Albany Ledger from Albany, Missouri (2024)

THE ALBANY LEDGER, THURSDAY, AUGUST 26, 1948 Tho Ledger The following is a list of filed for record in the Re David Williams to Watt Thompson, 11 13, 2, Martin Bedford's Add to King City, $1. Luella Williams et al to Orville Woollums. Tr 9-64-30, $1000. REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS The following is a list of trans-'fers, filed for record in the Recorder's office of Gentry County, Missouri, for the week-ending Aug. 14.

1048, furnished by Holden Abstract and Investment Company, Albany, Missouri. I Everett F. Bradshaw to H. A. Craven, Pt 14, Stanbury's Add Will Henton, and Mr.

and Mrl. Pick Hen ton and Miss Marjorie attended the Henton reunion Sunday Mr. and Mrs. Charley Gardner and family visited Sunday with Jimmie Steinman. Mn.

Charley Gardner and Lawrence Edward spent Wednesday with Mrs. Eldon Carlock and family. Mrs. Charley Gardner gave a pink and blue shower for Mrs. Eldon Carlock Tuesday afternoon.

Mr. and Mrs. Grover Miller and Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Richmond A attended the Ice cream supper at Gentry Friday night A.

W. Murray spent several days last week with Mr. and Mrs. Alex Murray. Mrs.

Sally Baker of San Diego, California, spent Thursday and Friday with Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Murrell and girls. Mr. and Mrs.

Glen Forbid and family and Jim Forbid accompanied Mr. and Mrs. Crit Carter to Kansas City Sunday. Mr. and Mrs.

Jessie Gibbany and son, attended the funeral of Mr. and Mrs. Guy Gibbany son at Wathena, Kansas. Mr. and Mrs.

Guy Gibbany spent Wednesday night with Mr. and Mrs. Jessie Gibbany. Mr. and Mrs.

Jones Manlor. and family and Mr. and Mrs. Deason spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs.

Thomas Deason and family. CALL YOUR NEWS TO "148 corder's office of Gentry County, Missouri, for the week ending Aug. 21, 1948, furnished by Holden Abstract and Investment Company, Albany, Mo. Bertha Adkisson Admr. to Elis Dannar, Tr McFall.

Sarah Guthrie to William T. Murphy, 49, Col Add Albany, $1. Bascom J. King to Kathryn E. King, Tr 9-63-30, $10.

W. L. Murphy to Oralena Mercer, Tr 22-64-32, $2000. Arlene Harkrider, Guardian to Paul E. Daniel, Tr 20-63-32, $10.

Arlene Harkrider, Guardian to Robert A. Daniel, Tr 20-63-32, $15723. Estella McFall et al to Elis Dannar, Tr McFall, $1. DR. C.

L. DOSCH OPTOMETRIST Eyes Examined Fashion in Glasses East Side Square Phone 341 Maysville, Mo. to Stanberry, $1900. J. Orval Baker, et al to Rilda A.

Zimmerman, Tr 2 3-64-32. $100. Earl G. Hatheway et al to Hattie E. Dodge, Tr 9-62-31.

$2250. Ward Hatheway et al to Chester Lainhart, Pt 117. Col Hill, Add to Albany, $1900. Chester Lainhart to George A. Barber, Pt 117, Col Hill Add to Albany, $1.

L. F. Long to Elmer Newby, Pt 8, Tracy's Add to City of Stanberry, $1000. Oren Temple et al to Oralena Temple Mercer, Tr 29-64-32, $1. EXECUTOR'S NOTICE NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN.

That Letters Testamentary upon the estate of Dolah E. Harrell deceased, have been granted to the undersigned by the Probate Court of Gentry County, Missouri, bearing date the 4th day of August, 1948. All persons having claims against said estate are required to exhibit them to the undersigned for allowance within six months after the date of said letters, or they may be precluded from any benefit of such estate; and if such claims be not exhibited within one year from the date of granting said letters they shall be forever barred. Witness my signature this 4th day of August, 1948. Otis T.

wnaiey (Seal) Executor. Attest: Paul Brown Judge of Probate. Adv. 15-4t. PnbUsbsd Every Thursday iwTiw.mi in un Booth Smith 81, Albany, Mo.

Hill PggRY. BUBINIBS MOB. PSXRY ESTATE, FOBUSHXR ftUO FEB YEAR Sf MISSOURI OUTBIDB OF STATE, IL7 enteral Second Glass Vail Hatter the poetoffioe In Albany, leu, under Ad of Ooograa of UanH 1171. DORSEY Mr. and Mrs.

Thornton Ross and, family called to see Mrs. W. C. Baldwin and Mr. and Mrs.

Harlan Funk and son Sunday afternoon. Mrs. Carrie Welch and Mrs. Marie Welch spent Saturday after-j noon with Mrs. Linnle Miller.

