and engagement rates.
  • Tweet Activity: This section offers insights into how your past posts have performed, including impressions, engagement rates, link clicks, retweets, and replies. This information helps you identify what works best with your audience.
  • Videos: If video content is part of your strategy, this section tracks total views, completion rates, minutes watched, and audience retention.
  • Conversion Tracking: By installing a tag on your website or mobile app, you can monitor specific user actions like downloads or purchases, giving you an understanding of how your Twitter presence impacts other online channels.

These four sections provide comprehensive insights into your account’s performance. In the next section, we will explore the most essential metrics to monitor.

Exploring X Analytics (Mobile)

The X (formerly Twitter) mobile app doesn’t offer the full analytics dashboard, but you can still view analytics for individual posts.

Here's how to check metrics from your mobile device:

  1. Find Your Post: Go to one of your tweets or posts on the app.
  2. View Analytics: Tap "View analytics" to see detailed information about that post.

You'll get an overview of key metrics like likes, retweets, comments, impressions, and overall engagement. In addition to these, you'll also find:

  • New Followers: The number of people who followed you directly from that post.
  • Detail Expands: How many times people clicked to read the full post (for longer content).
  • Profile Visits: The number of times people visited your profile directly from that post.

While the mobile version is more limited, these metrics still offer valuable insights that can help you understand how your audience interacts with individual posts on the go.

9 key metrics to track on X (Twitter)

Engagement Rate

The engagement rate measures the percentage of people who saw your post and interacted with it by liking, commenting, retweeting, or sharing it. To calculate it, divide the number of engagements by the number of impressions.

This metric is crucial for understanding how well your content resonates with your audience. A high engagement rate signals that your posts effectively spark interest and encourage action, helping you gauge if you're on the right track. This insight is particularly useful if you're trying to drive traffic or sales directly from X (formerly Twitter).

In the X Analytics dashboard, you'll find the engagement rate at the top of the right sidebar, providing a quick overview of your account's overall performance. Tracking this rate over time helps you identify what content works best and refine your strategy accordingly.

Follower Count (Gain/Loss)

The follower count represents the size of your audience and shows how many new followers you've gained minus those who have unfollowed you. Ideally, you want this number to increase consistently over time.

In the X (formerly Twitter) Analytics dashboard, you can track your follower growth or decline every month, along with your current total. While growing this number is important, focusing on engagement and clicks that directly impact your goals is equally essential.

Why is tracking your follower count important? It provides insights into your audience's reception of your content. For instance, if you notice many unfollows after sharing specific posts, it may hint that this content isn't resonating well. While losing followers isn't necessarily alarming, understanding these trends can help refine your content strategy.

You can find this information on the main dashboard or by visiting your profile.

Top Posts (Tweets)

Top posts refer to your most popular tweets, ranked from highest to lowest based on impressions within a specified timeframe.

While these metrics offer valuable insights into which content attracts the most views, impressions aren't everything. For a complete understanding of your content's performance, consider other factors like comments, shares, and overall engagement rate.

This section helps you identify the types of posts that resonate well with your audience and reach a wider pool of potential followers. However, remember that high impressions alone don't necessarily mean a post is impactful. Evaluate these top tweets with other metrics in mind to get a well-rounded view of what works best for your account.


Impressions measure the number of times your tweet appeared on someone's X (formerly Twitter) feed. You can track this metric at the account level over a set period and at the individual tweet level.

Why are impressions important? They reflect the reach of your content, showing which posts are most visible and attract the most attention.

When checking impressions, you’re essentially counting how many views your posts accumulated over a particular month.

While other metrics like engagement rate and follower count are crucial for long-term success, monthly impressions quickly gauge how well your content is performing. Generally, increasing impressions month over month is a good sign that your posts are reaching more people.

To find your total impressions, select a month in X Analytics, and the number will be displayed at the top.

Link Clicks

Link clicks represent the number of people who clicked on a link within one of your posts during a specific timeframe.

This metric is valuable because it shows your audience's interest in the content you share and how much traffic you’re directing to external destinations like blog posts, product pages, podcast episodes, or other resources. High link clicks indicate your audience finds your content engaging and relevant enough to explore further.

The number of link clicks is displayed in the right sidebar of the X (formerly Twitter) Analytics dashboard. This data gives you a clearer view of which posts are most effective in driving traffic, helping you refine your strategy and align your content with your audience's interests.

Shares (Retweets)

Shares, or retweets, occur when someone shares your post to their X (formerly Twitter) profile, allowing your content to reach a broader audience.

