End of the Line: 12/17/11 (2024)

New York, NY

Countdown Match - Six-Woman Shootout: Nevaeh vs. Sombre vs. Nicole Matthews vs. December vs. Caroline Couture vs. Sassy Stephie
Referee: Rya Zeh

(FINISH: Stephie hits a sleeper slam on Couture, but gets booted in the head by Nevaeh and hit with the Double Shot. December dropkicks her out of the ring, but walks into the Sombreplex. Matthews takes her down in turn with a lariat and covers for two. She picks Sombre up, but gets a jawbreaker. Sombre scoops her up, but Matthews escapes and puts the head under her arm, swinging her into the Vancouver Maneuver. Matthews covers and gets the three count.)

Winner: Nicole Matthews
Time: 7:49


David: MECCA has returned to New York City for the last pay-per-view of 2011! Thank you for joining us on this cold December night for End of the Line! I'm David Mills, along with Nykk, and tonight is the night for a big fight. Eddie Crowe defends the World Title against the former champion, the man who reigned for twenty-one consecutive months, Anubis!

Nykk: Another night, another victory for the World Champion, and rest assured I'll be out there to see it happen.

David: We'll also see Portia Perez put her Ladies' Title on the line in a Lumberjill Match, and the number one contender is the woman who beat her by count-out last month, Naomi Leach.

Nykk: We'll have the ladies of MECCA around the ring as our lumberjills, but Naomi had just better remember she has just as many enemies out there as she does friends.

David: Plus High Def get their rematch against the Peacemakers for the Tag Team Titles, and much more!

("Live My Dreams" hits and Kotoka Shiiba makes his way to the ring.)

David: Kotoka Shiiba is looking to end the year with a big win on pay-per-view, and of course this came about because of the attack against him and Gran Akuma on December 7, when we saw the emergence of the faction called the Near Future.

Nykk: Shiiba was one of the first to learn what they were all about, but he got back up and challenged Marcus Kavian to a match on the spot, even though he was hurt. He wasn't successful, but now he's at a hundred percent and ready to go.

("Burn, Burn" hits and Marcus Kavian makes his way to the ring.)

David: The Near Future was born out of the frustration Kavian felt at not being able to win the World Title, thanks to you, Nykk, and being forced to compete in a tournament he felt was disingenuous. He took out his frustrations on the roster by recruiting three of the men in that tournament to his side.

Nykk: The Near Future is here to go straight to the top of MECCA, and they don't need a tournament to get there. But Kavian will have his hands full tonight with this young athlete from Japan.

Kotoka Shiiba vs. Marcus Kavian
Referee: Keith Young

(FINISH: Shiiba goes for the Momo Latch, but Kavian pulls him back up for a powerbomb. However, Shiiba counters with a facebuster and covers for two. He goes up for the Caldera, but Kavian gets to his feet and pulls on the top rope, crotching Shiiba. Kavian goes up for a superplex, but Shiiba fights his way out of it. He rams Kavian's head into the top turnbuckle and goes for a sunset bomb. But Kavian hangs onto the top rope and hits Shiiba in the face, jumping up and coming down on his chest with a double stomp, taking him to the mat. He pulls Shiiba out of the corner and goes for Coppelia's Casket, but Shiiba rolls through and rolls Kavian up with an inside cradle. At the two count, Kavian reverses it and gets the pin.)

Winner: Marcus Kavian
Time: 12:40

David: Kavian gets the win out of nowhere after outwrestling Shiiba, and the leader of the Near Future will walk away with his hand raised.

Nykk: It was a good effort by Shiiba, but he clearly has a lot to learn. That's why he was sent over here by Dragon Gate.

(Kavian shoos Shiiba out of the ring and raises his arms in victory.)

David: Humbleness is obviously no longer the M.O. of Marcus Kavian, but he continues to win and rise to the top here in MECCA. We've got a lot more to come here at End of the Line, including a six-man tag featuring the rest of the Near Future. But up next is another match about someone who wants to rise to the top.

("Takes Me Nowhere" hits and Tristan Lee makes his way to the ring.)

David: Tristan Lee has been talking a lot recently about stepping up his game and getting out of the rut he's been in since his tag team partner left the company, and tonight is his big chance to show that he can beat anyone in MECCA.

Nykk: I really thought Tristan could benefit from my guidance, but he seems determined to do things, as he puts it, the right way. Well, he may be going right, but he's going to need a couple of hard lefts if he wants to make it to the champ.

