Destroy the Godmodder: MSPAradox (Destroy the Godmodder/Homestuck/Multicross) RP (2024)


(Threat Level 1) Ruined Castle (Desert Continent, Distance 12 from Grensburg):

Outer Fortifications: HP: 150,000/150,000, DR: 2,000
Traps: Deal damage to any hostile entities that attempt to approach, damage remaining: 100,000

Resources: 121 (+17/turn), Power: 1, Rooms Used/Rooms Excavated: 15/17
Items: Puncake (100 CP item, anti-Tricky), Hammerspaced Saboteur Ships (x2), The Beat (Charge: 7/7, fully charged), Obligations (150 CP Charge, Grensburg fortifications)
Modifiers: Prospitian Village Aid: +5 Resources/turn, Covert Prospit Supply Shipments: +25 Resources/turn

Director: +1 Diplomacy, functions as a +10 unit for Diplomacy actions, +1 Intrigue (requires Intelligence Office)
Lothyra: +1 Martial, functions as a +10 unit for actions relating to military organization.
QuODIS: +2 Stewardship, can function as a +10 unit for actions relating to encryption or research. Upgrade: Central Mainframe: +1 Stewardship
Rick Sanchez: +1 Learning (requires Research Lab), functions as a +10 unit for research.

Current Actions:

Reinforce the Fortifications: 5/30, Assigned: 1 Carapacian Worker
Upgrade Building: Basic Fusion Plant to Fusion Tower: 5/20, Assigned: 1 Carapacian Worker
Excavate Rooms (x2): 10/40, Assigned: 2 Carapacian Workers

Available Actions:
* Scout the Desert: After the floodplains, most of the continent that Axios Base sits on is an undead and Lusii-infested desert. Scouting it will be dangerous, but might also uncover something worth the price. Requires 30 Progress. Risk: 45% (-15% with Guards, -20% with Dropships)
* Train Soldiers: More soldiers are always needed for the cause. Lothyra can run a Carapacian Pawn unit through boot camp, converting the Pawns into a proper RIflemen unit. Requires 10 Progress/soldier.
* Manufacture Dropships: Our soldiers are useless without a way to rapidly deploy them. We need to manufacture a Dropship Fleet to serve as troop transports. Requires 20 Progress.
* Reinforce the Fortifications: As Axios becomes established, it will also invite attacks against it. Lothyra thinks we need to upgrade the ancient castle that is the Outer Fortifications by adding reinforced concrete and bunkers, making it significantly more defensible. Requires 50 Resources, 30 Progress, uses Carapacian Workers

* Deepen Prospitian Ties: Bureaucracy: With initial contacts acquired, we can begin to further establish covert ties with our parent nation. Despite the destruction and chaos brought on by the war, the Prospitian Bureaucracy is as diligent as ever, with a significant chunk of Axios staff originating from it. Doubtless there are some bureaucrats who would be willing to aid us. However, the Bureaucracy will be subject to greater scrutiny by our enemies, so we should tread carefully. Requires 30 Progress. Risk: 35%
* Deepen Prospitian Ties: Military: With initial contacts acquired, we can begin to further establish covert ties with our parent nation. The Prospitian Armed Forces have been severely weakened as a result of the Godmodder's Invasion, but we could doubtless attempt to reestablish ties with Prospit high command. Of course, the Prospitian military is likely to be heavily monitored by the Godmodder and his allies, so this action carries significant risk. Requires 30 Progress. Risk: 50%

* Excavate Rooms: Axios can put its builders to work at excavating more rooms for its Base. Each Room costs 20 extra Progress and 5 extra Resources to excavate.
* Build Buildings: Axios can start work on constructing buildings, with variable Progress cost.
* Upgrade Buildings: Axios can upgrade outdated buildings into their more advanced forms, with variable Progress cost.

* Protect Ties to Prospit: Our efforts to establish covert diplomatic relations with Prospit have been stymied by the threat of discovery from the Godmodder and his Dersite allies. We will have to send agents to Prospit to counter any attempts at Dersite espionage. Requires 20 Progress.
* Figure Out How to Infiltrate New Mordor: New Mordor is the definition of a tough nut to crack, due to the nigh-impregnable shield that surrounds it. Figuring out how we're going to conduct espionage on it is going to be a challenge. Better get on with it. Requires 20 Progress.
* Investigate Hemospectrumists: It appears that the Neo-Alternian Empire has begun to spread its tentacles into the Incipisphere. Our agents have already encountered "hemospectrumists," reactionary trolls that are likely being covertly supported by the Empire. We should assign some of our intelligence officers to investigate this group, both on the chat clients and in the real world. Requires 30 Progress.
* Begin Inflitration of Derse: We have the plans, we have the training. The only thing that remains is to make use of them. We should send a few of our agents to Derse, disguised as players, to establish a spy network on that benighted moon. Requires 30 Progress.