Retweets are important because they amplify your posts, exposing them to new people and increasing your content’s visibility. More shares mean more opportunities for your messages to resonate with a larger audience, helping you grow your influence and potentially gain new followers.

You can find this metric in the right column of the X Analytics dashboard, where it provides an essential measure of your content's reach and how well your audience engages with it.


Replies are comments left on your posts or when someone shares your post while adding their comment directed to your username with an @ mention.

These replies matter because they boost your posts in the X (formerly Twitter) algorithm, making your content more visible and increasing your chances of attracting new followers from the other person’s audience. They also allow you to build authentic connections through direct conversations with your existing followers, strengthening your relationship with them.

You can find your replies metrics in the right-side column of the X Analytics dashboard. Tracking replies provides valuable insight into how well your audience engages with your posts and the kind of content that sparks meaningful discussions.


Likes count the number of people who tapped the heart icon to show appreciation for your post, similar to how likes work on other social platforms.

These likes offer a snapshot of your overall X (formerly Twitter) performance, providing a quick way to gauge which content your audience finds appealing.

You can find the likes metrics in the right sidebar of the X Analytics dashboard, where they give you an overview of your posts' reception and which types resonate most with your followers.

Enhancing Engagement with Blaze's Custom Analytics Tools

Blaze is an advanced customer engagement platform tailored for Web3 that uses AI automation to help businesses grow, engage, and retain their user base in the world of tokens. It’s a versatile tool that lets companies and agencies set up direct messaging campaigns, ads, rewards, and partnerships by tapping into a database of over 95 million crypto users and organizations.

The platform features tools specifically designed to help manage community channels, streamline outreach, and extract valuable insights from transaction and product data.

Blaze's custom Twitter Analytics tools offer key features that allow you to:

  1. Understand Twitter Growth and Engagement: Monitor your account's progress and see how your audience interacts with your content over time.
  2. Create and Analyze Twitter Campaigns: Plan and measure campaigns to assess what's driving engagement and optimize your strategy.
  3. Analyze Your Twitter Followers: Gain deeper insights into who follows your account, how they engage with your posts, and what content they prefer.

These tools empower you to refine your strategies with data-driven insights, making it easier to reach your audience and grow your Twitter presence.

Check out Blaze's feature store here to explore all other tools →

Getting the Most from X Analytics Tools

Regular Monitoring: Check your analytics at least once a month to spot trends, understand what resonates with your audience, and monitor the growth of key metrics. Use these insights to fine-tune your social media strategy.

Competitor Analysis: Stay aware of your competitors' activities without copying. Gauge how their growth compares to yours to inform your strategy.

Industry Benchmarks: Compare your performance against industry standards to measure your progress and find areas for improvement.

Conduct a Social Audit: Conduct periodic audits of your social channels to uncover new opportunities and refine your approach.

These steps will help you leverage X (formerly Twitter) analytics for consistent and strategic growth.


In conclusion, X (formerly Twitter) analytics tools provide invaluable insights to refine your strategy, improve engagement, and help your brand grow. By monitoring key metrics like engagement rates, follower count, and impressions, you can better understand your audience and identify the best times to post. Don't forget to keep an eye on competitors, benchmark your results against industry standards, and conduct regular audits to stay ahead.

For a more comprehensive approach to grow your social media presence, explore Blaze's powerful, custom analytics tools →

Guide to Using Twitter Analytics Tools 2024 - Blaze - Marketing Analytics (2024)


How to check Analytics on Twitter 2024? ›

To access Twitter Analytics, simply log in to your Twitter account, click on your profile picture at the top right corner, and select “Analytics” from the dropdown menu. From there, you can view various metrics such as impressions, engagements, follower demographics, top-performing tweets, and more.

Why use Twitter Analytics? ›

This tool offers key data points about your tweets, audience interactions, and profile growth. It can track tweet-specific details and engagements, but it provides deeper insights as well. For example, you can see which of your followers is most engaged or when posting tweets generates the best results.

How to do Twitter analysis? ›

Go to one of your posts, then tap View analytics. For that post, you can see how many likes, retweets, and comments it has, as well as Tweet impressions and engagements. Plus, three more metrics: New followers: People who followed you directly from this post.

Where are Analytics on Twitter? ›

If you're already signed in to your account, you can access Analytics through the sidebar menu on the desktop version of Twitter. Click the ellipsis icon at the bottom of the menu and select Analytics. On the Analytics dashboard, you'll find a few different tabs where you can access the various features available.