("Ghetto Blaster" hits and Jamie Chan makes his way to the ring.)

David: Jamie Chan is looking to solidify his position as well since he was unable to win the World Title back in Tokyo.

Nykk: A Contender Star spot is on the line right here, and both these men want it. It should be a tremendous match.

Jamie Chan vs. Tristan Lee
Referee: Mike Neff

(FINISH: Chan whips Tristan into the corner and charges in, but Tristan gets a knee up in his face. Tristan gets on the second turnbuckle and leaps onto Chan's shoulders, taking him over with a victory roll. He gets a close two count, but the ref's hand hits the mat for three. Tristan gets up and raises his arm, thinking he's won, but Chan schoolboys him and rolls into a kick to the head. He gets to his feet and hits a superkick before going to the top rope and hitting the Falling Dragon. Chan covers and gets the pin.)

Winner: Jamie Chan
Time: 10:05

David: Tristan Lee came so close right there, but he jumped the gun a bit and Chan was able to capitalize. But Tristan Lee showed he can hang with the top guys here in MECCA.

Nykk: He should have listened to me, David. I never would have let him make that mistake.

(Tristan complains to the ref, still sure he got a three count, but the ref denies it. Tristan seethes as Chan watches him from the corner. Chan extends his hand, and after staring at him for a moment, Tristan shakes it.)

David: Regardless of this loss, Tristan is showing respect to his opponent and... whoa, wait a minute!

(The Pyro Twins hit the ring and attack Chan and Tristan. Dusty gives Chan a uranage slam, and they hit Final Darkness on Tristan. Jay gives Chan the Overhaul, and they raise their arms until "Did My Time" hits and Ronin Fox runs down to the ring. He slides in and goes after both Jay and Dusty. Dusty stuns him with a right hand and bounces off the ropes, but gets tripped and pulled out of the ring by Tristan. Tristan and Chan wail away on Dusty as they brawl their way out of the arena, and the ref calls for the bell.)

David: Ronin Fox couldn't wait to get his hands on Jay Crowe, and it looks like this match is starting right now!

Ronin Fox vs. Jay Crowe
Referee: David Bowers

(FINISH: Jay whips Fox front first into the corner and goes for the Overhaul, but Fox turns over and counters into the Tail End. He covers, but Jay gets a foot on the ropes. Fox picks him up and whips him into the ropes and puts his head down, but Jay responds with a jumping kneedrop, driving Fox's head into the mat. He picks Fox up to whip him into the corner again, but Fox reverses and charges in. Jay moves, and Fox runs up the ropes for the Foxfire. Jay moves and Fox lands on his feet, only to get hit with a spinning back fist. Jay takes him over with a judo throw and locks in the Burnout. Fox is close to the ropes and gets his feet on the bottom ropes in the corner. The ref tells Jay to break, but he doesn't, so Fox climbs the turnbuckles with his feet and flips backwards, landing on top of Jay while still in the hold and getting a three count.)

Winner: Ronin Fox
Time: 15:39

David: Fox just got the pin with a brilliant counter, and Jay can't believe it!

Nykk: I can't believe it. I've known Fox a long time and never seen him do that. That was the perfect counter for the Burnout.

(Fox gets his arm raised in the aisle as he holds his neck and Jay throws a tantrum in the ring.)

David: Jay was so confident that it was Fox who was the weak link in their team earlier this year, but look who got his shoulders pinned to the mat! We're just getting started here at End of the Line, and up next we're going to see the Tag Team Titles on the line for the first time since they changed hands in Japan.

("Whatcha Want" hits and High Def makes their way to the ring.)

David: High Def are coming to New York City to get the titles back that they held for over six months.

Nykk: High Def have had some setbacks recently, first by losing the tag titles and then falling to the Near Future in that eight-man tag, but they've had wins too, mainly over their rivals Upstarts International. This is a make or break night for them in a lot of ways.

("The House of the Rising Sun" hits and the Peacemakers make their way to the ring.)

David: The Peacemakers shocked everyone by ending the reign of High Def in Osaka, even if they did have a lot of help. Now is their chance to show they can beat the former champs on their own.

Nykk: You've got the Crackshot, Ryan Andrews, who won Eight-Man Throwdown and the Stiff Strike Challenge, not to mention taking Anubis to the limit in the second cage match in MECCA history. And Jimmy Rave, the Gunslinger, who is not only a tag champ, but the reigning Toughman Champion since No Regrets. Their pedigree is off the charts in singles, but they're still unproven in tag team ranks in spite of being the champions. This night could make or break them as well.