Mrs. Wayne Guess, Mrs. Donald i REAL ESTATE LOANS-INSURANCE fsf FOR YOUR CANDIDATE IN THE PULLET POLL LOANS ON AUTOMOBILES LOANS ON HOUSEHOLD GOODS LOANS ON ANY TYPE of PROPERTY FARM PROPERTY INSURANCE FIRE INSURANCE OF ALL KINDS NOTARY PUBLIC Siddens and Bobby and Dixie were mesne, remote, voluntary and in-shopping in St. Joseph Thursday, voluntary grantees, and successors Mr. and Mrs.

Buster Siddens and and assigns of the said W. B. family were shopping in St. Jo-, Hampton, Rachel Youngman, seph Friday. jMalidna J.

Hardesty, James Mr. and Mrs. Dale Gillespie and Spainhower, J. W. Spainhower, family spent Sunday with Mr.

and Joseph Dawson, Ezekiel C. Mrs. Claude Bridges. Baldwin. John A.

Fannin, Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. Dale Gillespie and Nancy Teague. Henry Sowards, family visited Mr.

and Mrs. Georg Glocular, G. T. Glockler, Claudie Davidson Wednesday eve-'James B. Cox, James Cox, Jas.

Cox, ning. L. H. Lunsford, C. R.

Dawson and Mr. and Mrs. Morris Green re- Thomas E. Warden, Defendants, turned home Friday from a trip to ORDER OF PUBLICATION the Yellowstone Park. OF NOTICE Georgie Nell McCampbell and The State of Missouri to each some friends from Stanberry vis- and all of the above named de-ited Sunday afternoon with Mr.

fondants: and Mrs. Morris Green. You are hereby notified that an Dale Murphy visited Sunday action has been commenced against ink pj MADDEN REAL ESTATE LOAN COMPANY South Side of Square Albany, Missouri Phone 126 a (First Publication August 26, 1948) STATE OF MISSOURI SS: COUNTY OF GENTRY IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF GENTRY COUNTY MISSOURI Cleo W. Hunt and Anna B. Hunt, Plaintiffs, -vi- File No.

839 W. B. Hampton, Rachel Youngman, Malinda J. Hardesty, James Spainhower, J. W.

Spainhower, Joseph Dawson, Ezekiel C. Bald- win, John A. Fannin, Mr. Nancy Teague, Henry Sowards, George Glocular, G. T.

Glockler. James B. jCox, James Cox. Jas. Cox.

L. H. Lunsford, C. R. Dawson, and Thomas E.

Warden, and all the unknown consorts, heirs, devisees, donees, alienees, and immediate, you in the Circuit Court for the County of Gentry, State of Mis souri, the object and general nature of which is to quiet the title to real estate in plaintiffs Who claim limitation by virtue of the provisions of Section 1008. Chapter 6. Revised Statutes of Missouri, 1939, and which affects the following described property: The West Unit (WJ) of the Southwest Quarter tSWJI of Section Seven (7) containing 87.48 Acres more or less. North Half (N) of the Northeast Quarter (NE) of the Southwest Quarter (SW) of Section Seven (7), and all that part of the Southeast Quarter (SE1 of the Northwest Quarter (NWi) Section Seven (7) lying South, and East of Muddy Creek being 12 Acres more or less; all being in Township Sixty-four (64), Range Thirty (30), Gentry County Missouri. The names of all the parties to suit are stated above in the caption hereof and the name and address of the attorney for plaintiffs is E.

L. Redman, Albany, Missouri. You are further notified that unless you file an answer or other pleading or shall otherwise appear and defend against the aforesaid petition within 45 davs after the 26th day of August, 1948, judgment by default will be rendered against you- n' js ordered that a copy hereof be published according to law in The Albany Ledger, a newsoaDer of general circulation published in the County of Gentry, State of Missouri. A true copy from the record. Witness my hand and the seal of the Circuit Court this 21st day of August, 1948.

(Seal) Chester L. Scott. Circuit Clerk, Gentry County, Mo. Adv. 18 4t.

Wnm I With Ntw Typt Flow S.l.ctor and Tractor Stat Control 6-Foot Tongue New Type Flow Selector SprcUlly Drs'Cjnrd Bearings Floating Scatirr Boards Adjustable Rotary Disc Typt Agitators Tractor Seat Control Rear Drawbar Regulator Heavy Duty Wheels afternoon with Mr, and Mrs. Tom Murphy. First Publication August 19, 1948 STATE OF MISSOURI 1 SS: COUNTY OF GENTRY IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF GENTRY COUNTY MISSOURI Mable V. Carter, by her next friend Maxine Weddle, Plaintiff, -vs- File No. 838 Douglas W.

Carter, Defendant. ORDER OF PUBLICATION OF NOTICE The State of Missouri to defendant Douglas W. Carter: You are hereby notified that an action has been commenced against you in the Circuit Court for the County of Gentry, State of Missouri, the object and general nature of whih is an action for divorce and restoration of maiden name to plaintiff. The names of all the parties to said suit are stated above in the caption hereof and the name and address of the attorney for plaintiff is E. L.