* Reverse-Engineer Carapacian Fighters: Now that we've figured out the basics of Carapacian vehicle construction, Rick is confident that he can reverse-engineer more advanced Prospitian vehicles. We should attempt to build our own Carapacian Fighters. Requires 20 Progress.
* Reverse-Engineer Carapacian Bombers: Now that we've figured out the basics of Carapacian vehicle construction, Rick is confident that he can reverse-engineer more advanced Prospitian vehicles. We should attempt to build our own Carapacian Bombers. Requires 20 Progress.
* Analyze Captured Project Nexus Vehicles (Project Majestic): Rick is confident that, if we conduct a thorough analysis on the samples of Project Nexus technology we have acquired, he will be able to discover weaknesses in the Godmodder's forces that will make it easier to fight them. Requires 30 Progress.
* Investigate Light and Darkness: While Rick has nothing but contempt for the "overcomplicated and poorly-written sh*tfest" that is the Kingdom Hearts universe, its recent intrusion into the megasession has concerned Axios' leadership. We should start investigating ways to counter Heartless, Nobodies, the Unversed, and any other forces of Darkness. Requires 30 Progress. Risk: 40%

Constructed: Central Nexus, Cloning Lab, Basic Manufactory (x2), Barracks, Fusion Power Plant (x2), Research Lab, Intelligence Office

* Central Nexus: The heart of the Axios Base, containing Axios' meeting room and its QuODIS mainframe. Consumes 1 Power and takes up 1 Room.
* Central Mainframe: A large quantum-optical computing hub that houses Axios' central AI, QuoDIS. The extra computing power grants an additional Stewardship action and unlocks new buildings and units. Consumes 2 Power, takes up 1 Room, has an upkeep of 5 Resources, and costs 20 Resources to build.
*Cloning Lab: A facility where Carapacians may be cloned, producing 1 Carapacian Pawns unit at the cost of 5 Resources. Consumes 1 Power and takes up 2 Rooms. Costs 25 Resources to build.
* Robotics Hub: A facility dedicated to the construction and maintenance of robotic drones, which can be used for many applications, from construction to combat. Consumes 2 Power, takes up 2 Rooms, has an upkeep of 5 Resources, and costs 30 Resources to build.
* (Outdated) Basic Manufactory: A facility where raw materials are harvested and processed into Material. Produces 15 Resources/turn. Consumes 2 Power and takes up 2 Rooms. Costs 30 Resources to build.
* Fabrication Plant: A top-of-the-line manufacturing facility that produces 30 Resources/turn. Consumes 3 Power and takes up 2 Rooms. Costs 40 Resources to build.
* Assembly Complex: A large facility filled with countless robotic assembly lines and fabricators that can produce 80 Resources/turn. Consumes 6 Power and takes up 5 Rooms. Costs 80 Resources to Build.
* Barracks: A facility that can house up to 5 Soldier units and can promote Carapacian Pawns into Riflemen for the cost of 10 Resources. Consumes 1 Power and takes up 2 Rooms. Costs 25 Resources to build.
* (Outdated) Fusion Power Plant: A basic power plant that produces 6 Power at the cost of 5 Resources/turn, and takes up 1 Room. Costs 20 Resources to build.
* Catalyzed Reactor: A more advanced fusion power plant that is catalyzed by antimatter, producing 9 Power at the cost of 7 Resources/turn, and takes up 1 Room. Costs 30 Resources to build.
* Fusion Tower: An enormous antimatter-catalyzed power plant that produces 20 Power at the cost of 15 Resources/turn, and takes up 3 Rooms. Costs 60 Resources and 40 Progress to build.
* Intelligence Office: The central office of Axios' intelligence division. Constructing it is required to unlock Intrigue actions. Consumes 1 Power, takes up 1 Room, has an upkeep of 5 Resources, and costs 15 Resources to build.
*Outreach Office: An office containing Axios' diplomatic corps, allowing it to reach out to its inhabitants, granting additional Diplomatic Actions. Consumes 1 Power, takes up 1 Room, has an upkeep of 5 Resources, and costs 15 Resources to build.
* Research Lab: A proper laboratory for the self-respecting scientist. The first constructed unlocks Learning actions, and each further Lab built will function as a +10 unit. Consumes 2 Power, takes up 1 Room, has an upkeep of 8 Resources, and costs 25 Resources to build.

Extant : 4 Carapacian Pawns, 2 Carapacian Soldiers, 1 Carapacian Guard (, 1 Axios Agent Unit
Available Units :
* Carapacian Pawns: Basic worker units cloned from Cloning Labs. Each gives +5 Progress on construction-related actions/turn, and has an upkeep of 2 Resources.
* Excavation Team: A team of workers specialized in excavating new Rooms. Each grants +10 Progress on excavation of new rooms, and has an upkeep of 3 Resources.
* Carapacian Riflemen: Carapacians armed with standard-issue rifles, the standard military unit. Each gives +5 Progress on Military Actions, and has an upkeep of 4 Resources.
* Carapacian Guards: Upgraded Carapacian soldiers given laser weaponry, support drones, and advanced combat armor, making them far more capable of standing up to the dangers of the megasession. Each gives +5 Progress on Military Actions, and deploying them reduces the Risk of a military operation by 15%. Have an upkeep of 7 Resources. Currently, only 1 can be trained.
* Carapacian Dropship Fleet: Basic Carapacian Dropships used to transport soldiers. Gives +5 Progress on Military Actions involving rapid deployment, and has an upkeep of 6 Resources.
* Axios Agent Unit: Axios' intelligence officers. Each gives +10 Progress on Intrigue Actions.Has an upkeep of 2 Resources.