MECCA World Tag Team Championship: High Def vs. The Peacemakers
Referee: Keith Young

(FINISH: High Def go for the Def Defier, but Andrews gets his feet up. Rave gives Kopp the Rave Rocker, and Evans then jumps into him with a rolling prawn hold, but Rave lifts him wheelbarrow style. Evans backflips over him and lands on his feet, taking down Rave with a tornado kick, only to walk into Sky High from Andrews for a two count. Kopp picks up Andrews out of the pinning predicament and hits a vertical suplex. He goes for the Kopp Drop, but Andrews moves. Rave hits Kopp with some forearms and whips him into the ropes, but Kopp somersaults the top rope to the apron, only to get shoulderblocked from behind by Rave to send him flying into the guardrail. Rave walks into a northern lights suplex from Evans, who rolls him back and hits a fisherman's buster. He gives Andrews a fireman's carry slam and then goes to the top rope for the 630. Rave pulls Andrews out of the way, and Evans splats to the mat. He gets to his feet, but is hit with a spear/clothesline combo from the Peacemakers. Andrews pulls Evans up to a seated position and they bounce off opposite sides of the ropes, delivering a running knee strike/basem*nt dropkick sandwich combo. Rave knocks Kopp off the ring apron again as Andrews covers Evans and gets the three count.)

Winners: The Peacemakers
Time: 18:26

David: The Peacemakers get the victory with the Headshot, and this one was over as soon as Kopp hit the guardrail.

Nykk: That isolated Evans long enough for him to be overwhelmed, and the Peacemakers have cemented their position as the top team in MECCA.

(The Peacemakers support each other up the aisle, holding up their title belts as the fans applaud Kopp and Evans, who are recovering in the ring.)

David: You have to hand it to High Def for their amazing title reign, but now that they lost their chance to regain the belts, you would think they go to the back of the line from here. Fans, the next time we're on pay-per-view will be on Saturday, January 14, so let's take a look at the info for that event.

(A brief ad plays, advertising Ignition for January 14, live from Dayton, Ohio.)

(In the arena, Zoe Alexander, Nevaeh, Nicole Matthews, Caroline Couture, Sassy Stephie, Kellie Skater, December and Sombre have surrounded the ring as "Fall Behind Me" hits and Naomi Leach makes her way down the aisle.)

David: You see our lumberjills ready for our next title match, as Naomi Leach attempts to finally unseat Portia Perez and become a four-time Ladies' Champion.

Nykk: Naomi wanted this match so that Portia couldn't take a count-out like she did at No Regrets, but it's do or die time. Much like the last match, she needs to win the Ladies' Title tonight or go to the back of the line.

("Obsession" hits and Portia Perez makes her way to the ring.)

David: Portia Perez won the title from Nevaeh two months ago at Scared Stiff, and Nevaeh is one of the lumberjills tonight. You have to wonder if she has some payback planned.

Nykk: You can never tell with lumberjills or lumberjacks. Everyone has their own agenda and motivations, which is what makes this kind of match so dangerous.

MECCA Ladies' World Championship - Lumberjill Match: Naomi Leach vs. Portia Perez
Referee: Nikki Alvardo

(FINISH: Naomi gets frustrated with getting beaten down by Portia's lumberjills throughout the match. Toward the end, she ducks a clothesline from Perez and takes her down with a crucifix bomb. Instead of covering, she goes to the apron and dives onto the lumberjills, fighting them off and pulling up the mats to expose the concrete. She tries to piledrive Skater, but gets a baseball slide from Portia. Stephie, December, and Sombre throw her back into the ring. Portia goes for the Kosher Pickle, but Naomi escapes and counters with a back suplex. She gets ready for the NL Special, but Skater gets on the apron. Nevaeh gets on the apron as well to stop her, and their fight ends up spilling into the ring as the other lumberjills start brawling. Perez forearms Naomi from behind and tries a scoop slam, but Naomi escapes and kicks her in the midsection. She bounces off the ropes, but gets tripped and pulled to the outside by Sombre and December. Stephie gives her a sleeper slam onto the exposed concrete as the ref is still trying to get Nevaeh and Skater out of the ring. Stephie rolls Naomi back in, and Perez picks her up, hitting the Kosher Pickle. Finally, Skater flees the ring, with Nevaeh following, and Portia makes the cover and gets the pin.)