How much does Twitter pay for 1 million views? ›

Twitter pays around $9 per 1 million views Roughly that like R150. So you would need to be making a million views per post to atleast make 100 million per month to even make close to over R5000 per month as a South African creator, factoring in currency exchange rate.

Why can't I see my Twitter Analytics? ›

Most importantly, check the Twitter account requirements below to find out reasons for X (Twitter) analytics not loading or working. Firstly, to view your Tweet activity details, do the following: ensure that you have logged into activate Twitter analytics for your account.

What is the most popular Tweet on Twitter analytics? ›

Top 30
RankTweetLikes (millions)
1[It is with immeasurable grief that we confirm the passing of Chadwick Boseman. Chadwick was diagnosed with stage III colon cancer in 2016, and battled with it these last 4 years as it progressed to stage IV... ]6.7
2Next I'm buying Coca-Cola to put the cocaine back in4.5
29 more rows

Does Twitter analytics count your views? ›

While other social media platforms count your profile visits in analytics, Twitter doesn't include your own profile views into the Twitter profile views metric.

Why is Twitter used for marketing? ›

Using Twitter advertising is a great way to reach your audience in a more direct way than waiting for organic reach. Promoted Tweets can expand your reach more quickly. They allow people to discover your profile, even if they don't follow your brand or hashtags.

How do I extract data from Twitter for sentiment analysis? ›

Performing sentiment analysis on Twitter data involves five steps:
  1. Gather relevant Twitter data.
  2. Clean your data using pre-processing techniques.
  3. Create a sentiment analysis machine learning model.
  4. Analyze your Twitter data using your sentiment analysis model.
  5. Visualize the results of your Twitter sentiment analysis.

What has happened to Twitter Analytics? ›

Users can no longer track their tweet metrics because they cannot access the tool's feature on mobile devices. However, this does not spell the end of Twitter analytics. The tool is still very active and reliable. You can use Twitter analytics on the web to view much more metrics than provided on the mobile app.

What is the best model for Twitter sentiment analysis? ›

There are multiple types of algorithms available that can be applied to the sentiment analysis of Twitter data. Some of the most efficient algorithms are Support Vector Machine (SVM), Recurrent Neural Network (RNN), Convolutional Neural Network (CNN), Random Forest, Naïve Bayes, and Long Short-Term Memory (LSTM).

Do you have to pay for Twitter Analytics? ›

While there are a number of social media analytics tools to choose from, Twitter Analytics is a completely free tool that can help you get the most out of your Twitter presence. With Twitter Analytics, you can track your most popular tweets, growth in followers, engagement rate, and more.

Who has access to Twitter Analytics? ›

Every Twitter profile comes with free access to the native Twitter analytics dashboard. You can access the dashboard directly from Or follow the steps below to see your Twitter analytics.

Can you see someone else's Twitter Analytics? ›

Using third-party Twitter account analysis tool is the only way to get X/Twitter analytics for accounts you don't own. In other words, free Twitter analytics for other account is not possible in the X app directly. With an X / Twitter competitor analysis tool, you can: Get X / Twitter analytics for another account.

How do I get yearly Twitter Analytics? ›

Start by navigating over to the Tweet Activity page by clicking on the “Tweets” tab. Twitter Analytics is set to automatically show your tweet activity over the last 28 days. To review your activity from the past year, you have a number of options. Start by clicking on the drop down tab underneath your name.

Is Twitter doing well in 2024? ›

As of January 2024, Twitter is ranked as the 12th most popular social media site in the world. In 2023, Twitter was ranked as the 14th most popular social networking site worldwide so it managed to jump up 2 spot within a year.

What are the demographics of Twitter 2024? ›

It's a platform that appeals to a broad age range. The largest age group of Twitter users worldwide is between 25 and 34 years old. This key group of users often has extra money to spend, making them an attractive target for brands that can grab their attention. 63% of Twitter users worldwide are under 35 years old.

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Author: Maia Crooks Jr

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Name: Maia Crooks Jr

Birthday: 1997-09-21

Address: 93119 Joseph Street, Peggyfurt, NC 11582

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Job: Principal Design Liaison

Hobby: Web surfing, Skiing, role-playing games, Sketching, Polo, Sewing, Genealogy

Introduction: My name is Maia Crooks Jr, I am a homely, joyous, shiny, successful, hilarious, thoughtful, joyous person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.