Bleeding Engineers [Redpyre - AG]: HP: 10,000/10,000, Charge-Building: 3

Naquadah Grist Generator Generator [Benben - AG]: HP: 200,000/200,000, summons 1 Private Naquadah Grist Generator and 1 Public Naquadah Grist Generator per turn, Stationary
Private Naquadah Grist Generators [Benben - AG]: HP: 5,000/5,000 (x7), Speed: 4, generates 12,500 Artificial Grist and sends it to Benben each turn (x7)
Public Naquadah Grist Generator [Benben - AG]: HP: 5,000/5,000 (x7), Speed: 4, Artificial Grist: 225,000 (+87,500/turn)


A Clothed Wraith [AG (That-Random-Guy) - P]: HV: 5/5, Equipped: False Knife
Tobias [AG (sirnaturewriter) - P]: HV: 40/40
Aspirant [AG (The_Two_Eternities) - P]: HV: 40/40

Passive Charges:

Axios Delivery (Pionoplayer): 30/30, Complete!


(Threat Level 1) Axios Base Plain (Desert Continent) – Quaint Village (Distance 12 from Grensburg):

Melodica Star [Sky High - AG]: HP: 20/20, takes only 1 damage/attack (not counting crits and minicrits), Change Form: III
Paladin Shrine [Goldhero - AG]: HP: 50,000/50,000, spawns Job Crystal if 10 CP is funneled into it, spawns 50 CP miniboss monster if 20 CP is funneled into it, Job Crystal Effect: Gain 5 DR, the ability to place a 25,000 HP and 5,000 DR shield each turn, and gain an extra action which cannot be used to charge, Miniboss: Sophia, Stationary

The Godmodder [GM]: HP: 89/125, Upgrades: God-Tiered (+1 Action), Get Swinky: 5/5, Inventory: Truth in Countering Prana


Aurium [AG (Aurium) - P]: HV: 12/40
Keane and Skelekeane [AG (King_Fuffy) - P]: HV: 2/2, Equipped: Fancy Santa Radar
Crystal [AG (crystalcat) - P]: HV: 38/40, DR: 4, Dodge: 40%, Equipped: Miniature Red Sun, Miniature Green Sun
Argis [AG (Pope) – P]: HV: 40/40, DR: 2, Equipped: Pokemon Trainer's Longcoat (Alchemy): 2 DR
Xor [AG (Sky High) - P]: HV: 8/12


(Threat Level 1) Grensburg Outskirts (Grassland Continent):

Alchemiter [AG]


Exo-4 [AG (Exoskeletal) - P]: HV: 36/40, Equipped: Holy Mantle (Charged, Recharge: III)
Benben and Yatsuhashi [AG (Kumino Kashiwagi) – P]: HV: 10/10

Passive Charges:

Caprine Patsy (Aspirant): 26/70, Clockwork Parents: 35,000/35,000 HP


(Threat Level 1) Above Grensburg (Grassland Continent):

[AG][BOSS] Zone/Entity: 404 Gravitas Forbidden Not Found, Psi-Descendant, has antivirus software installed
404 Integrity & Hull: HP: 478,000/478,000 (25,000 Regen or Status Effect Regen/turn), DR: 10,000, A: 52,500 + 3 actions, +5 CP/turn to Xi, shares CP with Xi, Accuracy: 150%, Range 20, Equipped: Eternal Prominence (Mark of Mastery: 25/50 CP)
- Reactive Defense System: Significantly increases the difficulty of invading with the 404 or tampering with entities inside it, and allows the 404 to deal the damage of its attack to every entity inside. The interior is immune to all hostile teleportation.
- Spatial Funneling: IIII (x2) IIII (x1), Teleports target entity located on the interior or exterior of the 404, or a 125,000 HP attack, to a zone occupied by at least one other Anti-Godmodder. May also work in reverse, teleporting target entity in a zone occupied by at least one other Anti-Godmodder to the interior or exterior of the 404. (x3)
- No Time To Die: IIII. Teleports the 404 anywhere in a Range 20 radius and deploys trail maskers to hide the 404's destination.