Winner: Portia Perez
Time: 13:09

David: I don't believe it, Portia gets the victory thanks to interference from her BFF Sassy Stephie, and Naomi will not win the title back here in NYC.

Nykk: What a plan concocted by Portia Perez. Have her new pal Skater distract the ref while her BFF takes out Naomi on the outside. That is a plot worthy of our Ladies' Champion.

(Naomi's lumberjills console her while Portia hugs Skater, Sombre, and December on the stage, but walks to the back when Stephie approaches for her hug.)

David: We'll have to wait and see who will be next to challenge Portia Perez, who has no shortage of enemies after this one. Speaking of enemies, the Near Future has been doing nothing but make enemies since forming on December 7, namely Austin Lee. He felt their wrath on that night, but this past Wednesday he attacked them with a chair as they were about to brutalize Drake Younger, who he then recruited to take them on in a six-man tag. Later in the night, Gran Akuma would join the team as well.

("Supernova Goes Pop" hits and Aaron Glover, Terrence Bolton, and Brandon Blade make their way to the ring.)

David: We saw their leader Marcus Kavian in action earlier with a victory, and now theses three men will attempt to do the same just a little over a week after their alliance took Go Time by storm.

Nykk: Glover, Bolton, and Blade are still relatively new to MECCA, but they've shown a remarkable ability to adapt. Even before the formation of the Near Future, Bolton and Glover were beating the likes of the UK Wrecking Crew, and Blade was tearing it up in the singles division.

("Blueprint 2" hits and Austin Lee, Drake Younger, and Gran Akuma make their way to the ring.)

David: The fans have really welcomed back Austin Lee with open arms ever since he stood up to the Near Future, initiating that spectacular eight-man tag on December 7. But his team was unable to win, and now he wants payback.

Nykk: All three of these men have a grudge against the Near Future, and I wish I could stick around to see this one, but I need to get to the back and get Eddie ready for his title defense up next. Take it away, David.

Austin Lee, Drake Younger and Gran Akuma vs. The Near Future
Referee: Mike Neff

(FINISH: Akuma gets his leg worked over for the latter part of the match, but eventually makes the tag to Austin, who comes in with clotheslines on Bolton and Blade. He whips Bolton into the ropes and gives him a back body drop and then nails Blade with a flying kick. Glover comes in and the two bruisers tear into each other, with Austin finally getting the better of him and ramming his head into the top turnbuckle. He goes for a running powerslam, but Glover escapes and pushes Lee back into his own corner. Glover charges in, but Austin nails him with a back elbow and tags Akuma back in. Akuma goes up top and takes Glover down with a flying body press as Younger dives through the ropes onto Bolton on the outside. Glover rolls outside as well, and Akuma follows him and all four men brawl as Marcus Kavian makes his way to ringside. In the ring, Austin gets blindsided by a springboard dropkick from Blade. Blade then dives over the ropes with a twisting moonsault, taking down the pile on the outside. Blade lands on his feet so he goes back up the apron and waits for them to get up. He springboards to the second rope, but Austin catches him by the head and beels him back into the ring. He kicks Blade and lifts him for the Outlaw Treatment, flinging him over the top rope to take the pile back down. Lee notices Kavian and gets out of the ring, going after him. They duke it out in the aisle as Akuma rolls Blade back into the ring. Blade attacks Akuma as he rolls in and whips him into the ropes. He puts his head down and Akuma leaps over him, hooking the arms and hitting the Yoshi Tonic. Blade kicks out at two, but Akuma applies a crossface as Bolton sends Younger into the guardrail and Glover saves Kavian by attacking Lee from behind. Bolton goes up to the top rope and hits a 450 splash onto Akuma's legs, causing him to let go of the hold and yell in agony. Blade gets up and applies the Stretch Muffler, and Akuma taps out before Younger can make it back in to make the save.)

Winners: The Near Future
Time: 17:19

David: The Near Future wins another one, and these guys just seem to get better and better after every match. Their level of continuity versus their experience teaming together is uncanny.

(The Near Future celebrates in the ring as Austin regroups his team on the outside and seethes with anger at Kavian.)

David: It's obvious Kavian was the one Austin really wanted tonight, and it cost him. We'll have to see if those two meet once again somewhere down the line, but right now it's time for the main event. Anubis has the chance of a lifetime to regain the World Title he held for almost two years, but he has to beat a MECCA icon in order to do it.