Redman, Albany, Missouri. You are further notified that, unless you file an answer or other pleading or shall otherwise appear and defend against the aforesaid petition within 45 days after the 19th day of August, 1948, judgment by default will be rendered against y.u- It is ordered that a copy hereof be published according to law in The Albany a newspaper of general circulation published in the County of Gentry, State of, Missouri. A true copy from the record. Witness my hand and the seal of the Circuit Court this 13th day of August, 1948. (Seal) Chester L.

Scott. Circuit Clerk, Gentry Mo. By: Kenneth E. Hunter, Deputy Adv. 17-4T.

BROOKS FUNERAL HOME ALBANY, Ma PHONE ZS4 I have satisfied customers in Missouri, Kansas, Nebraska and Iowa. I am sure I can satisfy you in your auction sale. J. E. HAGER Auctioneer Albany, Mo.

For Farm City Property Insurance Bonds Farm Loans See Homer W. Webster East Side Square, Albany WALNUT TREES We pay highest CASH price for walnut trees or logs. Call us collect. Phone 2-1382 or write us for FREE ESTIMATE before you sell. IOWA-MISSOURI WALNUT COMPANY.

INC. ST. JOSEPH, MISSOURI JOHN H. GUESS GENERAL FARM AND LIVESTOCK AUCTIONEER Phone 328; Office, 481 BARBER WORK AT ITS BEST For the Ladles, Children and Gentlemen. We Are the Oldest Shop In Gentry County.

HORNBUCKLE'S Northwest Corner Square DR. G. F. KLITSG DENTIST Office in the KUng Building Office Phone No. 278 Residence Phone: 277 Albany, Missouri DR.


Homer H. McCullough, Dentist. Graduate at University of LotrisTffl Loutetille, KeHtacky Telepneoe Ml A WE PAY FOR DEAD STOCK If Not Skinned or Decomposed Prompt Track Pick-Up Just PhoM Number Listed Below COLLECT Standard Rendering Co. PHONE ALBANY 5M i I 1. Two different PULLET ATOMS sacks one with the Democratic donkey; the other with the Republican elephant give you an opportunity lo back your candidate in the PULLET ATOMS Poll! Every purchase of PULETT ATOMS is "vote" for one of the two candidates we're keeping score, and we can toll you who's ahead in this vicinity in the state the entire middlewesl! Come in and cast your "vote" find out how the Pullett Poll is going! HOWARD BARNES PRODUCE PHONE 54 ALBANY The NEW TYPE FLOW SELECTOR, featured on the 1948 Fertilizer Distributor, introduces a brand new feature to spreader design.

By means of an adjustable screw, flow can be regulated within the closest limits. Flow can he stopped and started by a touch of the control at the tractor scat. And when you start the flow again, the FLOW SELECTOR automatically restores the flow, to its original setting it's quick, convenient, positive, and there is no guess work. These are just a few of the many fine features which make the Fertilizer Spreader a better buy for you. Albany.

Mo. Till- M-Mom turn IAU MILUNt The Sacks Are Different but the Feed's fhe BROTHERS WINFORD 2 Clean Rest Rooms McMILLEN (AHEAD OF THE fARADE" 33S D-X MOTOR OIL HIGG1NB0THAM MOTOR CO. Phone 142 D-X STATION FOR SERVICE Hundreds of Gasolines but only 1 D'X BEST OF SERVICE IS OUR MOTTO D-X GAS KEROSENE THE NEW D-X MOTOR OIL Agent for FIRESTONE, GOODYEAR, ARMSTRONG TIRES TUBES When you need tires, see US Your Old Tires Are Worth More At D-X. We Trade. FIRESTONE TRACTOR TIRES RIMS kepairs for all makes machinery Power Lawn Mower Lime Spreaders Jay Hawk Hay Stacker Rotary Scrapers Plow and Lister Shares for all Makes of Plows One 14 in Tractor Plow Wagons and Wagon Wheels extra Wheels Stock Tanks and Fuel Oil Tanks Washings Machines Pressure Cookers Automatic Water Heaters Willard Batteries Plymouth and Chevrolet 600x16 Wheels in.

Galvanized Pipe I eahaatti by Careful Ageing If for lt flavor -j, m. tour iwim ca. VU TIRE REPAIRING OF ALL KINDS Bring your car in to be serviced Jby Men who know Greases! COLD DRINKS McMILLIM DE15. CHARLES Phone 186 PHONE 374.

Albany Ledger from Albany, Missouri (2024)
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Name: Carmelo Roob

Birthday: 1995-01-09

Address: Apt. 915 481 Sipes Cliff, New Gonzalobury, CO 80176

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Job: Sales Executive

Hobby: Gaming, Jogging, Rugby, Video gaming, Handball, Ice skating, Web surfing

Introduction: My name is Carmelo Roob, I am a modern, handsome, delightful, comfortable, attractive, vast, good person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.