Laser Drones [404 - AG] HP: 20,000/20,000 (x10), A: 5,000 (x10), Range: 10, Aerial
Shield Drone [404 - AG]: HP: 40,000/40,000, Aerial, bodyguarding 404


Honeydew [404 - AG]: HP: 10,000/10,000, A: 3 Flexible Item-Building, Molecular Dis-assembler: 10,000 Attack, Sack of Healing Potions: 2,500 Healing, Iron Dwarf Suit: 3,750/3,750 HP.
Intelligence Drones [404 - AG]: HP: 10,000/10,000 (x9), A: 2,500 (x9), Charge-Building: 1 (x9)
Dr. Julius Feelgood [404 - AG]: HP: 30,000/30,000, Interference-Curing: 6
Obi-Wan Kenobi [404 - AG]: HP: 65,000/65,000, Stamina: 32/32
Mossy Cougar [404 - AG]: HP: 30,000/30,000, A: 7,500.

AZU-System [Benben - AG]: HP: 60,000/60,000, Grist Generation: 62,500/turn

Steel Inquisiclown [Ciric - AG]: HP: 50,000/50,000, Dodge: 50%, A: 26,250, Allomantic Spikes: 10/10, Maximum Mad: IIII, Stealthed

Hollywood Hootsman [Exo-4 - AG]: HP: 93,000/100,000 Dodge: 20%, DR: 6,000, A: 13,750, Laser Blast: III, +2,500 HP and +1,250 A for each kill, Nuclear Detonation as suicide

Stealth Transport Parts Collection [William - AG]: Worth 4 CP
Ghostly Rocket-Glider [William - AG]: HP: 7,500/7,500, Speed: 4, applies 1,875 Stealth/turn, Stealthed

Alchemiter [N]


Deva [AG (Jaggerain) - P]: HV: 13/13
Ciric [AG (FlamingFlapjacks) - P]: HV: 14/20, Equipped: Harlequinn's Peacekeeper (Power: 10), Beta Kid's Corpses
Raiko and Mystia [AG (Kumino Kashiwagi) - P]: HV: 10/10
Spectra Major [AG (That_Random_Guy) - P]: HV: 18/18, Regens 4/turn, DR: 7, Aerial,Equipped: The Ceramic Supersoldier (Alchemy), Spectral Healing Necklace (Alchemy), Stealthed

Passive Charges:

The Grist of It (Xi): 28/80, Metaphysical Legal Contracts: 40,000/40,000 HP, Interference: 1
Refine Medicine (Xi): 17/30, Online Courses: 15,000/15,000 HP
One With The Force (Xi): 17/30, Holocron Database: 15,000/15,000 HP
On the Hedonism of Vikings (Xi): 6/30, Hedonistic Viking: 15,000/15,000 HP
Alchemiter (Xi): 2/10, Alchemiter Bootup: 5,000/5,000 HP.
Smartlight (Xi): 2/12, Hardlight Brain: 6,000/6,000 HP.
Standard Operating Procedures (Backlines Drone): 20/20, Complete!
The Wrath of Industry (William): 10/10, Complete!
Honkly Word (Ciric): 40/40, Complete!
When the Charge Hits Just Right (Mystia): 8/30, AC Power Supply: 15,000/15,000 HP


(1 Distance above The 404, 2 Distance above Grensburg) DefJO [N (JOEbob) - P]: HV: 8/10, Green Sun Shield: 10/10 HV (regens 5/turn), Green Sun Core (Soulbound): Energy Reserve: 10/10 (+2/turn), Red Sun Core (Soulbound): Energy Reserve: 10/10 (+2/turn), Refiner's Fire Core: Energy Reserve: 2/10 (+2/turn), Viridescence Core: Energy Reserve: 6/10 (+2/turn), B'rak Tamin: Energy Reserve: 4/10 (+2/turn), Mystical Form: Temporary, soul-binding on Cores and sets max Core limit to 6 Self-Destruct: deals 104,000 + 5,500/turn damage upon death, Inventory: Owl Pendant, Godmodding Core, Stealthed


(Threat Level 1) Grensburg (Grassland Continent):

Esoterica Complexia 52i+1 [H]:1,750/10,000 HP, 8000 DR, 50% dodge. Extreme Resistance. Health Stacks: 7(+3/round) Smokestacks: 9 (+3/round). Detach Material: IIIIIIII. Stationary.

Prospitian Riflemen [PR]: HP: 1,500/1,500 (x40), A: 1,000 (x40), Range: 4
Prospitian Officers [PR]: HP: 2,000/2,000 (x5), A: 500 (x5), Range: 2, commanding 10 units each (x5)
Communications Dish [PR]: HP: 100,000/100,000

Speedy Spaceship [Anime Paladin - AG]: HP: 5,000/5,000, Speed: 2

Multi-Cell Sperm [Black Sperm - AG]: HV: 40/40, ACP: 90, Psi-Descendant
Dancing BS Boys [Black Sperm - AG]: HP:105,000/105,000 (+10,000 HP/turn) (x10), +625(x10)HP/turn/turn, (collective) CP: 34 (+2/turn)

Gnich's Dragon [Gnich - AG]: HP: 4,062/35,000, A: 13,750 AoE, Symbiotic Flower: 25,000/25,000, Accuracy: 167%, Range: 4, Transporting: Gnich
Dancer Zombies [Gnich - AG]: HP: 75,000/75,000 (x2), A: 15,000 (x2)
Energy Dragon [Gnich - AG]: HP: 65,000/65,000, A: 10,000, immune to physical damage

