#BlackLivesMatter: Where Do the Paradigms of Public Administration Fit? (2024)

Farzana Sharmin

Northern Illinois University

Janek Sunga

Northern Illinois University


Keywords:Black Lives Matter, #BLM, Critical Race Theory, Paradigms, NPM


This study provides an in-depth analysis of problems and policy proposals related to the Black Lives Matter (BLM) Movement in light of public administration (PA) theories. We examine the extant literature focusing on three PA paradigms: Classical, New Public Management (NPM), and Postmodernism (combined with New Public Administration—NPA). Based on a content analysis of BLM activists’ demands, Congressional bills, and resolutions, this study categorizes the problems and solutions according to the area of concern and PA paradigms. Results indicate that postmodern theories offer crucial lenses to understand BLM activists’ demands. However, Congressional bills and resolutions align more with Classical and NPM paradigms. We conclude that BLM policy proposals are more likely to be implemented if framed within NPM and “soft” postmodern perspectives. Similarly, policymakers and practitioners should know that the BLM movement reflects a postmodern approach. This study provides contributions that are relevant to both practitioners and academics.

Author Biographies

Farzana Sharmin, Northern Illinois University

Farzana Sharmin, MPA (she/her/hers) (fsharmin@niu.edu), is a doctoral candidate at Northern Illinois University (NIU) specializing in Comparative Politics and Public Administration. She is an instructor of public policy and administration at NIU. Her work centers on social equity, focusing on gender, race, and religion in comparative public policy.

Janek Sunga, Northern Illinois University

Janek Sunga (he/him/his) (jsunga@niu.edu) is a doctoral candidate at Northern Illinois University (NIU) specializing in Comparative Politics and Public Administration. He is an instructor of public policy at NIU. His work focuses on the problems of development and underdevelopment in the Global South and marginalized communities in the Global North.


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#BlackLivesMatter: Where Do the Paradigms of Public Administration Fit? (2024)
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