(A video plays, showing clips of sitdown interviews with Anubis and Eddie Crowe, hyping up the title match.)

(In the arena, "Kobrakai" hits and Anubis makes his way to the ring.)

David: Anubis is laser focused on Eddie Crowe and the World Title. The Hammerstein Ballroom is the very place his legendary title reign ended, and that has haunted him ever since. Now he has set out to regain the title in this very building.

("Louder" hits and Eddie Crowe makes his way to the ring, along with Nykk.)

David: Eddie Crowe has made a great champion twice, but now he faces the man he failed to beat twice during Anubis's title reign. We're going to find out just how much Eddie has grown since then and just how valuable Nykk's guidance is.

Jared: Ladies and gentlemen, the following contest is your main event! The following contest is scheduled for one fall, and it is for the MECCA World Championship! Introducing first, the challenger... from Detroit, Michigan, and weighing in at 315 lbs... Anuuubiiiiis!

(Nykk demands the mic and Schrunk gives it to him.)

Nykk: And his opponent... (crowd boos) don't boo me, or you won't get your introduction! (crowd cheers) That's better. From the sparkling, pristine, friendly, breathtaking landscape... aka Not-New York... of the mighty Bellbrook, Ohio, and weighing in at an fit, frantic, and frightening 200 lbs... he is the current reigning and defending MECCA World Champion, and the biggest sports legend since the 1927 Yankees. He is the King of Crowes, the Sultan of Slam, the Titan of Turnbuckle, but you can call him the Great Eddino... MUH MAN, Eddieee Crooooowe!

MECCA World Championship: Anubis vs. Eddie Crowe
Referee: David Bowers

(FINISH: Anubis goes for a backdrop driver, but Eddie flips out of it. He staggers Anubis with a rolling forearm, backs up, and hits another one. Anubis goes down to one knee, and Eddie stiff kicks him in the face. He goes for the running brainbuster and manages to lift Anubis, but he escapes and lifts Eddie for the Sarcophagus. Eddie escapes and pushes Anubis into the corner, hitting a running dropkick to the back of the head. He applies an inverted cobra clutch and tries to take Anubis down for the Crowe's Nest, but Anubis twists around and plants Eddie with a backdrop driver. Nykk gets on the apron to distract the ref, and Anubis immediately confronts him. They argue for a bit, and Anubis picks Eddie up, going for the Sarcophagus again. Eddie escapes once again and knees Anubis from behind into the ref, sandwiching him between Anubis and Nykk. The ref goes down, and Nykk falls off the apron. Eddie chop blocks the knee to take Anubis down, and asks Nykk for the belt. Nykk slides him the World Title, and Eddie gets ready to hit Anubis. Anubis staggers to his feet, and Eddie charges him, but Anubis kicks him in the midsection, causing him to drop the belt. Anubis picks up the title and nails Eddie with it. He goes down, but the belt crumbles in Anubis's hands, and he doesn't notice. He covers Eddie, but Nykk reaches under the ring and takes out a second championship belt. He goes to the top rope and comes down on Anubis, hitting him in the back of the head with the belt, knocking him out. Eddie gets up like nothing happened and kicks Anubis over toward the corner. He hits the Eddie Dive and covers, as the ref stirs. Nykk drags him over and he makes the three count as Nykk stands over him holding the belt high.)

Winner: Eddie Crowe
Time: 24:51

David: Eddie just pinned Anubis after tricking him with a fake title belt! Anubis thought he had Eddie dead to rights, but it was all a sham. He even pulled out the Eddie Dive, a move that has gotten him falls over Anubis in tag matches in the past, just to ensure he wouldn't kick out. What a dastardly ploy by Nykk!

(Nykk hands Eddie the title belt in the aisle and Eddie raises it above his head as Anubis begins to come to in the ring. He waves the ref off and picks up the fake title belt. After examining it, he tears it apart, revealing it was a replica made from aluminum foil and cardboard.)

David: In the heat of the moment, Anubis didn't realize that belt was a fake. He really thought he had turned the tables and knocked out Eddie Crowe, but it was not to be. Once again, Eddie and Nykk were one step ahead of everyone. That's all from here in New York City, fans. We'll see you this Wednesday for Go Time!

End of the Line: 12/17/11 (2024)
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Name: Geoffrey Lueilwitz

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Introduction: My name is Geoffrey Lueilwitz, I am a zealous, encouraging, sparkling, enchanting, graceful, faithful, nice person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.