Dropship [Gali and Onewa – AG]: HP: 7,500/7,500, DR: 1,000, Aerial, Speed: 2, Transport Capacity: 10

Warrior Shrine [Goldhero - AG]: HP: 50,000/50,000, spawns Job Crystal if 10 CP is funneled into it, spawns 50 CP miniboss monster if 20 CP is funneled into it, Job Crystal Effect: Your actions used to attack have a base power of 3 CP, Miniboss: Titan, Stationary

Forest of Light [Joe's Temp Characters - N]: HP: 1,000/1,000 (x200 + 5/turn), Shield of Light: 25,000/25,000 (regens 5,000 per turn), Alluring Path, Easy Path, Hard Path
Door to the Dreambubbles [N]
Guardian of the Door [Joe's Temp Characters - N]: HP: 443,625/443,625 + 21,875 Regen/turn + 625 Regen/turn/turn, 216 Dream Reserves (+8/turn), protecting Door to the Dreambubbles
Payload [DefJO (JOEbobob) - N]: HP:50,625/50,625, Swarm, multiplies its HP by 1.5x (rounded up)/turn, Aerosolize: IIII (deals 42k Dazed status effect damage/10,000 HP), Suppressant Foam IIIIII (summons 8.32 CP of Stationary bodyguards/10,000 HP)

Gathering of Hearts [Xehanort - N]: HP: 50,000/50,000, Heart Points: 155, can gather 10 Heart Points/turn (Range: 26), Light: 3,750 (+6,250/turn)/12,500, Darkness: 3,750 (+6,250/turn)/12,500, Teleportation: 16,000 AoE, Stationary,
Light Grist Synthesizer [Xehanort - N]: HP: 50,000/50,000, 2,500 Light status effect healing, 2,500 Grist/turn generation
Dark Grist Synthesizer [Xehanort - N]: HP: 50,000/50,000, 2,500 Dark status effect healing, 2,500 Grist/turn generation
Light Siphon [Xehanort – N]: HP: 50,000/50,000, Light: 28 (+2/turn), Stationary
Dark Siphon [Xehanort – N]: HP: 50,000/50,000, Darkness: 20 (+2/turn), Stationary
Shining Crystal [Xehanort – N]: HP: 20,000/20,000, 2,500 Light Status effect healing, Light: 5 (+1/turn), Stationary
Shadowy Crystal [Xehanort – N]: HP: 20,000/20,000, 2,500 Darkness Status effect healing, Darkness: 5 (+1/turn), Stationary
DIGI [Xehanort - N]: HV: 40/40, CP: 0, 3 Descendant Actions, can counter, can respawn, Light Cloak: Extends Range of actions by 4

Italian Space Pizzas INC Grensburg Storefront [N]: Players can order a shipment of ISP INC security drones for 10 CP or a shipment of drones and trained soldiers for 20 CP, may have unintended consequences, Current Orders: N/A


Black Sperm [AG (Black Sperm) - P]: HV: 40/40
Gnich [AG (Gnich) - P]: HV: 40/40, Equipped: Magic Bow (deals an extra 15,000 damage with the cost of an action), Runic Plank (+boost to speed and minor damage boost), Shifting Cloak (major bonus to sneak attempts), Entity Maker
Muda Muda [AG (Muda Muda) - P]: HV: 40/40
Foreman AI [AG (Karpinsky) - P]: HV: 10/10
Ninjatwist [AG (Ninjatwist) - P]: HV: 40/40
Moniker [AG (Splashcat) - P]: HV: 31/40, Carrying: An Introduction to Psycho-Economics (+1 to economics-related charge/turn), Grimoire for Summoning the Zoologically Dubious (allows summoning of Horrorterrors or interacting with the Shroud)
Gold [AG (Goldhero) - P]: HV: 40/40
Sleepy Man [N (JOEbob) - P]: HV: 26/26 (6 Regen/turn) Equipped: Necklace of Dreams (Dream Gemstone, Detachment Level: High, Multiplier: x1), Dreamer Dexterity: 0

Passive Charges:

Fire Core (Gnich): 30/30, Complete!
Night Onto Oblivion (The Man): 56/100, Dream Landscape: 50,000/50,000 HP
Dropship Construction (Aspirant): 41/93, Technomagic Fabricators: 46,500/46,500 HP, Interference: 4
Charge Build (Muda Muda): 14/60, Charge Builders: 30,000/30,000 HP
Heavensward (Gold): 2/50, FFXIV Coders: 25,000/25,000 HP


(Threat Level 1) Grensburg (Grassland Continent) - Aspect Church:

Contains Terra Magna, Boom Tube leading to Terra Magna

Tiachnid Hive Aspect Church [Xehanort - N]: HP: 75,000/75,000, has second floor
Green Sun-Proof Glass Jar Maker [Xehanort - N]: Green Sun-Proof Glass Jars: 29 (+1/turn) (Filled: 6)
(On second floor) Tiachnid Drones [Ansem - N]: HP: 1,500/1,500 (x50), A: 500 (x50)
(On second floor) Tiachnid Queen [Ansem - N]: HP: 20,000/20,000, A: 5,000, can counter
(On second floor) Tiachid Nursery [Ansem - N]: HP: 6,000/6,000, spawns 5 Tiachnid Drones/turn
Entity Spawner Mobil Platform [Xehanort - N]: HP: 5,000/5,000, Transport Capacity: 10, Transporting: Entity Spawner
Entity Spawner [Xehanort – N]: HP: 50,000/50,000, Spawns 1 D.I.G.I. Clone each turn, Stationary
D.I.G.I. Clones [Xehanort – N]: HP: HP: 10,000/10,000 (x19), 2,500/2,500 (x33), A: 2,500 (x19), A: 1,000 (x33), Charge-Building: 1 (x32)

Passive Charges:

Siphon Producer (Xehanort): 56/60, Magi-Tech Microbots: 30,000/30,000 HP, Interference: 26


(Threat Level 2) Distance 13 - Above Grensburg:

Lab Meteor [Jaggerain - AG]: HP: 125,500/125,500 (regens 12,500/turn), Shield: 100,000/100,000 (regens 25,000/turn), Protective Barrier: 20,500/20,500, Anti-Player Shield: Blocks Descendants from entering, Anti-Hostile Teleportation Device (one use), summons 9 CP worth of cloned Carapacians per turn, Transport Capacity: 23, Construction, Resources: 20 Element Zero, 15 Monochromium


Auto-Builder: 192,500/600,000


Automated Defenses [Jaggerain - AG]: 60,000/60,000 (x3), A: 10,000 (x3), Range: 10
Missile Turrets [Jaggerain - AG]: HP: 50,000/50,000 (x2), A: 20,000 (x2), Range: 11
Sentry Turret [Jaggerain - AG]: HP: 20,000/20,000 (x3), A: 20,000 (x3)
Construction Drone Fabricator [Jaggerain - AG]: HP: 25,000/25,000, produces 1 Construction Drone each turn
Air Assault Drone Fabricator [Jaggerain - AG]: HP: 25,000/25,000, produces 1 Air Assault Drone each turn
Armory [Jaggerain - AG]: HP: 50,000/50,000, produces 10 CP of equipment per turn
Sentry Turret Foundry [Jaggerain - AG]: 50,000/50,000, produces 1 Sentry Turret/turn
Shockpoint Drive: Can travel anywhere in the Incipisphere in 1 turn


Black Knights [Amon – AG]: HP: 15,000/15,000 (x3), A: 5,000 (x3)
First Herald [Amon – AG]: HP: 75,000/75,000, summons a Seraf Artificer every turn
Seraf Artificers [Amon – AG]: HP: 15,000/15,000 (x13), A: 3,750 (x15), 1,250 Construction (x15)
Anti-Viral Spider [Amon – AG]: HP: 80,000/80,000, A: 2,000 (x6), Anti-Viral: 7,500
Carapacian Constructors [Amon - AG]: HP: 10,000/10,000 (x8), A: 1,250 (x8), Construction: 1,250 (x8)
Dersite Construction Foremen [Amon - AG]: HP: 15,000/15,000 (x12), 25,000/25,000 (x15), DR: 4,000 (x14), A: 2,500 (x12), 5,000 (x15, Range: 4 or 3,500 Melee Attack), Accuracy; 157% (x15), Construction: 5,000 (x12), 6,250 (x15)
Construction Drones [Amon - AG]: HP: 1/1 (x8), Construction: 1,250 (x8)
Air Assault Drones [Amon - AG]: HP: 15,000/15,000 (x12), A: 2,500 (x12), Range: 10, Aerial


Amon [AG (Jaggerain) - P]: HV: 20/20, Equipped: Aether Prism: +3 CP/turn, Ethereal Blades: Void Artifact, 2x power to any attack or action involving Void, major boost to normal damage

Passive Charges:

Authority Part 1 (Amon): 10/10, Complete!
Payback (Amon): 10/10, Complete!

(Distance 12 away from Lab Meteor) Steffanship [DefJO (JOEbobob) - N]: HP: 50,000/50,000, Shield: 88,000/94,000, Auto-Abscond: 8/8, RP: 44, BP: 28, Burst Cannon Summon, Custom Construction, Burst Cannons: HP: 10,000/10,000 (x3), A: 20,000 (x3), Burst Cannon Fire: IIII, Boombot Dispensers: HP: 35,000/35,000 (x5), A: Summon 4,000 Boombots (x5), Boombot Dispenser Building: IIIII, Stability Refinement Chamber: HP: 56,000/56,000, Stability: 9 (+1/turn), Transporting: Boombots, Lime Leader, Omnispective Watcher
Boombots [DefJO (JOEbobob) - N]: 163,375, retaliates for 1.5x killed in attack
Lime Leader [DefJO (JOEbobob) - N]: Heat: 2150° C, A: 86,000, Green Sun-infused
Omnispective Watcher [DefJO (JOEbobob) - N]: 205,625/205,625 HP, Summon 1 Extensible Shell per round, Extensible Shells, 21,750/21,750 (x11) HP, +1250MHP/R, Relink Tissue: III, 11 Tissues Linked, A: 13,750 (x11), +625 A/R


(Threat Level 1 for PGs, Threat Level 4 for AGs) Distance 8 - New Mordor (Grassland Continent, Shielded by Shieldmaiden):

Shieldmaiden [PN][BOSS]: HP: 750,000/750,000, DR: 12,000, Shields: 1,325,000/1,325,000 (+6,250/turn, regens 300,000/turn), can project Shields to other Project Nexus ships or protect an area, A: 50,000 (x2), Armor-Piercing: 15,000, Range: 14, Engine Block: 150,000/150,000, Point Defense Turrets: HP: 5,000/5,000 (x15), A: 10,000 (x15), Range: 6, Reaction Fire Exclusive, can only target aerospace fighters, Spaceborne, Speed: -2
Forces of Mordor [PN]: Supply: 254 (+28/turn), Factories: 8, Manpower: 72,000 (+10,000/turn), Dragon Pits: 1/3

12 Orc Legions, consume 1.5 Supply per turn, Upgrades Equipped: Uruk-Hai
2 Fell Beast Legions, consume 1 Supply per turn

Chargius Girl [Kyubey - PG]: HP: 30,000/30,000 (x1), 10,000/30,000 (x1) A: 7,500 (x2), Range: 5, Healing: 2,500 (x2), CP Generation: II, CP: 5
Drone Swarms [Nedben - PG]: HP: 10,000/10,000 (x5),, Charge-Building: 1 (x5), produce 3 Interference/turn, take up 0 Transport Units

Dino Terror Chicken [H]: HP: 75,000/75,000 (regens 15,000 HP/turn), A: 20,000


Annabelle [AG (Crusher48) - P]: HV: 10/15
Kyubey [PG (Nedben) - P]: HV: 4/4, Kyubey's Weapon: (5,000/5,000 HP, 3,750 damage, Range 20), Boots of Kick Everything: (10,000/10,000 HP, 5,000 damage to every entity on field, 22,000 AoE damage to group entities) Doppel Ver: Contract Creation: III, Contracts: 4
DevastatorUndying [PG (BackAndGoneAgain) - P]: HV: 40/40, Green Sun Energy Reserve: 50/50 (+10/turn), Grimdark, Equipped: Ring of Orbs Fourfold (PM Version), protected from theft attempts as long as DU is alive

Passive Charges:

Materialroot Preparations (Kyubey): 20/20, Complete!
Interference Converter (Kyubey): 20/20, Complete!
Angelica Cage (Kyubey): 80/150, Blue Cube: 75,000/75,000 HP
Portal Attractor (Kyubey): 4/10, Portal Magnet: 5,000/5,000 HP


(Threat Level 2) Abandoned Farmhouse (Grassland Continent) – Distance 9 from Grensburg

Passive Charges:

Quick Before The… (Hunter): 32/80, Hearthstone Card: 40,000/40,000 HP


(Jungle Continent, Threat Level 3) Jungle's Edge (Jungle Continent) – Distance 16 from Grensburg

Summoner Shrine [Goldhero - AG]: HP: 50,000/50,000, spawns Job Crystal if 10 CP is funneled into it, spawns 50 CP miniboss monster if 20 CP is funneled into it, Job Crystal Effect: Summon a 20 CP value familiar, done only once upon Job Crystal activation, Miniboss: Odin, Stationary

Corsair Confectionary Creator [Joe's Temp Characters - N]: HP: 5,000/5,000, Produces 1 Cakes or 1 Ice Cream a turn, Cakes: 35, Ice Cream: 5, Water: 1, Stationary
Rock Rock Lobster [Joe's Temp Characters - N]: Rocks: 6
Rock Lobsters [Joe's Temp Characters - N]: Rocks: 1 (x52), Extra Rocks: 4 (+1/turn)
Growing Trees [Joe's Temp Characters - N]: HP: 40,000/40,000, Stationary
Harvest Lobster [Joe's Temp Characters - N]: Harvest: 31
Tetromino Lobster [Joe's Temp Characters - N]: Ice: 0, Tetrominos: 21
Poptart Lobster [Joe's Temp Characters - N]: Poptarts: 0, Poptart Wall Progress: 0/3
Code Cordon [Joe's Temp Characters - N]: HP: 394,000/394,000, contains Yggdrasil Sprout, mini-Nether, Netherrack: 25, warded against magical interference, Stationary
Graveyard [Joe's Temp Characters - N]: HP: 25,000/25,000, empowers Joe's characters with the power of dead entities, Stationary
Poptart Wall [Joe's Temp Characters - N]: HP: 25,000/25,000 (x5), guarding other entities, Stationary
Windmills [Joe's Temp Characters - N]: HP: 2,500/2,500 (x28), Power Production: 28 MW, Battery Maker: adds Power Production/4 Storage when powered, Storage: 35/35
Hexagonfielder [Joe's Temp Characters - N]: HP: 16,000/16,000, Summon 2 Stone Hexagons (2,500/12,000 HP) per round, Stationary
Stone Hexagons [Joe's Temp Characters - N]: HP: 4,375/12,500 (x2), 5,200/12,500 (x2), 7,085/12,500 (x2), 8,960/12,500 (x2), Healing: 1,875 (x8), Stationary
Confectionary Lobster [Joe's Temp Characters - N]: Confectionaries: 85, Attack Stacks: 38, Absorbs code from code-based entities


T.inkerer [N (JOEbob) – P] HV: 4/4, Dream Essence

Passive Charges:

Mystical Form (The Man): 10/10, Complete!


(Threat Level ???) Sinister Grove (Jungle Continent, Distance 16 from Grensburg):

??? (Unknown Threat)

Pie Dragonling [Apollon (FlamingFlapjacks) - N]: HP: 5,000/5,000, A: 1,250


Apollon [N (FlamingFlapjacks) - N]: HV: 20/20

Passive Charges:

??? (Apollon): 12/80, ???: 40,000/40,000 HP, attached to Apollon


(Threat Level 3) Ice Plains (Ice Continent, Distance 17 from Grensburg):

(x1 on scouting, will complete next turn) Laser Drones [ThatRandomGuy - AG] HP: 20,000/20,000 (x2), A: 5,000 (x2), Range: 10, Aerial
Ice Trenches [ThatRandomGuy - AG], HP: 83,750/83,750 (+3,750/turn, + 1,250/turn/turn), Charge-Building: 1, Stationary, bodyguarding entities
Reinforced Igloo [ThatRandomGuy - AG]: HP: 47,500/47,500 (+3,750/turn), Charge-Maker: III (creates a 10 CP passive charge that boosts either HP, Shields, or ACP Generation), bodyguarding Laser Drone
Ice-Tunneling Maw-Towers [ThatRandomGuy - AG]: HP: 13,500/13,500 (x5), Excavate 100 meters/turn in ice and 20 meters/turn in rock (x5), Reproduce: IIII (spawn a new Maw-Tower when 5 of them have this charged at once)
Excavation (surface down): 500 meters (Main branch, starts from surface; expanded to include ring-tunnels), 100 meters (Southwest branch, starts at 500 Meters from main branch.)

Dragoon Shrine [Goldhero - AG]: HP: 50,000/50,000, spawns Job Crystal if 10 CP is funneled into it, spawns 50 CP miniboss monster if 20 CP is funneled into it, Job Crystal Effect: Gain +3 Speed, +25% Dodge, 1 action, and Aerial status, Miniboss: Shiva, Stationary


Golden Freddy [AG (The_Nonexistent_Tazz) - P]: HV: 40/40, Energy Reserve: 25/25 (+5/turn), Equipped: Debauched Hydra (Mark of Mastery: 0/50), Ring of Orbs Fourfold (Doomed)
The Knotted Ball [AG (ThatRandomGuy) - P]: HV: 9/9

Passive Charges

They Who Eat Ice (Willow): 25/30, Permafrost Eggs: 15,000/15,000 HP


(Threat Level 3) Pristine Beach (Island Continent, Distance 17 from Grensburg):

Bard Shrine [Goldhero - AG]: HP: 50,000/50,000, spawns Job Crystal if 10 CP is funneled into it, spawns 50 CP miniboss monster if 20 CP is funneled into it, Job Crystal Effect: Gain +25% Dodge, 1 action, 3 Range, and 50% Accuracy, Miniboss: Leviathan, Stationary


(Threat Level 4) Desolate Mesa (Badlands Continent, Distance 16 from Grensburg):

Black Mage Shrine [Goldhero - AG]: HP: 50,000/50,000, spawns Job Crystal if 10 CP is funneled into it, spawns 50 CP miniboss monster if 20 CP is funneled into it, Job Crystal Effect: Attacks are 2 CP base power and become AoE, Miniboss: Ifrit, Stationary


(Threat Level 4) Unseen Peak (Mystery Continent, Distance 17 from Grensburg):

Monk Shrine [Goldhero - AG]: HP: 50,000/50,000, spawns Job Crystal if 10 CP is funneled into it, spawns 50 CP miniboss monster if 20 CP is funneled into it, Job Crystal Effect: Gain 2 extra attack actions, can be boosted with CP, Miniboss: Ultima Weapon, Stationary

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Name: Annamae Dooley

Birthday: 2001-07-26

Address: 9687 Tambra Meadow, Bradleyhaven, TN 53219

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Job: Future Coordinator

Hobby: Archery, Couponing, Poi, Kite flying, Knitting, Rappelling, Baseball

Introduction: My name is Annamae Dooley, I am a witty, quaint, lovely, clever, rich, sparkling, powerful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.